In related news, Flight 319 out of Minneapolis reported a UFO this afternoon. The pilot is quoted as saying “It missed us, but I could swear it was cussing the whole way!”
Colt would be better. Sure it’s thinner, but it’s got length, and handles everything…Demons, vampires, gods of alcohol, ghosts, immortal politicians, demons possessing your father
Is it really gonna be cordial when the officer shows up to investigate a gas explosion? Not to mention the required Fire Department callout, with ambulance, the fine and fees for the first responders should be less than $2,000.00. Unless there’s collateral damage……….
Nah, it was 72 yesterday and I’m only about a 3.5 hour drive from there. We had people out in shorts and T shirts when it hit 60. Spring is funny that way.
Yep. Yesterday, it was warmer here in the Twin Cities than at Disneyland. Today, we’re supposed to hit 75. Funny thing is, I noticed some stubborn snow-bank remnants still hanging out at the edges of the fence line in Roosevelt Park off Nicollet on my way to work this morning. I’ll bet they’re gone by the time I get home, though.
That’s a heck of a way to “clean” a grill……. I guess it’s especially effective in eliminating any infestations that took root while the snow was falling…….
Guess it helps that she’s such a good welder and such……. but why do I have a feeling that she’s talking about a firefighter and not a police officer?
I’m faintly jealous that Shelly’s arms are more well-defined than mine. That said, I hope that was a really, really long stick. I really don’t want my favourite character getting crisped.
She does this EVERY year?!? Geez. Given the size of the blast, does that mean she has to buy a new grill every year, too? And if this is an annual event, you’d think the authorities would start asking questions…
She should have gotten Bud to come over and flick the switch. The worst that could happen would be Bud’s clothes catching fire, which wouldn’t hurt her any more than the blast itself.
I have yet to do that to my grill, and I’ve had it for . . . umm . . . ten years now.
(Mind, my grill is part of my smoker, and I stoke it exclusively with pecan and live oak, which are not known for exploding. And I make it a point of pride to use no more than two lucifer matches to start the fire. Butane lighters and their ilk not allowed; that’s cheating.)
She’s a Comanche. Ma would do the outdoor cooking most of the time. Only used grilling utensils half the time. Any one with traditional Native American upbringing will tell you about the women just reaching over into the grill to turn meat over by bare hand. Down this way Comanches can subsist on three main things: Lots of meat, black coffee, and jalapenos.
Shelly tosses engine blocks, stabs her buddy in the noggin, and actually handles slipping in ice better than I do. ‘Sploding gas grills aren’t much of a challenge.
In college, I got to do work-study at the Blue Ridge Institute and Farm Museum (look ’em up! They’re a great crew.) When the farm museum (1800’s German Baptist farmstead) was open in summer, three lucky work-studies got to be in costume and cosplay act in character for homesteaders back then.
Very often I would use my hands instead of the tools when cooking over the open fire or in the Dutch Oven. After a while, you got to feel what temperature was reached. That turned out to be super, as I live in an apt. with a gas stove with no temperature gauge. I stick my hand in the oven, and can tell if it’s quiche-baking, cookie-baking, bread-baking, or meat-baking temperature, depending on how quick I have to yank it out again.
And yes, if I am too lazy to get the spatula or fork, I use my hands to flip stuff in the fryin’ pan. I should quit that habit, at least when my 4-year old is looking…
Uh, when she pressed the button, nothing should have happened. She didn’t turn any of the grill control knobs. Unless they’re all turned full on already, and it just wasn’t mentioned…
BTW, that’s some wild upsweep Shelly’s got on her hair in the first panel. Almost looks like she’s blown herself up already.
Wait…wait,wait,wait. Did she just PURPOSEFULLY cause her propane grill to explode, just to meet a good looking cop? WTF! Okay, I know she really wants to be in a relationship, but this is a little too much. Is that not “endangering public safety”? Of all the short sighted, stupid things she has done, this beats them all. Flaming pieces from the grill could have struck her or any nearby building. Maybe “Officer Tight Buns” will write her up, or better yet, the local Fire Marshal will.
That’s fine as long as the explosion doesn’t sever the hose from the propane tank to the control panel. Some friends of mine were grilling when the propane hose broke at a coupling and turned into a flame-thrower. They had to find somewhere else to live for 6 months while the damage to their house was repaired.
This is why they make Ramen soup. I prefer Top Ramen, myself. I also like to smash it up while still in the pack. That way I can eat it with a spoon. Add lots of cheap crackers too for bulk. Thirty cent meal (including the crakers).
Silly girl . Anytime of year , is grilling weather .
And/or , kids , don’t try this at home .
Sir, I completely agree.
As a sidenote: indoor grilling is not recommended
Yes. Anytime.
Is Shelly related to Roger Fox?
…and did she get that grungey cleaning the grill?
