So you say that but don’t give the line? We have to go buy the book and read it all to find out what the heck you’re talking about? Pluuus for me, I’m not done with the Protector of the Small books, and then I have to read the Alanna series and Immortal series… Only THEN can I read the Trickster books. So you’re giving out too much homework for a random reference.
Fairportfan was referring to the “I want to be her when I grow up” line. And I must also admit, it is a VERY good use of the line, both here and in Trickster’s Queen. It’s also good to know that there are other Tamora Pierce fans out there!
Tessa, I read the books with Protector first too, then went to Immortals and then Alanna. XD Didn’t realize until later I’d read them backwards! Well, backwards in the order of the quartets, but I started with the first of each quartet. Tamora’s a good enough writer that it didn’t matter, though.
I’m really starting to like Becky, here. We need to see more of her! Is she really Tina’s only employee?
It’s the same line – it’s just the context, and to give that would take too much space and be a major spoiler for the first book and also for the second.
And you’re reading them in pretty much the same order Kate and i read them after i picked up Frst Test more or less on a whim.
I regularly check out the Teen/YA sections of bookstores for interesting things. One of my favourite explanations as to why is to quote the section card form the bookstore in Will Shetterley’s Elsewhere: “Children’s and Unusually Perceptive Adults’ Fiction”.
(Another one in the same store is “Gay and Morose Lesbian and Homosexual Books”.)
Oh, I think she’s stopped growing upward. The only ways she has to go now is mentally and/or outward.
Growing up is a pain. Maturity is highly overrated. Heck, all this new technology was initially created by people with little social grace or maturity. May still be that way.
You know it is possible that they don’t have/want an internet presence I know restaurants that have survived for years with nothing but word-of-mouth. Granted the owners never got rich, but they made a living and they were happy, so they had what they wanted from life. AFAIK their employees made a living, too.
Glad Tina is like that too
Im 36 and still not decided what i want to be when i grow up
Can we get the small 4 cell NEXT/PREVIOUS bar at the bottom of the page please ^^
I read all the comments then have to bounce all the way back up to the top of the page to get to the next/previous days comic
I tend to finish reading the previous days comments before i read todays comic. (read the comics in the morning so heck of alot of comments added after I have last viewed it and the comments do help keep up with the plot line and give me other things to think about which i have not previously thought)
There’s this key on the right side of the keyboard that says “Home”. When pressed it takes me to the top of the page in both FF3 and Chrome. If you’re dealing with that bastard browser out of Washington state, you’re on your own. I’m not getting paid to support Windows any more.
Tina uses real English words for the size cup of coffee she sells, I just noticed that in the background (I don’t normally read the backgrounds, just glance at them to place the comic in spacetime). I notice she sells sandwiches and PitaPizza, as well as whole bean and ground coffee in the bag, plus specialty bread by the loaf. For a small, local coffee shop she has a very large inventory…
You’re kidding?
After I read it about 3 times, and the comments to date, I look at the backgrounds. I love the backgrounds Paul does.
And will the soapbox to pitch, yet again, the idea of a book featuring the backgrounds…
What we need is Wapsi paper dolls. Not real paper dolls but a program with somewhat posable figures in various poses and backgrounds so we can make fan comics. It would be a hoot to see what everyone comes up with.
Hear hear! And if the wall in the background in panel 1 is the wall Tina DIDN’T want Shelly killing Nudge by for fear of blood splatter, I fully agree with her!
Tina’s coffee shop is very heavily decorated. I wonder which of the Collective opted for that…
Sells soup too. She may be working up to making the place a café. Restaurante del Demonio Colectiva. Their motto … “We know what you want before you do.” No problem with overstocks or leftovers. Too much of something made? She simply sends out a demon to whisper into the customer’s ear. “The enchiladas are excellent. The enchiladas are excellent.”
“I think I have a taste for enchiladas dear.”
“Me too. I heard they’re excellent.”
“Yes, so did I … somewhere …”
Not necessarily a cafe. The best coffee in Indianapolis (IMHO) comes from B-Java on the northwest side, and that’s pretty much their menu, too, but they don’t do pastries, just fabulous home-made muffins, cookies, etc., depending on BJ’s mood. They even roast their own coffee beans.
