ITYM “… Mother Nature showed up and tried to put her in her place…”
Considering the powerful friends Monica as who are, by definition, supernatural, Mom might have a hard time of it.
Phix (in her full aspect) on her right, Nudge on her left (of course) Brandi and Bud right behind her, Jin nowhere to be seen but eminently to be respected (feared) and Tina on the sidelines with several big thermoses of espresso and/or hot tea and hot, fresh-baked cranberry-raisin scones with butter…
“Look at Mother Nature on the run in the 21st century…”
Supernatural All Girl Steel Cage Grudge Match. Tickets on sale at Mucho Mocha. Bring your binoculars since noone can be seated closer than 300 yards from the cage.
Totally. Or the poit cops show up for poiting an over size/weight load and not stopping for a few nanoseconds at the interdimensional weigh station. Extra fine for not having a specific poit destination. If the sphinxes are also the poit cops, fines can be severe and justice metted out on the spot. Being her first offense, however, she would just get a warning and only lose an arm. Fortunately for her, Phix is probably the local cop, so she would likely simply be given a stern look and a prick under the chin. Oh, and a pie in the face from Nudge.
” But beware the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression. The dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan’s apprentice.” —Yoda
Since every other person nowadays seems to have a camcorder or a videophone with them, she needs to worry about those supernatural temper tantrums winding up on FoxNews, CNN, or the Weather Channel. Or all three. Plus local news.
While Mon, Tina, the GG’s, and Phix are all partly supernatural, none seem to know any ‘magic’ in the traditional sense. Wait, Jin’s mom might. But all the magic in the world might not be able to undo an incautious public poit.
Living in the upper mid-west, I can assure you that five minutes of a moderate breeze will have that whole area drifted in again. Just like my driveway always does.
Uh-oh, it’s begun. Monica is starting to abuse her poit powers. Absolute power, etc. Six feet? People could have suffocated in their cruise chairs before they were dug out. Poiting in anger is bad, very bad. Funny, but bad.
OTOH, I love the name of the cruise ship. Reminded me of the “poor” people trapped for 3 whole days aboard a cruise ship without power. I think back to the people who came to “New World” in small wooden boats. At the cruise ship’s worst, it was a hundred times better than any one of those voyages. We’re spoiled, and the name of the ship typifies it.
Funny ship name, I think that’s what happened during our Norwegian Lines 4 day Bahamas cruise last Jan.. Of course the record cool weather then (not to mention the tsunami warning from the Haiti quake) made the Bahamas very nice to walk around in; I hate tropical climates, as pretty as they are.
The powerless cruise ship may not have been a “hell ship” but it wouldn’t have been what I’d choose for a relaxing vacation I’d been saving up for, more for the time than the money. Different animals and times.
Well, you know the saying, with great power comes great response ability. If the snow was poited some distance above the ship, then it would have come down in an unpacked format and people could have clawed their way to the top. They would have been cold and irate, but Ok.
That ship was equipped in a negligent way. They should have had back up generators for basic systems in an isolated section of the ship. This is a basic thing done in many major buildings that people can just walk out of when they go dark.
I wonder how she manages to just poit snow and not, say, a few cars (or small animals and children) buried in the stuff by it’s avalanche-like arrival as well.
Hmm … come to think of it, since it did arrive all at once like that, maybe someone else poited their newly fallen snow to Minneapolis.
Depends on whether the port-of-call has the depth to accomodate the ship at the dock; if not, they anchor ofshore and ferry people in and out with the ships boats.
I took an Alaska cruise once. Great experience, but expensive enough to be a once-in-a-lifetime thing.
Monica did rashly abuse her powers. I wonder if this joke will turn out to have a serious side. I could imagine this leading to some drama between Monica and her friends or something more.
Bud would be pissed that Monica abused her powers. Brandi might worry about the passengers. Jin, if she were acting normal, would probably criticize Monica for not thinking things through. Normally, Amanda would probably give Monica a rough time, but she’s been acting so giddy about knowing “superheros”, I don’t know what she would do. Tina and Shelly would probably be a little worried that Monica wasn’t acting like herself. Doubt normally would have stopped Monica before she did anything, but perhaps she’s waiting for Monica to make a mistake so she can jump on her.
Anyone else want to guess before Paul does something completely different?
