Connie-Lou Who? I love Nudge’s expressions, the concentration tongue in the first and the beam of pride in the second panel! I think this ranks as one of my favourite Wapsi pages so far!
Nudge is a trickster; I don’t think should could have not done that once the inspiration struck. And don’t you love her grin in the second panel? She’s gotten away with something and loves it.
Absolutely! Her grin is hilarious and so child-like precious. It captures the eye first, after which you find the top-knot. I can just hear her inner voice laughing! Also cute is her tongue sticking out in panel one. Just like a little kid in deep concentration.
Yes, I didn’t see the hairdo until I had done looking at that impish grin. At first I wondered if she was grinning because she had told Connie, but then I remembered that she said she had nothing to do with it. Unless she’s lying.
reminds me of the time I flew a paper airplane into my boss’s office from just outside the door. time elapsed between Brilliant Idea and Execution was bout 20 seconds. then I stuck my head in to see her her flabbergasted face over Unexpected! Paper Airplane! and fell over laughing in glee.
As noted, “Connie” = “Conscience”, as Creep Little Girl has called herself (as in “Shelly’s Conscience”), and what seems to be happening is Shelly is trying to figure out where Connie came from and her nature; and when they run into dead ends (as with Nudge), they engage in a lot of speculation and discussion.
but, um, demons *want* a lifespan?? its the quality of life, not the length of it!
( reminds Me of an old story about a guys search for ‘immortality’ , finding a guy who knows how, and then the man shows him the *bad* news… you get old and decrepit, but you cannot die!! )
.. or is it Connie ‘shorthand’ for getting a body, so you can ‘be among humans’ ??
But, surely they can first look over the ‘contract’ for this body/ lifespan/ whatever… ??
the deal monica has, where you get a full live body, and each demons gets to play a part, like doubt, fear, compassion, good & evil… ??
Is losing you ‘individuality’ worth not having to exit the shell for sleep, getting all of the crew co-ordinated so that things work together , including the squeeze back into the shell in the morning, remembering to switch on the ‘head’ lights, etc… you still have a ghostly persona, but the body takes care of itself.. :p
hehhe. I wonder what Connie thinks about it when she sees it. And if she doesn’t like the excellent work, would she be a hairetic?
Oh, and the lights behind them in the second panel gave me the shivers as they almost look like eyes watching them. Combine that with the line in the first panel, “Maybe they don’t know about it?” and suddenly it seems like the cat is out of the bag.
I’d normally think of those lines of light dots as being sunbeams coming in through the windows we see, and glinting off of dustmotes in the air. In this case, though, they’re coming from opposite angles, which doesn’t make sense for ordinary sunbeams.
Two suns outside the Library? Funky noneuclidian geometry? Oddly placed mirrors?
Or, not sunbeams at all? Thinking of Tsillah’s anomalous shadow, which turned out to be very significant…
No, they are definitally light bulbs of some variety. You can see it more clearly in the previous strip. Just gave me a yowza when I first saw them looking like spirits bunched up and listening.
Perhaps it’s not the sun, but I think those windows have been shown with light coming through them. I’m sure that other parts of the library have been shown as if the sun was shining through windows, whether the sun was causing it or not. FWIW, the real life George Peabody Library (scroll down) has a skylight, but I don’t think those are windows IRL. What Dave was talking about are regular lights IRL.
A large enough and negatively curved library would have dark spots no matter how many light sources were used, I think. But they seem close enough to do a good job.
Yeah, I think y’all are correct. Most of those lights seem to be part of two-bulb squarish fixtures on the end of each bookcase aisle. There are a few which aren’t in position for that, and seem to be views of the small windows on the exterior of the Library.
No creepy demonic eyes, I guess, unless they’re in the wiring
As to Connie’s reaction to her new “do”; look at Panel 2, and remove the speech bubble. I think that would be the scene in the mirror. =-] And definitely potential poster!
I Tried to stay up – but just kept dozing off . How nice to get up this morning and view the latest in the continuing saga that is Wapsiverse. Kudos Paul !!!!!!!!
And that smile definitely says, “Trickster at work!!!”
