The Laws of Comedy Poitonomics (an obscure subset of the Laws of Comedy Physics) dictated that, due to the ongoing hilarity, her automatic poiting would be temporarily disabled at that moment; and she lacked enough concentration due to the pain to manually initiate it.
(1) Euryale and the GG’s do indeed have a history, as several people have guessed.
(2) Jin is really not prepared for what is about to happen to her. Not even slightly.
(3) Euryale would make a rather decent Abominable Snowman, Bugs Bunny style. “I will love her and hold her and squeeze her and call her George”… or something like that.
You know, there’s always the small (really small) chance Justin has already met her.
If he has, I am pretty sure we will immediately discover what other ‘paranormal abilities’ he has (like invisibility or poiting).
After all, he never said ALL the abuse he suffered at paranormal hands was intentional and Euryale’s attention definitely qualifies as ‘unintentional abuse’.
Oh, she definitely intends to hug, but the ‘side effects’ (such as broken or re-broken ribs) are NOT intentional.
Wonder if she’ll squish Tina next. As a side note, can demons affect non humans beyond hybrids like Shelly, or is Shellinix a special case. Can she influence a gorgon like Euryale, or is our Southern Belle by way of ancient Greece immune to the Demon Barista’s powers of suggestion?
I’ll bet, that even thru her residual pain from the Hug-o-Tron that is Euryale, Monica now has the *EXACT* same look on HER face that JIN had in the 3rd panel on yesterdays comic!
More genrally, go to YouTube, search “applejack”, and look for anything obviously My Little Pony related. Some Dolly Parton music videos also show up, but I don’t think those are what people are referring to.
For a cuteness overload watch the best of Fluttershy video as well, or heck, watch the show it’s really great even for adults… umm but whatever you want to do is fine.
Considering who and what she is, I certainly wouldn’t want to see Eyrale mad, especialy at me. But then that applies to almost everyone in the main cast.
I don’t think they are liking the hugs, but I don’t have the hurt to br-ache it to Euryale that when she throes the hugs at such injured people, they probably want to prick up and leave.
and now you understand why i avoid my family reunions like the plague. *smirks* imagine SIX aunties and at least FOUR cousins like this, descending upon you and sweetly berating you for not being back in “umpteen years”.
Panel#3 & 4. I’ve done that to plenty of people in the past.
Panel#1 & 2. “Bounce you up and down […] like one of those rides at the amusement parks.” That’s a… very different sort of expression. Can’t say I’ve heard that one before, in a clean or dirty fashion.
Now, ain’t she just a bushel of exuberance! Even if our island shoppers weren’t injured, them bodacious hugs would still leave them hard-pressed. That’s the kind of hug that can leave one weak in the knees, and energized at the same time. I could use a hug like that now and then.
The amusing thing is that I find her a believable character from a personality standpoint.
I’m in the SCA ( and I know of at least five people like that and that’s just in the East Kingdom.
Two of them are a married couple (thank you Vermont Legislature – Boo to you Gov. Jim Douglas) so when they see you, you’re double teamed by a pair of over-caffeinated Auntie Mame hug attacks. All they lack is the Paula Dean accent.
Yep, the SCA is a fun bunch of people. It takes a special personality to be a member. In fact, it takes a special personality to even WANT to be a member.
Me? I am Byron Valkeiper of Middleford Shire in Onstiaura (that’s central texas to you mundanes).
Maybe Texas…if you’re looking at far east Texas, but I’ve always felt she was from farther east that our border with Louisiana. Paul’s done a good job of giving her a regional accent that can’t be specified beyond “Southern.”
Say Pablo, seein’ as how you’ve got at least eleven charming and attractive ladies on hand, have you ever considered doing up a Swim Suit Calendar with the last month being a group shot of the girls??? Or a tasteful cheesecake version? Or maybe add a few of the male participants in a little beefcake in either version? Justa thought……………..
The “cheesecake” version of Nudge gave me a mental and physical shiver. I love Nudge, but that’s like putting a goat in a bikini and making em stand up straight.