You reminded me of Julie’s story yesterday of how some guy finished an argument with her. Monica is supposed to be an audiophile, so I could imagine her getting into a similar argument about either music or equipment. If a guy tried to end the argument the same way, I’m not sure that holding Monica’s arms would do much good, even though she used them today.
Actually, that’s a good point. You pretty much gotta drive to get places in this world so you get back on the road and do it again. Back when this harbinger of death guy was alive, ships were the only way to get across the ocean, so he had to be on one if he wanted to go.
Today, he would probably die in the first airline crash. At least on ships he had a good chance of survival. Well, except for the lethally sexist policies in force at the time. It’s a wonder he survived the Titanic.
Back in the old days, newscasters would do this in 30-second commercials for the late news. It got to be a running joke (I believe it was heavily used by Laugh-In back in the late ’60’s).
There have been, and there will be, snowy winter mornings when I would give anything to be able to poit snow, slush and ice away. Far, FAR away…………….
And I can think of a very hot and sandy place to which it could be sent.
If Monica wants a few bucks this winter plowing my driveway…….
Anyone who wants to read about the Titanic from
One of the survivors (written a few weeks afterward)
Go to and download “The loss of the SS Titanic by Lawrence Beesley” for free.
that and i don’t think she was aiming for the ship, just a random spot in the ocean. It was just an irony for the audience to enjoy. though i’m sure she’ll be hearing about it from brandy and or bud later
Spoiled means something different than spoilt in the UK? In the US we would say that a child’s character is ruined (spoiled) by excessive pampering and call them a spoiled or rotten child. To us, pampered and rotten can be consistent and spoilt is acceptable, but rarely used.
With great power comes great power. Period. What’s the point of having great power if you cannot do whatever the hell you want to with it? I always hated all the ridiculous limiters on superheroes in most comics — just take the bad guys out already – dump them all into the nearest active volcano (or throw them into the Sun – whichever is most convenient) – problem solved – take a well deserved vacation. Done.
I agree as far as super villians are concerned. It’s just plain absurd the way they keep putting them in prison, often specially built for their kind, giving them a chance to get out (which they always do). Dispose of them and be done with it. “Not so funny now is it Joker!? Kiss THIS Ivy!!” As they dangle over that volcano. They’re, after all, mass murderers.
that makes the heroes villains then because they would be murdering people no matter how messed those people are, you kill somebody and tell us how you feel and besides if the villains are dead the heroes are out of a job
Heh, I was thinking yesterday that the city should hire Monica for snow removal. It would be cheaper than a bunch of snowplows. But I was just thinking of her dumping the snow in a Lake Superior or some other large lake or river.
She could give the snow to lots of places with droughts. That would be great. She could come wake it from here once it gets here. I’m good with rain, snow not so much. -_-;
Oh wait. Now I see where Paul got the name. Monica is often referred to a princess and even a spoiled princess as I recall. So, where else would the snow land but on another spoiled princess.
While not on the same scale, some passengers in a car coming off a cross channel ferry at Dover would have had a similar experience. I was in a coach coming home from a skiing holiday in Austria, and it had been very heavily snowing for the first part of the journey through Austria and then Germany. By the time we reached Calais for the ferry, it was blue skies and pleasant, but the snow was still on the coach roof, several inches deep.
As we came off the ferry, we drove around a spiral ramp, and this must have been the last straw for the snow. The whole lot slid sideways and crashed down onto a car driving next to us down the ramp. Either the coach driver didn’t notice or wanted to get away, but we heard car horns and the like behind us, presumably the car had had to stop, and blocked the ramp, along with the unexpected snow drift that had fallen out of a clear sky.
Heheheh . Spoiled Princess .
More bikini’d girls in snow!
The passengers are no longer spoiled, although their cruise might be…
Seems Monica’s poit power is getting better .
That’s almost Jin-esque in impressiveness.
Nice one Monica…
You know what would be fantastic?
If Mother Nature showed up and put her in her place. It’s TOTALLY within the parameters of this comic. XD
Oh, NOW you’ve done it….
I know… XD
ITYM “… Mother Nature showed up and tried to put her in her place…”
Considering the powerful friends Monica as who are, by definition, supernatural, Mom might have a hard time of it.
