As if Tina is just going to let anyone walking in with Monica and not engage them in friendly interrogation as well as giving them the once over with her weirding ways.
No worries there. The gang hanging out here seems to eat double and triple and quadruple entendres for breakfast, spreading them thickly like apple butter on their muffins. This combination goes particularly well with a nice cup of Celebes kalossi and a dash of cinnamon.
Actually, I’m not so sure of that. Cruising my way thru the archives at as good a clip I can manage while reading at work (too much other stuff to do while at home most days) so maybe I forgot something.
But the way I figured it was the thing between Tina and the sphinxes is something more like a deer when a wolf is nearby … “I just wet myself and I don’t know why … RUN!!!!”
And in Tina’s case, she only knew one species which had that effect on her, so she just made an educated guess and ran with it.
Probably. The question is, does Euryale know what Tina is? Even if she has no more than human perceptions, our favorite (and so far only) Gorgon friend seems to know an awful lot about Monica and Co.
Is it just me or is warning flags popping up in other people’s minds about this lady? She just happens to show up in the library to meet Monica and interrupt her studies on the vimana cells. Drops a whole lot of information on her head about past history. Causally let’s slip about MIB, Brandi’s and accia’s activities, and Topex getting stoned. Something is off here.
Either Paul needs another source for reveling information or maybe this in BRandi’s partner. The one she made a deal with. Brandi never said why she was supposed to be invomed in a cell was ever found now did she! This feels like another player is stepping onto the playing board. What better place to enter the game then beside the white queen?
breaking down your comments: 1) i think that The Library (or at least the Annex) used some very high-level Fuzzy Logic in determining what M wanted when she asked “for info on V-cells, non-fiction”, and the card catalog system knew that E had a lot of info to give so it hooked her up with M… so i think the general consensus is that she’s OK, no flags needed… 2)the MIB, and Tepoz getting stoned… hmm… she was Fangirling, up until M started asking serious questions that she had answers for, so she’s OK there too… 3)it’s been implied that Brandi made a deal with Demons, back before the CM Loops started, i think even before they were Golemized, not Euryale. 4)it’s implied that since Brandi and Bud STARTED the MIB, that they were of course, to be informed whenever somebody started to go search for one of the V-Cells, but when Shelly ended up in the Time-Forest and came back with one and Bud and May put it in Jin, it kinda bypassed the surveillance, and since Brandi wasn’t “in-the-know” she was pissed, thinking that either one of her subordinates was now a traitor to the cause, or that they were just incompetent and need to be retrained/replaced. i don’t think that Brandi was spun because Jin is *human* again because they got a V-cell in the first place, i think she’s just spun because she thought she was in control and WASN’T… 5)um… in the White Queen’s bedroom?
Introducing Euryale to Tina first is a safe bet. Mucho Mocha is Holy Ground(s) in the Wapsiverse so there’s little chance of a major incident happening.
Beside which, Tina is like Eloise-the-Art-Department:
Back in the 70s, my first wife was a little freaked out to discover that we were actually partly serious that, if Eloise hadn’t approved of her, the family would have wamted me to throw her back…
Asides from the occasional pummeling/throttling/blunt force trauma that occurs normally (for Shelly). I highly doubt any super natural beings would dare to try an destroy a stable nexus point such as Mucho Mocha. The offending person/parties would so realize the magnitude of their mistake.
Ah, but that’s a dangerous situation / reference in and of itself. As I recall, Joe Dawson told Mac and Richie that the Watcher Chronicles did record one incident in which two immortals ignored the rule and fought one another on holy ground. It happened centuries ago, in Italy, in the city of Pompeii… and Mt. Vesuvius blew its top immediately thereafter and buried the whole area in ash.
So, let’s hope that the gang does keep it cool in Mucho Mocha, both for the sake of Minneapolis as a whole and in the interest of all coffee drinkers everywhere.
I think we have The Battle of The Eyes going in, in frames 3 and 4.
Although. “battle” is really the wrong word. The eyes aren’t fighting one another… more like “emphasize”.
#chuckle#. Yes, “statuesque” is a good play on words. It’s also interesting how Tina latched onto Euryale’s “belle” mannerisms, on the basis of only two words and whatever accent they came in. No slouch, she!
