New people, well researched in the subject (they might have saved both Daylla and Scarlet some distress if they had been around earlier), and one is a Bearer of the Spurious Apostrophe and thus someone to keep a very close eye on in the future.
There has been an inordinate infestation of teenyboppers in this comic over the past few years. I keep wondering what Monica and Shelley and Tina and Tepoztecal have been up to all this time.
Do any of the regular cast even frequent the square anymore?
Is Tina’s Cafe located on the square, or around the corner from it, or several blocks away?
Doesn’t any activity of any interest at all actually occur in the square itself, or just nearby?
Well, I guess the question I was circling around was whether Wapsi Square referred to the name of a place (like the titles of many dramas, especially UK ones, e.g. Coronation Street, Hollyoaks, Holby City, River City, etc.) or is it something more obscure?
Great googly moogly! NEW CLUB MEMBERS?! Have we seen these two before? Calls them Barbara and Mindy. (where’s Mork? sorry had to. ) I don’t remember them. did I or we miss something?
Hey, new people!
New people, well researched in the subject (they might have saved both Daylla and Scarlet some distress if they had been around earlier), and one is a Bearer of the Spurious Apostrophe and thus someone to keep a very close eye on in the future.
Right, the apostrophe in “its”. I didn’t catch that. Of course, I wasn’t on proofreading duty at the time.
But they’re overlooking that ghosts don’t have to all be from the same source mechanism . . .
Are they well-researched, or do they just read this comic? 😛
These Two are Para-Nerds, even AMONG Para-Nerds!
A pair of Para-Nerds.
What if two EMTs who happen to have physic abilities are called to the marina where two incidents need their attention?
Can there be an Au Pair pair o’ Para-nerds? or would that be a pair o’ Au Pair Para-nerds, or should I just pare that down a bit?
Pass me a pair o’ pears while I pare this down a bit.
Look like fresh fwechmens to me…
they’re coming for you Barbara… and Mindy. ~<3
ok, but — which is which? Maybe we’ll find out (virtual) tomorrow.
Look! There’s one of them Now!
Oh, wait. It’s only Scarlet.
More young children. I find myself questioning whether this comic is ….what it was. Are we going to get storylines following adult paras ever again?
There has been an inordinate infestation of teenyboppers in this comic over the past few years. I keep wondering what Monica and Shelley and Tina and Tepoztecal have been up to all this time.
Do any of the regular cast even frequent the square anymore?
Is Tina’s Cafe located on the square, or around the corner from it, or several blocks away?
Doesn’t any activity of any interest at all actually occur in the square itself, or just nearby?
Dangerous words. Last time I asked such things about… broader story development…. adult characters… I got torn apart by fangirls.
Well, I guess the question I was circling around was whether Wapsi Square referred to the name of a place (like the titles of many dramas, especially UK ones, e.g. Coronation Street, Hollyoaks, Holby City, River City, etc.) or is it something more obscure?
I’ve often wondered why most characters in WS refer to themselves as dorks. Those aren’t dorks. THESE are dorks.
Para-Dorks 😛
The shorter one kinda looks sorta familiar…
Shawna did post some flyers about getting new club members. These must be some of them.
Good question; who ARE these two geeks?
Great googly moogly! NEW CLUB MEMBERS?! Have we seen these two before? Calls them Barbara and Mindy. (where’s Mork? sorry had to. ) I don’t remember them. did I or we miss something?
Tags indicate that this is their first appearance ever.
so who is scarlet gonna get??
Doesn’t she already “have” Timothy?
Only if Timothy acknowledges ‘having’ her in return…
As someone who may or may not have slid into the space between spaces once or twice°, I’m inclined to agree with shorty.
°Yes, I know it sounds crazy.
I’d swear I recognize these guys… from the comments threads. 😛
Someone else to ship Hiroshi with 💘