Back on “The Tick” [the live-action TV show version], when superheroes who weren’t born in any traditional sense of the word have to provide a date of birth for their superhero IDs, one character said something along the lines of, “One cannot know the truth, but to be as sure of the truth as one can be, there is only one way, and that is to lie.”
Couldn’t find a transcript online…I’ll have to dig out my DVD of the show to see if I can know the truth of what I said.
re: Castela’s Birthday- Even if she didn’t have an actual ‘birth’ as such (or she did but it is otherwise unknown) the folks who placed her in the Orphanage could/would have picked on for her while filling out the entry paperwork.
And if not, Kath would have; if for no other reason than needing to know which day to bake the cake on…
I was going to say 1960 for “Walk, Don’t Run,” but I looked it up. The Ventures weren’t the first or even the second to record it. It started as a jazz number by Johnny Smith in 1954, Chet Atkins covered it in 1956, but it was the Ventures who made it into the rock ‘n’ roll tune we know and love. But I agree with you, a good sound for this moment.
I just hope that Cass doesn’t have to be reminded that while that jacket is tough, it’s not as tough as she herself is. I’m just thinking of Castela’s first visit to the Canyon de Chelly, and a certain pair of boots! If you look for strips tagged the very first one is where Pickle punts the rock, and the second where she sees what it did to her boot.
“Look at that jacket. I want that.”
“uh-huh. Want to be jerked inside out through your asshole?”
“What? It’s a little girl.”
“Fine, just hold on a minute. I want to watch from a couple blocks away.”
A tween getting a Bad-Ass leather jacket from her personal hero- Priceless: For everything else there’s Mastercard.
This is a Kodak moment.
Also, add being called ‘Cool’ by her hero and well, you just can’t buy that kind of feeling
Cas, close your mouth; you’re attracting flies
Maybe she’s part flytrap…
I think she may have just broke her little stinkweed!;) Once she reboots, I doubt she’ll ever take that jacket off again…
I know this must seem an odd question…but how does Castela (or, for that matter, anybody else) know the date of her birth?
MIB knows. They always know.
They had the records the scientists that birthed her had. The Library had access to anything that has been written.
Back on “The Tick” [the live-action TV show version], when superheroes who weren’t born in any traditional sense of the word have to provide a date of birth for their superhero IDs, one character said something along the lines of, “One cannot know the truth, but to be as sure of the truth as one can be, there is only one way, and that is to lie.”
Couldn’t find a transcript online…I’ll have to dig out my DVD of the show to see if I can know the truth of what I said.
Could have also just been appointed one based on approximation, too.
Except they had to know so Castela could be placed in the paranormal orphanage when she reached her hybrid form.
re: Castela’s Birthday- Even if she didn’t have an actual ‘birth’ as such (or she did but it is otherwise unknown) the folks who placed her in the Orphanage could/would have picked on for her while filling out the entry paperwork.
And if not, Kath would have; if for no other reason than needing to know which day to bake the cake on…
Looks like it might be going off of the date she was adopted by Katherine. (July 31, 2013)
now start playing ‘walk, don’t run’ from the 50s…
nah, Bad To The Bone, by George Thorogood & The Destroyers.
“Boom Boom Boom” –John Lee Hooker
eh. COOL would be Green Onions. OR the Perry Mason theme. ( You cant HELP feel cool blasting that from your car stereo moving slow )
I was going to say 1960 for “Walk, Don’t Run,” but I looked it up. The Ventures weren’t the first or even the second to record it. It started as a jazz number by Johnny Smith in 1954, Chet Atkins covered it in 1956, but it was the Ventures who made it into the rock ‘n’ roll tune we know and love. But I agree with you, a good sound for this moment.
Strong cup of tea for Miss Gilchrist, Tina!
Well that explains the jacket she’s wearing in that later-teen pinup Paul did a long time ago.
I still need to buy one of the shirts.
I feel sorry for the first dumb punkass who tries to nick that…
…OK, not really.
They would deserve whatever Cassie does to them for it…But you still got to give them credit for having good taste.
O.M.G. Cassie NOW you are Officially a BADASS. Especially if she learns to ride a bike. But I can hear Mom saying “Ahhhhhhh, NO!”
I don’t think it’s POSSIBLE to have given Cas a better present than that.
Mind? MIND?! Except that I think she just lost hers, in shrieking girlish glee once she catches her breath. Damn, talk about weaponized squee.
At this moment, dogs all over the city are already howling in prescient terror of the squee about to be birthed
Not sure what broke her here, the jacket, or the assessment of being “someone cool” by her hero.
This Is SHELLY’S Jacket. This is favored livery bestowed by a Demi-Goddess.
Like I said before: Woe Betide the first stupid wretch that either decides he/she needs it more than she does, or talks shite on her for it…
“This is favored livery bestowed by a Demi-Goddess.” Excellent sentence. Just excellent.
you broke her Shelly… ~<3
Unanswered Question left hanging. Where is Shelly going to be?
You hear that? That’s the dog whistle grade squealing she’s doing off panel.
She might even have to be reminded not to shower in it
I just hope that Cass doesn’t have to be reminded that while that jacket is tough, it’s not as tough as she herself is. I’m just thinking of Castela’s first visit to the Canyon de Chelly, and a certain pair of boots! If you look for strips tagged the very first one is where Pickle punts the rock, and the second where she sees what it did to her boot.
Happy moon day!
So THAT’S where she got it…
First and foremost, a motorcycle jacket is never a hand-me-down. EVER! That is a passing of the torch to a new generation.
oh great shelly,,, way to add more grey to that streak of hair on her mother.
2 days castella asks for a motorcycle…
“That’s why they called her… Leader of the Phylum”
Okay, where are they that Pickled-stinkweed is wearing her ‘human’ eyes?
Um, check the tags, below the lower left corner.
Mucho Mocha.
“Look at that jacket. I want that.”
“uh-huh. Want to be jerked inside out through your asshole?”
“What? It’s a little girl.”
“Fine, just hold on a minute. I want to watch from a couple blocks away.”
“…You’ll pardon me if I remove myself from the immediate blast-radius.”
Yeah, that’s better.
Of course that comment was phoned in.
Far from the blast zone?
With a satellite phone.
“Hey, kid! Gimme that jacket!”
Moments later, Castela walks out of a smoking crater, jacket casually slung over her shoulder.
“Right, anyone ELSE here have a death-wish? Step Right Up.”
GOD Damn It Shelly!!
“I wanted it to go to someone cool”
That sentence is worth more than the jacket. ^_^
Is anyone else thinking of ‘gear jammer’ and ‘Bad to the bone’ by George Thoroughgood and the Destroyers?