Phix (in her full aspect) on her right, Nudge on her left (of course) Brandi and Bud right behind her, Jin nowhere to be seen but eminently to be respected (feared) and Tina on the sidelines with several big thermoses of espresso and/or hot tea and hot, fresh-baked cranberry-raisin scones with butter…
“Look at Mother Nature on the run in the 21st century…”
Supernatural All Girl Steel Cage Grudge Match. Tickets on sale at Mucho Mocha. Bring your binoculars since noone can be seated closer than 300 yards from the cage.
I want this poster! =D Best all suited in football suits or something similar
I want a poster for that match! I would pay hard cash for it. It’s just one of those things that is too awesome not to possess.
“No charge for awesomeness”? More like, “you cannot put a price on awesomeness.”
Totally. Or the poit cops show up for poiting an over size/weight load and not stopping for a few nanoseconds at the interdimensional weigh station. Extra fine for not having a specific poit destination. If the sphinxes are also the poit cops, fines can be severe and justice metted out on the spot. Being her first offense, however, she would just get a warning and only lose an arm. Fortunately for her, Phix is probably the local cop, so she would likely simply be given a stern look and a prick under the chin. Oh, and a pie in the face from Nudge.
Also a fine suggestion.
The best suggestion, IMO.
She Poited the snow — kewl.
That’s about her heaviest and most distant poit so far. As for the otherworldly accuracy…….
Nah, she was aiming for the North pole.
This is easily the most power Monica has displayed, EVER.
That is some serious stuff right there, though she might not be thinking about it that way right now.
Don’t make M mad, she actually gets better at doing bad when she gets mad.
Somewhere out there, there is an old man on a throne saying “Yes… I can feel your hatred grow…”
A paranoid geezer sitting on a toilet?
” But beware the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression. The dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan’s apprentice.” —Yoda
So THAT is what actually happened to the cruise-liner last week!
Hey…I LIKED the snow. Now it’s just gonna all melt…
Oh great comic by the way, I’ll try to be a commenter that infacts add somethingt to the chit chat.
…but that’s not the news broadcast i wanna hear.
The one i wanna hear is the one about how the snow mysteriously vanished from several square blocks of Minneapolis…
I would attribute it to the underpants gnomes having a new enterprise.
Since every other person nowadays seems to have a camcorder or a videophone with them, she needs to worry about those supernatural temper tantrums winding up on FoxNews, CNN, or the Weather Channel. Or all three. Plus local news.
While Mon, Tina, the GG’s, and Phix are all partly supernatural, none seem to know any ‘magic’ in the traditional sense. Wait, Jin’s mom might. But all the magic in the world might not be able to undo an incautious public poit.
The same reporters who tried to interview Bud swimming in a skimpy two-piece suit in mid-winter, of course.
Living in the upper mid-west, I can assure you that five minutes of a moderate breeze will have that whole area drifted in again. Just like my driveway always does.
I think she’s in a park. There might not have been anyone around.
Uh-oh, it’s begun. Monica is starting to abuse her poit powers. Absolute power, etc. Six feet? People could have suffocated in their cruise chairs before they were dug out. Poiting in anger is bad, very bad. Funny, but bad.
OTOH, I love the name of the cruise ship. Reminded me of the “poor” people trapped for 3 whole days aboard a cruise ship without power. I think back to the people who came to “New World” in small wooden boats. At the cruise ship’s worst, it was a hundred times better than any one of those voyages. We’re spoiled, and the name of the ship typifies it.
Ooh, that’s true. Didn’t think about it like that.
Monica’s got to get a grip before she really does hurt or kill someone.
Funny ship name, I think that’s what happened during our Norwegian Lines 4 day Bahamas cruise last Jan.. Of course the record cool weather then (not to mention the tsunami warning from the Haiti quake) made the Bahamas very nice to walk around in; I hate tropical climates, as pretty as they are.
The powerless cruise ship may not have been a “hell ship” but it wouldn’t have been what I’d choose for a relaxing vacation I’d been saving up for, more for the time than the money. Different animals and times.
Well, you know the saying, with great power comes great response ability. If the snow was poited some distance above the ship, then it would have come down in an unpacked format and people could have clawed their way to the top. They would have been cold and irate, but Ok.
That ship was equipped in a negligent way. They should have had back up generators for basic systems in an isolated section of the ship. This is a basic thing done in many major buildings that people can just walk out of when they go dark.
