Not only that. They may also just be realizing they have not been very good friends to each other by not doing the same thing Tina just did to the both of them.
No necessarily. Shelly may like Monica’s pixie cut (although the way M’s being drawn in thse two panels, I have to agree that it doesn’t look that good), and Monica’s assessment of Shelly was that she was glowing; which given she has no idea of the state of things between Shelly and Justin, was pretty much all she could assess. I’m sure if either of them had had something unpleasant to tell the other they would have. Just more gently.
Tina can still salvage things if she gives them good advice on hairstyles and relationships, and where to go from here…
SoWhyMe is referring to much more than the immediate scenario. He is suggesting that their relationship has historically been superficial and dysfunctional and they could have been much more honest with each other. Neither Monica nor Shelly have been very skilled in listening (witness the bartender Daren’s attempt to teach them: Monica with Katherine and Shelly with Heather).
… or hoping that Phix won’t turn her into lunch. Or maybe that was enough of a near miss to remind her that there are things that need to be taken care of while she and everyone else is around to do it.
Now, I see why Amanda needed to join the team. She’s probably going to be called upon to teach Tina how to interact as a friend and help the others accommodate Tina.
None of the collective can remember Tina Model 1 – but there have been indications that the mindset and some of the inclinations persist, hardwired, so to speak, in the brain …
Me too, but only because she’s a collection of demons and would be really interesting to talk to. If she were still the alive original Tina, not so much. Of course that’s all hypothetical with me as I would not be able to stand being in the same room with her in real life in any event .
Finally. Finaaaaaaly. Fina ding don dally. Someone gave a girl with epic proportions the just friends news; a twofer at that. Now I can unleash my porcine Air Force, better upgrade those windshield wipers now.
Her way of explaining things, and what she said yesterday, has got the phrase “autistic spectrum disorder” in my head. Then again, it stands to reason. Being subtle is instinctive to Nudge but living a full blown friendship is probably something none of the collective have had to do.
I wonder. Do demons consider certain other demons as “friends?” Do they pal around at the demon bar after working hours? Get drunk and make prank demon phone calls to angels in heaven?
“Hello, is this Gabriel”
“Why, yes it is, how may I be of service?”
“Gab, is your refrigerator running *giggle, snort* ”
“We don’t need refrigerators in heaven.”
“Oh … I mean, do you have Jack Danials in a bottle?”
“We don’t use bottles in heaven either.”
“Oh … I …”
“Wait a minute! Is this Doubt?”
“No … ah …”
“Yes it is, and I’ll bet your little buddy Panic is with you!
“No I’m not! … Shutup you little snot! You’re ruining …”
“Don’t give me that, I recognize your …”
“Damn, Doubt, I told you we should have called Luicifer. At least she’s got a sense of humor.”
You know, I wonder about that. Are demons in Hell, or just Heck? Are they simply creatures in their natural habitat, as opposed to beings who were condemned in some way and sent there as punishment?
Life sucks enough that you don’t need “friends” who crap onto the few things you enjoy, especially when they do it in such a blunt and callous manner. And especially when they do it to the first few things that make one happy after a hard and arduous time like the whole calender deal.
Seriously, it’s the first time since then they’d been genuily happy!
Both Monica and Shelly would calm down on their own sooner or later and then reevulate what happened, until then let them enjoy themselves.
If THAT kind of “crush-their-happiness” is what they can expect of their “friend” Tina, both Monica and Shelly are better off to walk out and never return.
I agree. Friends should be truthful, indeed, but there’s a difference between being truthful as a friend, and being truthful as an ***. There’s no harm in liking a hairdo or feeling good about your boyfriend. People will say, “But it’s the TRUTH!” Quite honestly, Monica’s hairdo is fine and Shelly will become closer to her boyfriend when it’s necessary. The two don’t need a friend to dump crap on them and tell them harsh things. If they want that, they should read the comment section for the comics. :X
Don’t give me that “life sucks enough” already crap.
If your happiness is so flimsy that it can be crushed by blunt and honest statements, you aren’t truly happy. You’re simply distracting yourself from your own unhappiness.
True happiness isn’t lack of suffering, but rather being at ease with oneself. Monica’s new hairdo may boost her morale, but it doesn’t make her any happier – she still doubts herself, she still worries about her sanity (or how others see her), and she still is a reluctant hobbit being dragged along on a dwarven quest.
Shelly is much the same. She’s getting her biological urges and wants fulfilled, but she’s still selfish, pig-headed, and childish. Her new boyfriend is making her “happy”, but not actually happy.
