By the look on Tina’s face I would think that she was not confused but making Monica connect all the dots so she was able to think out everything and have no lingering doubts about the best course of action to take. As we noticed before, Tina also accepted that she needs to take better care of her body as well. And as the old saying goes “Misery loves company”.
Guys, I’m not convinced of the “psychologist” explanation this time around.
We’ve often seen Tina speak enigmatically, in a probing fashion, “at an angle”, “Devil’s advocate”, and that sort of thing, in order to provoke thought among her friends and customers.
However, I can’t ever recall seeing her deliberately react in such a “repeated, clearly, and totally missing the point of what someone was saying” way while doing this. Certainly, not to the point of provoking the person to whom she was speaking into frothing rage and threats of violence. This really doesn’t seem to be her style.
It’s lousy psychotherapy, too. A good psychotherapist (my wife is one) will often probe and question, and “reflect” (listen to what the other person is saying, and then repeat it back in different terms to help clarify). It’s called “active listening”. One might also ask a deliberately-incorrect “straw man” question (such as Phix asked Tina a few weeks ago) just so that the client can refute it and clarify his/her own meanings.
What Tina did this week, though, went well beyond that. For her to say “Don’t tell me that you think you’re fat!” was one thing. But, when Monica clarified that she didn’t think that she was fat, and that her problem was being out of shape, Tina said “But you’re skinny”.
That was not (I think) a therapist’s response. That was the response of somebody missing the point that Monica was trying very hard to communicate. Then, she did it again (“You don’t have a tummy”).
So, at this point, I lean much more towards the alternative explanation that a number of people have put forwards. Tina failed to “hear” what Monica was saying, because Tina has her own issues about the same subject (body image) that “filtered” what she was hearing.
Whether Tina’s situation is “She’s concerned about her body and weight”, or “The collective is concerned about proper maintenance and upgrading of their puppet” is an open question… and I doubt this is an either/or situation. Tina is (I think) no longer just a cohort of individual demons running a puppet show, nor is she a truly unified individual… she’s somewhere in between, and may be changing day-to-day.
I think she’s unified and “human” enough, nowadays, to have her own body issues… and I see her expression today as one of the light going on, and “Hey, we’ve got a win-win situation here, let’s go work out together” anticipation.
Personaly, I think that Tina’s denseness was due to the factr she’s running hard up against her own body image/awareness of her own mortality issues. And since Monica is probably Tina’s best freind in the world (she was willing to incur the wrath of a Sphinx for her) the occasional misunderstanding is understandable. Tina was just fixated on the fact that M isn’t fat (belly, belly, belly) while all to aware that she’s packing on the pounds and showing the inevitable signs of aging.
Bingo. Let the fun begin. I had a feeling it was going here. Now all we need is Shelly as their coach. PS: Monica leave those babies alone. You have them for a reason that has not been revealed yet. Either that or Paul just likes the way you look. lol.
Just had an odd thought. Maybe they are the source of her Poiting power. They have been growing as her ability to poit has, more or less. If true she can refer to the poit as her double whammy. lol.
I don’t think Paul is a fan of breast reductions. I’m pretty sure that Paul didn’t like it when that female tennis player (can’t remember her name) got a breast reduction. Her excuse was so she could play better tennis. It didn’t make her a better tennis player, and now no one cares who she is!
That was Simona Halep. My only concern was that she said she wanted to have the reduction to be a better player, meanwhile she was wearing crappy sports bras and blaming her body. She had the reduction, and guess what, she’s still no better of a player. =/ I think she had other issues to work through that surgery couldn’t touch.
I’m NOT against surgery, it has helped lots of gals live much better lives. I could clearly see that Simona was wearing a shitty bra, and one trip to a good shop would have fixed most of that.
surgery is never the safe option… don’t just blame the surgeon though!!! aneathatists, underlying problems that complicate it, even medication that reacts badly with others…
All that said, I have an artist friend who is a taller version of Monica, she just had her reduction surgery. I’m sending her all the positive vibes, hugs, and well-wishes that I can. ^_^
You probably know her best as one of the Snorg Tee Shirt Girls.
minka is about a foot taller than Monica, and artificially enhanced, so hers are like beachballs… :/
a natural like Milena Velba(36j / 48inches round ) shows a much nicer curve..
