Not necessarily. In fact, i think “…has got…” is better.
We’re looking at what i (vaguely) recall from high school English – forty-five years ago – is called a “complex sentence”.
The plural there – “words” is not the subject of the sentence as i read it – they look like a predicate nominative to me (especially given that we have an intransitive verb, “to be”.
What Monica is saying is scaring her is “You telling me you’re scared”, a some-kind-or-other clause used as the subject, and it’s singular.
For the record… “You saying that you’re frightenened have got to be the most chilling words I’ve ever heard” is the mechanically correct form. The conjugation of “have” is related to the second clause of the sentence, e.g., “words” = plural = “have”.
All that said, when speaking, even I would say “has” because it floes off the tongue better…
AGREED. Also, Only Fairport is right, here. The character was correct to begin with. Last, really? We’re gonna pick at diction of fictional characters depicting humans that aren’t perfect? We have that much free time? And before anyone says anything, I happily admit I have free time as I’m pulling an all-nighter because I am too jazzed from an awesome evening with a friend that may or may not be romantically inclined towards me (it’s complicated).
Glad you’re finally saying something like that. I don’t know why people try to tell people how to do their jobs. And these are people. We don’t speak perfect grammar all the time and I HATE when people nitpick how others talk. Unless you’re speaking ebonics, let it go!
Agree w/ Pablo here. As long as the owls aren’t watching, let your writing reflect how you speak. If the owls were watching…
It may be the Philadelphia in me coming to the front, but in casual speak, you’d be lucky if people even included the words “that” “you” and “has” in that sentence.
Ordinarily, I would agree with Monica’s assessment; but in the Wapsiverse, nothing is at it seems. Perhaps something happened to Jin where she can see extra-dimensional beings, or maybe there is some other god like being just screwing with her, trying to make her think she is insane. Whatever it may be, Monica is going to have to look outside her usual circle to figure this one out.
Okay, this is starting to sound like the old Infocom text-only “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” game (which you can play online at BBC Radio 4, BTW).
In that game, you can get Marvin the paranoid android to do one thing that’s essential to solving the game.
If you figure out what it is and how to give him the order so he’ll obey it.
Most of the Infocom games had a character, who was introduced fairly early on, who was only there to do *one* thing. Sometimes you had to figure out which of several characters it was.
So maybe someone Monica knows has the key to solving Jin’s problem. All she has to do it figure out who.
I doubt that it’s Bud or Brandi, and Mayahuel is a little too in-our-face (sort of like Steven Segal in Executive Decision) for me to figure it’s her.
So … who have we seen lately who hasn’t been directly involved in the action previously?
Considering Kath is lamenting her lack of role in actually solving the problem, getting the “clean up crew” assignment might be a likely/possible outcome.
Tepoz was supposed to be in this from the start it seemed, then had little-to-nothing to do with the actual resolution. Considering he’s been Jin’s “caretaker” for X years before Monica he passed the buck by forcefeeding Monica a 20lb turkey (I blame the turkey for all this! Monica+turkey = problems next morning), he’s another likely candidate for the catalyst. Especially since everyone knows and hates him in Wapsiverse.
I still feel Brandi has to have some role to play. Literally, the only thing she’s contributed, despite her attempts to help, have been almost coincidental. Introduced M to Phix & the library, discovered Tina’s KeyBlade, and previously wrote directions for Bud of one possible way to fix the Calendar Machine. None of which really seemed to require her participation (M could have easily found out about the library at some point be any golem, Brandi did it flippantly without thought of helping) (Randomly triggered the blade in Tina’s key, although triggered by a forgotten memory she did it almost by accident) (Had no knowledge of directions in this time-cycle, just happened to leave the book out for Bud to flip through, again almost by accident).
Even though Brandi had a pivotal role in the whole Calendar Machine business, so many things happened due to her without her even trying/knowing, it seems like she’d feel almost cheated, like everyone else (Monica, Shelly, Jin, Bud, and even Tina and Tepoz) contributed more than she did (not true, but not a far stretch, especially considering her ‘motherly’ nature and instincts towards her friends, especially Bud).