Granted, yes, M’s hairdo gives her a synthetic boost, but it’s shortness also doesn’t hurt anything. It’s also temporary, and it’s sacrifice is beneficial to others through the locks of love program. If you’re correct, her demons would have eventually caught up to her anyway, she didn’t need Tina throwing the bowling ball back in face.
Shelly, on the other hand.. I agree, she need a bit of a wakeup call.
Exactly! Much better said than mine. Although it burst their balloons now when M&S reflect on it later they will realize Tina’s wisdom and be much better for it. The longer one lives in self-delusion the worse it is when reality finally hits.
One can debate the issue of Tina’s tactfulness but her motivation and intent is absolutely to be a true friend, not an enabler of dysfunction.
Sweetie, if you can’t understand that, yes, some people’s happiness IS that flimsy – either because they’re ill, or because they’re dealing like a shitload of hard stuff, like an ill/dying relative – then you need a huge dose of that thing called COMPASSION. And maybe tact.
Live ain’t sunshine and roses all the way.
Compassion is the mark of a true friend. Not hurting others for the sake of truth.
I use the same phrase at times myself though before I give any comment/opinion or whatever, I let them choose between “bullshit that will make you feel better,” or “the truth that will kick you in the arse.” I think as far as friends go, I find it a disservice to give BS to my friends.
I think this has a lot to do with the visit from Phix. Understandably, Tina is probably less likely to blow sunshine up people’s asses after that. That near-death (more or less) experience probably made Tina reevaluate her life (or whatever it is), so I think she has become more serious and focused about guiding Monica and perhaps Shelly, too. As far as Tina knows, Phix spared her because Tina was trying to be helpful to Monica, even though she stepped on Phix’s toes in the process. If that’s what she was kept alive to do, that’s what she’s going to do. You can kind of see how goal-oriented Tina had become when she talked to her Tina 1.0 doll. So Tina will probably in more of a “let’s get serious, we have work to do” mode for a while, I think.
That may very well be. We also must remember Tina has a history of dropping bombs followed a cheery smile so it’s not realy all that much out of character for her. She was totally oblivious of her faux pas at those times. I don’t think she is as oblivious this time though, yet still as clueless as to approach.
Looks like Tina is OUR Mouthpeice. Shes telling Monica what a lot of commentors have been oPINEing about. …. Did someone change the Desktop theme to this site???
I think we may have to cut some slack to the Tina character in the comic. This IS a comic, after all, and things have to move at a different pace in a comic than the real world. So, as compared to real life, Tina may be a bit soon with her “advice,” but Paul needs to show it now for purposes of his story telling. It may be unfair of us to judge the situation as we might see things in our lives. At least on this particular issue.
Tact. Tina does not have it. But now she may as well tell them that if they need external props like hairdos and one night stands with people they don’t know to prop themselves up they aren’t very strong people.
Awww….calling Justin a one-night-stand is harsh. Shelly’s spent multiple nights with him (don’t ask me the exact number…I’ll leave that to eschmenk).
Besides, isn’t it a little contrary to the rules of a one-night-stand to stick around and work out or kill spiders in the home of said one-night stand (covering bases since I don’t know who was staying where in that series of comics)?
Keep in mind that Shelly hasn’t ever been good with relationships. This is basically a step forward for her. It’s hard to tell, but it could be that she’s tried to develop more of a relationship with him but is afraid of pushing Justin very hard. He isn’t good at relationships, either.
Both Monica and Shelly know they have issues, so it doesn’t seem that helpful to rub their faces in it. I don’t see anything necessarily wrong with propping yourself up, either.
BTW, I see that I have a reputation to uphold, but I don’t know how much Justin and Shelly have been together. I think we have seen them three times, but I’m assuming there may have been times we haven’t seen.
I think that Nudge might be a part of Tina 1, since we haven’t seen much of this base personality. Perhaps, Nudge is trying to push the girls towards seeking something deeper and more meaningful to be happy about.
From what we’ve seen of Shelly’s new relationship, it doesn’t exist beyond sex, so the comment that she doesn’t have any greater connection to her new boyfriend is probably meant to give her perspective and to push beyond the physical interaction barrier.
I really disagree that a Barista is supposed to blow sunshine up your ass all the time. They should be polite but asking for anything else is a little much. Since Tina is their friend, she doesn’t HAVE to put on that facade. Why should she be denied the right of her (their) opinion because they are customers of her store as well?
Ask a silly question… no wait.. that wasn’t silly….
Tina’s got a good point!
I be the first to be the grammer nazi here, Tina should have said “I’m not your…” not just you. Still I agree
I think that’s to distinguish which demons in control at the moment.