I would say Monica is 5 1/2 heads tall. Euryale is about 8 1/2 heads tall, and Phix is 8 heads tall. The average height (proportionally) is 7 heads tall.
Judging by the “statuesque friend” comment, and Paul’s reply earlier in today’s comments, I wager the answer is yes, Tina sees Euryale’s aura too.
I think only the GGG register no aura to Tina because they’re pretty much soulless machines. Despite looking and thinking like humans, they’re basically overgrown toasters.
Meanwhile the immortals (Sphinxes, Demons, Gorgons, Dietzel, whatever Kuku & co are) are natural organisms/entities, so they still have their auras.
And regarding the other way around (aka your actual question/comment, because stupid me apparently can’t read names in their proper order ^_^ ):
While a Gorgon typically doesn’t seem to have any sort of supernatural senses (beyond enhanced physical, like hearing/smell, maybe), Tina’s not exactly hiding her eyes again. She’s giving Euryale the “empty christmas balls” eyes she gave Kevin & Bud. If Euryale didn’t know from the start, those eyes have to be a dead give away.
Indeed, that’s the first/only time we’ve not only seen them called them, but had any confirmation others actually see Tina’s eyes when they’re weird and it’s not just artistic license (like, say, the way Monica shows cartoon effects sometimes when she gets tossed/falls/etc).
But, that + this are not the only times we (as readers) have seen Tina’s eyes like this. And if Kevin (no magic/immortal/abnormal affinity whatsoever, as far as we know) can see Tina’s eyes as different when she does this, it could stand to reason others (Gorgon or no) could do the same.
Granted, that’s a bit of speculation, and a future update may show I’m full of hooey, but based on what we’ve seen in-comic to date, I suppose this is a fair assumption.
She may or may not be able to “read” Tina, but it’s a cinch she’s read about Tina and pegged her on sight.
As for perceptions, only Pablo knows for sure at this point.
Monica seems to have changed her outfit since she arrived at the library. The hat’s gone, and in it’s place are a pair of gloves. Not only that, but from what we see it appears this coat doesn’t have a hood like the one she wore to the library (granted, it’d be rather little visible from this angle, so artistic license could justify its absence).
I don’t think you can successfully nerd-scoff someone who has just described herself as a “technology geek”. The word “nerd” then becomes something between a lodge pin and a badge of honor, rather than a putdown.
Holy – Eurydale must be pretty damn tall – in that first panel, Tina seems to have to look upwards to eyeball her.
Hell of a confrontation going on there, even if (big if!) Monica doesn’t seem quite aware of it.
I would just like to point out that southern nerds are the greatest nerds of all. Also that if all the panels are drawn from the same perspective, Euryale is only about two inches taller than Tina before the hair.
Oh, no doubt about that at all. Alas, it’s traditional for my profession (programmer) so I just manage my coffee-jones responsibly.
Pastries are arguably worse, though… as was previously noted, having a steady supply of kick-butt pastries around is something mandated by the national Full Cardiologists Employment Act of 1964. The bakeries are quietly subsidized by the stent-makers PAC.
You may have to talk to Gilbert Shelton about that. He penned that phrase (as faras I know) back in the 70’s. Only he was dealing (see what I did there?) with money and illicit substances.
You may have my permission, for whatever it’s worth.
As Analyst correctly pointed out, I was paraphrasing the famous “Dope will get you through times of no money…” aphorism by Gilbert Shelton, and he deserves the real credit. Best to give it to him, too… we would not want to have Wonder Wart-Hog out after us
This is one reason that I love this forum. It is so educational without the flaming idiocy of other forums (Just look at the forums for news articles, what a train wreck.)
If I weren’t already claimed (and didn’t live in reality, dangit) I could see myself settling down witn any one of these strange, amazing ladies. Oh, while I’m in la-la land I ought to shed about 30 years too, while I’m at it…
I do belive that is the point. Not only do we get an information source for the new missions, but we get another powerful being who is either a demigod like Phix and Nudge or an actual god.