She didn’t clean the grill until the last frame. She pre-grunged herself.
Ah. Sneaky.
I’d say that grill is definitely clean. Now all she has to do is locate all the piuece parts and reassemble it.
Good thing she’s an expert welder.
If she had cleaned the grill already, then she wouldn’t need to blow it up to get rid of the mice nests!
Wait, what am I saying, who detonates a grill to clean it out in the first place? There have got to be less expensive ways to meet police officers.
Oh, that Shelly…
I was thinking Crankshaft…
We were just talking about “Mythbusters” and the bug bombs over at Pibgorn
Never seen Crankshaft’s grill-lighting ritual.
I remember one time Jason stuck his head out the door and said something like “Hey, Dad – NASA’a on the phone again…”
Crankshaft doesn’t have a ritual, per se, but on a good day he only burns down the back yard. On a bad day, the house catches fire as well.
No, Roger’s Grill explosions are much more vertical, and go “FOOM!”
She obviously didn’t check the linkage between the tank and the burner feed line.
That is NOT how you light a gri — ah. Oh. “Cordial meeting with sexy Officer Tight Buns.” Silly me.
Sorry, slow on the uptake this morning.
So is this called the Michael Bay method of grill cleaning?
Well, the mice are gone. Jamie, I’m gonna say this myth is officially [CONFIRMED]
Heyyyy nice grill you got there!
Thanks…. Wait, I don’t have a … no Wait DON’T!
In related news, Flight 319 out of Minneapolis reported a UFO this afternoon. The pilot is quoted as saying “It missed us, but I could swear it was cussing the whole way!”
“Another eyewitness said they thought they saw the word ‘Weber 4200 Gas-Master’ on the side of the UFO.”
Looks like a Charmglow to me.
Officer Tight Buns? New person?
My money is the same cop who tried to pick up Heather way back when.
That would be hilarious! ^_^
He wasn’t trying to pick her up; he was just talking hobbies over his gun collection.
*snerk* That’s cop-talk for “You’re Hot. Wanna go inspect my magnum? Nope… not talking ’bout the gun.”
Colt would be better. Sure it’s thinner, but it’s got length, and handles everything…Demons, vampires, gods of alcohol, ghosts, immortal politicians, demons possessing your father
@WilliamTheWolf , my fellow wolf
Length doesn’t make a gun better, it’s the caliber for ‘stopping power’.
Thats one way to get a date..why didn’t I think of that?
Is it really gonna be cordial when the officer shows up to investigate a gas explosion? Not to mention the required Fire Department callout, with ambulance, the fine and fees for the first responders should be less than $2,000.00. Unless there’s collateral damage……….
I find it hard to believe it’s already warm enough in Mineapolis for shorts and short sleeves. Unless you’re an animate clay doll.
This is the same girl who welds wearing a halter top, goggles and not much else. Hmph makes me think she’s really a fire demon or somethin.
] Phix is her paternal grandmother [SPOILER …]
Nah, it was 72 yesterday and I’m only about a 3.5 hour drive from there. We had people out in shorts and T shirts when it hit 60. Spring is funny that way.
Yep. Yesterday, it was warmer here in the Twin Cities than at Disneyland. Today, we’re supposed to hit 75. Funny thing is, I noticed some stubborn snow-bank remnants still hanging out at the edges of the fence line in Roosevelt Park off Nicollet on my way to work this morning. I’ll bet they’re gone by the time I get home, though.
Minneapolis springs are the bomb.
It’s going to be 75 degrees today!
Heh, I’ve done that. It was more fun then it should have been. Seriously, listen to Jim. Don’t do it at home. Go to a friend’s place.
Not that I know you that well, but we do have this comic in common.
Where do you live?
And do you have a grill?
I’m in Colorado, just follow the column of smoke and the smell of slow cooked wet rub pork ribs.
That’s a heck of a way to “clean” a grill……. I guess it’s especially effective in eliminating any infestations that took root while the snow was falling…….
Guess it helps that she’s such a good welder and such……. but why do I have a feeling that she’s talking about a firefighter and not a police officer?
I’m faintly jealous that Shelly’s arms are more well-defined than mine. That said, I hope that was a really, really long stick. I really don’t want my favourite character getting crisped.
Paul’s been getting much better at drawing them as muscular rather than just “large rectangles”. It really shows here. Excellent work!
Actually, I’d really like to see the boys on Mythbusters give this a shot! Laughter and mucho comments galore!!!
To make that comic hillarious, I’ll expect next comic to contain one butt-ugly firefighter and Shelly not getting what she wants…
She does this EVERY year?!? Geez. Given the size of the blast, does that mean she has to buy a new grill every year, too? And if this is an annual event, you’d think the authorities would start asking questions…
She should have gotten Bud to come over and flick the switch. The worst that could happen would be Bud’s clothes catching fire, which wouldn’t hurt her any more than the blast itself.