Sorry, but it’s bothering me. “I be the first to be the grammer nazi here.”
Really? Try “I’ll be…” or “I am”; and it’s “grammar” not “grammer”.
Uh oh, the grammar nazis meet the grammar police!
so who’s going to be the grammar demon?
I call dibs!
I call grammarplosion and grammar chaos
maybe Tina didnt study anglistic…
Somebody’s gotta knuckle down once in a while. Generally it’s Phix who puts things in perspective- but Tina does it just as well!
Yeah, but she could have given them a couple of days to enjoy the glow before extinguishing it and squashing them like a bug.
Maybe old habits die hard with demons?
Anyways i think this is well timed.
Reminds me of my bartending friends.
Love their looks though! Poor M… 
They’re just so crestfallen in the last panel… yeesh!
Ha-ha! I love that last panel.
I think both girls know that Tina’s statement from the last comic is nothing but truth, they’re biting lips over it and beginning to fret.
Not only that. They may also just be realizing they have not been very good friends to each other by not doing the same thing Tina just did to the both of them.
Now that’s something I didn’t see.
No necessarily. Shelly may like Monica’s pixie cut (although the way M’s being drawn in thse two panels, I have to agree that it doesn’t look that good), and Monica’s assessment of Shelly was that she was glowing; which given she has no idea of the state of things between Shelly and Justin, was pretty much all she could assess. I’m sure if either of them had had something unpleasant to tell the other they would have. Just more gently.
Tina can still salvage things if she gives them good advice on hairstyles and relationships, and where to go from here…
SoWhyMe is referring to much more than the immediate scenario. He is suggesting that their relationship has historically been superficial and dysfunctional and they could have been much more honest with each other. Neither Monica nor Shelly have been very skilled in listening (witness the bartender Daren’s attempt to teach them: Monica with Katherine and Shelly with Heather).
Whoohoo!! Go Tina!!
I love her. She’s awesome.
Interesting phraseology there.
Almost as if she’s reading it from a manual.
So, from Tina’s viewpoint, she’s just … taking things to the next level.
Something I forgot yesterday. Tina Model 1 was a psychiatrist.
Yep. Kind of what i was thinking.
Maybe she’s hoping the Blue Fairy will turn her into a Real Girl if she does everything right.
… or hoping that Phix won’t turn her into lunch. Or maybe that was enough of a near miss to remind her that there are things that need to be taken care of while she and everyone else is around to do it.
None of the collective can remember Tina Model 1.
Now, I see why Amanda needed to join the team. She’s probably going to be called upon to teach Tina how to interact as a friend and help the others accommodate Tina.
None of the collective can remember Tina Model 1 – but there have been indications that the mindset and some of the inclinations persist, hardwired, so to speak, in the brain …
I think I’m with you guys on this one…
Oh snap! Tina has discovered the self help section at the bookstore.
I’d be pleased to have Tina for a friend…
Me too, but only because she’s a collection of demons and would be really interesting to talk to. If she were still the alive original Tina, not so much. Of course that’s all hypothetical with me as I would not be able to stand being in the same room with her in real life in any event .
Friend or no, I probably would have told her where she could put her perspective.
Right next to her Day of the Dead doll?
Quite possibly.
Finally. Finaaaaaaly. Fina ding don dally. Someone gave a girl with epic proportions the just friends news; a twofer at that. Now I can unleash my porcine Air Force, better upgrade those windshield wipers now.
Aw man, lost the poit picture. Boo.
coffee shops are supposed to help you face the day not crush you so you want to hide from it…
Exactly. Whether or not they are your friends, Baristas are supposed to be friendly at least until you get that first cup of coffee in your system!
Yes, but when they walked in they looked like they were already on their third double espresso…
“…bout as caffienated as i wanna be, and i’m sittin’ here buzzin’ like a cheap tv…” (Bill Kirchen/”Swing Fever“)
Her way of explaining things, and what she said yesterday, has got the phrase “autistic spectrum disorder” in my head. Then again, it stands to reason. Being subtle is instinctive to Nudge but living a full blown friendship is probably something none of the collective have had to do.
I wonder. Do demons consider certain other demons as “friends?” Do they pal around at the demon bar after working hours? Get drunk and make prank demon phone calls to angels in heaven?
“Hello, is this Gabriel”
“Why, yes it is, how may I be of service?”
“Gab, is your refrigerator running *giggle, snort* ”
“We don’t need refrigerators in heaven.”
“Oh … I mean, do you have Jack Danials in a bottle?”
“We don’t use bottles in heaven either.”