Given the stream of accomplishments that she was reeling off, whilst displaying her claws, I’d say that Tina would be very well aware that Euryale is a very talonted individual.
Euryale will definitely fit in–she even has her own specialty in the ability to research the Lanthan undersea sites without additional equipment (or limited dive times).
The question is what sort of dives she will be visiting to meet all the others.
I think you owe the Pun Jar at least one or two doubloons for that one.
I wonder if Daren has franchised out his bar for underseas customers (not that it’s a dive, but that’s rather a subjective issue). Possibly there’s an Atlantean-connected bartender holding forth behind the bar(nacles) at The Cerberus Glub?
Statuesque describes pretty much every non-Monica girl in the comic lately. I mean I’m pretty sure Monica came up higher than boob-Height on Tina until recently…
“Statuesque.” Ah, I see what you did there, Tina.
The Aura-vision is still up and running, it seems.
I didn’t know if anyone would get the double meaning.
Hah! I figured it was either that, or a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
As if Tina is just going to let anyone walking in with Monica and not engage them in friendly interrogation as well as giving them the once over with her weirding ways.
“Weirding ways”? The Bene Gesserit are here, too?
I dunno about fear, but _something_ just passed through me.
No worries there. The gang hanging out here seems to eat double and triple and quadruple entendres for breakfast, spreading them thickly like apple butter on their muffins. This combination goes particularly well with a nice cup of Celebes kalossi and a dash of cinnamon.
You underestimate your readers, mister.
I do believe that sarcasm was afoot and reared its crowned head in Paul’s post.
No fear someone would miss it. You will seldom encounter a more wretched hive of villainous punnery than this forum …
Yo! *rattle*rattle*rattle*
When in doubt, check discussion ^_^
Well played.
Considering that she’s calling Monica’s companion–who is not that developed–statuesque, there has to be a secondary meaning.
I didn’t get it until I saw your comment. Statuesque. Heh. Because of how she looks and because of what she does.
So does that meam Tina knows what she is?
Tina was able to see Shelly was an 80,000 year old Sphinx in an instant, so I would guess she can see past all sorts of transformations and illusions.
We already knew Tina could see sphinxes in human form for what they are.
And be afraid. Very afraid.
I meant “before she saw Shelly that way”.
You mean that eventful day when Tina realized that the Phix was in?
Actually, I’m not so sure of that. Cruising my way thru the archives at as good a clip I can manage while reading at work (too much other stuff to do while at home most days) so maybe I forgot something.
But the way I figured it was the thing between Tina and the sphinxes is something more like a deer when a wolf is nearby … “I just wet myself and I don’t know why … RUN!!!!”
And in Tina’s case, she only knew one species which had that effect on her, so she just made an educated guess and ran with it.
Probably. The question is, does Euryale know what Tina is? Even if she has no more than human perceptions, our favorite (and so far only) Gorgon friend seems to know an awful lot about Monica and Co.
I think it’s fairly safe to say that Euryale knows, since she knows every like fact about Monica.
Glad to see Euryale is meeting the rest of the group.
Take your bets, who will be the first to be iced… Accidents happen, you know…
But yeah, I’m looking forward to that, even if it means leaving the storyline alone for a week.
Is it just me or is warning flags popping up in other people’s minds about this lady? She just happens to show up in the library to meet Monica and interrupt her studies on the vimana cells. Drops a whole lot of information on her head about past history. Causally let’s slip about MIB, Brandi’s and accia’s activities, and Topex getting stoned. Something is off here.
Either Paul needs another source for reveling information or maybe this in BRandi’s partner. The one she made a deal with. Brandi never said why she was supposed to be invomed in a cell was ever found now did she! This feels like another player is stepping onto the playing board. What better place to enter the game then beside the white queen?