Love it! And I love what Connie did with her hair!
But I gotta say, Connie: sometimes nobody tells you what to do. Sometimes a person just happens to do what is needed, even when she’s not sure what it is she’s doing. After all, somebody had to be the first to achieve personhood, even if everyone after her was able to say, “Oh, THAT’S how it should be done! Why didn’t I think of that??”
There are actually two separate sorts of questions here.
(1) Did somebody tell Shelly’s demons to block Tina’s soul-exit-doorway, or did the demons make that decision on their own for some reason? If it was someone else… who?
(2) Did that person (if there was one) know that by doing so, the demons could end up fusing with Tina’s soul to form a coven-entity such as Connie? Did the demons themselves know?
Lots of possible combinations of answers here, and I think it’s going to require more information to narrow them down.
So is this leading up to Tina’s demons banding together into something like Connie? We saw last week that Phix was impressed with what could be a conscience forming in the Tina Coven, and thus she may not have to check up on her…i.e. a lifespan, per today’s comic. Thoughts?
Biscuits and jam with strong coffee in the confusion corner…
Ooh. I just came back from a dental appointment, so nothing for me for about 90 more minutes, but I’ll take a seat on the comfy sofa over here and stare off into space…
And, Paul has politely confirmed and clarified the distinction between “covey” and “coven” as it applies to a group of demons.
As someone alluded in a comment a few days ago, it seems to a question of whether they’re working together for a common purpose (coven) or are just hanging out in a flock (covey).
Connie is kind of answering her own question in panel one. Demons associate being a coven with the kind of punishment Tina 2.1 is suffering, only without the benefit of Nudge’s demigod boost. –I.e., you’re stuck in a rotting corpse.
Connie herself is a coven alloyed with a soul– but I suspect the soul has to be willing for that to take effect. That would lead coveys to attempt to persuade souls into all kinds of doubtful behaviours, which is pretty much what they do.
So I think demons know. But I think very few are ever successful. This may be one of the Rogue Queen’s big violations: using the Calendar resets to ambush souls with near-perfect knowledge of their every reaction.
Also, coveys may not always agree on joining together, but be in competition. Monica’s Doubt snarling, “They’re stealing my prey.”
And suppose only one demon fuses with one soul– a soul surrendering to a single demon.
O-M-G!!!I just LOVE Nudge’s expression in both panels!!!
Love her new hair style too!
I can’t really see Connie with the braid or braids in general. Maybe just the ponytail on each side that my sister used to call puppy-dog ears!
There was a little nudge who had a little curl
Right in from the middle of her chin;
When she was good, she was very, very good,
And when she was impish, how she’d grin!
I love Nudge’s expression in both panels – the tongue sticking out in the first, and the pride in the second. Connie’s reaction will be interesting.
As for the lights, they are clearly not sunbeams, as they are placed too evenly at the ends of the stacks. They do seem very bright for a library, though.
Being a shape shifter, Nudge seems to change her own appearance on a whim. Every time Paul draws her, we get to see a new version of his vision of our trickster.
(pays off the maitre d’vault with a 75-ohm mast-mount TV preamplifier, having a 50 – 1200 MHz bandwidth, .sharp traps across the VHF mobile communications bands, 1 dB noise factor, and a 40 dBm P1 compression limit… didn’t come cheap, let me tell you!)
For some reason others seemed to think that grin was because of the hairdo.
I read it as the cat who ate the canary in answer to the question “So who told me to do it?”
But, if that’s true, Nudge has just shown herself to be a complete bald-faced liar (and not a terribly good one).
In yesterday’s strip (only a few seconds ago, Wapsi time) it’s clear that Shelly and Connie have explained their suspicions and questions about Connie’s creation to Nudge, and asked Nudge quite directly what her involvement was. Nudge’s response: I have no idea what you’re talking about! Honest.
Would she be giving a cat-ate-the-canary grin about secret knowledge on that very subject… right in Shelly’s face… only two or three sentences later?
It may be, but I don’t buy it myself… Nudge is Coyote, a trickster and deceiver and prankster, but I don’t see her as having been portrayed as an out-and-out liar.
