Every time I heard a woman claim she felt bloated, I honestly could never see it. But I always respected the state of mind. Extra cuddles were the name of the game.
Of course you couldn’t see it. There’s actually nothing to see. Unless you’re examining her abdomen with some kind of medical scanner.
Her stomach has just sent the signals to her brain stating that it is full, and would need to stretch in order to accommodate more food, but her self-conscious interprets it as though her belly has already begun to distend.
My niece once had this problem (and her boyfriend did, of course).
She was 15 at the time and he tried this “You look good in all of to me because I don’t see the bikini’.
Of course, she immediately jumped to the “see me naked all the time” conclusion.
I heard all this and got both of them to sit down.
I explained the instinctive imagery the male sees in the female form and what he is looking at without even knowing it.
It took almost 45 minutes, but they were both quite stunned He saw so much and SHE showed so much.
It’s been 6 monthes since that talk and their relationship is still going strong.
Babymetal is a thing, and I love them very much. They are a Japanese band that has been around for about 10 years. You can find music videos and live performances ontheir YouTube channel. Just don’t go in with expectations. 🙂 They are unique.
Basically, their tunes run the range from “JPop with a metal guitar” to “actual legit metal” with a pretty even spread in between. One of the consequences of being a rotating cast is that there’s a certain fluidity in their sound, changing over time as the members change.
Very real. Their members can only be a certain age and then they’re moved on or out, this is stuff I recall from ages ago when someone with whom I used to hit Slayer mosh pits with sent me a link to ‘Gimme Chocolate’. . . here, I’ll pay that forward. Happy earworming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBc4gb5hPbA
The walls of your stomach could probably crush coal into diamonds. I don’t think you “bloat” Castela, at least not in any way visible from the outside.
Any more agita and shpilkis, and our critter will collapse into a pile of squiggle.
Every time I heard a woman claim she felt bloated, I honestly could never see it. But I always respected the state of mind. Extra cuddles were the name of the game.
Of course you couldn’t see it. There’s actually nothing to see. Unless you’re examining her abdomen with some kind of medical scanner.
Her stomach has just sent the signals to her brain stating that it is full, and would need to stretch in order to accommodate more food, but her self-conscious interprets it as though her belly has already begun to distend.
My niece once had this problem (and her boyfriend did, of course).
She was 15 at the time and he tried this “You look good in all of to me because I don’t see the bikini’.
Of course, she immediately jumped to the “see me naked all the time” conclusion.
I heard all this and got both of them to sit down.
I explained the instinctive imagery the male sees in the female form and what he is looking at without even knowing it.
It took almost 45 minutes, but they were both quite stunned He saw so much and SHE showed so much.
It’s been 6 monthes since that talk and their relationship is still going strong.
Could you please elaborate on the instictive imagery??? I didn’t get it…
Not surprised she’s a Babymetal fan. (I have their first two CDs.)
They’re no Pinkblack… Blackpink?
Oh yeah, my first thought, too. No surprise to see a Tshirt like that on her 😀
Love BabyMetal!
Is that a real band an not just a plot device?
Friggin’ lost it when I saw her wearing a Babymetal shirt! When I saw their video for Chocolate, and then for Karate, I was down!
Look, next time pack all your bikinis, and spend some time trying them on in front of each other. You can even swap some.
Is “Baby Metal ” actually a thing? Is Phix the Base? Sorry but I DO tend to notice Cloths.
Babymetal is a thing, and I love them very much. They are a Japanese band that has been around for about 10 years. You can find music videos and live performances ontheir YouTube channel. Just don’t go in with expectations. 🙂 They are unique.
Bah. If she were =really= metal, she’d have a Ningen Isu shirt. ~:)P
Babymetal has even opened for Rob Zombie. They’re an interesting mix of JPop and metal.
Basically, their tunes run the range from “JPop with a metal guitar” to “actual legit metal” with a pretty even spread in between. One of the consequences of being a rotating cast is that there’s a certain fluidity in their sound, changing over time as the members change.
Very real. Their members can only be a certain age and then they’re moved on or out, this is stuff I recall from ages ago when someone with whom I used to hit Slayer mosh pits with sent me a link to ‘Gimme Chocolate’. . . here, I’ll pay that forward. Happy earworming.
Actually that’s an audio only link. Here’s the whole visual experience. . .
Sorry! 😉
Thank You! The whole concept of J-Pop and Metal is actually scary, but that was … Different!
There is no right answer to some questions.
quite true.
even NOT answering is the wrong answer.
Teenage girls
Babymetal is a thing, but I prefer Band Maid as they’re actually very talented musicians. Babymetal is just a show.
Again different, and I mean that as a Compliment. This is coming from someone with CDs of Off Kilter.
Paul gave us a time skip to her high school years.
There’s been time skips since then
I just have to say “thank you” for this evening’s Patreon picture.
For the Paetron image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZLfasMPOU4
The walls of your stomach could probably crush coal into diamonds. I don’t think you “bloat” Castela, at least not in any way visible from the outside.