Are you sure the buddy system will work here? It faded away with Amanda and Monica bicycling. $1500 for a brand new bike with single didgit mileage now with rotten tires in the basement. Monica probably would have used it more if it had a food tray option on the handlebars …
Perhaps, but was Amanda really trying to maintain a workout buddy relationship? I honestly can’t recall if she volunteered for that role, or if she just suggested biking as a good workout and took Monica shopping.
Also the twin Cities are pretty bike-friendly, cyclisn is a low impact activity and I can vouch for it reshaping a body from dumpling to HAWT (well for a guy over 50 I have been told several times I have the body of a Greek God (Hephastus)), as well as keeping that body toned (although if you don’t bake bread every day I would suggest some kind of upper body workout to go along with the cycling).
Seriously If M was a real person living in the Twin Cities I would suggest setting her bike up for commuting and leving her car at home as much as possible. Tires with some kind of flat resistance, fenders, lights, and something to carry “stuff” in and maybe a dress guard on the rear wheel. Her $1500 investment from earlier would be a really good place to start from as it already fits her and she has already paid for it. Making it commute-ready should cost less than $100.
Well, it’s important to find something you’re passionate about, and as I recall, M last cycled with a fixed gear with brakes on the back. Regressing to childhood isn’t always the best solution. Maybe not jogging, or straight up weightlifting, but certainly a dance class of some sort. It’ll be the same as the Cerberus, just less flashing lights and more sports bras.
Workout buddies are a good thing. Trying to work out alone can be rather boring. Plus, with how competitive Monica is, having someone else around would make her work quite a bit harder.
I prefer working out alone as well…but only when the workout is walking (or if I was in better shape, jogging).
If I’m biking, I like to have someone with me (the better to take care of me when I do something stupid and fall).
If I’m doing something structured, I like to have a coach or be in a class (i.e. my current yoga practice). I can still be inward-focused, but I don’t have to really know what I’m doing.
I’m a somewhat autistic anti-social that prefers to ride my bike by myself unless it’s for something important or I’m with people that are all travelling to the same destination. I hate riding just to ride (most of the time) and strongly prefer to ride to somewhere or something, to the tune of 2400 miles a year now that I’m not working, or about 5000 miles a year when I was commuting 5 days a week.
Can’t imagine who you’re talking about. Tina already knows Jacqui and Connie, and I can’t imagine Luci would be particularly interesting. Unless you’re expecting the nigh-immortal (Shelly’s boyfriend whose name escapes me) to be there.
Jacqui was in the coffee shop, yes, but that was before the character of Tina was developed where it is today by our dear author. Back when she was just cryptic, but still very humanoid in appearance (the eyes), had a cat, was unsure why she behaved the way she did (pre demon collective reveal) and fell asleep like normal humans.
Not to say the old stuff conflicts with current canon. Just that the character has evolved, and aspects to Tina exist now that didn’t in the past for the comic to investigate. So there could be a very different reaction between Tina and Jacqui now than ever previously.
Plus, while it wasn’t my intention, Luci’s “reaction” to Tina’s behavior could be funny. If she can’t stand Shelly’s crassness, just wait until Tina goes on a tangent.
Jacqui showed Tina quite a few yoga moves offscreen; I can only imagine the aura of happiest character in the Wapsiverse is well known to the demon barista.
Tina’s current doughy state means she hasn’t kept it up… so she may not have been to Punk Yoga… or met Luci yet.
Tina’s aura reading vs Luci’s danger sense? To quote Roger Sterling, “I know cooler heads should prevail, but am I the only one who wants to see this?”
Monica’s shop does not have to find the right bra, they design and build them with the best aerospace materials available. Maybe they can use carbon nano-tubes.
Fortunately, most forms of organized exercise class these days do not include deliberate stabbing of your exercise buddy in the program. Simply failing to adequately protect an exercise buddy probably wouldn’t hit the Bad Tina! threshold.
It would be prudent for Monica and Tina to take a pass on those fencing classes, though.
Well TialocW meant in terms of weight training. In general when one wants to get fit, they have to include weight training of some kind to have any results that wont just reverse themselves very quickly.