Nudge and Creepy must have become real friends in the Time-forest.
I only see girls letting friends play with their hair like that (or their moms). Conny even “leans” towards Nudge, so, she’s aware that Nudge is fiddling with it. As I understand it, it’s kid of a girl “bonding” thing..
Nudge is not looking smug like with Phix, but just happy, and a bit of pride shining through…….Interesting…
Why is everybody forgetting Phix in this, she clearly stated that she knows WHY Tina’s demons got punished: and when Tina asked her about it, she basically said it’s better to treasure her ignorance… and then later Phix implied that she knew what was happening all along with the “and i like how you turned out” comment, which is only possible if she knew what Tina’s personality was like BEFORE the car crash (and thus Tina 2.0/2.1’s creation), and subsequent maturing into the Tina we know and love today… again which is only possible if she knew what was going on with Shelly’s demon-fusion into CLG using Tina 1.0…
YES, thank you, I was scrolling and scrolling and scrolling in disbelief that she hadn’t been mentioned yet. My money’s on Phix putting in the fix on that one.
“So who told me to do it”
Enter from the right : Phix
-I did, I gave Shell’s demons a choice: being ripped to shreds by an apo, or be a home to Tina’s lost soul, with the added bonus that it will make you whole, and with a lifespan…
Hmm…y’know, with that hairdo, mischievous grin & general air of goofiness, Nudge strongly reminds me of…well, no need to name her. I’d expect the wrath of the Commentators to crush me into a fine paste.
Come to think of it, after rereading my previous comment about Shelly having 80k years to get used to Nudge … so has Connie.
Which is why she totally ignores her sudden hairstyling, this is probably not even close to the first time Nudge has given Connie a follicular makeover and so Connie pays it no more mind than she would a passing breeze.
Oops, no – meant to say Connie has had plenty of time, as in the 1500-ish years of the last calendar cycle, not the whole 80k since Connie didn’t come about until the last pass.
Dangit, how’d I miss that in my pre-post edit? >.<
No, you had it right the first time – This is Shelly # 57. When she entered the Time Forset, she discovered time flows backwards with regards to her home existence. She was there for about 80K years, and was visited by Shelly # 56 through Shelly # 2. (Shelly # 1 was NOT there; the first pass through history for Wapsiworld, all were unaware there was going to be a reset, and so there was no attempt made in pass # 1 to fix either the Calendar Machine or Jin,)
We cannot be sure that the Shelly that died from radiation poisoning was not Shelly#1. Jin may have been trying to fix the CM start when it tore her mother out of reality. after all, that moment is the point that everything recycles too on a reset. The first attempt may have been that first 12/21/12
Yeah not to long after I posted the correction I realized the correction was in error, not the original text – because I remembered a conversation somewhere in the archives mentioning how Connie being there from the beginning is what kept the apos at bay and bought Shellinx the time she needed to get powerful in her own right and able to defend herself.
Ah well. Just one more reason I keep a stash of Thin Mints hidden behind the CCC.
The last panel makes you wonder how much Paul liked the old animation work on the original ‘Grinch Who Stole Christmas’ cartoon. he gave a similar look to Jin in this one (
Well, in Paul’s bio he does mention being raised on Warner Bros. cartoons and Chuck Jones (directed original Grinch) was one of the directors of said cartoons… I suppose the crooked grin could be considered a trademark of his.
Nudge for the win –Connie Longstocking!
(just one stocking)
No, it is the Grinch and Cindy-Lou Who, who is no more than two! (Cartoon version Grinch, live action version Cindy-Lou’
Connie-Lou Who? I love Nudge’s expressions, the concentration tongue in the first and the beam of pride in the second panel! I think this ranks as one of my favourite Wapsi pages so far!
I stand corrected!
Link appears to be broken …. I just get a logo?
Action version? Humbug!
Everything is better with Boris Karloff.
It may not have been in the film but I flashed ‘Beetlejuice’…
I wonder what kind of reception she gets.
It looks like Paul is alright, thank goodness. I’ve never been awake for a brand new update before! Umm fresh.