Good point! I’ll quibble that constrictors are more common in the Americas. (Of the 23 kinds of snakes found in Greece, only six are venomous.) We’ve never gotten that close a look at Euryale’s hair in its slithery mode, though; she may pick up new varieties occasionally.
Kinda reminds me of a story form a gaming convention I went to years ago in Vegas.
The Project Manager for the game we played was a bit of a lech – but in a fun way, not in a creepy-get-the-cops way. He saw a girl in a snakeskin-print dress and asked her (I kid you NOT!) “so … are you a boa constrictor, or a pit viper?”
I didn’t get the joke at first, but I KNEW by the smirk on his face I was missing something. Then it hit me. Boas *swallow* their food whole, pit vipers *spit* poison … oh gawd, you DOG …
If E. were to do that to me – the following would happen (A) – my spine would snap (B) all my ribs would crack and (C) my cheek-bones would be compressed inward. Not that I’m complaining mind you but .. I can think of worse ways to die !
She was also further away, too.i’d say the arm thing may be a result of a possible spin that Euryale did to get her closer for the hug. kinda like those dance moves where the dancers start out at arms length then the guy tugs her arm and she does a spin to end up tightly wrapped in his arms?
Wow! She’s sure a huggy lady! And with her strength, it’s just a matter of time before we get a line of dialogue like “Hi, nice to meet…huuaaaghspleen!”
Makes me sore just looking at it.
Why can’t I get that ‘musement pahk out’n mah mind?
Its Boobieland Amusement park. You will just love the “E-Cups” ride. ;-p
heck no, thahs a heckuva lot more than thaaat….
“It’s a big alphabet after all” is a fun ride, but good luck getting that song out of your head.
[drops a box of Lapsang Souchong into the pun jar]
Thats why I used E-Cups. It was close enough in sound. ;-p
Owie! Owie! Owie! Owie! Owie! Owie!
Wonder what happened to Monica’s ’emergency poiting instinct’. It was working so well before (exceptionally well, in fact)
She definitely needs it now.
The Laws of Comedy Poitonomics (an obscure subset of the Laws of Comedy Physics) dictated that, due to the ongoing hilarity, her automatic poiting would be temporarily disabled at that moment; and she lacked enough concentration due to the pain to manually initiate it.
Yeah, that sounds about right. ::nods::
The funniest part about it is Euryale seems completely oblivious to their terror.
Personal Space! PERSONAL SPACE!!!!
Euryale: “Dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt.”
Euryale has her own Jaws Theme music eh? When she’s a prowlin ya just dont know when somebodies gonna get hugged. The suspence is terrifying.
Actually I was thinking the ‘Personal Space Invaders’ background noise.
OK… several things are clear.
(1) Euryale and the GG’s do indeed have a history, as several people have guessed.
(2) Jin is really not prepared for what is about to happen to her. Not even slightly.
(3) Euryale would make a rather decent Abominable Snowman, Bugs Bunny style. “I will love her and hold her and squeeze her and call her George”… or something like that.
Yeah, I’ve posted it in the past, but I gots to post it again. Definately relevant.
Nah – that’s Lenny from “Of Mice and Men” – mentally subnormal; whatever else she is, Eurayle isn’t stupid.
I love Jin’s expression in the last panel.
yup. now she knows why mon was so shocked!!!
Wha’d y’all say we go out for dinner? I was think’in of Ribs!
Chimera ‘n have a hug!
…Devil Bunny Needs A Ham!
. . . Hooker’s a good cop.
Yamara, you might as well dump this months salary in the pun jar. I’d be a decent down payment on all that.
It’s all on auto-pay, Box.
I love her so much.
I can’t wait to see her meet Justin. If his “crazy meter” has not hit tilt permanently by now, it will after that.
You know, there’s always the small (really small) chance Justin has already met her.
If he has, I am pretty sure we will immediately discover what other ‘paranormal abilities’ he has (like invisibility or poiting).
After all, he never said ALL the abuse he suffered at paranormal hands was intentional and Euryale’s attention definitely qualifies as ‘unintentional abuse’.
