Odd how Monica’s bras seem to go for the head when poited. Perhaps an attempt to escape the tremendous burden they have to face in their normal position, or the mantle of the Purple Mantis has been passed on.
Well, M’s boobs are almost as BIG as her head, so it sort of makes sense that that’s what it’d “go for” in the ol’ poit-blender….
Just as pressing a question: How are Tina’s “charms” still so far north if M is currently exceeding the maximum load test on HER over-the-shoulder boulder-holder?
Well, there’s not a lot of room in Monica’s shirt, so that gives a little bit of lift…though if it’s tailored to allow for her cup size, it’s possible that Tina wouldn’t be so squished. *ponders more*
I would expect a bra strap snap any moment. That could lead to serious injury. Possibly even fire a strap buckle right up through the floor making it hazardous upstairs as well.
Monica better not take a deep breath. Tina’s bra is not rated for that. The skirt Tina is now wearing doesn’t seem to be doing too well either. I’m watching a time bomb… there could be clothes everywhere.
Good thing she HAS a basement – can all you trekkies say ‘transporter accident’? Would have left the poor bakery girl to deal with the disappearances – provided landing ‘underground’ didn’t result in a glowing musroom cloud.
And I note for the record:: unless this is a flashback, I was dead wrong yesterday when I thought that M&T had briefed Amanda on the events in the Library.
So what was the “something” that Amanda talking about? A government? Does she think there is an organization like the Justice League? Maybe Monica told her that there was another device, something that could be used as a replacement for the time machine?
I suppose Monica could have poited Tina to Amanda’s place, then to the coffee shop, but that’s unlikely. Another thing could be that Amanda has some sort of ESP and just knew what happened without being told. But then, why didn’t she know about Monica’s powers in the first place?
Well, it’s also possible that Amanda and Monica had time to talk about the Library pre-coffee shop abduction. Afterall, Amanda got inducted into the supernatural waaay back when Monica had long hair. She’s had short hair for a while now.
It’s entirely likely that Amanda’s reference to “something” wasn’t anything specific. Her mind was just getting dizzy with all the possibilities…and the potential for idiocy.
Oh, yeah. That totally slipped my mind. But then I was distracted with cleaning orange soda off my laptop & bedspread, and blotting blood from when a soda-soaked, fat 17 lb cat launched himself off my tummy (those darn non-retractable hind claws). But, yeah, he also said “This is all your fault,’ when I cussed at him.
It’s the return of the Scarlet Mantis! (After the comic book tanks and corporate decides to re-image and re-issue) Anyone who thinks I’m kidding needs to check out DC’s proposed re-re-launch of Superman’s origin story (Supah in da Hood……….)
transfiguration class _as well_ as learning to apparpoit??
(oh, hello all! been reading silently for a while but new to posting here!) Wonderful comic, which I’m treating as a birthday pressie thanks!!! even if i ony got to check it today rather than yesterday
Paul confirmed that it’s a choker, but I think there is only one. I assume that sometimes Paul just doesn’t draw the detail.
Perhaps Monica can’t imagine Tina without the choker. To Monica, it might be as if the choker is part of her. Supposedly a person can’t poit to a place they have never seen, so maybe it was impossible for Monica to create the situation where Tina didn’t have it.
She might be biologically alive, despite her original “self” being gone. I mean, she broke her arm and got a cast, and then a short time later her arm was repaired. Was that repair magical, demonic, or perhaps biological?
*points to D. Walker’s response* I was going to reference that situation and point out that if she had no vital signs, the doctors who put her in the cast would likely have flipped.
Since Tina mentions that Monica’s bra feels like a military helmet, it must also provide the protection as well seeing as an engineer designed and built it
Considering Monica’s POITing skills, Tina should probably be glad for the additional protection. I predict this comic will be the death of many keyboards as people read this with their morning drink of choice.