They had backup power. That’s why they had fresh water at all.
But there’s just so much room inside a ship’s hull.
that, and the further distance from the ship the more that would have separated and melted.
I wonder how she manages to just poit snow and not, say, a few cars (or small animals and children) buried in the stuff by it’s avalanche-like arrival as well.
Hmm … come to think of it, since it did arrive all at once like that, maybe someone else poited their newly fallen snow to Minneapolis.
Well we’ve figured out/learned that Monica seems to be pretty good at pointing away…it’s return poits that are difficult for her.
The news report does say that it occurred while the ship was visiting port, so presumably there wouldn’t have been anyone on deck.
Perhaps, but it doesn’t seem to be docked as such. Or is that normal?
Depends on whether the port-of-call has the depth to accomodate the ship at the dock; if not, they anchor ofshore and ferry people in and out with the ships boats.
I took an Alaska cruise once. Great experience, but expensive enough to be a once-in-a-lifetime thing.
Monica did rashly abuse her powers. I wonder if this joke will turn out to have a serious side. I could imagine this leading to some drama between Monica and her friends or something more.
Bud would be pissed that Monica abused her powers. Brandi might worry about the passengers. Jin, if she were acting normal, would probably criticize Monica for not thinking things through. Normally, Amanda would probably give Monica a rough time, but she’s been acting so giddy about knowing “superheros”, I don’t know what she would do. Tina and Shelly would probably be a little worried that Monica wasn’t acting like herself. Doubt normally would have stopped Monica before she did anything, but perhaps she’s waiting for Monica to make a mistake so she can jump on her.
Anyone else want to guess before Paul does something completely different?
I think it’s a one-time joke Paul wanted to throw in due to the recent snow there. No real followup.
….And the ship blacked out for four days.
No, seriously. We can blame M for that whole mess, apparently…
She poited the Bahamas into the Pacific, too?
ha i was just gunna say that!
Ohhh Kaayy. (slowly backs away from the small but very angry woman with out making eye contact)
Monica: “Are you staring at my boobs again?!?”
Well, it at least it wouldn’t be eye contact.
You reminded me of Julie’s story yesterday of how some guy finished an argument with her. Monica is supposed to be an audiophile, so I could imagine her getting into a similar argument about either music or equipment. If a guy tried to end the argument the same way, I’m not sure that holding Monica’s arms would do much good, even though she used them today.
Hehe…I wonder what she’d do. Poit him? Poit part of him? Or less gruesomely, poit an article (or piece of an article) of clothing to embarass him.
Shit, meet fan.
Monica, you’re awesome. But be careful! ;_;
…and so, the last living survivor of the Titanic, meets an ironic end.
Interesting story that reminded me of…
Some people just can’t take a hint.
Hey – i’ve survived four auto and bicycle accidents that should have killed me.
I figure that that’s a sign that, however i go, it ain’t gonna be on a highway.
Actually, that’s a good point. You pretty much gotta drive to get places in this world so you get back on the road and do it again. Back when this harbinger of death guy was alive, ships were the only way to get across the ocean, so he had to be on one if he wanted to go.
Today, he would probably die in the first airline crash. At least on ships he had a good chance of survival. Well, except for the lethally sexist policies in force at the time. It’s a wonder he survived the Titanic.
Canada, Cruiseliner .. hey, i was close! ^_^
I’d rather she POITed it here in NC. Tired of waiting until February for half an inch…
If I weren’t so tired, I would calculate how many tons she shifted. Couple of hundred, at least, I think. That’s impressive.
Most impressive…Brandy Jin Budomi has taught her well…
Nice jargon file ref:
Back in the old days, newscasters would do this in 30-second commercials for the late news. It got to be a running joke (I believe it was heavily used by Laugh-In back in the late ’60’s).
There have been, and there will be, snowy winter mornings when I would give anything to be able to poit snow, slush and ice away. Far, FAR away…………….
And I can think of a very hot and sandy place to which it could be sent.
That would gladden the hearts of many a jarhead. The shock of getting whacked with a snowball would be the death to a towelhead.
If Monica wants a few bucks this winter plowing my driveway…….
Anyone who wants to read about the Titanic from
One of the survivors (written a few weeks afterward)
Go to and download “The loss of the SS Titanic by Lawrence Beesley” for free.