I would like to point out that Brandi has actually had a much more active role than you think – in other time loops,
What did Bud tell Monica? That Brandi could mop the floor with the rest of them, intellectually speaking? It would appear that she learned, the hard way, that her active participation in the events leading up to Bud’s destroying the calendar machine would result in failure, and the machine resetting. I memory serves, she was the source of the successful plan – she just had to doublethink her way around herself to make it work!
There was nothing casual or flippant about the clues she left for Bud. She did what was necessary, nothing more, nothing less, and arranged for herself to stay out of the way. And succeeded.
Came back to comment on this way too late, but I was referring to “this cycle” Brandi. Brandi is aware she’s done various things in past cycles, but she doesn’t have active memories of those cycles like Jin does. Therefore, in Brandi’s active memory, it would seem likely she would view it as she contributed the least, despite the fact that overall she contributed the most of all, sans perhaps Jin.
They’re the eyes of someone who’s seen countless horrors beyond imagination time and time again, so much so that they’ve all blended together and obscured reality. But now, she know it, and is asking her only friend to help her sort it out. Monica has to be her friend, because everything else — Alan, her mother, everything — may be an illusion. She doesn’t know. She can’t tell. She isn’t sure. She’s frightened.
Uh-huh. Tom Lea’s “Thousand Yard Stare,” from Peleliu Landing (1945, published in a limited edition of 500 copies and never reprinted, and costs about a grand per copy these days, IF you can find one . . . ).
I encountered it, as i said, in James Jones’ book WWII, along with a lot of other incredible art – including at least one painting by Chesley Bonestell. (Not very well reproduced, unfortunately.)
To be sure; it’s been repro’d any number of places–which is good, since almost NObody can afford an original. I recognized the original context ‘cos I was already familiar with Lea’s other work, besides spending a good many years in the rare book trade where knowing this kinda stuff comes with the territory.
Sounds like what monica used to have doesnt it?
Cept her dead person was mayal and the things that told her to do things were her demons but still…
That explains why mayal tried to build the calender machine.
If you are told your daughter is fractured in time .. what better why to cure her than build a machine to manipulate it?
“That explains why Maya tried to build the calender machine …”
Now that makes sense. More and more, it looks as if the biggest thing of which Mayahuel was really guilty was attempting a task larger than she was able to complete. She isn’t the only mother to stumble over that, trying to save her child.
The move to Virginia cost me 4 days without Wapsi. *twitch shudder*
And now I come back to a psychotic Tochtli, who still has the power to shatter universes. And can *poit* people ready in a heartbeat – that riff about poiting Monica’s … uh… “physical needs” takes me back to a SciFi story from the 50’s that I read long, long ago.
So one of the three most powerful beings on Earth, capable of destroying the Solar System at will, may be mentally ill. That’s nice. I wonder how you fix THAT…
I have recalled that, at one time, Jin was constantly monitoring Monica’s thoughts. I don’t know if that’s still in effect – perhaps Jin’s mental deterioration caused her to lose that power, or Monica’s increasing capacities are blocking her – but if it is, then Jin should know Tina believes she’s being ‘haunted’ and that the voices and people may be real, this time.
That is a VERY strange whatever the heck it is, beside Jin.
You think that’s scary – there was a time when one of the two most powerful people on earth, fully capable of destroying the world, was wandering the White House drunkenly talking to portraits of his predecessors.
a) Why is Mon’s hair swooshing like that?
b) “Doctors told my mom that my brain was out of sync with time.”
… in ancient China, they told her this? What?
Okay, somehow I totally got confused reading the last few strips and your explaining comics and I hope someone can help me here *g
So that civilization Jin comes from is that which built the calendar machine, correct…? I mean, her mother was involved.
And is that civilization the same which killed Jin, Bud and Brandy later? Has to, I guess, when you say that it was wiped out by the chimera.
And that civilization is called Lanthis?
What actually confused me in the first place was the tower in this strip:
(“Eh? Are they all mesopotamian and I missed something here…?”)