The worst thing is, they probably swapped each other’s panties as well (assuming both, or either, were wearing them). Imagine putting on someone elses used panties. Especially Tina’s as they recently had extra reason to be “soiled” in the first place.
Eww. Thanks for pointing that out. Let’s cling to the hope that they both went commando (though I don’t think Monica would do that with such a short skirt).
Except Tina doesn’t actually function as a human (remember how she “sleeps”?), so I think it’s very likely that her undies are only there because they SHOULD be, not because they need to be.
Tina eats pizza for sure; we saw her doing it once. Just after meeting Phix for the first time, we next saw her coming out of the ladies’ room at Mucha Mocha — though that may have only been because of her recent brush with Death By Sphinx (or even because she was just cleaning in there). And ISTR that Mr. Taylor said that Tina doesn’t so much sleep as have a little lie-down for eight hours at a stretch.
You know, everyone has commented on how Monica shouldn’t be able to breathe in Tina’s bra (which is not entirely true since breast squishage is fine, the problem for breathing would be binding around the ribs…ask anyone who’s taped their breasts down or worn a corset).
However, no one has commented on how dreadully uncomfortable Monica’s little clothes must be feeling on Tina. Personally, I can’t stand anything that cuts in like that shirt and skirt seem to be. I can handle it for maybe one minute before trying to peel the “too small” stuff off.
I was wondering about the bra straps as well – if Tina was wearing a halter bra like that all the time, how come her bra straps didn’t show in her low neckline?
Ah, didn’t update. But speaking of straps, Paul did something interesting with the straps on Nudge’s dress in the art that he is auctioning. I guess she won’t have to worry about them slipping, anyway.
I wonder how many people were thinking about the buttons and didn’t want to say anything. It’s also interesting reading Julie’s comment and comparing it to the comments probably written by guys.
Well…in their defense, cleavage is highly intriguing and attractive to loads of guys (and girls). However, as a chesty lady I see it often enough to barely notice when it’s on display in an unintentional way (at least, unintentional on the parts of Mon and Tina).
On the other hand, I’m highly aware of comfort and constriction issues with clothing…for the same reason I didn’t zoom in on Monica’s chest and stay glued there. Experience, my friends. Perspective is just a matter of personal experience.
As long as she doesn’t make any sudden or exaggerated moves, they’ll probably hold for a while. They’ll be a bit tired and probably even stretched a little from their usual positions when she takes off the shirt though.
The real question is what kind of lasting stretch damage has Monica done to Tina’s bra??
peeps seem to forget, Monica’s ‘band size’ is a lot smaller than Tina’s !!
So I dont think there would be any problem, except for the overflowing…. AFAIR, Monica did try poiting her bra on/off before, but it ‘landed’ on her head …
True! I hadn’t even noticed that yet. Monica’s rocking the “I. Am. SO. Good!” pose, and Tina’s a bit more on the “Uhhhh…this isn’t quite right…” side of things.
Actually, i don’t think so – terminal velocity is the velocity at which the applied driving force equals resistance. I think you’re considering terminal velocity of a falling button.
I keep flashing on that scene in the old BBC HitchhikersGuide tv series where the scientists are testing the Infinite Improbability Generator that makes all the women’s brassieres jump three feet to the right at party time…
I noticed that Monica said, “return landing.” She’s managed to poit alone and with Shelly and Katherine to the library with no problems, but I don’t think we have seen her return with anyone before and some of the solo returns have been messed up. Maybe she tends to think too much about what just happened there to poit away correctly.
Take a look at trinas waist then look away and look again to her .. she is wearing a really thin corset right now that wasnt meant to be one, Just waiting to explode,
Does anyone remember that w-way- back when, M asked Amanda if she thought she needed a push up bra? Well, this answers the question of how she’d look in one. Although with the push up there’d be a a chance of accidentally suffucoating herself if looked down lol
Ohhh… I could probably say one of the best Wapsi strips ever.
Paul is having sooo much fun with this…
Definitely! It’s my new official Favorite #4.