Oh, she definitely intends to hug, but the ‘side effects’ (such as broken or re-broken ribs) are NOT intentional.
Scary thing is I have an aunt like her. The woman is as sweet as the day is long but she can hug a hippo to death.
I’m getting a crazy aunt vibe from Euryale today. You know that aunt that always pinches your cheek? Yeah. That one.
If Auntie Mame talked like Paula Deen and chugged a pot of espresso, we might have Euryale.
Wonder if she’ll squish Tina next. As a side note, can demons affect non humans beyond hybrids like Shelly, or is Shellinix a special case. Can she influence a gorgon like Euryale, or is our Southern Belle by way of ancient Greece immune to the Demon Barista’s powers of suggestion?
@NOTDilbert- LIKE!
Thank you, NotDilbert, for that image. That will stay with me for the rest of the week. [shudder]
Now there’s something REALLY scary to consider – Eurayle is just coming into Mucho Mocha.
She hasn’t had any coffee.
Anyone noticed in panel 2 she is holding Monica – at arm’s length – higher than her head?
Must be from hauling around all those ice sculptures….
It seems like Euryale neck is really long, so she kind of has to do that to see eye level while picking up someone like Monica.
I’ll bet, that even thru her residual pain from the Hug-o-Tron that is Euryale, Monica now has the *EXACT* same look on HER face that JIN had in the 3rd panel on yesterdays comic!
lol can’t deny it. I can’t read her in anything but the Applejack voice.
Now that I’m getting caught up with MLP, that’s what I’m hearing now as well. =P
And it just got 20% cooler! /)^3^(\ Also hurray Paul watches MLP:FiM, I would say I’m sorry for bringing it up, but I’m not.
Ummm — clarify / link pleeze?
I had the same puzzlement.
More genrally, go to YouTube, search “applejack”, and look for anything obviously My Little Pony related. Some Dolly Parton music videos also show up, but I don’t think those are what people are referring to.
havent you heard dolly parton??? sounds just the same….
or even the ‘Beverly Hillbillies’
Of course you should listen to Dolly Parton! She’s got the perfect voice for doing Euryale – although she’s shaped like Monica. Classy lady, too.
For a cuteness overload watch the best of Fluttershy video as well, or heck, watch the show it’s really great even for adults… umm but whatever you want to do is fine.
Applejack’s voice on MLP is the quintessential southern belle voice. If you go to Kentucky or Georgia it is similar.
Seeing Euryale is such a exuberant happy girl, I’d hate to see her in a bad mood or an emotional funk.
Considering who and what she is, I certainly wouldn’t want to see Eyrale mad, especialy at me. But then that applies to almost everyone in the main cast.
Pfft. My mother was far scarier, though I am admittedly biased.
She kinda scares me ヽ(;▽;)ノ
I don’t think they are liking the hugs, but I don’t have the hurt to br-ache it to Euryale that when she throes the hugs at such injured people, they probably want to prick up and leave.
Euryale both entrances and COMPLETELY TERRIFIES ME.
Lord have mercy…
Not unlike the experience of seeing a perfect tornado funnel heading in your direction, I imagine.
She really is a primal force of nature… and Nature was drinking way too much coffee today.
and now you understand why i avoid my family reunions like the plague. *smirks* imagine SIX aunties and at least FOUR cousins like this, descending upon you and sweetly berating you for not being back in “umpteen years”.
i’d rather have sun poisoning.
>~< *meek voice* auwa… There go the ribs again.
"help me remember, I wanted to be human, why??"
(Willow voice) “Urk… hurting now!”
It’s like I said yesterday…Jin would get to learn the downside of being less “unbreakable” than her supernatural cohorts soon enough.
Panel#3 & 4. I’ve done that to plenty of people in the past.
Panel#1 & 2. “Bounce you up and down […] like one of those rides at the amusement parks.” That’s a… very different sort of expression. Can’t say I’ve heard that one before, in a clean or dirty fashion.