I guess Nudge likes playing with hair.
As for Connie’s question, my rule has always been “If you don’t know who planned it, blame a past Brandi.”
I’ve had so many people want to do that to my hair. If I don’t guard it, it gets randomly braided but I think I would let Nudge do my hair lol
You and your Brandi hangovers…
[Rolls the giant penny from the Earth-1 Batcave into the pun vault]
Nudge is a trickster; I don’t think should could have not done that once the inspiration struck. And don’t you love her grin in the second panel? She’s gotten away with something and loves it.
Absolutely! Her grin is hilarious and so child-like precious. It captures the eye first, after which you find the top-knot. I can just hear her inner voice laughing! Also cute is her tongue sticking out in panel one. Just like a little kid in deep concentration.
Yes, I didn’t see the hairdo until I had done looking at that impish grin. At first I wondered if she was grinning because she had told Connie, but then I remembered that she said she had nothing to do with it. Unless she’s lying.
reminds me of the time I flew a paper airplane into my boss’s office from just outside the door. time elapsed between Brilliant Idea and Execution was bout 20 seconds. then I stuck my head in to see her her flabbergasted face over Unexpected! Paper Airplane! and fell over laughing in glee.
Then you cried as you cleaned out your desk. All the while your demons high fived each other, not believing they actually got you to do it.
Shelly’s demon has a name? Connie? When did that happen? I’m having trouble deciphering what’s happening here.
“Connie” is a fan-name for her; short for “conscience”, as she referred to herself in her first appearance.
As noted, “Connie” = “Conscience”, as Creep Little Girl has called herself (as in “Shelly’s Conscience”), and what seems to be happening is Shelly is trying to figure out where Connie came from and her nature; and when they run into dead ends (as with Nudge), they engage in a lot of speculation and discussion.
but, um, demons *want* a lifespan?? its the quality of life, not the length of it!
( reminds Me of an old story about a guys search for ‘immortality’ , finding a guy who knows how, and then the man shows him the *bad* news… you get old and decrepit, but you cannot die!!
.. or is it Connie ‘shorthand’ for getting a body, so you can ‘be among humans’ ??
But, surely they can first look over the ‘contract’ for this body/ lifespan/ whatever… ??
the deal monica has, where you get a full live body, and each demons gets to play a part, like doubt, fear, compassion, good & evil… ??
Is losing you ‘individuality’ worth not having to exit the shell for sleep, getting all of the crew co-ordinated so that things work together , including the squeeze back into the shell in the morning, remembering to switch on the ‘head’ lights, etc… you still have a ghostly persona, but the body takes care of itself.. :p
what d’ya think???
Somehow, Panel Two Nudge puts me in mind of a Dr Seuss page, for some reason.
…also, Connie seems unaware of what Nudge has done.
Nudge has VERY fast hands. As we saw when she waved them in front of Shelly and Justin faster than Shelly could prevent.
Sounds like a potiential poster.
hehhe. I wonder what Connie thinks about it when she sees it. And if she doesn’t like the excellent work, would she be a hairetic?
Oh, and the lights behind them in the second panel gave me the shivers as they almost look like eyes watching them. Combine that with the line in the first panel, “Maybe they don’t know about it?” and suddenly it seems like the cat is out of the bag.
I’d normally think of those lines of light dots as being sunbeams coming in through the windows we see, and glinting off of dustmotes in the air. In this case, though, they’re coming from opposite angles, which doesn’t make sense for ordinary sunbeams.
Two suns outside the Library? Funky noneuclidian geometry? Oddly placed mirrors?
Or, not sunbeams at all? Thinking of Tsillah’s anomalous shadow, which turned out to be very significant…
No, they are definitally light bulbs of some variety. You can see it more clearly in the previous strip. Just gave me a yowza when I first saw them looking like spirits bunched up and listening.
The lights have been there before. Notice that the windows are dark.
I am thinking that the Library is EcX-dimensional so it may not have a sun as such (or a universe either).
Dammed typos. I meant to put “Exo-Dimensional” Meaning outside of all dimensions.
