Edit: Season’s greetings to you and your family, and may the new year be (much) better than this one . . .
(It’s a curse, being unable to edit your original post . . .)
And a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too Paul! The same to all out there in this wonderful world, be you Christian or not, may this season of all Holidays be a good one for you and yours, and may the New Year be a wonder that brings us closer to “normal” than this year has!
Well, I mostly read the books, and haven’t deep dived through the early archives, so I don’t know if there’s any bonus material or colorized anything. It was relatively recently compared to the start date that I noticed this. I’m sympathetic: we redheads are a persecuted minority and must stick together and fight for our rights.
Monica used to sit more towards the right of the page on the website bar; so I have known she is a red head from that. *swoon* I sort of miss her there, staring at all of us.
@TazManiac: Comments on the 8/21/18 post show there were readers then who remembered seeing her red hair. I just couldn’t find this earlier strips.
@Valkeiper2020: I can’t find the cast intros.
Has ‘Gette had a metabolism shift or hormone change between 2018 and 2020. Definitely a change from ’05, although that could just be an art style change. I suppose this outfit could have padding.
Monica’s red hair seems to be getting less redish-brown to more fire santa suit but that could be an aspect of cartoon caricature.
It could also be a stylistic or aesthetic choice on Monica’s part.
Some beautiful women (eg my wife) sometimes change their hair from a beautiful natural color to a beautiful less-natural color for reasons no man understands.
I’m sure we for our part do things they don’t get, but just go along with.
Maybe her previous metabolic state was caused by the presence of the spirit of the pedophile who was raping her in the airplane toilet when it crashed. When Monica used her leopard-girl/demon-herder powers to vaporise his undead soul to ether, her metabolism went back to normal.
Season’s greeting to you and your family, and may the new year be (much) than this one . . .
Edit: Season’s greetings to you and your family, and may the new year be (much) better than this one . . .
(It’s a curse, being unable to edit your original post . . .)
Yay! the older crowd! we wondered where you were…
See? I told you there’d be filler.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a fuck this year.
hehe that ^^^^^^^^^^^^
So true . . .
Have you seen the “F__k 2020” snowflakes that are on sale?
I’m thinking of printing up a bunch of t-shirts to sell that say “I survived 2020” on them…
OK…(HUG to everyone)
Happy Holidays an Happy New Year.! to all.
And a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too Paul! The same to all out there in this wonderful world, be you Christian or not, may this season of all Holidays be a good one for you and yours, and may the New Year be a wonder that brings us closer to “normal” than this year has!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you Paul, and everyone else too!
Had to check the names to make sure they were old enough to be drinking
Then again, could have been sparkling grape juice
Happy Holidays, Season’s Greetings to all! And hooray for tiny tight-fitting dresses!
How long should I have known Monica is a redhead?
I keep getting caught by that, too.
August 21 2018 seems to be the first time I can find.
It’s got to be farther back than 2018 when were found out Monica’s hair was a redish brown…
I’m pretty sure she was introduced as a very short, red-haired latino.
Might want to check the cast intros for that.
Well, I mostly read the books, and haven’t deep dived through the early archives, so I don’t know if there’s any bonus material or colorized anything. It was relatively recently compared to the start date that I noticed this. I’m sympathetic: we redheads are a persecuted minority and must stick together and fight for our rights.
Monica used to sit more towards the right of the page on the website bar; so I have known she is a red head from that. *swoon* I sort of miss her there, staring at all of us.
Yes, can remember her sitting up there, watching us
@TazManiac: Comments on the 8/21/18 post show there were readers then who remembered seeing her red hair. I just couldn’t find this earlier strips.
@Valkeiper2020: I can’t find the cast intros.
Has ‘Gette had a metabolism shift or hormone change between 2018 and 2020. Definitely a change from ’05, although that could just be an art style change. I suppose this outfit could have padding.
Monica’s red hair seems to be getting less redish-brown to more fire santa suit but that could be an aspect of cartoon caricature.
It could also be a stylistic or aesthetic choice on Monica’s part.
Some beautiful women (eg my wife) sometimes change their hair from a beautiful natural color to a beautiful less-natural color for reasons no man understands.
I’m sure we for our part do things they don’t get, but just go along with.
Maybe her previous metabolic state was caused by the presence of the spirit of the pedophile who was raping her in the airplane toilet when it crashed. When Monica used her leopard-girl/demon-herder powers to vaporise his undead soul to ether, her metabolism went back to normal.