Oh and she’ll need to change her eating habits, this is going to get interesting.
Nah, it’s all about intent. The difference between murder, manslaughter and accidental death – is the intent of the person who caused it.
Meant to kill them? Murder. Meant them harm but didn’t actually try to kill them, it just happened – or you were being deliberately reckless? Manslaughter. You were minding your own business, were following all the rules and they just jumped in front of your car? Accidental death.
If they took fencing classes and Tina was just going through the motions and something happened, out of the blue – I think the only punishment she would face is the damnation of her own conscience for the rest of her life.
And in Tina’s case, I think that would be enough, anyway.
For a change in pace – time to say “Thanks for all the Fishes” – Douglas Adams passed on Friday the 11th. Really enjoyed his books and got my son interested in them .
Yaaay! This is gonna be epic!
IMO, they should be thinking aboit adding a little twist to the exercise routine, like jogging on the beach in Rio, going to a Sauna in Finland… (ok, maybe not that – too much snow )
All the world is but a poit away…
That would be awesome! And, if they could poit right into the sauna and directly out again when they were done, the snow wouldn’t be so bad. You’re right, they have the whole world at their disposal, so why not?
Would depend on which part. From what I’ve heard, the air quality in many parts of China is awful, and inhaling lots of air pollution during a vigorous walk isn’t the best of things for your health. There are probably more remote areas where the air is a lot better, but I don’t know if those sections of the Wall are still in walkable condition.
What I’m wondering is, will exercise DO anything for Tina?
Technically, despite Monica and Tina both having ‘died’, Monica’s body still has all its biological processes running, so she can get fat or skinny, fit or out-of-shape. Tina, on the other hand, seems to have little to no actual biological processes, especially given how she ‘sleeps’ and what we recently saw of her ‘insides’.
I could still see Tina exercising with Monica even if it is pointless to Tina’s body. It is another way to feel normal, a way to socialize outside of her coffee shop and the club, and a way to support Monica (who is basically the most important person in Tina’s life at present) in something M wants to do.
It does get pretty complicated. I’m reminded of this strip – – particularly in the fifth panel where something says “It’s those damn…” as Tina’s body struggles to zip up a pair of jeans. We never are told what “those damn” things are, but I had assumed that they’re some sort of food in which Tina’s body indulges, perhaps too often. Pizza, Becky’s pastries, or maybe too many lattes a day.
Well, the purely physical energy to move around has to come from somewhere, and since it ISN’T coming from eating BRAINS, then it must be something else… most likely things that the collective finds tasty… and like MerchManDan said, it’s probably Pizza, Pastries, and Lattes…
She has to have some biological processes, or she wouldn’t have been able to go unnoticed during her trip to the hospital for a cast…and her arm wouldn’t have healed.
Aha! Here’s the trip to the doctor/hospital. If she can go to a medical facility without setting off the zombie-alert-system, then she’s got enough biological processes to workout and lose weight.
Perhaps. Though given what a doctor would check in the case of a broken arm, that really only hints that she has body heat (touch), a pulse (doctor touch again), an in-tact skeleton (x-ray), and doesn’t stink of decayed flesh (well, at least not any moreso than most humanity).
If Tina’s old stories about her fanged chompers is true and not just a cover (got them from a dentist), then the same could be verified from back then as well.
Still unsure how her digestive system works. Given how Tina’s treated other organic substances that touch her body, she could just literally burn the calories (alas, poor spider).
@Julie – It occured to me a day or so ago that Tina might have pulled a Jedi Mind Trick on the ER personnel when she went to get her arm cast. And the Xray techs. And the medical records clerk. Etc, etc.
We really don’t KNOW for sure she would appear as a living thing if tested without Demon Jedi Mind Tricks…..
well I thought that sorta thing.. but the strip just before the doctor… she seems a bit despondent..
as in, “Am I real, or just a ‘robot’ / dreaming?? ”
so she breaks her arm.. Is that real pain? (note she is just a ‘shell’ operated by the demons inside… ) Or has Phix or even one of her demons, twisted something to make it possible…
the later strip ‘yet-to-do’ where she says to the doll in the cellar, “that was the girl we saved” makes me think…. ????