“Oh … I …”
“Wait a minute! Is this Doubt?”
“No … ah …”
“Yes it is, and I’ll bet your little buddy Panic is with you!
“No I’m not! … Shutup you little snot! You’re ruining …”
“Don’t give me that, I recognize your …”
“Damn, Doubt, I told you we should have called Luicifer. At least she’s got a sense of humor.”
“Why did you say, ‘damn’? We already are.”
You know, I wonder about that. Are demons in Hell, or just Heck? Are they simply creatures in their natural habitat, as opposed to beings who were condemned in some way and sent there as punishment?
So Tina is an Aspie? Cool! I like Aspies!
I finally looked that term up. Better than what I was thinking it meant (ass-pie)
Zing! The gals are going to have to look to someone else to blow sunshine up their behinds!
Also, how much time passed since we last saw Tina? Her arm isn’t in a cast anymore!
Tina has a point, but that does not change the fact Monica and Shelly need a new coffee shop now.
“Friend” my arse.
Life sucks enough that you don’t need “friends” who crap onto the few things you enjoy, especially when they do it in such a blunt and callous manner. And especially when they do it to the first few things that make one happy after a hard and arduous time like the whole calender deal.
Seriously, it’s the first time since then they’d been genuily happy!
Both Monica and Shelly would calm down on their own sooner or later and then reevulate what happened, until then let them enjoy themselves.
If THAT kind of “crush-their-happiness” is what they can expect of their “friend” Tina, both Monica and Shelly are better off to walk out and never return.
I agree. Friends should be truthful, indeed, but there’s a difference between being truthful as a friend, and being truthful as an ***. There’s no harm in liking a hairdo or feeling good about your boyfriend. People will say, “But it’s the TRUTH!” Quite honestly, Monica’s hairdo is fine and Shelly will become closer to her boyfriend when it’s necessary. The two don’t need a friend to dump crap on them and tell them harsh things. If they want that, they should read the comment section for the comics. :X
Tina is trying very hard to be “human” – something “she” only perceives intellectually.
Don’t give me that “life sucks enough” already crap.
If your happiness is so flimsy that it can be crushed by blunt and honest statements, you aren’t truly happy. You’re simply distracting yourself from your own unhappiness.
True happiness isn’t lack of suffering, but rather being at ease with oneself. Monica’s new hairdo may boost her morale, but it doesn’t make her any happier – she still doubts herself, she still worries about her sanity (or how others see her), and she still is a reluctant hobbit being dragged along on a dwarven quest.
Shelly is much the same. She’s getting her biological urges and wants fulfilled, but she’s still selfish, pig-headed, and childish. Her new boyfriend is making her “happy”, but not actually happy.
Granted, yes, M’s hairdo gives her a synthetic boost, but it’s shortness also doesn’t hurt anything. It’s also temporary, and it’s sacrifice is beneficial to others through the locks of love program. If you’re correct, her demons would have eventually caught up to her anyway, she didn’t need Tina throwing the bowling ball back in face.
Shelly, on the other hand.. I agree, she need a bit of a wakeup call.
Exactly! Much better said than mine. Although it burst their balloons now when M&S reflect on it later they will realize Tina’s wisdom and be much better for it. The longer one lives in self-delusion the worse it is when reality finally hits.
One can debate the issue of Tina’s tactfulness but her motivation and intent is absolutely to be a true friend, not an enabler of dysfunction.
Sweetie, if you can’t understand that, yes, some people’s happiness IS that flimsy – either because they’re ill, or because they’re dealing like a shitload of hard stuff, like an ill/dying relative – then you need a huge dose of that thing called COMPASSION. And maybe tact.
Live ain’t sunshine and roses all the way.
Compassion is the mark of a true friend. Not hurting others for the sake of truth.
Ah , that’s my girl Tina !
Aw , she said she considers them friends now .
I use the same phrase at times myself though before I give any comment/opinion or whatever, I let them choose between “bullshit that will make you feel better,” or “the truth that will kick you in the arse.” I think as far as friends go, I find it a disservice to give BS to my friends.
Tina, child, tact!
this would make a fine ‘poster’ to put at the head of the stairs. kind of a ‘fair warning’ sign upon entering my apt.
Wow….Tina’s broken arm sure did heal fast…
wow my friends are like this too
Well, they sure do look grounded alright…
Well, I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t care for Monica’s new ‘do…
There’s a difference between helping someone stay grounded and choke slamming them.
