How They Act by Paul Taylor on March 27, 2016 at 7:20 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Atsali, CastelaLocation: Gilchrist Home Related Comics ¬ Test Drive His Equipment Running Late Too Bad Dumb Butt Oh Du Lieber Augustin
Looks Like Time for Auntie M, to take a certain young Siren to meet the Ninjas again.
aww Pickle no, you’re not bad don’t ever think that. ~<3
Hey! It’s early!
The Paras must laugh at the Human’s wacky concept of Supernatural creatures.
Aw Pickle!
Don’t believe *those* cartoons.
Horns are ok on Unicorns and …. Um….. Bullwinkle?
Actually that’s antlers and decades ago….
Where was I?
Frostbite Falls, Minnesota?
Zat is also vere Sqvirrell eez.
Horns are primarily a means of defense in the Animal kingdom. Ergo, when Castela (or Atsali for that matter) grow horns after getting pissed off, they’re just being defensive…easy-peasy!
Well said, Astali! Too many people forget that actions and intent are a better gauge of how a person falls on the good-evil spectrum.
Yups, was going to say something similar
One of the perks of being a Para is you get to own magical cordless hairdryers.
Suck it, Mundanes!
Actually, you can get cordless hairdryers, no magic required
Any sufficiently advanced lithium batteries …
Pickle doesn’t have horns, they’re Thorns. That’s totally different.
Still defensive by nature of course.