I think I would like a ticket for that ride, then again I might exceed the SWL.
I gotta agree with what some people have said… Euryale is both cute & terrifying in a way xD
Now, ain’t she just a bushel of exuberance! Even if our island shoppers weren’t injured, them bodacious hugs would still leave them hard-pressed. That’s the kind of hug that can leave one weak in the knees, and energized at the same time. I could use a hug like that now and then.
Yeah, you know it’s coming, you may cringe at the fact that you’re going to get hugged half to death and gushed over…
But when it’s over you can’t help but to feel a thousand percent better.
If Monica looks like a ride at an Amusement Park…. I GOTTA FIND THAT PARK!
Of course she looks like an amusement park ride…she’s got the perfect “hills” for roller coaster tracks.
Thank you for that. I’ll never look at Colossus the same way again!
The amusing thing is that I find her a believable character from a personality standpoint.
I’m in the SCA ( and I know of at least five people like that and that’s just in the East Kingdom.
Two of them are a married couple (thank you Vermont Legislature – Boo to you Gov. Jim Douglas) so when they see you, you’re double teamed by a pair of over-caffeinated Auntie Mame hug attacks. All they lack is the Paula Dean accent.
Yep, the SCA is a fun bunch of people. It takes a special personality to be a member. In fact, it takes a special personality to even WANT to be a member.
Me? I am Byron Valkeiper of Middleford Shire in Onstiaura (that’s central texas to you mundanes).
VERT, Three chains per pale, argent.
I’ve considered joining. I wouldn’t even have to change orders, since we were in existence even before the Feudal world developed. . . .
Such accents are rare out here in An Tir. We’ve got our share of ‘characters,’ though, don’t worry!
Affectionate isn’t she and got that southern drawl down too1
Texas, i’d say.
Maybe Texas…if you’re looking at far east Texas, but I’ve always felt she was from farther east that our border with Louisiana.
Paul’s done a good job of giving her a regional accent that can’t be specified beyond “Southern.”
The only person I know that is knowledgeble in Texan accents is Doctor Sheldon ‘Bazinga’ Cooper…
Good thing Tina’s wearing her choker, otherwise I’d bet that she’s laughing her head off – literally!
(yes I know the choker doesn’t actually keep her head attached to her body; just keeping the running joke alive)
On a totally unrelated issue:
Lessee……..we have:
1. Monica
2. Shelley
3. Katherine
4. Jin
5. Bud
6. Brandi
7. Phix
8. Tina
9. Euryale
10. Nudge
11. Tsillah
12. ?
Say Pablo, seein’ as how you’ve got at least eleven charming and attractive ladies on hand, have you ever considered doing up a Swim Suit Calendar with the last month being a group shot of the girls??? Or a tasteful cheesecake version? Or maybe add a few of the male participants in a little beefcake in either version? Justa thought……………..
The “cheesecake” version of Nudge gave me a mental and physical shiver. I love Nudge, but that’s like putting a goat in a bikini and making em stand up straight.
Ah, come on- can’t you see her posed coyly and maybe blowing on the Pan Pipes seductively? And remember she can shape-shift, too (freckles!!!!!!)
He did do a picture of Nudge in a swimsuit once I thought…
I DO believe you’re right!
There’s Lakshmi who could be number 12!
What about Owen’s Amazon Goddess or the girls from Punk Yoga?
or you could have #12 be Jacquie or Amanda.
Decisions, decisions!
Add my vote for a 2013 Wapsi Square calendar!
Machine optional….
Ooo…Wapsi reference FTW!
Who says you have to decide? Wouldn’t be the first 15- or 18-month calendar we’ve ever seen, now, would it?
You want Tsillah in November? Wouldn’t miss ‘Dark, Beautiful, and Scary’ be better in October (hallow’s eve)
Long time reader, first time poster.
Might have already been said, but boa constrictors are called that for a reason! Maybe she crushes her prey (friends) while eating (greeting) them.
Considering Euryale’s hair components, it’s somehow appropriate.