I vaguely remember a horror story about a girl that seems to change each time she is seen… her friends just think she is a bit nuts, until another version of her remembers what she did….
It turns out she has five dolls in her cellar – a bit like ‘Dorian gray’!!
You are onto something, but you forgot the most obvious, direct route: there must be some sort of biological processes going on, otherwise how did she get pudgy in the first place?
Think about it.
Something had to process that food and turn it into the fat she now battles when putting on the skinny jeans, else they would still fit as good as they used to. So no reason she can’t put those same processes to use and trim off the bulge if that’s what she now seeks.
could be the ‘pudgy’ is the body stretching due to the demons eating too much pizza!!
Other demons put ‘accusing looks’ to the culprit, them *and* the body now have to ‘work out’ to fix it…
‘bright eyes’ says “but hey! we gotta buddy!! :)”
Except this time, it’s with someone who can [i]make[/i] her do it.
I’m sure she won’t do it often, but Tina can give a little helpful “push’ if Monica really needs it. Especially since she knows she won’t immediately have a sphinx pounce on her for it.
She hadn’t accepted that she needed to work out and eat healthily to keep healthy, then. Now, her body has told her that she needs to look after her health so it’ll be different.
What Aleister and Francisco said…plus when the workout buddy is motivated to see results on themselves, it’s an entirely different story. Kevinw as just working out because he enjoys it and likes to stay fit. Tina will probably have an interest in fitting into her jeans without difficulty, so she has similar motivation to Monica.
Thank the Ten Thousand Beneficent Deities of the Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers.
Monica and Tina finally cut through the Fog of Confusion.
By the look on Tina’s face I would think that she was not confused but making Monica connect all the dots so she was able to think out everything and have no lingering doubts about the best course of action to take. As we noticed before, Tina also accepted that she needs to take better care of her body as well. And as the old saying goes “Misery loves company”.
Yup.. Tina pulled the “psychologist”again.
Odd, considering the fact that “original Tina”(the “real”psychologist) is gone from her shell….or is she..?
meh, we can all be *basic * psychologists…
A real one, that’s totally different …
Guys, I’m not convinced of the “psychologist” explanation this time around.
We’ve often seen Tina speak enigmatically, in a probing fashion, “at an angle”, “Devil’s advocate”, and that sort of thing, in order to provoke thought among her friends and customers.
However, I can’t ever recall seeing her deliberately react in such a “repeated, clearly, and totally missing the point of what someone was saying” way while doing this. Certainly, not to the point of provoking the person to whom she was speaking into frothing rage and threats of violence. This really doesn’t seem to be her style.
It’s lousy psychotherapy, too. A good psychotherapist (my wife is one) will often probe and question, and “reflect” (listen to what the other person is saying, and then repeat it back in different terms to help clarify). It’s called “active listening”. One might also ask a deliberately-incorrect “straw man” question (such as Phix asked Tina a few weeks ago) just so that the client can refute it and clarify his/her own meanings.
What Tina did this week, though, went well beyond that. For her to say “Don’t tell me that you think you’re fat!” was one thing. But, when Monica clarified that she didn’t think that she was fat, and that her problem was being out of shape, Tina said “But you’re skinny”.
That was not (I think) a therapist’s response. That was the response of somebody missing the point that Monica was trying very hard to communicate. Then, she did it again (“You don’t have a tummy”).
So, at this point, I lean much more towards the alternative explanation that a number of people have put forwards. Tina failed to “hear” what Monica was saying, because Tina has her own issues about the same subject (body image) that “filtered” what she was hearing.
Whether Tina’s situation is “She’s concerned about her body and weight”, or “The collective is concerned about proper maintenance and upgrading of their puppet” is an open question… and I doubt this is an either/or situation. Tina is (I think) no longer just a cohort of individual demons running a puppet show, nor is she a truly unified individual… she’s somewhere in between, and may be changing day-to-day.
I think she’s unified and “human” enough, nowadays, to have her own body issues… and I see her expression today as one of the light going on, and “Hey, we’ve got a win-win situation here, let’s go work out together” anticipation.
Yes–and for all her hard work getting Monica riled up, I think Tina just redeemed herself in that second panel.