‘Cause it totally looks like the tower of Babylon – the upper part like in the paintings and the lower one like the real thing.
I wonder if Jin has told her mother about it this time. Jin might have felt the same way about the doctors Mayahuel sent her to as Monica felt about her psychiatrists. Jin might not trust Mayahuel enough to tell her everything. Obviously, Mayahuel knew Jin was mentally out of it in the temple, though.
The disjointed way Jin is talking sure is creepy. On the other hand, the fact that she is telling Monica about it is a good sign that she is trusting someone, at least. That probably makes her a lot less dangerous.
I also wonder if (or if Jin thinks that) the calendar machine fixed the problem of Jin’s brain being “out of sync with time” for as long as it existed. On the other hand, being out of sync with time might have been what allowed her to partially remember the previous time loops.
Methinks that the way Maya responded when Jin asked her own mother, “Can you help me find my mother?” indicates that she (Maya) knows that Jin hasn’t gotten any better over the years.
Kudos to you who can keep in depth characters, congruent time lines (through all ages ), and varied encounters in a story line so interesting that many can discuss with impunity.
Wouldn’t it be awesome to see this as a series or a movie?
What actors/actresses would play each characters?
1. Too tall. (Monica is 4’11”)
2. Too blonde-ish. (M’s a reddish-brown)
3. Too big in the boobs. (M’s only a 28F)
4. Previously mentioned by Fairport (M’s not pierced)
Also, the artwork in the first panel is interesting…as if Jin’s world has collapsed into shadow (ala the Nazgûl in Lord of the Rings), and the entity whispering to her is the only way through which one can view reality…
I imagine the problem with time anomolies is that they are so disjointing. I’ve personally spent short periods with my sense of the passage of time distorted due to illness and medications, and it was… different.
It is a frightening experience to wake up instantly, inexplicably surging with adrenaline, in a building you think you’ve never been to before. It is even more frightening to then have the memories of the previous four days trickle into your consciousness in random order. And then there’s a curious creeping sensation in your spine as you recognize just how badly you are panicking as your vision takes on odd colors, you start smelling childhood memories, and you have to wheeze forcibly to keep your lungs from seizing. I ended up crashing in a nearby chair, then I closed my eyes and concentrated on just breathing, and came around again twenty minutes later.
The second time something like that happened, about two years later, I was oddly calm. I started laughing because I realized I was passing out, but I had the forethought to call for help before I was fully gone. It is the most curious sensation to perceive your homeostasis rapidly failing.
Coming up in an ambulance after i was in a wreck that totaled the car and hit my head on (apparently) the doorpost was a very strange feeling … even weirder than coming up the times i’ve been given a general anesthetic for surgery.
Ah yes, coming to. Worst experience I had with that was when I was hit in the back and head with a pickup truck, I woke up in the ambulance in the middle of telling a very bad joke about getting the license plate of the truck that hit me, before I actually knew I had been hit by/with a truck. Trucks and I are1/0/2 out of 3 battles, I won once and two draws where either neither of us sustained damage or both of us were seriously damaged. The win for me was when I totalled the truck and walked (slowly and stiffly) away from the wreck. Word of advice, don’t go one on one with a motor vehicle, they’re seriously out of your weight class.
Heeh, that’s kinda funny… while waking, jokingly “did someone get the number of the truck that hit me?”, getting the completely serious response “yes”… imagining the reaction to that…
The good news here is that it’s unlikely to actually be Schizophrenia as that is a chemical imbalance or some sort in the brain and Jin isn’t particularly chemical based anymore. That means it’s probably just a temporal distortion of some kind. In other words something that can actually be fixed. Maybe they need a new smaller version of the calender machine that has a much more local effect.
Or, it’s trying to resolve fifty-six thousand years of repeated failure – with, finally, the successyou’ve been hoping for. Now, without the task to focus on, she’s got 56K years of nightmare to deal with. I thought four shoeboxes worth of photos to sort was a big job….
