You mean, where is the scene set? Hm. Well, where do we know that has cactus themed cups saying “mucho ha”, with sugar, straws, and misc stuff on what looks like a condiments bar, and outdoor tables and chairs in the background, and where Monica likes to hang out in the morning?
Those are some Brooke Shields eyebrows on that woman! Ok, let’s see if I remember… Amanda is the photographer? Pub owner is/was Darren? So this lady is new?
She’s a supermodel that Monica met through Amanda. Most people think she has an eating disorder to stay that thin, but actually she has a ferocious metabolism.
Interesting. I remember that I didn’t really like Georgette much during that story arc. I had no idea that Monica found her trying to deal with, since she’d been so star struck initially.
Yeah, that’s odd. I didn’t get a negative vibe from Georgette last time around. Unless Monica doesn’t like girls who throw so wildly at dartboards (or don’t like darts to begin with).
Hm. Going through the sequence of the bar’s photo shoot and the eating contest afterwards, I didn’t see much of a negative interaction. What was Monica reacting to, I wonder?
I believe that Monica held her in such high regard as a celebrity, that seeing her having such a chip on her shoulder about the very people that “kiss her ass”. It’s not major but she came off a little more odd than M imagined.
And I can see why! Here she is, fresh after just having saved the universe, helped heal the gaping wounds in the souls of her Golem friends, endured cranial stab wounds, and now…. Now… she has to endure a fresh new batch of projectile insecurities that will tangle up her life in ways heretfore unseen!
I had a close encounter with a semi early this week. The car is totaled, I’m OK and I used the down time to read Wapsi from the beginning. Thanks! Contributed greatly to the mental recovery.
You know, I’ve always found women who wear their hair down over one eye to be really pretentious. I guess they think it gives them a mysterious look. I think it’s just annoying. I constantly want to brush it away. Heck, an eyelash partly over my eye drives me crazy. I don’t see how they stand it.
I could have sworn that when I first looked at the top panel it looks like M is facing away and the cup is acually her left arm, I thought, “Whoa when did she get a tatoo?” and then I looked again.
Next time Monica finds herself facing down men with guns, she oughta’ bring Georgette and a bucket of darts with her. Better than a machine gun any day.
What sinister part does that cacti play in this storyline? Notice how it just sits and lurks, defying you to catch it as it spins it’s web of deceit! I know you’re all distracted by the caterpillar-like eyebrows, but snap out of it, BEWARE THE CACTI! Before it’s too late!
The look may be spawned by the qualifications for spending time with Georgette — not “You’re interesting” or “It was fun last time”, but “You’re not riding my coat-tails” … and yet expecting her to jump when she wants as if she is just another follower.
Methinks Georgette is a bit too used to the treatment, even as she derides it.
Ah. Now *that* I can see. Not so much “I have bad memories from last time” as “you’re being awful aggressive and/or presumptuous” coupled with relatively minor prior impressions.
M’s look is almost the look of self-disgust I get when someone suggests something fun, and I gotta mumble “No, sorry, real world suckage on the schedule from now til time to die,” Like she really hates trying to raincheck, but, doesn’t appear Georgette notices.
So where are we?
You mean, where is the scene set? Hm. Well, where do we know that has cactus themed cups saying “mucho ha”, with sugar, straws, and misc stuff on what looks like a condiments bar, and outdoor tables and chairs in the background, and where Monica likes to hang out in the morning?
Yeah. I realised that right after i posted.
Those are some Brooke Shields eyebrows on that woman! Ok, let’s see if I remember… Amanda is the photographer? Pub owner is/was Darren? So this lady is new?
She’s a supermodel that Monica met through Amanda. Most people think she has an eating disorder to stay that thin, but actually she has a ferocious metabolism.
Hope this helps:
Whoa does she look different. Character evolution! So curious to see what she’s doing now.
My guess is she rents herself out to scare small children on Halloween.
Ah, the return of Georgette — the only one who can put away more food than M. Excellent beginning of a new storyline.
I wanted to see Bud yell more crazy talk at policemen. I guess this will have to do for now.
This is what happens when you take a few days off to fix technology from an ancient, bygone civilization; the work never goes away, it just builds up.
Ah … back to interpersonal relationships …
And look! Monica has a new ‘do’! I noticed, and I’m male. Perhaps there is hope for me yet.
I would hate to be on the recieving end of that look of disgust.
Georgette didn’t leave a very good personal impression on M. I think that M would get along better with her sister.
Interesting. I remember that I didn’t really like Georgette much during that story arc. I had no idea that Monica found her trying to deal with, since she’d been so star struck initially.
