Anydog’s philosophy: If you can’t eat it, play with it, or mate with it, it’s not that important. All three of those can be tested with a poke of the nose.
You know… I can’t help but wonder if we aren’t overplaying the power of the Golem Girls (Read: Jin). When all three of them were joined, all focused on lashing out and hurting the ones who tortured them to death… they destroyed Lanthis… but not the world. If three of them together acting out of all their rage and pain only destroyed a country (only…) then all this talk about Jin splatting the planet or playing bowling with the sun is a bit over the top.
…that said, I woulden’t want to be in the city when she goes off…
Bud once said to Monica that she (by herself) had the power to destroy the world in a cataclysm so extreme that the shock wave would do Bad Things* to the Sun…
Actually, I’m not sure that Paul ever said where Lathis was located. Considering Bud and Brandi’s origin, I had the idea that it was in the Mediterranean.
I don’t think it was meant as a joke on Jin – it’s just that Bud hates shopping for clothes – especially with Brandi, who thinks Bud ought dress in a more sexy manner – so she was ignoring her in hopes she’d take the hint and go away…
Maybe “sexy” isn’t the word – more like she thinks Bud ought get over being so self-effacing and have more fun, and that dressing more stylishly/colourfully would be a good start.
Of course, doing that would make her more attractive/sexy as well. You made a good point. I was a little bothered by Brandi coming across as shallow, but if she’s doing it at least in part for Bud’s benefit, it’s better.
She’s not very comfortable in her own skin. She complains that she isn’t more attractive, but when she turned on the guys at the beach, it bothered her. I don’t know what’s all behind that. I think she may not trust herself based on things that happened in the past, she might think that she doesn’t really deserve to be happy, she may just be shy. I think a lot of times shy girls want to be attractive, but are uncomfortable with attention being paid to them, so they can’t be happy either way.
Well, these three women have been together for thousands of years, so they know each other extremely well. And with the revelation that Jin wasn’t really one of their tormentors long ago but was actually trying to help them, Bud and Brandi have little reason for hostility towards her; I mean, besides her snarky, manipulative personality. And since they’ll probably outlast the universe, why not be friends? It will help pass the endless time…
Okay…so I get that Jin is dangerous in her current mental state, and fixing her would be the best idea…but I really like the innocently silly moments that crazy Jin creates.
I was thinking about the way Jin behaved like a little girl before this scene. Bud concluded that she might be haunted by the spirit of a little girl.
BTW, I think Paul hinted pretty strongly in the comments earlier that Bud learned a lot from talking with Maya when they were still in the demon realm. I guess that explains why Bud was so quick on the uptake in the scene I just linked to. I’ve been wondering about Brandi being so uninvolved. I suppose Bud never told her. I wonder if she will become more involved now.
@bmonk: Now do you see why Paul had Jin repeat herself yesterday? That happens enough in real-life conversations that I didn’t think anything about it at the time, but now I see how it helped prepare us for today’s page.
Like Fairportfan said above, I think the sequence of expressions on Jin’s face today is great, too.
No, Brandi, that poke was to punish you for suggesting they buy jackets at the Galleria. Jin may be super rich but that mall is fricking EXPENSIVE! Just go across the street to Southdale, far better prices.
Ahhhhh Haaaaa! This comic made me giggle uncontrollably! Thank you Paul, for the laugh! Now I am off to the Galleria! No really, I am meeting a friend for lunch! And then off to work!
Jin’s expression in the last panel was perfect. There’s worry, desperation, and a touch of childlike fear in it.
It’s like she’s saying “Please be real, please be real, please be real” in her head as she’s poking.
It reminds me of a few times when I’ve seen very small children interacting with something for the very first time and their parent(s) say “It’s OK, he/she/it won’t bite,” but all the kid can muster the courage to do is poke it. Then they either giggle uncontrollably and start exploring, or decide “OK I’ve touched it, I’m gonna stand here behind your legs now, so it has to go through you to get to me.”
I’ve actually had a kid do that. Apparently I was the first person with facial hair they’d ever seen.
Reality! What a concept!
Hah ! I was waiting for Jin to poke Brandi .
I wonder if this is what she sees when she pokes em
or this possibly
The final punchline to that one bears a bit of consideration in this context, too.
