“Dad, it’s time we talked about our family. Well, let’s see. This is grandma Phix. No, your mother. She and I are both sphinxes. Mom and my boyfriend, Justin, are Titans. Mom? She’s Nike’s sister. No, not the shoe. Mom and Justin aren’t on speaking terms because she once chained his brother Prometheus to a rock. Yes. Him. Eagle. Liver. It was a real mess. Um. I think that about covers it. Dad? DAD??”
He’s got almost as much family drama lurking in the wings {and waiting to pounce) as if he’d married into the British royal family.
It’ll be interesting to learn (if we ever do) whether he ever suspected that his family heritage isn’t mundane-human. We don’t know how old he was when Phix made the hard decision to give him up and let him be raised in the human world -possibly he might have a few early memories of living with her in the Library?
Yeah, I’ve also wondered about that. That time when he put her on desk duty after she had hurt herself somehow (I think it was the time she took a bowling ball to her hesd, but don’t have time to search out the relevant strips) – was that because he thought she needed the break OR because he knew damn well she didn’t, but didn’t want her to find out? Also, he seems not to have batted an eyelid at her doing some rather remarkable things (throwing around entire motor blocks, going into a daylong trance over her morther’s figurines).
Another question is how much he might know or suspect about his mother’s and his (ex-?)wife’s identity
It’s been a lot of years since I lived with anyone obligated to look after me when I’m sick. Quite honestly, it’s been rare I can justify not going to work, when my job is looking after people with much more debilitating conditions than a simple cold, and if I don’t show up, they’d be in desperate straits.
I was wearing masks and gloves to work before it was “cool”.
(Also, @#$% all you people who cleared the shelves of medical gloves in every store during early Covid, when all you needed to do was wash your hands a bit more often (most of you I saw weren’t even using them properly). Meanwhile I’m using sandwich making gloves to disimpact a constipated 200lb grandpa. I PROMISE you I needed those gloves more than you did! >_< )
I’ve sure been there :/
You’ve been a powerful apotropaic sphinx brought low by the common cold? =)
It loses something in the translation. (Welcome back.)
Shelly will always be my favorite character. Every time I get to see her is a treat. She’s got the body of a tank, and the soul of a cinnamon roll.
hi Paul, welcome back, hope you and the family are well. ~<3
If only Shelly had a titan at her beck and call.
Good times!
The one I feel sorry for is Shelly’s Dad.
“Dad, it’s time we talked about our family. Well, let’s see. This is grandma Phix. No, your mother. She and I are both sphinxes. Mom and my boyfriend, Justin, are Titans. Mom? She’s Nike’s sister. No, not the shoe. Mom and Justin aren’t on speaking terms because she once chained his brother Prometheus to a rock. Yes. Him. Eagle. Liver. It was a real mess. Um. I think that about covers it. Dad? DAD??”
He’s got almost as much family drama lurking in the wings {and waiting to pounce) as if he’d married into the British royal family.
It’ll be interesting to learn (if we ever do) whether he ever suspected that his family heritage isn’t mundane-human. We don’t know how old he was when Phix made the hard decision to give him up and let him be raised in the human world -possibly he might have a few early memories of living with her in the Library?
Yeah, I’ve also wondered about that. That time when he put her on desk duty after she had hurt herself somehow (I think it was the time she took a bowling ball to her hesd, but don’t have time to search out the relevant strips) – was that because he thought she needed the break OR because he knew damn well she didn’t, but didn’t want her to find out? Also, he seems not to have batted an eyelid at her doing some rather remarkable things (throwing around entire motor blocks, going into a daylong trance over her morther’s figurines).
Another question is how much he might know or suspect about his mother’s and his (ex-?)wife’s identity
Poor Shelly. I’d be pleased to help her feel better.
I hade id wen I hab a code…
It’s been a lot of years since I lived with anyone obligated to look after me when I’m sick. Quite honestly, it’s been rare I can justify not going to work, when my job is looking after people with much more debilitating conditions than a simple cold, and if I don’t show up, they’d be in desperate straits.
I was wearing masks and gloves to work before it was “cool”.
(Also, @#$% all you people who cleared the shelves of medical gloves in every store during early Covid, when all you needed to do was wash your hands a bit more often (most of you I saw weren’t even using them properly). Meanwhile I’m using sandwich making gloves to disimpact a constipated 200lb grandpa. I PROMISE you I needed those gloves more than you did! >_< )
Dat feel, I haz it. And I’m not even a sphinx.
I think I should know this character from somewhere.
The common cold’ll getcha. The martians found out the hard way…
Best way to read this comic sequence is to hold your nose while speaking out loud.