As someone at the forum said, given what she said about the relative efficiency of English and Spidrish, it might very well be an entire Shakespearean soliloquy of existential despair.
Digit’s presumably saying something, or trying to, but what does it sound like to Shelly? My guess would be something like sniffling and sobs to go with the tears. That obvious distress is the first sign of emotion she’s shown that Shelly can easily recognize, and “crying girl” pushes lots of buttons. Enough, maybe, to go from “There’s a SPIDER ON ME!” to “This is a person who’s hurting and needs comfort.”
Focused on “Spidrish” this morning. Sounds like Digit’s normal vocalization is an extreme lisp and it almost makes sense, whether that’s intentional or not.
Polish transcribed phonetically into English looks roughly like this. There are plenty “Polish tongue twister challenge” videos on Youtube and I think they’d make a pretty good approximation of how “Spidrish” might sound (Yes I am native Polish speaker, and no Digit’s line in last panel is gibberish in Polish too)
Digit is emoting! This is a breakthrough on several levels, because it shows Digit CAN emote, she just needs to practice, and I think it’s making her appear more human to Shelly.
In a less emotional setting Digit could look into Dialog Systems for video games like The Witcher or Mass Effect. Which (when they work) are big banks of emote animations that can be strung together or combined. It’s not exact, but each animation often do go into technical detail about what parts of the face should move where for different kinds of expressions. Combined with face capture systems like FaceRig and you could build an “expression” trainer. Make a face until it matches.
“Restroom.” My brother used to do that. Pissed me off. “This ain’t a gas station!” I’d yell. “We don’t have a rest room! It’s a bathroom!” He never paid any attention.
Well, Shelly’s getting her color back . . .
Apparently, all it took was Dietzel licking her nose
Healing by doggie design.
Ayuh. MIB in full effect
Agent D does it again
Embrace your fear! No, seriously, the little girl needs a hug.
Paul, you still excel at the feels.
gawd I want to give her a hug… where’re the gorgons when you need them?
YES! Paging Doctor Eureale!
Dietzel to the rescue!
If in doubt, cuddle it out.
Can I get a translation of the last panel, please?
As someone at the forum said, given what she said about the relative efficiency of English and Spidrish, it might very well be an entire Shakespearean soliloquy of existential despair.
Sounds to me like “I don’t wanna be a human anymore! Help, Mr. Wizard! Help!”
Digit’s presumably saying something, or trying to, but what does it sound like to Shelly? My guess would be something like sniffling and sobs to go with the tears. That obvious distress is the first sign of emotion she’s shown that Shelly can easily recognize, and “crying girl” pushes lots of buttons. Enough, maybe, to go from “There’s a SPIDER ON ME!” to “This is a person who’s hurting and needs comfort.”
Shelly’s hair … in fact, not permanently white. Last panel even looks like some latent mommy instinct kicking in (Shelly, not Dietzel).
Kids, we may have made a breakthrough today after all.
Focused on “Spidrish” this morning. Sounds like Digit’s normal vocalization is an extreme lisp and it almost makes sense, whether that’s intentional or not.
Good going, Paul!
Polish transcribed phonetically into English looks roughly like this. There are plenty “Polish tongue twister challenge” videos on Youtube and I think they’d make a pretty good approximation of how “Spidrish” might sound
(Yes I am native Polish speaker, and no Digit’s line in last panel is gibberish in Polish too)
Digit is sobbing… I think that might “humanize” her for Shelly.
Dang. Spiders can cry…
How an I suppose to hate them now?
Correction (I think?); GIRLS can cry. Digit’s a girl now (right?). OTOH I was surprised too!
Well, Monica once had a “stop licking me!” moment years back. But it was Bud doing the licking…
Digit is emoting! This is a breakthrough on several levels, because it shows Digit CAN emote, she just needs to practice, and I think it’s making her appear more human to Shelly.
In a less emotional setting Digit could look into Dialog Systems for video games like The Witcher or Mass Effect. Which (when they work) are big banks of emote animations that can be strung together or combined. It’s not exact, but each animation often do go into technical detail about what parts of the face should move where for different kinds of expressions. Combined with face capture systems like FaceRig and you could build an “expression” trainer. Make a face until it matches.
That sounds like a game for Kinect
Dr. Deitzel to the rescue…
Dietzel: the cause of, and solution to, Interspecies Misunderstandings
And we have to wait until Sunday night for the next installment…
I was wrong, I love her even more now!
Maybe Digit is just a spider, but she’s human…
She-who-had-eight-legs is people.
“Restroom.” My brother used to do that. Pissed me off. “This ain’t a gas station!” I’d yell. “We don’t have a rest room! It’s a bathroom!” He never paid any attention.
Oh, I think he was paying attention . . . and doing it specifically to annoy you.
He wasn’t that kind of guy. He was just too bull-headed to change it.
At various times I’ve had people thinking variations on that about me . . .
They were wrong.
Dietzel, she’s a teenaged girl now…you’re a tiny, tiny dog. It just won’t work out.
the internet says otherwise… in numerous and varied ways
At this point, their relationship might need him to be a teenaged boy…
The Pizza girl will be jelous.
Dietzel: “Aw, crud! How do I fix this? ……nose boops!”