breaking down your comments: 1) i think that The Library (or at least the Annex) used some very high-level Fuzzy Logic in determining what M wanted when she asked “for info on V-cells, non-fiction”, and the card catalog system knew that E had a lot of info to give so it hooked her up with M… so i think the general consensus is that she’s OK, no flags needed… 2)the MIB, and Tepoz getting stoned… hmm… she was Fangirling, up until M started asking serious questions that she had answers for, so she’s OK there too… 3)it’s been implied that Brandi made a deal with Demons, back before the CM Loops started, i think even before they were Golemized, not Euryale. 4)it’s implied that since Brandi and Bud STARTED the MIB, that they were of course, to be informed whenever somebody started to go search for one of the V-Cells, but when Shelly ended up in the Time-Forest and came back with one and Bud and May put it in Jin, it kinda bypassed the surveillance, and since Brandi wasn’t “in-the-know” she was pissed, thinking that either one of her subordinates was now a traitor to the cause, or that they were just incompetent and need to be retrained/replaced. i don’t think that Brandi was spun because Jin is *human* again because they got a V-cell in the first place, i think she’s just spun because she thought she was in control and WASN’T… 5)um… in the White Queen’s bedroom?
One thought on reading your points:
General consensus around here is not always very accurate. Only Paul knows for sure what’s coming down the pike.
Ready shoe! Drop in 3… 2… 1…
Locally-generated shoe (among these three)? or do you expect someone else to walk in and drop it? One of the GGs?
Introducing Euryale to Tina first is a safe bet. Mucho Mocha is Holy Ground(s) in the Wapsiverse so there’s little chance of a major incident happening.
Good one.
Beside which, Tina is like Eloise-the-Art-Department:
Back in the 70s, my first wife was a little freaked out to discover that we were actually partly serious that, if Eloise hadn’t approved of her, the family would have wamted me to throw her back…
Other than little incidents like Shelly and Tina trying to kill Nudge by blunt force truma. Of course they couldn’t, but they were gonna try.
^^ that.
As Cat said to Rackety Coon Chile:
“That, sir, is a different and highly personal matter.”
Asides from the occasional pummeling/throttling/blunt force trauma that occurs normally (for Shelly). I highly doubt any super natural beings would dare to try an destroy a stable nexus point such as Mucho Mocha. The offending person/parties would so realize the magnitude of their mistake.
Ah, but that’s a dangerous situation / reference in and of itself. As I recall, Joe Dawson told Mac and Richie that the Watcher Chronicles did record one incident in which two immortals ignored the rule and fought one another on holy ground. It happened centuries ago, in Italy, in the city of Pompeii… and Mt. Vesuvius blew its top immediately thereafter and buried the whole area in ash.
So, let’s hope that the gang does keep it cool in Mucho Mocha, both for the sake of Minneapolis as a whole and in the interest of all coffee drinkers everywhere.
Easy enough to solve.
Have a regular human do the killing, and just sit back and enjoy the Quickening.
I do believe that they did that bit of shark jumping on that show in the latter seasons.
I think we have The Battle of The Eyes going in, in frames 3 and 4.
Although. “battle” is really the wrong word. The eyes aren’t fighting one another… more like “emphasize”.
#chuckle#. Yes, “statuesque” is a good play on words. It’s also interesting how Tina latched onto Euryale’s “belle” mannerisms, on the basis of only two words and whatever accent they came in. No slouch, she!
Is it just me, or is Euryale taller than Phix in human form?
I would say Monica is 5 1/2 heads tall. Euryale is about 8 1/2 heads tall, and Phix is 8 heads tall. The average height (proportionally) is 7 heads tall.
Monica’s 4’10” – this is the first real straight comparo panel – yup; seven feet tall … before we count the hair.
(WHich seems a touch less exuberant today.)
AFAIK, Phix is any height she wants to be… depending on situation.. Just a bit taller than friends, and *much* taller than dubious types…
*eating popcorn, watching the show* This looks interesting.
I am so in love with Euryale! She just brightens up everything, and seems to fill in many of the questions in the past. And such a sweety too!
Euryale. Aka confirmed death of Jacqui as a character.
NONSENSE! We still need to blind Tina.
I’d like to add that I envy Euryale’s self-description. I wish I had one like that–that is, if I weren’t a monk.
umm! Fresh brewed coffee! Is there such a thing as a coffee zombie?
No, because your only a zombie BEFORE you have your coffee.
afterwards you’re a Caf-fiend.
*empties Pun Jar into Pun Vat*
Whew! This is turning into a full-time job!