I’m still deciding if she’s being silly or snotty. The dialog could go either way, but her expressions and body language seems like she’s not happy to be there.
It would be counter intuitive for Tina to have someone working there that was uncomfortable there…
Is how someone with a lick of sense would have said it.
Ding!! Another great Tina line!! XD
It’s good to have a goal in life!
No.. wait….
Ah, scratch the life part.
Watch it, I’m a blonde!! XD
Nah, I don’t care. And I know what you mean. Tina’s personality has (luckily) not changed after Nudge’s expulsion.
spread a smile, it cheers you up after a bad day at work….

There’s an even better use of that line in Tamora Pierce’s Trickster’s Queen…
So you say that but don’t give the line? We have to go buy the book and read it all to find out what the heck you’re talking about? Pluuus for me, I’m not done with the Protector of the Small books, and then I have to read the Alanna series and Immortal series… Only THEN can I read the Trickster books. So you’re giving out too much homework for a random reference.
You’re reading them backwards!
!then this like read they Wouldn’t
.siht ekil daer d’yeht, oN
I know! but I started Protector first on accident. I already have the Alanna books ready to read next.
Fairportfan was referring to the “I want to be her when I grow up” line. And I must also admit, it is a VERY good use of the line, both here and in Trickster’s Queen. It’s also good to know that there are other Tamora Pierce fans out there!
Tessa, I read the books with Protector first too, then went to Immortals and then Alanna. XD Didn’t realize until later I’d read them backwards! Well, backwards in the order of the quartets, but I started with the first of each quartet. Tamora’s a good enough writer that it didn’t matter, though.
I’m really starting to like Becky, here. We need to see more of her! Is she really Tina’s only employee?
Apparently she’s not strictly speaking an employee.
Gotta love Google Books:
Trickster’s queen
By Tamora Pierce (pg 264)
It’s the same line – it’s just the context, and to give that would take too much space and be a major spoiler for the first book and also for the second.
And you’re reading them in pretty much the same order Kate and i read them after i picked up Frst Test more or less on a whim.
I regularly check out the Teen/YA sections of bookstores for interesting things. One of my favourite explanations as to why is to quote the section card form the bookstore in Will Shetterley’s Elsewhere: “Children’s and Unusually Perceptive Adults’ Fiction”.
(Another one in the same store is “Gay and Morose Lesbian and Homosexual Books”.)
A friend of mine says that about the Mountie in the TV series “Due South”…
With a body like that, I wonder how much growing she’s still got!
Oh, I think she’s stopped growing upward. The only ways she has to go now is mentally and/or outward.
Growing up is a pain. Maturity is highly overrated. Heck, all this new technology was initially created by people with little social grace or maturity. May still be that way.
” I don’t care how old I get, I refuse to grow up! ”
from a bumper sticker, I don’t remember when or where.
“You can only be young once, but you can be immature forever.” Has been my favorite of that sort.
I’ve used lines like that about people with nice singing voices, or great educations I envy, or the like. So I’m with Tina…
Well, geeze. I thought maybe she was just a college kid helping out to earn extra money.
Head pastry chef — wow! She’s good, then — that’s not a position you get without serious skills.
Is Feuillet’s a real place, I wonder?
Quite possibly, but Googling “Feuillet’s” and “Minneapolis” didn’t find anything…
You know it is possible that they don’t have/want an internet presence I know restaurants that have survived for years with nothing but word-of-mouth. Granted the owners never got rich, but they made a living and they were happy, so they had what they wanted from life. AFAIK their employees made a living, too.
True. There was the No Name Cafe…
However, a Google run would also pick up articles about the place or mentions by anyone, not just its own website.
When I Googled it, I got a Pablo M Fueillets, MD…
It may be based on Turtle Bread; they DO have an award-winning female chief pastry chef.
That’s the one!
… lot of frechguys with that name (it means ‘leaf, as in page), no sign of any bakers, though..
“Zut! zere ees no time for play, ven zere is *baking* to be done..”
