Great, now they get Jury Duty. What a wonderful gift.
not unless they also register to vote.
Or get driver’s licenses.
Legal identities…the gift that keeps on giving.
Legal Identities… the gift that lets the cops know where you live.
Neither of those pieces of ID require an address, so no cops knowing where you live, but they do let the IRS know that you need to pay taxes.
Only if they can find your name on some payroll list…No job, no income, no taxes.
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Great, now they get Jury Duty. What a wonderful gift.
not unless they also register to vote.
Or get driver’s licenses.
Legal identities…the gift that keeps on giving.
Legal Identities… the gift that lets the cops know where you live.
Neither of those pieces of ID require an address, so no cops knowing where you live, but they do let the IRS know that you need to pay taxes.
Only if they can find your name on some payroll list…No job, no income, no taxes.