Well, she can always be placed back on ice. Maybe now is the time to do it, while she’s still lucid. But then, there are the other two at hand to hold her back as needed. Though such a struggle might cause quite a bit of damage in itself. I have to wonder if that might be like two immovable objects trying to contain an irrestable force.
ok … NOW it’s the end of the world. XD
“…frightened have got…”
Not necessarily. In fact, i think “…has got…” is better.
We’re looking at what i (vaguely) recall from high school English – forty-five years ago – is called a “complex sentence”.
The plural there – “words” is not the subject of the sentence as i read it – they look like a predicate nominative to me (especially given that we have an intransitive verb, “to be”.
What Monica is saying is scaring her is “You telling me you’re scared”, a some-kind-or-other clause used as the subject, and it’s singular.
If we’re going to be all grammar nazi, then it should also be, “YOUR saying that you’re frightened…”
Unless a word is spelled wrong or drastically out of place, let the characters speak like humans and not textbooks.
For the record… “You saying that you’re frightenened have got to be the most chilling words I’ve ever heard” is the mechanically correct form. The conjugation of “have” is related to the second clause of the sentence, e.g., “words” = plural = “have”.
All that said, when speaking, even I would say “has” because it floes off the tongue better…
AGREED. Also, Only Fairport is right, here. The character was correct to begin with. Last, really? We’re gonna pick at diction of fictional characters depicting humans that aren’t perfect? We have that much free time? And before anyone says anything, I happily admit I have free time as I’m pulling an all-nighter because I am too jazzed from an awesome evening with a friend that may or may not be romantically inclined towards me (it’s complicated).
Glad you’re finally saying something like that. I don’t know why people try to tell people how to do their jobs. And these are people. We don’t speak perfect grammar all the time and I HATE when people nitpick how others talk. Unless you’re speaking ebonics, let it go!
Agree w/ Pablo here. As long as the owls aren’t watching, let your writing reflect how you speak. If the owls were watching…
It may be the Philadelphia in me coming to the front, but in casual speak, you’d be lucky if people even included the words “that” “you” and “has” in that sentence.
LOL – sorry, Paul, I let my OCD get the upper hand. I’ll try to keep it dialed back, in the future.
Can we STOP nitpicking and enjoy the story please?
Heheh . Word .
No, it’s too much fun.
that’s gotta be maddening
Be scared . Be very scared .
Of course Monica should relate, since she was labeled pretty much the same herself, but without the destructful potential of Jin|
Ordinarily, I would agree with Monica’s assessment; but in the Wapsiverse, nothing is at it seems. Perhaps something happened to Jin where she can see extra-dimensional beings, or maybe there is some other god like being just screwing with her, trying to make her think she is insane. Whatever it may be, Monica is going to have to look outside her usual circle to figure this one out.
Okay, this is starting to sound like the old Infocom text-only “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” game (which you can play online at BBC Radio 4, BTW).
In that game, you can get Marvin the paranoid android to do one thing that’s essential to solving the game.
If you figure out what it is and how to give him the order so he’ll obey it.
Most of the Infocom games had a character, who was introduced fairly early on, who was only there to do *one* thing. Sometimes you had to figure out which of several characters it was.
So maybe someone Monica knows has the key to solving Jin’s problem. All she has to do it figure out who.
I doubt that it’s Bud or Brandi, and Mayahuel is a little too in-our-face (sort of like Steven Segal in Executive Decision) for me to figure it’s her.
So … who have we seen lately who hasn’t been directly involved in the action previously?
(Please delete previous post)
Considering Kath is lamenting her lack of role in actually solving the problem, getting the “clean up crew” assignment might be a likely/possible outcome.
Tepoz was supposed to be in this from the start it seemed, then had little-to-nothing to do with the actual resolution. Considering he’s been Jin’s “caretaker” for X years before Monica he passed the buck by forcefeeding Monica a 20lb turkey (I blame the turkey for all this! Monica+turkey = problems next morning), he’s another likely candidate for the catalyst. Especially since everyone knows and hates him in Wapsiverse.