Personaly, I think that Tina’s denseness was due to the factr she’s running hard up against her own body image/awareness of her own mortality issues. And since Monica is probably Tina’s best freind in the world (she was willing to incur the wrath of a Sphinx for her) the occasional misunderstanding is understandable. Tina was just fixated on the fact that M isn’t fat (belly, belly, belly) while all to aware that she’s packing on the pounds and showing the inevitable signs of aging.
My thoughts exactly.
aaaaahhhhhhh….. clue, meet Tina….

Be proactive with your body shaming, and get an exercise buddy!
…Well, that’s kind of how it works…
Bingo. Let the fun begin. I had a feeling it was going here. Now all we need is Shelly as their coach. PS: Monica leave those babies alone. You have them for a reason that has not been revealed yet. Either that or Paul just likes the way you look. lol.
Just had an odd thought. Maybe they are the source of her Poiting power. They have been growing as her ability to poit has, more or less. If true she can refer to the poit as her double whammy. lol.
Or Paul just thinks that surgery should always be the last option to things when you can do other things to solve the problems.
I don’t think Paul is a fan of breast reductions. I’m pretty sure that Paul didn’t like it when that female tennis player (can’t remember her name) got a breast reduction. Her excuse was so she could play better tennis. It didn’t make her a better tennis player, and now no one cares who she is!
That was Simona Halep. My only concern was that she said she wanted to have the reduction to be a better player, meanwhile she was wearing crappy sports bras and blaming her body. She had the reduction, and guess what, she’s still no better of a player. =/ I think she had other issues to work through that surgery couldn’t touch.
I’m NOT against surgery, it has helped lots of gals live much better lives. I could clearly see that Simona was wearing a shitty bra, and one trip to a good shop would have fixed most of that.
surgery is never the safe option… don’t just blame the surgeon though!!! aneathatists, underlying problems that complicate it, even medication that reacts badly with others…
All that said, I have an artist friend who is a taller version of Monica, she just had her reduction surgery. I’m sending her all the positive vibes, hugs, and well-wishes that I can. ^_^
You probably know her best as one of the Snorg Tee Shirt Girls.
oh, yeah…
<3 <3
lots of hugs and good karma to that girl!!
Consider that Minka plays pretty high level tennis and makes Monica look small.
But thats neither here nor there.
minka is about a foot taller than Monica, and artificially enhanced, so hers are like beachballs… :/
a natural like Milena Velba(36j / 48inches round ) shows a much nicer curve..
YES! ALWAYS use the buddy system. Makes things way easier.
Saves water when showering as well.
*mental image*
…I’ll be in my bunk.
That depends – sometimes you end up using more water, because you pretty much forgot why you went in there in the first place.
I just enjoy how the buddy system goes from holding hands as kids to holding…other things as adults.
hmph … for men’s fantasy maybe, but girls just don’t think that way… unless they want to tease you!!!
Are you sure the buddy system will work here? It faded away with Amanda and Monica bicycling. $1500 for a brand new bike with single didgit mileage now with rotten tires in the basement. Monica probably would have used it more if it had a food tray option on the handlebars …
Perhaps, but was Amanda really trying to maintain a workout buddy relationship? I honestly can’t recall if she volunteered for that role, or if she just suggested biking as a good workout and took Monica shopping.
Julie- true.
Also the twin Cities are pretty bike-friendly, cyclisn is a low impact activity and I can vouch for it reshaping a body from dumpling to HAWT (well for a guy over 50 I have been told several times I have the body of a Greek God (Hephastus)), as well as keeping that body toned (although if you don’t bake bread every day I would suggest some kind of upper body workout to go along with the cycling).
Seriously If M was a real person living in the Twin Cities I would suggest setting her bike up for commuting and leving her car at home as much as possible. Tires with some kind of flat resistance, fenders, lights, and something to carry “stuff” in and maybe a dress guard on the rear wheel. Her $1500 investment from earlier would be a really good place to start from as it already fits her and she has already paid for it. Making it commute-ready should cost less than $100.
Well, it’s important to find something you’re passionate about, and as I recall, M last cycled with a fixed gear with brakes on the back. Regressing to childhood isn’t always the best solution. Maybe not jogging, or straight up weightlifting, but certainly a dance class of some sort. It’ll be the same as the Cerberus, just less flashing lights and more sports bras.
