But, you didn’t even buy me dinner and now you’re giving me an ice cold enema of Galactic Proportions… I don’t know what websites you’ve been visiting but I won’t try everything once
This one shows up as a big blank with a little red X in the top left corner for me, the others working ok. (Oct.22/09 HowWouldYouFeel) Accessed from Archives section
I feel the need to point out that stabbing doesn’t necessarily need to be fatal. Most likely what’s needed is a little of her special blood. Easiest way to get blood is to poke a little hole in the sack that holds the blood. Even if you love the curvy, funny, friendly Monica sack.
That sounds ominous.
Do unto others before they do unto you?
Do unto others before they undo you…
I always shorten it into:
Do unto others =)
Do not undo others…
I don’t know about the rest of you but I love the bigger formatting done with the comics now. This particular comic is a good example why.
Now there is an image I do not want in my head.
Better in your head than … elsewhere…
I’m loving the new format, but just one question… Paul… why do I feel like you’ve been in my kitchen?
AHG, that is terrifying. :whimpers:
“This Universe Needs An Enema!” was the first thing I thought of.
Batdance, yeah.
Larger format comic to better show the ice cold enema of galactic proportions? I hope it was for more . . . artistic reasons, lol.
Ice cold enema… (ROLF ROFL ROFL) of Galactic proportions… (ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL!!!!!)
But, you didn’t even buy me dinner and now you’re giving me an ice cold enema of Galactic Proportions… I don’t know what websites you’ve been visiting but I won’t try everything once
ROFL, classic
Yanno, I miss when the comic updated @ 10PM CT.
*look up Enema*
dear god…
This one shows up as a big blank with a little red X in the top left corner for me, the others working ok. (Oct.22/09 HowWouldYouFeel) Accessed from Archives section
Close/restart browser. Has worked for me on the current archive trawl.
The little boxed x just means the image failed to load/ was interrupted/ took too long to load. Simply reload the page, until it appears.
Would you rather have an Ice Cold Enema of Galactic Proportions,
Slide down a razor-sharp bannister into a swimming pool of iodine?
both make me whimper and shudder… ow ow ow ew ow ew ew ew ow ew ew ew ew EW OW EW!
With friends like these, who needs enemas?
Is the temple anywhere near a jungle? Because then it can become:
“With fronds like these, who needs enemas?”
Well, this is another vine mess you’ve gotten us into…
I feel the need to point out that stabbing doesn’t necessarily need to be fatal. Most likely what’s needed is a little of her special blood. Easiest way to get blood is to poke a little hole in the sack that holds the blood. Even if you love the curvy, funny, friendly Monica sack.