I still feel Brandi has to have some role to play. Literally, the only thing she’s contributed, despite her attempts to help, have been almost coincidental. Introduced M to Phix & the library, discovered Tina’s KeyBlade, and previously wrote directions for Bud of one possible way to fix the Calendar Machine. None of which really seemed to require her participation (M could have easily found out about the library at some point be any golem, Brandi did it flippantly without thought of helping) (Randomly triggered the blade in Tina’s key, although triggered by a forgotten memory she did it almost by accident) (Had no knowledge of directions in this time-cycle, just happened to leave the book out for Bud to flip through, again almost by accident).
Even though Brandi had a pivotal role in the whole Calendar Machine business, so many things happened due to her without her even trying/knowing, it seems like she’d feel almost cheated, like everyone else (Monica, Shelly, Jin, Bud, and even Tina and Tepoz) contributed more than she did (not true, but not a far stretch, especially considering her ‘motherly’ nature and instincts towards her friends, especially Bud).
I would like to point out that Brandi has actually had a much more active role than you think – in other time loops,
What did Bud tell Monica? That Brandi could mop the floor with the rest of them, intellectually speaking? It would appear that she learned, the hard way, that her active participation in the events leading up to Bud’s destroying the calendar machine would result in failure, and the machine resetting. I memory serves, she was the source of the successful plan – she just had to doublethink her way around herself to make it work!
There was nothing casual or flippant about the clues she left for Bud. She did what was necessary, nothing more, nothing less, and arranged for herself to stay out of the way. And succeeded.
Came back to comment on this way too late, but I was referring to “this cycle” Brandi. Brandi is aware she’s done various things in past cycles, but she doesn’t have active memories of those cycles like Jin does. Therefore, in Brandi’s active memory, it would seem likely she would view it as she contributed the least, despite the fact that overall she contributed the most of all, sans perhaps Jin.
The term “I see dead people.” comes to mind.
heh i was thinking that
Dammit, I knew I was on the right track with Billy Pilgrim! “Out of sync with time” . . . yeah, sounds like “unstuck” to me.
Or the term “I see demon people.” My own, all of hers, that girl over there…..
I love Jin’s eyes….
They’re the eyes of someone who’s seen countless horrors beyond imagination time and time again, so much so that they’ve all blended together and obscured reality. But now, she know it, and is asking her only friend to help her sort it out. Monica has to be her friend, because everything else — Alan, her mother, everything — may be an illusion. She doesn’t know. She can’t tell. She isn’t sure. She’s frightened.
And so would you be!
Thousand yard stare.
Combat fatigue
Shell shock.
A mind pushed beyond endurance in a world that doesn’t make sense.
Take a look at this book cover (and the photo beside it).
And for the source of the expression, see:
Here, based on This.
I have (had?) James Jones’ incredible book of combat art, and it includes that painting.
The thousand-yard stare doesn’t always come from combat – i know what it feels like from the other side, myself..
True, that.
Uh-huh. Tom Lea’s “Thousand Yard Stare,” from Peleliu Landing (1945, published in a limited edition of 500 copies and never reprinted, and costs about a grand per copy these days, IF you can find one . . . ).
I encountered it, as i said, in James Jones’ book WWII, along with a lot of other incredible art – including at least one painting by Chesley Bonestell. (Not very well reproduced, unfortunately.)
To be sure; it’s been repro’d any number of places–which is good, since almost NObody can afford an original. I recognized the original context ‘cos I was already familiar with Lea’s other work, besides spending a good many years in the rare book trade where knowing this kinda stuff comes with the territory.
Sounds like what monica used to have doesnt it?
Cept her dead person was mayal and the things that told her to do things were her demons but still…
That explains why mayal tried to build the calender machine.
If you are told your daughter is fractured in time .. what better why to cure her than build a machine to manipulate it?
“That explains why Maya tried to build the calender machine …”
Now that makes sense. More and more, it looks as if the biggest thing of which Mayahuel was really guilty was attempting a task larger than she was able to complete. She isn’t the only mother to stumble over that, trying to save her child.
