Hold Fast by Paul Taylor on April 3, 2016 at 9:00 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Castela, Phix, ShellyLocation: The Library Related Comics ¬ Over There Last Minute 03/25/2002 Illcallyoulater Dothehonors
Don’t piss off the librarian. She’ll show you blamo.
They dun goofed.
KAA-BOOOOM!!!! *scares the bejeszus out of everypony* “Uh Phix; what’s goin’ on? I thought you already HAD been canonized…”
Ahahaha!!! Awesome! I’ve missed Phix. Also… A library should be for LEARNING, not quiet. But where did they get a working cannon?
Ummm … Tanta Phix? Little pitchers have big ears. Language…?
I’m not surprised this library has cannons, it’s probably full of relics from all over time, and space.
I do find it interesting that the cannon has powder and shot though…………..
I doubt they fired shot in the library.
Why? Everything else happens in this library.
I think your right, nothing indicates they had anything packed in front of the charge. My mistake. But why the gunpowder?……..
They probably read a book on gunpowder and made their own
I hate being shushed in a library. Almost as much as I hate loud talking in a library…
appropriate reaction is appropriate.
Theyre playing “Master & Commander”, which is so totes awsome!
…or “Post Captain”, or “The Mauritius Command”, or “The Ionian Mission”, or “Reverse of the Medal”, or…
Did Phix just use 3 swear words in front of a 4 year old!!??
I love it when the librarian shouts at the top of her lungs how quiet it is supposed to be…
Still can’t be louder than a cannon going off in an enclosed cavernous echo-y building
1 word: EPIC!!!!!!
Thats what this scene is lol!
Given the loudness of a cannon in an enclosed structure, I would say it was a proportional response.
It’s not Talk Like a Pirate Day, either. Whatever *were* they thinking?
Good thing they weren’t Talking Like a Pirate then (which is actually more of Midlands or Dales speech, and all because of one actor over 200 years after pirates stopped being such a big thing)
Phinx is such an awesome librarian.
That’s right. Give the Comanche access to artillery!
“If this library is supposed to be quiet, why is there a WORKING CANNON inside of it?!?”
Play on words. Castella and Shelly bring the cannon and Phix brings the canon.