That is why I said we should use the Pun Wormhole. All we have to do is alter it’s exit vector to a new vault when it is filled.
Huh, it just occured to me: Does Euryale see Tina for what she really is, as well? Do/did the Gorgons have that sort of perception?
Judging by the “statuesque friend” comment, and Paul’s reply earlier in today’s comments, I wager the answer is yes, Tina sees Euryale’s aura too.
I think only the GGG register no aura to Tina because they’re pretty much soulless machines. Despite looking and thinking like humans, they’re basically overgrown toasters.
Meanwhile the immortals (Sphinxes, Demons, Gorgons, Dietzel, whatever Kuku & co are) are natural organisms/entities, so they still have their auras.
And regarding the other way around (aka your actual question/comment, because stupid me apparently can’t read names in their proper order ^_^ ):
While a Gorgon typically doesn’t seem to have any sort of supernatural senses (beyond enhanced physical, like hearing/smell, maybe), Tina’s not exactly hiding her eyes again. She’s giving Euryale the “empty christmas balls” eyes she gave Kevin & Bud. If Euryale didn’t know from the start, those eyes have to be a dead give away.
Does this make you a sort of social or literary dyslexic? That is–one who can’t keep social situations straight?
It would seem so.
That was when she had a hangover and had just spent hours in Shelly’s boiler room with Creepy.
I meant the “christmas ornament” eyes.
Indeed, that’s the first/only time we’ve not only seen them called them, but had any confirmation others actually see Tina’s eyes when they’re weird and it’s not just artistic license (like, say, the way Monica shows cartoon effects sometimes when she gets tossed/falls/etc).
But, that + this are not the only times we (as readers) have seen Tina’s eyes like this. And if Kevin (no magic/immortal/abnormal affinity whatsoever, as far as we know) can see Tina’s eyes as different when she does this, it could stand to reason others (Gorgon or no) could do the same.
Granted, that’s a bit of speculation, and a future update may show I’m full of hooey, but based on what we’ve seen in-comic to date, I suppose this is a fair assumption.
She may or may not be able to “read” Tina, but it’s a cinch she’s read about Tina and pegged her on sight.
As for perceptions, only Pablo knows for sure at this point.
Did someone step on a mouse?
Or is that Eurayle’s hair’s lunch in her pocket?
Huh. Random notice.
Monica seems to have changed her outfit since she arrived at the library. The hat’s gone, and in it’s place are a pair of gloves. Not only that, but from what we see it appears this coat doesn’t have a hood like the one she wore to the library (granted, it’d be rather little visible from this angle, so artistic license could justify its absence).
Could be the next day, Euryale is wearing different clothes, too, doesn’t she?
At least she’s wearing clothes…
I dunno. She wore that iPod quite nicely.
Awww, thumbody made a fwend!
I read Tina’s last line as a scoff. A friendly one, but still a scoff.
I don’t think you can successfully nerd-scoff someone who has just described herself as a “technology geek”. The word “nerd” then becomes something between a lodge pin and a badge of honor, rather than a putdown.
Besides, Tina loves them all. Welll maybe not Nudge; I think the nerd talk is more of an acceptance as an equal not a scoff.
Holy – Eurydale must be pretty damn tall – in that first panel, Tina seems to have to look upwards to eyeball her.
Hell of a confrontation going on there, even if (big if!) Monica doesn’t seem quite aware of it.
Technology geek? That explains the iPod…
Gotta love the barista.
I would just like to point out that southern nerds are the greatest nerds of all. Also that if all the panels are drawn from the same perspective, Euryale is only about two inches taller than Tina before the hair.
I believe Tina is standing on a raised platform behind the counter, so it may not be all the same.
Aand.. Now my heart is tugged between a tall studious blonde with nerdy tendencies, and a wise latina that makes great coffee…
Choices choices…
Take the short freckle-faced blonde (?) with the glasses who makes the incredible pastries.
The hell with mere coffee…
Bah. Coffee will get you through days of no pastries, much better than pastries will get you through days of no coffee.
Pastry withdrawal does not result in wicked all-day headaches.
Your own fault you got addicted.