There is? Dang. Maybe this is why I don’t have friends …
I think this has a lot to do with the visit from Phix. Understandably, Tina is probably less likely to blow sunshine up people’s asses after that. That near-death (more or less) experience probably made Tina reevaluate her life (or whatever it is), so I think she has become more serious and focused about guiding Monica and perhaps Shelly, too. As far as Tina knows, Phix spared her because Tina was trying to be helpful to Monica, even though she stepped on Phix’s toes in the process. If that’s what she was kept alive to do, that’s what she’s going to do. You can kind of see how goal-oriented Tina had become when she talked to her Tina 1.0 doll. So Tina will probably in more of a “let’s get serious, we have work to do” mode for a while, I think.
That may very well be. We also must remember Tina has a history of dropping bombs followed a cheery smile so it’s not realy all that much out of character for her. She was totally oblivious of her faux pas at those times. I don’t think she is as oblivious this time though, yet still as clueless as to approach.
yes, i was wondering if this partially blowout from that encounter.
Looks like Tina is OUR Mouthpeice. Shes telling Monica what a lot of commentors have been oPINEing about. …. Did someone change the Desktop theme to this site???
Well, hair grows back, and lets give Shelly’s relationship with Justin some time.
I’d rather be clubbed with warm oatmeal, and sprinkled with toasted bagels.
As opposed to being warmed with clubbed oatmeal and toasted with sprinkled bagels? On second thought, TMI, either way.
Yum, warm toast and oatmeal-sprinkled bagels.
I think we may have to cut some slack to the Tina character in the comic. This IS a comic, after all, and things have to move at a different pace in a comic than the real world. So, as compared to real life, Tina may be a bit soon with her “advice,” but Paul needs to show it now for purposes of his story telling. It may be unfair of us to judge the situation as we might see things in our lives. At least on this particular issue.
Tina is so much like me, except that I’m not a collection of demons without a person at the helm. At least I don’t think I am, would I know if I was?
Probably. After all, Tina knows she is.
That arm healed awfully quickly, didn’t it?
Tina is my hero.
Tact. Tina does not have it. But now she may as well tell them that if they need external props like hairdos and one night stands with people they don’t know to prop themselves up they aren’t very strong people.
Or they’ve forgotten how strong they are…
Awww….calling Justin a one-night-stand is harsh. Shelly’s spent multiple nights with him (don’t ask me the exact number…I’ll leave that to eschmenk).
Besides, isn’t it a little contrary to the rules of a one-night-stand to stick around and work out or kill spiders in the home of said one-night stand (covering bases since I don’t know who was staying where in that series of comics)?
And you have all this familiarity with one night stand etiquette how?
Ok, maybe it’s not a one night stand. Still she is having sex with someone she knows little about, so their is little difference.
Keep in mind that Shelly hasn’t ever been good with relationships. This is basically a step forward for her. It’s hard to tell, but it could be that she’s tried to develop more of a relationship with him but is afraid of pushing Justin very hard. He isn’t good at relationships, either.
Both Monica and Shelly know they have issues, so it doesn’t seem that helpful to rub their faces in it. I don’t see anything necessarily wrong with propping yourself up, either.
BTW, I see that I have a reputation to uphold, but I don’t know how much Justin and Shelly have been together. I think we have seen them three times, but I’m assuming there may have been times we haven’t seen.
*shakes head* Aww, come on eschmenk! You can do better than that!
What’s wrong with the haircut? Sorry but honestly I like it better than the long hair. What’s up with the pyxie cut hate?
Personal taste at the very least. I have yet to se a good looking one.
Pablo, if you’ve modelled Tina’s personality on any real-life Aspies, then “Job Well Done”!
Oh thank goodness, Tina’s not broken. @_@’ Stop scaring me like that, Paul! They have enough to deal with fixing Jin….
And from the looks on M and Shellybean’s faces… they would very much please like their sunshine rammings back now?
I think that Nudge might be a part of Tina 1, since we haven’t seen much of this base personality. Perhaps, Nudge is trying to push the girls towards seeking something deeper and more meaningful to be happy about.
From what we’ve seen of Shelly’s new relationship, it doesn’t exist beyond sex, so the comment that she doesn’t have any greater connection to her new boyfriend is probably meant to give her perspective and to push beyond the physical interaction barrier.
I really disagree that a Barista is supposed to blow sunshine up your ass all the time. They should be polite but asking for anything else is a little much. Since Tina is their friend, she doesn’t HAVE to put on that facade. Why should she be denied the right of her (their) opinion because they are customers of her store as well?
Tina may have been a little harsh, but I can’t help it – their faces are hilarious!
Sure; look at Amanda and Shelly, they tell you like it is (mostly)