But then she’d have to explain a naked straw-blond college-age girl on her patio…
Bud would probably just claim she was worshiping a propane fire god and start chanting in gibberish until they left.
I don’t think the cops and/or firefighters would object…
Wow. She blew up her grill on the first click. Mine usually doesn’t go ‘boom’ until the third or fourth click. I hope she’s alright.
I have yet to do that to my grill, and I’ve had it for . . . umm . . . ten years now.
(Mind, my grill is part of my smoker, and I stoke it exclusively with pecan and live oak, which are not known for exploding. And I make it a point of pride to use no more than two lucifer matches to start the fire. Butane lighters and their ilk not allowed; that’s cheating.)
Welp shit happens. I’m sure she’s fine.
She’s a Comanche. Ma would do the outdoor cooking most of the time. Only used grilling utensils half the time. Any one with traditional Native American upbringing will tell you about the women just reaching over into the grill to turn meat over by bare hand. Down this way Comanches can subsist on three main things: Lots of meat, black coffee, and jalapenos.
Shelly tosses engine blocks, stabs her buddy in the noggin, and actually handles slipping in ice better than I do. ‘Sploding gas grills aren’t much of a challenge.
That’s the way I do it sometimes. It’s quicker. You just have to be quick about it to avoid getting a little singed.
In college, I got to do work-study at the Blue Ridge Institute and Farm Museum (look ’em up! They’re a great crew.) When the farm museum (1800’s German Baptist farmstead) was open in summer, three lucky work-studies got to be in costume and
I should quit that habit, at least when my 4-year old is looking…
cosplayact in character for homesteaders back then.Very often I would use my hands instead of the tools when cooking over the open fire or in the Dutch Oven. After a while, you got to feel what temperature was reached. That turned out to be super, as I live in an apt. with a gas stove with no temperature gauge. I stick my hand in the oven, and can tell if it’s quiche-baking, cookie-baking, bread-baking, or meat-baking temperature, depending on how quick I have to yank it out again.
And yes, if I am too lazy to get the spatula or fork, I use my hands to flip stuff in the fryin’ pan.
Uh, when she pressed the button, nothing should have happened. She didn’t turn any of the grill control knobs. Unless they’re all turned full on already, and it just wasn’t mentioned…
BTW, that’s some wild upsweep Shelly’s got on her hair in the first panel. Almost looks like she’s blown herself up already.
Yeah, I noticed the dials right after I posted it.
She’s dolled herself up to look like she was blown up.
There was an explosion, ergo, the dials were turned full on.
Dibs on Officer Tight Buns being one of the guys who was investigating Bud’s UFO!
Wait…wait,wait,wait. Did she just PURPOSEFULLY cause her propane grill to explode, just to meet a good looking cop? WTF! Okay, I know she really wants to be in a relationship, but this is a little too much. Is that not “endangering public safety”? Of all the short sighted, stupid things she has done, this beats them all. Flaming pieces from the grill could have struck her or any nearby building. Maybe “Officer Tight Buns” will write her up, or better yet, the local Fire Marshal will.
Just the lid. Those things are built like a tank.
Paul, you seem to speak from experience…is this your springtime ritual as well?
It’s not as much a ritual, I’ve just done it before.
Shelly isn’t married. Paul is.
Actually, if Shelly had a boyfriend or husband, he would probably think it was cool, too.
Darn, I should have asked Paul if he took a picture. Hmm, maybe that’s how he did the last frame.
So that’s how you and your wife met? I didn’t know she was an officer of the law.
That’s fine as long as the explosion doesn’t sever the hose from the propane tank to the control panel. Some friends of mine were grilling when the propane hose broke at a coupling and turned into a flame-thrower. They had to find somewhere else to live for 6 months while the damage to their house was repaired.
I think Paul just likes an excuse to use the Fireball Filter on Photoshop . . .
God, this just makes me think about how I’m hungry and broke. XD
This is why they make Ramen soup. I prefer Top Ramen, myself. I also like to smash it up while still in the pack. That way I can eat it with a spoon. Add lots of cheap crackers too for bulk. Thirty cent meal (including the crakers).
Mentioned before, but Eddy Crankshaft lives!
I expect to see the next comic showing her sans eyebrows.
Actually, I did something like that too, but with a car engine and TOO much gasoline!
“Your grill a splode.”
So, finally the question is answered! Yes, I would agree, I hope your son never does anything like this when he gets older!
Tis such a shame to do that to a nice four-burner Weber gas grill.
The only kind of grilling is with all natural charcole briquets and LOX.
Is that still on the Purdue HKN website?
Last I checked, Goble had to move it, but it can still be found, for example:
Notice (about 1:00) what happens if you try it with a cheap grill. . . .
Insert explosion sound effect here!
Ballistic mice!