Yeah, that’s odd. I didn’t get a negative vibe from Georgette last time around. Unless Monica doesn’t like girls who throw so wildly at dartboards (or don’t like darts to begin with).
Me neither.
Me threether…
I never really had an opinion on Georgette, either way. I just saw her as a one-time character, there and gone.
Hm. Going through the sequence of the bar’s photo shoot and the eating contest afterwards, I didn’t see much of a negative interaction. What was Monica reacting to, I wonder?
I believe that Monica held her in such high regard as a celebrity, that seeing her having such a chip on her shoulder about the very people that “kiss her ass”. It’s not major but she came off a little more odd than M imagined.
Ummm … i’d say if anyone knows …
That would be what is called in SciFI and other manner of narrative fiction as “WOG” (Word of God).
Thanks for clearing that up, I had wondered…
Ya have to give Georgette some leeway, fame tends to rot the soul even if you try to stay sane.
That look of disgust is truly palpable. Wow
And I can see why! Here she is, fresh after just having saved the universe, helped heal the gaping wounds in the souls of her Golem friends, endured cranial stab wounds, and now…. Now… she has to endure a fresh new batch of projectile insecurities that will tangle up her life in ways heretfore unseen!
Yay new plot line!
I had a close encounter with a semi early this week. The car is totaled, I’m OK and I used the down time to read Wapsi from the beginning. Thanks! Contributed greatly to the mental recovery.
Praise Mogg! Glad you’re still with us…
Oh, and yes, THANKS to the person on Pibgorn who mentioned Wapsi.
Good gracious! I’m glad to hear that you’re okay! Thanks much for the positive words and happy you enjoy Wapsi!
I’m sure a dozen others of us, including Fairportfan, mentioned it, but I’m the first one to say “You’re welcome.”
I think most everyone who frequents Pibgorn has mentioned in that forum that Wapsi Square is a cartoon worth adding to your favorites list.
That is–at least those who knew about Wapsi before they heard about it thru Pibgorn.
A forum board I visit a lot made up a list of fave webcomics, there’s a lot on there I don’t like but if you could use more reading materials:
Paul if you feel the need to delete this post go ahead, not trying to spam, just expanding on things to read in a cst.
You know, I’ve always found women who wear their hair down over one eye to be really pretentious. I guess they think it gives them a mysterious look. I think it’s just annoying. I constantly want to brush it away. Heck, an eyelash partly over my eye drives me crazy. I don’t see how they stand it.
That cactus on the counter is strangely reminiscent of McPedro the Irish cactus with the mustache in Girls with Slingshots. . . .
If we see a mustache on it Monday, I’m callin’ shenanigans!
Glad I’m not the only one who thought that…
I could have sworn that when I first looked at the top panel it looks like M is facing away and the cup is acually her left arm, I thought, “Whoa when did she get a tatoo?” and then I looked again.
does this mean we gonna be catching up on the older chars?
I liked georgettes character
Think was the ‘famous model playing darts’ that won me over ^^ – A four-year Chekhov’s gun… not bad at all!
Next time Monica finds herself facing down men with guns, she oughta’ bring Georgette and a bucket of darts with her. Better than a machine gun any day.
What sinister part does that cacti play in this storyline? Notice how it just sits and lurks, defying you to catch it as it spins it’s web of deceit! I know you’re all distracted by the caterpillar-like eyebrows, but snap out of it, BEWARE THE CACTI! Before it’s too late!
You’ve been drinking with the girls too much. Put down the slingshot and step away from the bar.
Ok, who had Georgette in the pool as the first old character to be seen once the Calendar machine story arc was over? Yeah, me neither.
Kind of funny. I clicked random button by accident instead of the calendar/comment button, and I got this:
The look may be spawned by the qualifications for spending time with Georgette — not “You’re interesting” or “It was fun last time”, but “You’re not riding my coat-tails” … and yet expecting her to jump when she wants as if she is just another follower.
Methinks Georgette is a bit too used to the treatment, even as she derides it.
Give that contestant a drink on the house! =)
Ah. Now *that* I can see. Not so much “I have bad memories from last time” as “you’re being awful aggressive and/or presumptuous” coupled with relatively minor prior impressions.
M’s look is almost the look of self-disgust I get when someone suggests something fun, and I gotta mumble “No, sorry, real world suckage on the schedule from now til time to die,” Like she really hates trying to raincheck, but, doesn’t appear Georgette notices.
Wow. M looks great in that turtleneck.
Put a fur hat on that cactus!
Miss V?
What does that mean?
V as in “Monica Villareal”?
I’ve been reading too much Girls With Slingshots. For a moment, I thought the cactus was talking in the first panel! lol