Perhaps it’s not the sun, but I think those windows have been shown with light coming through them. I’m sure that other parts of the library have been shown as if the sun was shining through windows, whether the sun was causing it or not. FWIW, the real life George Peabody Library (scroll down) has a skylight, but I don’t think those are windows IRL. What Dave was talking about are regular lights IRL.
A large enough and negatively curved library would have dark spots no matter how many light sources were used, I think. But they seem close enough to do a good job.
Yeah, I think y’all are correct. Most of those lights seem to be part of two-bulb squarish fixtures on the end of each bookcase aisle. There are a few which aren’t in position for that, and seem to be views of the small windows on the exterior of the Library.
No creepy demonic eyes, I guess, unless they’re in the wiring
“outside the Library” ? well I suppose L-space has its own kind of ‘natural light’ whether that is galaxies, suns, whatever…
As to Connie’s reaction to her new “do”; look at Panel 2, and remove the speech bubble. I think that would be the scene in the mirror. =-] And definitely potential poster!
Do I need to pun-ish you for that Buggi?
*throws a few baseball cards into the pun vault*
I Tried to stay up – but just kept dozing off . How nice to get up this morning and view the latest in the continuing saga that is Wapsiverse. Kudos Paul !!!!!!!!
Nudge looks immensely pleased with the result xD
Nudge’s expression in panel 2 is pretty priceless!
I guess once a trickster, always a trickster.
Almost exactly my thought when I saw what she was doing. Her Coyote nature just has to manifest itself, one way or another.
Being around her for any length of time would be quite an experience. I gave a hunch that she’s the true secret inventor of the whoopie cushion
And that smile definitely says, “Trickster at work!!!”
Love it! And I love what Connie did with her hair!
But I gotta say, Connie: sometimes nobody tells you what to do. Sometimes a person just happens to do what is needed, even when she’s not sure what it is she’s doing. After all, somebody had to be the first to achieve personhood, even if everyone after her was able to say, “Oh, THAT’S how it should be done! Why didn’t I think of that??”
There are actually two separate sorts of questions here.
(1) Did somebody tell Shelly’s demons to block Tina’s soul-exit-doorway, or did the demons make that decision on their own for some reason? If it was someone else… who?
(2) Did that person (if there was one) know that by doing so, the demons could end up fusing with Tina’s soul to form a coven-entity such as Connie? Did the demons themselves know?
Lots of possible combinations of answers here, and I think it’s going to require more information to narrow them down.
Nudge, Thy name is Mischief.
So is this leading up to Tina’s demons banding together into something like Connie? We saw last week that Phix was impressed with what could be a conscience forming in the Tina Coven, and thus she may not have to check up on her…i.e. a lifespan, per today’s comic. Thoughts?
Biscuits and jam with strong coffee in the confusion corner…
Ooh. I just came back from a dental appointment, so nothing for me for about 90 more minutes, but I’ll take a seat on the comfy sofa over here and stare off into space…
Oh, and I like your theory. Especially if it leads to Tina 2.1 having less, um, unsettling sleeping habits.
And, Paul has politely confirmed and clarified the distinction between “covey” and “coven” as it applies to a group of demons.
As someone alluded in a comment a few days ago, it seems to a question of whether they’re working together for a common purpose (coven) or are just hanging out in a flock (covey).
Very fine word-play hereabouts!
And that you can be a coven of one! Whoda thunk it??
Connie is kind of answering her own question in panel one. Demons associate being a coven with the kind of punishment Tina 2.1 is suffering, only without the benefit of Nudge’s demigod boost. –I.e., you’re stuck in a rotting corpse.
Connie herself is a coven alloyed with a soul– but I suspect the soul has to be willing for that to take effect. That would lead coveys to attempt to persuade souls into all kinds of doubtful behaviours, which is pretty much what they do.
So I think demons know. But I think very few are ever successful. This may be one of the Rogue Queen’s big violations: using the Calendar resets to ambush souls with near-perfect knowledge of their every reaction.
Also, coveys may not always agree on joining together, but be in competition. Monica’s Doubt snarling, “They’re stealing my prey.”