“Paul is having sooo much fun with this…” That should be what Tina says in the word bubble.
Agreed. That’s a keeper.
yep…at work…Laughed right out loud!
ShadO, have I ever mentioned that your avatar is probably my favorite?
Hold that pose, Ladies!
Took me a second to realize that not only have they switched bras but entire outfits as well. I wonder what distracted me from noticing that?
Odd how Monica’s bras seem to go for the head when poited. Perhaps an attempt to escape the tremendous burden they have to face in their normal position, or the mantle of the Purple Mantis has been passed on.
umm … Crimson Mantis.
Well, M’s boobs are almost as BIG as her head, so it sort of makes sense that that’s what it’d “go for” in the ol’ poit-blender….
Just as pressing a question: How are Tina’s “charms” still so far north if M is currently exceeding the maximum load test on HER over-the-shoulder boulder-holder?
Well, there’s not a lot of room in Monica’s shirt, so that gives a little bit of lift…though if it’s tailored to allow for her cup size, it’s possible that Tina wouldn’t be so squished. *ponders more*
…How is Monica even BREATHING in Tina’s…. nevermind. Just everyone be glad that she wasn’t poiting around with Kevin or something…
I would expect a bra strap snap any moment. That could lead to serious injury. Possibly even fire a strap buckle right up through the floor making it hazardous upstairs as well.
Monica better not take a deep breath. Tina’s bra is not rated for that. The skirt Tina is now wearing doesn’t seem to be doing too well either. I’m watching a time bomb… there could be clothes everywhere.
I’m very impressed at how well Tina is filling Monica’s shirt, even without a bra.
Cross dressers .
If she reversed their clothes as well, would that be Kris Kross dressers?
Kriss Kross gonna make you poit! poit!
Hah ! That takes me back .
Awesome. You are my hero.
Women borrow clothes all the time.
But usually they fit better than this…
BTW, I think that was the real magic of the “Traveling Pants”–that they could fit four such different girls without needing alteration.
Does Tina have a mirror in her basement?
Probably not, but I’ll bet even the Day of the Dead doll is probably laughing right now.
Good thing she HAS a basement – can all you trekkies say ‘transporter accident’? Would have left the poor bakery girl to deal with the disappearances – provided landing ‘underground’ didn’t result in a glowing musroom cloud.
Probably closer to the Ferengi transporters — those have a mode to remove the clothing from females.
only from females???
I guess because the designers were male Ferengi pigs.
Oh, God, my ribs hurt!
That’s what Monica Said!!!
And I note for the record:: unless this is a flashback, I was dead wrong yesterday when I thought that M&T had briefed Amanda on the events in the Library.
So what was the “something” that Amanda talking about? A government? Does she think there is an organization like the Justice League? Maybe Monica told her that there was another device, something that could be used as a replacement for the time machine?
I suppose Monica could have poited Tina to Amanda’s place, then to the coffee shop, but that’s unlikely. Another thing could be that Amanda has some sort of ESP and just knew what happened without being told. But then, why didn’t she know about Monica’s powers in the first place?
I wonder if Paul will provide us with the answer.
Blessed if I know. I reasoned ahead of data, so this time I’ll wait and see.
Well, it’s also possible that Amanda and Monica had time to talk about the Library pre-coffee shop abduction. Afterall, Amanda got inducted into the supernatural waaay back when Monica had long hair. She’s had short hair for a while now.
Well, I was also thinking that Monica may have been looking for another device to fix Jin. She could have mentioned that to Amanda. Or who knows what?
It’s entirely likely that Amanda’s reference to “something” wasn’t anything specific. Her mind was just getting dizzy with all the possibilities…and the potential for idiocy.
hot HOT HOT!!!
Aaand now I’ll have Chris Tucker’s Ruby Rhod-isms stuck in my head the rest of the day.
So Tina, since you know what a helmet feels like…
…are you nervous in the service?