Workout buddies are a good thing. Trying to work out alone can be rather boring. Plus, with how competitive Monica is, having someone else around would make her work quite a bit harder.
I prefer working out alone but that’s just me. I use the time to catch up on podcasts (as I now get all my news via podcast).
I prefer working out alone as well…but only when the workout is walking (or if I was in better shape, jogging).
If I’m biking, I like to have someone with me (the better to take care of me when I do something stupid and fall).
If I’m doing something structured, I like to have a coach or be in a class (i.e. my current yoga practice). I can still be inward-focused, but I don’t have to really know what I’m doing.
I’m a somewhat autistic anti-social that prefers to ride my bike by myself unless it’s for something important or I’m with people that are all travelling to the same destination. I hate riding just to ride (most of the time) and strongly prefer to ride to somewhere or something, to the tune of 2400 miles a year now that I’m not working, or about 5000 miles a year when I was commuting 5 days a week.
uh oh
Tina’s expression is … Interesting.
What sort of exercise will they get into? Running is off the table for M. She has had bad experiences with that in the past.
Maybe she could use a super sports bra. Or strap those bad boys down Japanese style.
There are plenty of aerobic workout routines out there that don’t involve running. Heck…my Wii Fit has some decent stuff for raising the heart rate.
Now, get your asses over to Punk Yoga. There are people over there that we haven’t seen in years and Zumba is all the rage now a days.
Well said good sir.
I’ve been waiting for years to see Tina’s reaction to a certain person’s aura.
Can’t imagine who you’re talking about. Tina already knows Jacqui and Connie, and I can’t imagine Luci would be particularly interesting. Unless you’re expecting the nigh-immortal (Shelly’s boyfriend whose name escapes me) to be there.
ten bucks says she will also make some equivalent “he’s hung like a horse” remark. XD
Jacqui was in the coffee shop, yes, but that was before the character of Tina was developed where it is today by our dear author. Back when she was just cryptic, but still very humanoid in appearance (the eyes), had a cat, was unsure why she behaved the way she did (pre demon collective reveal) and fell asleep like normal humans.
Not to say the old stuff conflicts with current canon. Just that the character has evolved, and aspects to Tina exist now that didn’t in the past for the comic to investigate. So there could be a very different reaction between Tina and Jacqui now than ever previously.
Plus, while it wasn’t my intention, Luci’s “reaction” to Tina’s behavior could be funny. If she can’t stand Shelly’s crassness, just wait until Tina goes on a tangent.
Jacqui showed Tina quite a few yoga moves offscreen; I can only imagine the aura of happiest character in the Wapsiverse is well known to the demon barista.
Tina’s current doughy state means she hasn’t kept it up… so she may not have been to Punk Yoga… or met Luci yet.
Tina’s aura reading vs Luci’s danger sense? To quote Roger Sterling, “I know cooler heads should prevail, but am I the only one who wants to see this?”
Tina has already met Justin and read his aura and Shelly’s not long after the big Shelly-and-Justin mutual reveal.
Tina seemed to approve (no surprise there!)
Hmmm. Two very good looking, slightly soft and fluffy females, glistening in lycra spandex — sounds like a good source of future image prints.
Mrs. Howard to the Sgt.- “Dearheart, you know you are drooling? Is everything allright?”
… I STILL say she is preggers…
We will find out soon enough Sarg.
It’s the skinny jeans. They make anyone with more than a skeleton look pudgy.
nope.. no sign of a taste for charcoal, gravel, and other weird stuff… just the normal wants of ‘too much diet’..
like this??
Huh? did you say something?
Er, oh, yeah, that works for me. Just like that.
Well shit girl. All you had to do was ask.
Well then, now we’ll get to see them in yoga pants!
And another excuse to go shopping. Where will she find a sports bra? Oh dear me…
I can guarantee that her speciality shop will either carry a decent sports bra, or will know where to direct her for one.
Monica’s shop does not have to find the right bra, they design and build them with the best aerospace materials available. Maybe they can use carbon nano-tubes.
Heh. Been wanting to see Monica in powered fullerene armour since the Blank Label Comics days when Wapsi shared a stable with Schlock.