And suppose only one demon fuses with one soul– a soul surrendering to a single demon.
What would that look like?
Interesting. Nudge’s hair changed again. Yesterday it was longer, then shorter, and today it’s longer again and clearly tied back.
I wonder if that’s an aspect of her trickster nature… even when she’s not overtly form-changing, you can’t quite pin her down…
Nudge likes her presents with a pretty ribbon.
Her smile screams “Acme Corp.”
‘Connies’ hairstyle reminds me of this one of Shellys.
I don’t think your anniversary message worked Doctor.
Go back in the TARDIS and try again.
I see what you did there.
O-M-G!!!I just LOVE Nudge’s expression in both panels!!!
Love her new hair style too!
I can’t really see Connie with the braid or braids in general. Maybe just the ponytail on each side that my sister used to call puppy-dog ears!
There was a little nudge who had a little curl
Right in from the middle of her chin;
When she was good, she was very, very good,
And when she was impish, how she’d grin!
Aaaaugh! delete that “from” in line two!
No prob – I read right over it. Creative!
Connie looks so cute right now.
I love Nudge’s expression in both panels – the tongue sticking out in the first, and the pride in the second. Connie’s reaction will be interesting.
As for the lights, they are clearly not sunbeams, as they are placed too evenly at the ends of the stacks. They do seem very bright for a library, though.
I thought those were sconces.
Don’t ever fall asleep in the library when Nudge is on duty. She’ll magic-marker your face.
Being a shape shifter, Nudge seems to change her own appearance on a whim. Every time Paul draws her, we get to see a new version of his vision of our trickster.
At least Shelly will get a better reception with that hairdo
Perhaps not the answers she is looking for but at least a couple of local radio stations 
Aha! You’re right… Connie is now channeling the “Aunt Tenna” character, from the old Channel Chuckles comic strip.
How very Keane is that!
Pun Vault? Party of one!
(pays off the maitre d’vault with a 75-ohm mast-mount TV preamplifier, having a 50 – 1200 MHz bandwidth, .sharp traps across the VHF mobile communications bands, 1 dB noise factor, and a 40 dBm P1 compression limit… didn’t come cheap, let me tell you!)
Monica, if not Paul, will thank you.
For some reason others seemed to think that grin was because of the hairdo.
I read it as the cat who ate the canary in answer to the question “So who told me to do it?”
Interesting take–and it could well be true!
But, if that’s true, Nudge has just shown herself to be a complete bald-faced liar (and not a terribly good one).
In yesterday’s strip (only a few seconds ago, Wapsi time) it’s clear that Shelly and Connie have explained their suspicions and questions about Connie’s creation to Nudge, and asked Nudge quite directly what her involvement was. Nudge’s response:
Would she be giving a cat-ate-the-canary grin about secret knowledge on that very subject… right in Shelly’s face… only two or three sentences later?
It may be, but I don’t buy it myself… Nudge is Coyote, a trickster and deceiver and prankster, but I don’t see her as having been portrayed as an out-and-out liar.
Awwww. Another amusing and fun theory shot all to hell by cold, hard facts.
And yet Nudge is *nudge* – that little push that sends you off in interesting new directions. It’s absolutely something she would do…
I read her expression as potentially both explanations.
In other words, Paul has given us another mystery to ponder, albeit a small one.
I wonder if Nudge is related to Schrödinger’s cat…
Nudge probably gave the idea to Schrödinger.
OH Nudge, she’s such a happy little puppy.
I can just see her tail wagging furiously.
I think Nudge is my favorite. XD
Please note that Nudge did this in front of Shelly. How did she keep a straight face…?
She’s had 80k years of dealing with Nudge … practice, lots of practice.
Come for the drama, say for the cute hair style.
Nudge and Creepy must have become real friends in the Time-forest.
I only see girls letting friends play with their hair like that (or their moms). Conny even “leans” towards Nudge, so, she’s aware that Nudge is fiddling with it. As I understand it, it’s kid of a girl “bonding” thing..
Nudge is not looking smug like with Phix, but just happy, and a bit of pride shining through…….Interesting…
Nudge may be bigger, but it looks like she’s more of a Little Sister than Connie.