…And let a thousand fanfic flowers bloom.
crap. just snorted orange soda out my nose and on my cat.
HA!! That visual made me laugh almost as much as the comic itself. XD
Must. Not. Attract. Co-worker. Attention.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh my…I seriously would love to see a picture of your cat right now…
I find a squirt bottle of water to be cheaper and more accurate.
And easier on the sinuses.
I hope you followed Sinfest in the last week or so, which featured such a bottle. (“Nooooo! Not the cat-wetterizer!”)
Oh, yeah. That totally slipped my mind. But then I was distracted with cleaning orange soda off my laptop & bedspread, and blotting blood from when a soda-soaked, fat 17 lb cat launched himself off my tummy (those darn non-retractable hind claws). But, yeah, he also said “This is all your fault,’ when I cussed at him.
Yep. However, my wife and i (and my step-daughter, for that matter) thought it ought be the “Cat Wetinator”…
(Another fine product of Doofenschmirtz Evil Incorporated…)
(O.O) ——>( . Y . )
Ouch. I had GWS before my inner eye: “booooobbieees!”
That storyline seems to have died – sort of resolved, but…
I guess body parts must poit on “automatic” (not according to the ability of the poiter) so we don’t end up with “The Fly” kind of swaps.
It’s the return of the Scarlet Mantis! (After the comic book tanks and corporate decides to re-image and re-issue) Anyone who thinks I’m kidding needs to check out DC’s proposed re-re-launch of Superman’s origin story (Supah in da Hood……….)
Let me rephrase – Superman comics have not tanked, but they are gonna do some kind of updated origin like the one I allude to above.
As per SoWhyMe – Crimson Mantis…..
That was bloody brilliant!
Next up: Tina’s Bra inflicts Oxygen Deprivation on Monica for +15 points of Suffocation.
Why, thank you for that assessment, Mr. Wolf.
transfiguration class _as well_ as learning to apparpoit??
(oh, hello all! been reading silently for a while but new to posting here!) Wonderful comic, which I’m treating as a birthday pressie
thanks!!! even if i ony got to check it today rather than yesterday
Two horrible words, “Rope Burns”
Odd Question: Why didn’t Tina’s choker move?
Mebe it’s a choker tattoo?
No, it’s a real choker. She changes them out from time to time, and doesn’t wear them to bed.
Paul confirmed that it’s a choker, but I think there is only one. I assume that sometimes Paul just doesn’t draw the detail.
Perhaps Monica can’t imagine Tina without the choker. To Monica, it might be as if the choker is part of her. Supposedly a person can’t poit to a place they have never seen, so maybe it was impossible for Monica to create the situation where Tina didn’t have it.
I still think it has some Significance.
Paul did allege, a while back, that Tina found it in a thrift shop or suchlike and just liked it…
Perhaps that is how her head stays on?
Monica asked that before I think….don’t have time to dig up that comic…
That’s my answer, though. It’s an ordinary choker on the outside, but it covers the duct tape that holds Tina’s head on.
Maybe because M wasn’t wearing any sort of necklace? Seems they both had each thing swapped…
Ah. Now that makes sense…
1. Monica’s ruffled hair is super cute
2. Is it wrong that I want to pinch Tina’s adorable belly pooch?
Only because she is a walking corpse
Arguably, we don’t know much about her vitals.
She might be biologically alive, despite her original “self” being gone. I mean, she broke her arm and got a cast, and then a short time later her arm was repaired. Was that repair magical, demonic, or perhaps biological?
Mostly it was just fast…
*points to D. Walker’s response* I was going to reference that situation and point out that if she had no vital signs, the doctors who put her in the cast would likely have flipped.
Since Tina mentions that Monica’s bra feels like a military helmet, it must also provide the protection as well seeing as an engineer designed and built it
Considering Monica’s POITing skills, Tina should probably be glad for the additional protection. I predict this comic will be the death of many keyboards as people read this with their morning drink of choice.