That last line from Tina is ,somehow, extremely funny. Made me LOL seriously…
Tina: Naivite masked in dry wit…
Glad Tina is like that too

Im 36 and still not decided what i want to be when i grow up
Can we get the small 4 cell NEXT/PREVIOUS bar at the bottom of the page please ^^
I read all the comments then have to bounce all the way back up to the top of the page to get to the next/previous days comic
I tend to finish reading the previous days comments before i read todays comic. (read the comics in the morning so heck of alot of comments added after I have last viewed it and the comments do help keep up with the plot line and give me other things to think about which i have not previously thought)
There’s this key on the right side of the keyboard that says “Home”. When pressed it takes me to the top of the page in both FF3 and Chrome. If you’re dealing with that bastard browser out of Washington state, you’re on your own. I’m not getting paid to support Windows any more.
It works for IE too
that was so obvious i didnt even think of it
Thank you for that
I’m 58 and I still haven’t decided. It hasn’t hurt me, though.
Tina uses real English words for the size cup of coffee she sells, I just noticed that in the background (I don’t normally read the backgrounds, just glance at them to place the comic in spacetime). I notice she sells sandwiches and PitaPizza, as well as whole bean and ground coffee in the bag, plus specialty bread by the loaf. For a small, local coffee shop she has a very large inventory…
You’re kidding?
After I read it about 3 times, and the comments to date, I look at the backgrounds. I love the backgrounds Paul does.
And will the soapbox to pitch, yet again, the idea of a book featuring the backgrounds…
What we need is Wapsi paper dolls. Not real paper dolls but a program with somewhat posable figures in various poses and backgrounds so we can make fan comics. It would be a hoot to see what everyone comes up with.
Colorforms! I want Wapsi Square colorforms!
KiSS dolls.
Hear hear! And if the wall in the background in panel 1 is the wall Tina DIDN’T want Shelly killing Nudge by for fear of blood splatter, I fully agree with her!
Tina’s coffee shop is very heavily decorated. I wonder which of the Collective opted for that…
Having laid tile professionally in my widely varied career, that indeed is quite a job done on that wall.
Sells soup too. She may be working up to making the place a café. Restaurante del Demonio Colectiva. Their motto … “We know what you want before you do.” No problem with overstocks or leftovers. Too much of something made? She simply sends out a demon to whisper into the customer’s ear. “The enchiladas are excellent. The enchiladas are excellent.”
“I think I have a taste for enchiladas dear.”
“Me too. I heard they’re excellent.”
“Yes, so did I … somewhere …”
Hey, they’re already using subliminal advertising anywhere you hear Muzak….got to be the only explanation for that crap.
Not necessarily a cafe. The best coffee in Indianapolis (IMHO) comes from B-Java on the northwest side, and that’s pretty much their menu, too, but they don’t do pastries, just fabulous home-made muffins, cookies, etc., depending on BJ’s mood. They even roast their own coffee beans.
least you ‘think’ its the best
its not tina’s shop is it
Ooh, I like Becky.
I thought Becky worked for Tina.
I’m still deciding if she’s being silly or snotty. The dialog could go either way, but her expressions and body language seems like she’s not happy to be there.
Nah, she just doesn’t like having the attention piled on her.
Our Becky is shy….
It would be counter intuitive for Tina to have someone that was uncomfortable working there…
It would be counter intuitive for Tina to have someone working there that was uncomfortable there…
Is how someone with a lick of sense would have said it.
Yep, she’s cool!
I’m thinkin’ we really need a PatchTogether statue of Tina. Yeah, that.
And Tina continues to maintain a high level of Awsome in her Little Black Dress and doo rag. Who needs accessories when you’re rockin’ the basics?
I dont know but her chocker/collar seems sexy to me. Not to mention that its a nice statement to her own selfs.
Ping jwhouk: Please send me email at ccdesan [at] gmail [dot] com.
All I can say is I want to be Alan when I grow up. ^-^
or Charlie Sheen.
the way that boy is acting recently i would say a 2yr old is more grown up than charlie sheen
Art show, huh? Wonder if M’s going to be there, driving up the catering bill?