If they do something that involves Tina spotting Monica, and Tina goofs up and Monica hurts herself, does time stop dead?
Well, she did hurt somebody and her punishment was to be “stuck” to this timeline (i.e. she wasn’t aware of the other timelines).
Fortunately, most forms of organized exercise class these days do not include deliberate stabbing of your exercise buddy in the program. Simply failing to adequately protect an exercise buddy probably wouldn’t hit the Bad Tina! threshold.
It would be prudent for Monica and Tina to take a pass on those fencing classes, though.
Well TialocW meant in terms of weight training. In general when one wants to get fit, they have to include weight training of some kind to have any results that wont just reverse themselves very quickly.
Oh and she’ll need to change her eating habits, this is going to get interesting.
First exercise: learn to poit veggies into self rather than pizza.
Nah, it’s all about intent. The difference between murder, manslaughter and accidental death – is the intent of the person who caused it.
Meant to kill them? Murder. Meant them harm but didn’t actually try to kill them, it just happened – or you were being deliberately reckless? Manslaughter. You were minding your own business, were following all the rules and they just jumped in front of your car? Accidental death.
If they took fencing classes and Tina was just going through the motions and something happened, out of the blue – I think the only punishment she would face is the damnation of her own conscience for the rest of her life.
And in Tina’s case, I think that would be enough, anyway.
Yes, Tina does have a little pooch there…
That’s what she said… wait… wha???
Judging by the sags, it’s a Basset Hound.
The pun-vault awaits you two..
I’ll drop in a Basset Horn and a Chihuahua to satisfy the Pun Jar. Maybe it can use a guard dog?
For a change in pace – time to say “Thanks for all the Fishes” – Douglas Adams passed on Friday the 11th. Really enjoyed his books and got my son interested in them .
It’s probably just the skinny jeans.
Yaaay! This is gonna be epic!
IMO, they should be thinking aboit adding a little twist to the exercise routine, like jogging on the beach in Rio, going to a Sauna in Finland… (ok, maybe not that – too much snow
All the world is but a poit away…
That would be awesome! And, if they could poit right into the sauna and directly out again when they were done, the snow wouldn’t be so bad. You’re right, they have the whole world at their disposal, so why not?
How about a nice power walk along the Great Wall of China?
Would depend on which part. From what I’ve heard, the air quality in many parts of China is awful, and inhaling lots of air pollution during a vigorous walk isn’t the best of things for your health. There are probably more remote areas where the air is a lot better, but I don’t know if those sections of the Wall are still in walkable condition.
What I’m wondering is, will exercise DO anything for Tina?
Technically, despite Monica and Tina both having ‘died’, Monica’s body still has all its biological processes running, so she can get fat or skinny, fit or out-of-shape. Tina, on the other hand, seems to have little to no actual biological processes, especially given how she ‘sleeps’ and what we recently saw of her ‘insides’.
I could still see Tina exercising with Monica even if it is pointless to Tina’s body. It is another way to feel normal, a way to socialize outside of her coffee shop and the club, and a way to support Monica (who is basically the most important person in Tina’s life at present) in something M wants to do.
It does get pretty complicated. I’m reminded of this strip – – particularly in the fifth panel where something says “It’s those damn…” as Tina’s body struggles to zip up a pair of jeans. We never are told what “those damn” things are, but I had assumed that they’re some sort of food in which Tina’s body indulges, perhaps too often. Pizza, Becky’s pastries, or maybe too many lattes a day.
Well, the purely physical energy to move around has to come from somewhere, and since it ISN’T coming from eating BRAINS, then it must be something else… most likely things that the collective finds tasty… and like MerchManDan said, it’s probably Pizza, Pastries, and Lattes…
Sometimes a solution is just a place to return to:
So exercise does something for Tina, and Monica has always wanted a way to enjoy it.
To review.
She has to have some biological processes, or she wouldn’t have been able to go unnoticed during her trip to the hospital for a cast…and her arm wouldn’t have healed.
Aha! Here’s the trip to the doctor/hospital.
If she can go to a medical facility without setting off the zombie-alert-system, then she’s got enough biological processes to workout and lose weight.