Oh, no doubt about that at all. Alas, it’s traditional for my profession (programmer) so I just manage my coffee-jones responsibly.
Pastries are arguably worse, though… as was previously noted, having a steady supply of kick-butt pastries around is something mandated by the national Full Cardiologists Employment Act of 1964. The bakeries are quietly subsidized by the stent-makers PAC.
Didn’t the Bacon Council of Wisconsin go in with the bakeries on that particular PAC?
Dave, wonderful!
May I have your permission to use that and modify it for a bumper sticker (NOT for selling, but for my truck – major coffeeholic here!)
“Coffee will get you through a day with no donuts, but donuts won’t get you through a day with no coffee”
You may have to talk to Gilbert Shelton about that. He penned that phrase (as faras I know) back in the 70’s. Only he was dealing (see what I did there?) with money and illicit substances.
You may have my permission, for whatever it’s worth.
As Analyst correctly pointed out, I was paraphrasing the famous “Dope will get you through times of no money…” aphorism by Gilbert Shelton, and he deserves the real credit. Best to give it to him, too… we would not want to have Wonder Wart-Hog out after us
Analyst… nice one!
This is one reason that I love this forum. It is so educational without the flaming idiocy of other forums (Just look at the forums for news articles, what a train wreck.)
I Resemble That Remark!
I suspect that Paul is applying it not only to the gang of girls, but to his readers as well. . . .
“Hi, I’m bmonk. I’m a recovering nerd.”
Recovering bloody Hell! I’m an Unrepentant Nerd and proud of it!
Repenting from nerdhood is a sign of evil.
no… it’s a sign of Jockdom, or maybe Yuppiehood.
Monks can’t be full-fledged nerds. Hence the “recovering”.
If I weren’t already claimed (and didn’t live in reality, dangit) I could see myself settling down witn any one of these strange, amazing ladies. Oh, while I’m in la-la land I ought to shed about 30 years too, while I’m at it…
Forty, belike.
In my case, anyway.
Well, maybe thirty-five
I’m with you there but I don’t think “settling down” is the operative concept! Mo’ betta is probably “living in adventure land”.
Don’t worry about the age Old Wolf most of them are cougars or maybe lynxes.
True and look at Phix, she is keeping Monica’s boss busy after all.
Whoo! Inducted into the cult of coffee at Tina’s, meaning Euryale should be officially a recurring character now :3
I do belive that is the point. Not only do we get an information source for the new missions, but we get another powerful being who is either a demigod like Phix and Nudge or an actual god.
Oh my. Does she need a manicure? Would hate to shake hands and have her nails play etch-a-sketch on them.
Given the stream of accomplishments that she was reeling off, whilst displaying her claws, I’d say that Tina would be very well aware that Euryale is a very talonted individual.
Pun Jar. Now.
The guilty party deposits a suitable payment in the Pun Jar.
Euryale will definitely fit in–she even has her own specialty in the ability to research the Lanthan undersea sites without additional equipment (or limited dive times).
The question is what sort of dives she will be visiting to meet all the others.
I think you owe the Pun Jar at least one or two doubloons for that one.
I wonder if Daren has franchised out his bar for underseas customers (not that it’s a dive, but that’s rather a subjective issue). Possibly there’s an Atlantean-connected bartender holding forth behind the bar(nacles) at The Cerberus Glub?
(deposits several Pieces of Eight)
Sheesh! My doubloons ain’t doubling too quickly!
[deposits half a dozen coins of dubious pirate gold, courtesy of Capt’n Jack Sparrow]
Good choice on the source for your gold coins. Some of Jack Sparrow’s ancestors were Irish, and their financial basis was always Dublin.
… tosses a couple of old Irish gold cloak fasteners into the Jar …
At least it means that these puns will be undying. . . .
I think the only thing that I don’t absolutely freaking adore about this page is the fact that I can’t see much Monica due to Euryale’s height.
I think it was the mention of coffee that won Tina over.
Can’t wait for the two “Statuesques” together- Euryale and humanform Phix!
Statuesque describes pretty much every non-Monica girl in the comic lately. I mean I’m pretty sure Monica came up higher than boob-Height on Tina until recently…