The move to Virginia cost me 4 days without Wapsi. *twitch shudder*
And now I come back to a psychotic Tochtli, who still has the power to shatter universes. And can *poit* people ready in a heartbeat – that riff about poiting Monica’s … uh… “physical needs” takes me back to a SciFi story from the 50’s that I read long, long ago.
Never a dull moment around here, that’s for sure.
“More Than Human”?
Been too long since i read it to remember, apparently, but someone brought it up yesterday…
So one of the three most powerful beings on Earth, capable of destroying the Solar System at will, may be mentally ill. That’s nice. I wonder how you fix THAT…
I have recalled that, at one time, Jin was constantly monitoring Monica’s thoughts. I don’t know if that’s still in effect – perhaps Jin’s mental deterioration caused her to lose that power, or Monica’s increasing capacities are blocking her – but if it is, then Jin should know Tina believes she’s being ‘haunted’ and that the voices and people may be real, this time.
That is a VERY strange whatever the heck it is, beside Jin.
Jin lost that ability when her “demon goddess” (her version of Doubt) went bye-bye.
Indeed, that is how Jin could “read” Monica’s thoughts.
you fix THAT carefeully, very very carefully
You think that’s scary – there was a time when one of the two most powerful people on earth, fully capable of destroying the world, was wandering the White House drunkenly talking to portraits of his predecessors.
@eee — isn’t it, though? Something whispering to her of other times, other places….as in the image within its silhouette.
Monica with the understatement of the millennium.
Not quite as chilling as “You know what you did last night?”
Or, “I can’t believe it’s not butter!”
a) Why is Mon’s hair swooshing like that?
b) “Doctors told my mom that my brain was out of sync with time.”
… in ancient China, they told her this? What?
a) It’s windy in Minneapolis in the Spring.
b) Jin was from an advanced civilization BEFORE all known civilizations and it was wiped from the surface of the earth by the chimera.
Okay, somehow I totally got confused reading the last few strips and your explaining comics and I hope someone can help me here *g
So that civilization Jin comes from is that which built the calendar machine, correct…? I mean, her mother was involved.
And is that civilization the same which killed Jin, Bud and Brandy later? Has to, I guess, when you say that it was wiped out by the chimera.
And that civilization is called Lanthis?
What actually confused me in the first place was the tower in this strip:
(“Eh? Are they all mesopotamian and I missed something here…?”)
‘Cause it totally looks like the tower of Babylon – the upper part like in the paintings and the lower one like the real thing.
Not to forget: I love the comic!
Dang, I mean “explaining comments” of course…
Oooooh. I never really picked up on Jin being a Lantean (or whatever). Are Bud and Brandi also from ancient, advanced civilizations?
Yep, all three of them are.
So, in the beginning, the Golem Girls were “At Lanthis”?
(ba dum ching!)
I wonder if Jin has told her mother about it this time. Jin might have felt the same way about the doctors Mayahuel sent her to as Monica felt about her psychiatrists. Jin might not trust Mayahuel enough to tell her everything. Obviously, Mayahuel knew Jin was mentally out of it in the temple, though.
The disjointed way Jin is talking sure is creepy. On the other hand, the fact that she is telling Monica about it is a good sign that she is trusting someone, at least. That probably makes her a lot less dangerous.
I also wonder if (or if Jin thinks that) the calendar machine fixed the problem of Jin’s brain being “out of sync with time” for as long as it existed. On the other hand, being out of sync with time might have been what allowed her to partially remember the previous time loops.
Methinks that the way Maya responded when Jin asked her own mother, “Can you help me find my mother?” indicates that she (Maya) knows that Jin hasn’t gotten any better over the years.
), and varied encounters in a story line so interesting that many can discuss with impunity.
Kudos to you who can keep in depth characters, congruent time lines (through all ages
Wouldn’t it be awesome to see this as a series or a movie?
What actors/actresses would play each characters?
We’ve been trying. James Cameron isn’t returning Pablo’s calls.
September Carino seems to be Monicas clone. Pixie with a Rack.
I googled – that’s “Carrino”.
I doubt Monica has pierced nipples.
Those were not what I was refering to. The build and facial are quite similar.