I most carefully put the coffee aside before opening Wapsi Square.
I have Learned The Hard Way.
Me too Fatuncle, me too.
i prefer tina’s clothing better on Monica than Monica’s clothing.
even if the top is abit too low for monica to be able to wear properly
This is the best Wapsi strips ever, Paul Taylor !
Ow ow ow… can’t stop laughing… ribs hurt… ow ow!
Best.Poit.EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD LOL
The worst thing is, they probably swapped each other’s panties as well (assuming both, or either, were wearing them). Imagine putting on someone elses used panties. Especially Tina’s as they recently had extra reason to be “soiled” in the first place.
Eww. Thanks for pointing that out. Let’s cling to the hope that they both went commando (though I don’t think Monica would do that with such a short skirt).
Except Tina doesn’t actually function as a human (remember how she “sleeps”?), so I think it’s very likely that her undies are only there because they SHOULD be, not because they need to be.
i wonder if she eats, drinks or poops. least in our sences of the word.
her body sleeps as in the demons vacate it but the other bits?
Tina eats pizza for sure; we saw her doing it once. Just after meeting Phix for the first time, we next saw her coming out of the ladies’ room at Mucha Mocha — though that may have only been because of her recent brush with Death By Sphinx (or even because she was just cleaning in there). And ISTR that Mr. Taylor said that Tina doesn’t so much sleep as have a little lie-down for eight hours at a stretch.
Cue Art Jackson’s panel “Button Death” in 5, 4, 3…
You know, everyone has commented on how Monica shouldn’t be able to breathe in Tina’s bra (which is not entirely true since breast squishage is fine, the problem for breathing would be binding around the ribs…ask anyone who’s taped their breasts down or worn a corset).
However, no one has commented on how dreadully uncomfortable Monica’s little clothes must be feeling on Tina. Personally, I can’t stand anything that cuts in like that shirt and skirt seem to be. I can handle it for maybe one minute before trying to peel the “too small” stuff off.
The Demon Horde (-1) might not realize how constricting it is at the moment.
And I *do* wonder how M didn’t end up with Tina’s choker around her neck.
Yeah, I wondered about the choker, too. Also, why would Tina’s bra straps connect behind Monica’s neck?
Maybe Tina was too distracted about having someone else’s bra on her head to notice the clothing being too small.
I was wondering about the bra straps as well – if Tina was wearing a halter bra like that all the time, how come her bra straps didn’t show in her low neckline?
Tina wears Convertible Butterfly Bras: http://www.biggerbras.com/dominique-bridal-bras-full-figure-bras/dominique-convertible-multi-function-butterfly-bra-5000.shtml
OK – that’s clever. So the *poit* didn’t just interchange their clothes, it converted Tina’s bra straps in the process…
So the bra not only got relocated, it must have been converted (straps relocated) during the poit. Tina wasn’t wearing it like that.
Ah, didn’t update. But speaking of straps, Paul did something interesting with the straps on Nudge’s dress in the art that he is auctioning. I guess she won’t have to worry about them slipping, anyway.
FWIW, I was going to comment on that, but you beat me to it…that said, I’m wondering how long those poor buttons are going to last…
I wonder how many people were thinking about the buttons and didn’t want to say anything.
It’s also interesting reading Julie’s comment and comparing it to the comments probably written by guys.
Yes, well…er…um…ah…I…
well, you know what I’m trying to say…
Well…in their defense, cleavage is highly intriguing and attractive to loads of guys (and girls). However, as a chesty lady I see it often enough to barely notice when it’s on display in an unintentional way (at least, unintentional on the parts of Mon and Tina).
On the other hand, I’m highly aware of comfort and constriction issues with clothing…for the same reason I didn’t zoom in on Monica’s chest and stay glued there.
Experience, my friends. Perspective is just a matter of personal experience.
