Pesky memories that you would rather not remember?
I’ve got a line of official Brain Bleach™ products on sale this week! And with a bulk purchase order I can throw in a supply of Inter-Cranial Sandpaper™ for free in your choice of classic sandpaper form or drill-bit configuration that’s compatible with all Dremel tools!
Well THAT is going to require some brain bleach…
Pesky memories that you would rather not remember?
I’ve got a line of official Brain Bleach™ products on sale this week! And with a bulk purchase order I can throw in a supply of Inter-Cranial Sandpaper™ for free in your choice of classic sandpaper form or drill-bit configuration that’s compatible with all Dremel tools!
Surely that should be, “he and the golden eyed woman” (singular)?
It’s easily done.
Brain bleach and therapy!
The song “I’m my own grandpa…” comes to mind.
I half expect M to say something about getting tired or familiar with this feeling of shock soonish
*sings* Goldeneyyyyyyyyyyye! Pu-rum-pum-pum!
Apparently, Jin has been around the block a few times…

57 times to be precise
Wow. Where’s that skepticism? Normally it prevents her from jumping to inadequately-evidenced-but-probably-true-anyway conclusions.
Also, this is number seven. On the lolist.
… Could that be Jin’s mother as well, we don’t know about her too much yet!