I’ve been on that ship…
That’s what you get for booking passage via Big Louie’s Pawn Shop and Vacation Getaways.
Both amused and alarmed at today’s strip. But Monica is still rocking that outfit something fierce.
Hmm, Spoiled Princess rather than Spoilt. Rotten rather than pampered. Did M choose the target deliberately?
You must be from the UK. Here in the US you can use them interchangeably.
that and i don’t think she was aiming for the ship, just a random spot in the ocean. It was just an irony for the audience to enjoy. though i’m sure she’ll be hearing about it from brandy and or bud later
Spoiled means something different than spoilt in the UK? In the US we would say that a child’s character is ruined (spoiled) by excessive pampering and call them a spoiled or rotten child. To us, pampered and rotten can be consistent and spoilt is acceptable, but rarely used.
From the online OED, spoiled ppl. a.
“4. Of persons, esp. children: Injured in character by excessive indulgence, lenience, or deference.”
From spoilt ppl. a.
“= SPOILED ppl. a. in various senses.”
IOW, the distinction you are making is not valid, and even the OED says so.
LOL. Wonderful.
Bad Monica! Do not make me quote Stan Lee, young lady!
She might be better off if she did start channeling P. Parker.
With great power comes great power. Period. What’s the point of having great power if you cannot do whatever the hell you want to with it? I always hated all the ridiculous limiters on superheroes in most comics — just take the bad guys out already – dump them all into the nearest active volcano (or throw them into the Sun – whichever is most convenient) – problem solved – take a well deserved vacation. Done.
I agree as far as super villians are concerned. It’s just plain absurd the way they keep putting them in prison, often specially built for their kind, giving them a chance to get out (which they always do). Dispose of them and be done with it. “Not so funny now is it Joker!? Kiss THIS Ivy!!” As they dangle over that volcano. They’re, after all, mass murderers.
that makes the heroes villains then because they would be murdering people no matter how messed those people are, you kill somebody and tell us how you feel and besides if the villains are dead the heroes are out of a job
Wow…who knew she could manage that? 8|
Heh, I was thinking yesterday that the city should hire Monica for snow removal. It would be cheaper than a bunch of snowplows. But I was just thinking of her dumping the snow in a Lake Superior or some other large lake or river.
Or out west, or in the some of the drought areas — fill up some lakes.
She could give the snow to lots of places with droughts. That would be great. She could come wake it from here once it gets here. I’m good with rain, snow not so much. -_-;
I wonder, if she had done this to the Alaskan Cruise ship, Would anybody have noticed or cared?
That’s some damn fine targeting there Monica. I knew from her expression yesterday that there would be consequences — but I didn’t expect this. XD
Mother Nature.
Don’t make Monica angry…
You will NOT like her when she’s angry.
What if Monica has used up her poit points for the month?
She’ll have to take the bus!
She probably has some frequent poiter miles built up by now.
Yes–but she’s gotta watch the blackout days when she uses them.
Maybe it landed on Zack and Cody.
One can only hope.
Oh wait. Now I see where Paul got the name. Monica is often referred to a princess and even a spoiled princess as I recall. So, where else would the snow land but on another spoiled princess.
With great power comes outbursts of anger that will be filmed and confuse people.
Ugh waiting for the new comic. … and wondering just how old Paul is that he actually remembers people saying “film” at 11.
Waiting for the cruise ship to capsize with hundreds of tons of snow on the highest deck. :O
I’ll bet they got a COOL reception on board…
I love it!
SAME HERE! Hilarious!
While not on the same scale, some passengers in a car coming off a cross channel ferry at Dover would have had a similar experience. I was in a coach coming home from a skiing holiday in Austria, and it had been very heavily snowing for the first part of the journey through Austria and then Germany. By the time we reached Calais for the ferry, it was blue skies and pleasant, but the snow was still on the coach roof, several inches deep.
As we came off the ferry, we drove around a spiral ramp, and this must have been the last straw for the snow. The whole lot slid sideways and crashed down onto a car driving next to us down the ramp. Either the coach driver didn’t notice or wanted to get away, but we heard car horns and the like behind us, presumably the car had had to stop, and blocked the ramp, along with the unexpected snow drift that had fallen out of a clear sky.