Yes, it does, doesn’t it?
There seems to be some kind of bond between Creepy and Nudge, despite the fact that Creepy is a bit more than Nudge initially knew…
Now we know why she is called, Nudge.
Why is everybody forgetting Phix in this, she clearly stated that she knows WHY Tina’s demons got punished: and when Tina asked her about it, she basically said it’s better to treasure her ignorance… and then later Phix implied that she knew what was happening all along with the “and i like how you turned out” comment, which is only possible if she knew what Tina’s personality was like BEFORE the car crash (and thus Tina 2.0/2.1’s creation), and subsequent maturing into the Tina we know and love today… again which is only possible if she knew what was going on with Shelly’s demon-fusion into CLG using Tina 1.0…
YES, thank you, I was scrolling and scrolling and scrolling in disbelief that she hadn’t been mentioned yet. My money’s on Phix putting in the fix on that one.
I looked for an upvote button… [↑]
“So who told me to do it”
Enter from the right : Phix
-I did, I gave Shell’s demons a choice: being ripped to shreds by an apo, or be a home to Tina’s lost soul, with the added bonus that it will make you whole, and with a lifespan…
Or sumptin’ like that.
Wapsi is every bit as captivating as “Fringe”
And just as logical as Fringe is too.
Now that is just not nice to tease without a link!
um, google is your friend… :p
Ever the trickster, Nudge is.
Suggesting Tina’s soul was compelled by Jedi mind trick, you are? Mmmm?
Hmm…y’know, with that hairdo, mischievous grin & general air of goofiness, Nudge strongly reminds me of…well, no need to name her. I’d expect the wrath of the Commentators to crush me into a fine paste.
Come to think of it, after rereading my previous comment about Shelly having 80k years to get used to Nudge … so has Connie.
Which is why she totally ignores her sudden hairstyling, this is probably not even close to the first time Nudge has given Connie a follicular makeover and so Connie pays it no more mind than she would a passing breeze.
Oops, no – meant to say Connie has had plenty of time, as in the 1500-ish years of the last calendar cycle, not the whole 80k since Connie didn’t come about until the last pass.
Dangit, how’d I miss that in my pre-post edit? >.<
No, you had it right the first time – This is Shelly # 57. When she entered the Time Forset, she discovered time flows backwards with regards to her home existence. She was there for about 80K years, and was visited by Shelly # 56 through Shelly # 2. (Shelly # 1 was NOT there; the first pass through history for Wapsiworld, all were unaware there was going to be a reset, and so there was no attempt made in pass # 1 to fix either the Calendar Machine or Jin,)
We cannot be sure that the Shelly that died from radiation poisoning was not Shelly#1. Jin may have been trying to fix the CM start when it tore her mother out of reality. after all, that moment is the point that everything recycles too on a reset. The first attempt may have been that first 12/21/12
Yeah not to long after I posted the correction I realized the correction was in error, not the original text – because I remembered a conversation somewhere in the archives mentioning how Connie being there from the beginning is what kept the apos at bay and bought Shellinx the time she needed to get powerful in her own right and able to defend herself.
Ah well. Just one more reason I keep a stash of Thin Mints hidden behind the CCC.
(comfy confusion couch)
The people responsible for sacking the people who were previously sacked have been sacked.
The last panel makes you wonder how much Paul liked the old animation work on the original ‘Grinch Who Stole Christmas’ cartoon. he gave a similar look to Jin in this one (
Bring on the llamas! Or moose. Moose are good too.
Well, in Paul’s bio he does mention being raised on Warner Bros. cartoons and Chuck Jones (directed original Grinch) was one of the directors of said cartoons… I suppose the crooked grin could be considered a trademark of his.
My sister was bitten by an Apo…
Tonight’s random Wapsi Square link:
You know, I missed that Jaqui was hinting at Shelly the first, second, third,…fourth, um, fifth and the sixth time through the archives. :/
Wallpaper! XD
Nudge and Pinkie Pie; both random as HELL!!!
Last panel: She is so going to kill Nudge when she sees that hairdo!