As long as she doesn’t make any sudden or exaggerated moves, they’ll probably hold for a while.
They’ll be a bit tired and probably even stretched a little from their usual positions when she takes off the shirt though.
The real question is what kind of lasting stretch damage has Monica done to Tina’s bra??
peeps seem to forget, Monica’s ‘band size’ is a lot smaller than Tina’s !!
So I dont think there would be any problem, except for the overflowing…. AFAIR, Monica did try poiting her bra on/off before, but it ‘landed’ on her head …
She’s good at the poiting off, it’s the poiting ON that she’s had trouble with (see my icon for reference).
“Poiting off”? Is that what they call it?
Is poiting more fun than jilling?
Awww…you’re terrible!
It’s twice as good when you go back to Last week Friday’s comic.
“Actually, Captain, it was cross-circuiting to B that worked…”
That is a new look for you Monica…I like it.
Funny stuff…Speaking of Wardrobe Malfunctions…. Could be worse.they could be …MONICINA!
LMAO! Oh my. I love Tina’s expression & posture. So much said in the body language of both of them!
True! I hadn’t even noticed that yet. Monica’s rocking the “I. Am. SO. Good!” pose, and Tina’s a bit more on the “Uhhhh…this isn’t quite right…” side of things.
Well done Pablo Wapsi! Well done!
One deep breath from Tina and we’ll see the first ever transonic shirt button incident!
The terminal velocity of a button prevents transonic speed.
God, I am such a nerd.
Actually, i don’t think so – terminal velocity is the velocity at which the applied driving force equals resistance. I think you’re considering terminal velocity of a falling button.
Put several newtons instantaneously behind it, giving a near-infinite impulse…
Larger view.
What a way to go…
Wait; If Monica still has her bra on, (the black one) then whose is that? :-/
No, Monica is wearing Tina’s bra now.
Captain, these straps cannae take the strain…
Never mind the straps. What about her flesh and bones???
Meh…Tina’s clothes are a little big on Monica. Her flesh and bones are probably fine.
I keep flashing on that scene in the old BBC HitchhikersGuide tv series where the scientists are testing the Infinite Improbability Generator that makes all the women’s brassieres jump three feet to the right at party time…
I noticed that Monica said, “return landing.” She’s managed to poit alone and with Shelly and Katherine to the library with no problems, but I don’t think we have seen her return with anyone before and some of the solo returns have been messed up. Maybe she tends to think too much about what just happened there to poit away correctly.
I was thinking the same thing (about the return to origin being her only real issue). You may very well have a good idea there as to why, too.
At least until Paul swoops in and shows us something that proves we’re so far off base we aren’t even in the same baseball field.
I’m going to print this one out as a poster!
Unlike She-Hulk’s dainties, webcomic undies aren’t protected by the Comics Code Authority.
Neither are She-Hulk’s for many years.
I love this one I laughed so hard I cried.
But how can Monica even breath in that thing
I lost my Dietzel Avatar :'(
Fortunately (?), neither of the ladies seem to have reacted yet to the cold basement air…
But it was fortunate that Tina had left the light on.
More like 2 helmets.
How come M hasn’t been Garroted by Tina’s bra???
Wouldn’t a garrote wrap all the way around the neck? Or is one side sufficient?
Take a look at trinas waist then look away and look again to her .. she is wearing a really thin corset right now that wasnt meant to be one,
Just waiting to explode,
Somehow, this seems like a logical place (one of two – Pibgorn being the other) to share this:
Japan bra maker seeks to lift tourism during APEC meet…
And, if you just wonder what it looks like:
cue baker girl coming downstairs and wondering WTH they’ve been up to… coming to an instant conclusion, smirking and walking away
Does anyone remember that w-way- back when, M asked Amanda if she thought she needed a push up bra? Well, this answers the question of how she’d look in one. Although with the push up there’d be a a chance of accidentally suffucoating herself if looked down lol
It only proves how BRA-d minded Tina is!