Perhaps. Though given what a doctor would check in the case of a broken arm, that really only hints that she has body heat (touch), a pulse (doctor touch again), an in-tact skeleton (x-ray), and doesn’t stink of decayed flesh (well, at least not any moreso than most humanity).
If Tina’s old stories about her fanged chompers is true and not just a cover (got them from a dentist), then the same could be verified from back then as well.
Still unsure how her digestive system works. Given how Tina’s treated other organic substances that touch her body, she could just literally burn the calories (alas, poor spider).
Tina, Shelly and Jin have all been at the hospital. I think there’s some paranormal back office there keeping the straights out of the loop.
Either that or medical professionals in the Wapsiverse are incurious and careless, which is doubtful.
@ Yamara Who’s to say that some of the medical staff aren’t paranormal themselves?
@Julie – It occured to me a day or so ago that Tina might have pulled a Jedi Mind Trick on the ER personnel when she went to get her arm cast. And the Xray techs. And the medical records clerk. Etc, etc.
We really don’t KNOW for sure she would appear as a living thing if tested without Demon Jedi Mind Tricks…..
well I thought that sorta thing.. but the strip just before the doctor… she seems a bit despondent..
as in, “Am I real, or just a ‘robot’ / dreaming?? ”
so she breaks her arm.. Is that real pain? (note she is just a ‘shell’ operated by the demons inside… ) Or has Phix or even one of her demons, twisted something to make it possible…
the later strip ‘yet-to-do’ where she says to the doll in the cellar, “that was the girl we saved” makes me think…. ????
I vaguely remember a horror story about a girl that seems to change each time she is seen… her friends just think she is a bit nuts, until another version of her remembers what she did….
It turns out she has five dolls in her cellar – a bit like ‘Dorian gray’!!
You are onto something, but you forgot the most obvious, direct route: there must be some sort of biological processes going on, otherwise how did she get pudgy in the first place?
Think about it.
Something had to process that food and turn it into the fat she now battles when putting on the skinny jeans, else they would still fit as good as they used to. So no reason she can’t put those same processes to use and trim off the bulge if that’s what she now seeks.
could be the ‘pudgy’ is the body stretching due to the demons eating too much pizza!!

Other demons put ‘accusing looks’ to the culprit, them *and* the body now have to ‘work out’ to fix it…
‘bright eyes’ says “but hey! we gotta buddy!! :)”
A beautiful wrap up the Monica’s justified ranting. Tina is a lovely (albeit demonic) friend. <3
She tried working out with her boyfriend, and that went nowhere, so i’m not really seeing this work either…
Except this time, it’s with someone who can [i]make[/i] her do it.
I’m sure she won’t do it often, but Tina can give a little helpful “push’ if Monica really needs it. Especially since she knows she won’t immediately have a sphinx pounce on her for it.
That as well.
She hadn’t accepted that she needed to work out and eat healthily to keep healthy, then. Now, her body has told her that she needs to look after her health so it’ll be different.
What Aleister and Francisco said…plus when the workout buddy is motivated to see results on themselves, it’s an entirely different story. Kevinw as just working out because he enjoys it and likes to stay fit. Tina will probably have an interest in fitting into her jeans without difficulty, so she has similar motivation to Monica.
yes.. when you work out, you dont need ‘distractions’ that stop you doing it!!
I am hopeful that this will work out for the both of them.
And now, Chaosercise!
You mean “COO-CHEE! COO-CHEE! Time?
Chaos is different than Charo…but not by much!
Dinky- you’re right I read it wrong Choas/Charo, but wouldn’t that hip swinging be good exercise?
Well, if you don’t mind dislocating your spine…
Yes. Charo has always been a good doorway for Chaos.
O_o ….Nudge as their personal trainer.
Who do you think was signing them up for yoga, and putting anchovies in their favorite treat?
Whatever credit Phix is taking for creating Tina 2.1, she’s going to have share that with the Nudgester as well. Feel the burn!
Can’t be worse than Exorcise.
Tina’s tummy <3 <3 <3
Love that last panel of the two of them.
Random Wapsi Square link for tonight:
Please please fan-service involving spandex exercise gear.
Just FWIW: I know someone who had reduction surgery almost 20 years ago, and has been very happy with the result.
She doesn’t want to be a supermodel. A supermodel’s *girlfriend*, however…