1. Too tall. (Monica is 4’11”)
2. Too blonde-ish. (M’s a reddish-brown)
3. Too big in the boobs. (M’s only a 28F)
4. Previously mentioned by Fairport (M’s not pierced)
Soooo, is that thing in the first panel one of the voices who used to command her, or is it something that might be trying to command her right now?
Also, the artwork in the first panel is interesting…as if Jin’s world has collapsed into shadow (ala the Nazgûl in Lord of the Rings), and the entity whispering to her is the only way through which one can view reality…
Whoa, that’s deep. I was gonna say that today was a nice picture and Monica is pretty, but that seems pretty lame now.
And yeah, sure is windy in Minneapolis.
I imagine the problem with time anomolies is that they are so disjointing. I’ve personally spent short periods with my sense of the passage of time distorted due to illness and medications, and it was… different.
It is a frightening experience to wake up instantly, inexplicably surging with adrenaline, in a building you think you’ve never been to before. It is even more frightening to then have the memories of the previous four days trickle into your consciousness in random order. And then there’s a curious creeping sensation in your spine as you recognize just how badly you are panicking as your vision takes on odd colors, you start smelling childhood memories, and you have to wheeze forcibly to keep your lungs from seizing. I ended up crashing in a nearby chair, then I closed my eyes and concentrated on just breathing, and came around again twenty minutes later.
The second time something like that happened, about two years later, I was oddly calm. I started laughing because I realized I was passing out, but I had the forethought to call for help before I was fully gone. It is the most curious sensation to perceive your homeostasis rapidly failing.
Poor Jin.
Coming up in an ambulance after i was in a wreck that totaled the car and hit my head on (apparently) the doorpost was a very strange feeling … even weirder than coming up the times i’ve been given a general anesthetic for surgery.
Not really that similar – but the first panel kept nagging at me until i recalled[this young lady](
Agggh! Wrong board markup!
” … this young lady …”
Schizophrenics are dangerous to everyone when they don’t know who they are; when they DO know who they are, everyone becomes dangerous to THEM!
Ah yes, coming to. Worst experience I had with that was when I was hit in the back and head with a pickup truck, I woke up in the ambulance in the middle of telling a very bad joke about getting the license plate of the truck that hit me, before I actually knew I had been hit by/with a truck. Trucks and I are1/0/2 out of 3 battles, I won once and two draws where either neither of us sustained damage or both of us were seriously damaged. The win for me was when I totalled the truck and walked (slowly and stiffly) away from the wreck. Word of advice, don’t go one on one with a motor vehicle, they’re seriously out of your weight class.
I should mention that these wrecks were when I was riding my bike (not the one seen in my Gravatar), not driving a car or any other armored suits.
Heeh, that’s kinda funny… while waking, jokingly “did someone get the number of the truck that hit me?”, getting the completely serious response “yes”… imagining the reaction to that…
The good news here is that it’s unlikely to actually be Schizophrenia as that is a chemical imbalance or some sort in the brain and Jin isn’t particularly chemical based anymore. That means it’s probably just a temporal distortion of some kind. In other words something that can actually be fixed. Maybe they need a new smaller version of the calender machine that has a much more local effect.
Or, it’s trying to resolve fifty-six thousand years of repeated failure – with, finally, the successyou’ve been hoping for. Now, without the task to focus on, she’s got 56K years of nightmare to deal with. I thought four shoeboxes worth of photos to sort was a big job….
Well, she can always be placed back on ice. Maybe now is the time to do it, while she’s still lucid. But then, there are the other two at hand to hold her back as needed. Though such a struggle might cause quite a bit of damage in itself. I have to wonder if that might be like two immovable objects trying to contain an irrestable force.
She may be scared, but she still looks like she’s about to go kung-fu on some psychopathic demons
Chemical-based or not, how do YOU define crazy???
…is it broken? all I can see are a bunch of alternating white, gray, and black lines.
huh, going into the archives and clicking on the link fixed it. What happened…?
i don’t suppose this is a case for super alan and his fine brand of lovin’