Good point! I’ll quibble that constrictors are more common in the Americas. (Of the 23 kinds of snakes found in Greece, only six are venomous.) We’ve never gotten that close a look at Euryale’s hair in its slithery mode, though; she may pick up new varieties occasionally.
Kinda reminds me of a story form a gaming convention I went to years ago in Vegas.
The Project Manager for the game we played was a bit of a lech – but in a fun way, not in a creepy-get-the-cops way. He saw a girl in a snakeskin-print dress and asked her (I kid you NOT!) “so … are you a boa constrictor, or a pit viper?”
I didn’t get the joke at first, but I KNEW by the smirk on his face I was missing something. Then it hit me. Boas *swallow* their food whole, pit vipers *spit* poison … oh gawd, you DOG …
Free hugs! Zero sense!
I know, I know. How much do I owe for that one?
I woulda missed it if you hadn’t called attention to it…
Nice shot of Airman Higgs there.
I thought he was a bosun…
All right, you plan on paying the QUANTUM pun jar for that one?
It wasn’t the island that killed ’em.
It was the hugs from Euryale afterwards that did it…
Oh, my – the poor girls. Squash, crunch, squash!
No one is safe. No one escapes. You will be hugged. Now that isn’t so bad is it? No. No it is not. In fact it looks rather good.
It is interesting to hear what other people hear her voice as. I must confess I hear her voice as Julia Sugarbaker
Yes yes yes! Thank you for saying that!
*That’s* who I’ve been hearing. Been driving me nuts!
Um, is Jin about to reveal that “all human-like” doesn’t mean “powerless if startled by non-explosions”?
Me too…which is why I was placing the accent as from Georgia, but we’ve had readers from that state who believe otherwise.
It’s tricky I tell you!
Like me.
Especially now, with “filly” – Texas for sure (though with a small possibility of a Very Rural Kentucky accent).
Love the look of Terror in Jins’ eyes.
“C’mere Hun!” *crack* “Ahhhhh! My Spleen!” (with apologies to Brewster Rockitt)
This is laugh out loud funny. And winching in sympathy pain. All at once.
Did you mean wincing?
Or was that a reference to the medieval torture device known as The Rack?
Probably all of the above.
nah, that’s ‘winching’.
I’d much prefer ‘wenching’, which isn’t far from what’s happening here, but much more enjoyable.
Is that when they use a rack in Winchester?
Not exactly, but it could involve laying down at times.
Crazy, hugging fangirl with boundary issues…on a pair of high powered supernatural beings. Only hilarity can ensue.
Unfriendly, she ain’t…
with firends… uh, fans… like this, who needs enemies… uh, torturers (or stalkers, for that matter)?
Valkeiper- for a variation of the phrase your quoting, check out my version in March 24, 2010 comments.
Euryale is gripping Jin’s right hand in panel 3, but it’s Jin’s left hand that’s hyper-extended in panel 4.
Yep. Saw that too, but let it go to Comic Physics.
If E. were to do that to me – the following would happen (A) – my spine would snap (B) all my ribs would crack and (C) my cheek-bones would be compressed inward. Not that I’m complaining mind you but .. I can think of worse ways to die !
A wapsi calendar, GREAT!- I’d order my personal copy with Phix or Euryale featured in April…
She was also further away, too.i’d say the arm thing may be a result of a possible spin that Euryale did to get her closer for the hug. kinda like those dance moves where the dancers start out at arms length then the guy tugs her arm and she does a spin to end up tightly wrapped in his arms?
AAAiiieee! Scary Hug Lady!
A gorgon might be scary.
An enthusiastic hugger is scarier. Perseus himself would flee in terror.
And according to Euryale, he MARRIED Medusa.
I like her.
What frightened me about Euryale from first time she showed up ages ago is that I have relatives that act and talk EXACTLY like her!!! ARGH! LOL
Wow! She’s sure a huggy lady! And with her strength, it’s just a matter of time before we get a line of dialogue like “Hi, nice to meet…huuaaaghspleen!”
Does THAT count as sexual harrassment now?