Well, at least Jin wasn’t angry when she found out that Brandi was real, unlike Zimmy.
Said one hallucination to the other. Sounds like the punchline to a bad joke.
How does the old joke go? “I’m not schizophrenic… and neither am I!”?
Considering that Jin can rather effortlessly poke a hole clean through someone, let’s hope she doesn’t do that while agitated.
Love Bud’s expression in the last panel.
Heh! I’m more partial to Jin’s: sort of an idle curiosity look.
Actually, now that you mention it, Jin’s expression sort of puts me in mind of Dietzel’s on occasion.
Anydog’s philosophy: If you can’t eat it, play with it, or mate with it, it’s not that important. All three of those can be tested with a poke of the nose.
And the progression of Jin’s expression in all the panels is amusing.
To me it’s a naive, childlike look.
Hahaha!! This was a good one!!
Love the gag. Poor Jin. XD
Good thing for Jin that Brandi’s super tough… I get the feeling that someone else poked that way might not be so lucky…
Naw, they seem to know what measure of force to use. After all, Alan’s still in one piece even after several bouts of sex with Jin.
Tired, but in one piece.
Anaerobic sex! (thumbs up)
Reminds me of this …
You know… I can’t help but wonder if we aren’t overplaying the power of the Golem Girls (Read: Jin). When all three of them were joined, all focused on lashing out and hurting the ones who tortured them to death… they destroyed Lanthis… but not the world. If three of them together acting out of all their rage and pain only destroyed a country (only…) then all this talk about Jin splatting the planet or playing bowling with the sun is a bit over the top.
…that said, I woulden’t want to be in the city when she goes off…
Bud once said to Monica that she (by herself) had the power to destroy the world in a cataclysm so extreme that the shock wave would do Bad Things* to the Sun…
Yep, the only thing that kept the original boom from wiping out the solar system was Jin.
Yes, I remember you implied that Jin was a governor on that engine of destruction.
The entire solar system?? People just don’t seem to know when to quit when they’ve got mass destruction on their minds…
Lanthis wasn’t a city, it was a small continent (or a Really Big Island) in the Atlantic Ocean.
Actually, I’m not sure that Paul ever said where Lathis was located. Considering Bud and Brandi’s origin, I had the idea that it was in the Mediterranean.
LOL Schizophrenia humor ^_^
Honestly that was very Rei Ayamani / Yuki Nagato moment. ^_^
Aww budd that was kinda mean.
looks like she does actually like jin after all ^^
we do tend to play the cruelest jokes on our friends
I don’t think it was meant as a joke on Jin – it’s just that Bud hates shopping for clothes – especially with Brandi, who thinks Bud ought dress in a more sexy manner – so she was ignoring her in hopes she’d take the hint and go away…
Maybe “sexy” isn’t the word – more like she thinks Bud ought get over being so self-effacing and have more fun, and that dressing more stylishly/colourfully would be a good start.
Of course, doing that would make her more attractive/sexy as well. You made a good point. I was a little bothered by Brandi coming across as shallow, but if she’s doing it at least in part for Bud’s benefit, it’s better.
I thought of it more that Bud is a minimalist, and therefore not into fashion of any kind…
Actually, the bikini was too minimalist for her.
She’s not very comfortable in her own skin. She complains that she isn’t more attractive, but when she turned on the guys at the beach, it bothered her. I don’t know what’s all behind that. I think she may not trust herself based on things that happened in the past, she might think that she doesn’t really deserve to be happy, she may just be shy. I think a lot of times shy girls want to be attractive, but are uncomfortable with attention being paid to them, so they can’t be happy either way.
And maybe she’d rather be viewed as attractive from the inside out instead of the other way around.
Remember how she reacted to Kevin’s kindness.
Well, these three women have been together for thousands of years, so they know each other extremely well. And with the revelation that Jin wasn’t really one of their tormentors long ago but was actually trying to help them, Bud and Brandi have little reason for hostility towards her; I mean, besides her snarky, manipulative personality. And since they’ll probably outlast the universe, why not be friends? It will help pass the endless time…
over those thousands of years, how many times have fitted jackets been “in” I wonder…
Satre has some really interesting concepts on existence that I think would work really well with the way Jin is feeling rightabout now.
Although I don’t think he has any thought on how awesome the last POKE panel is.
Hell is other people…so poke them.
…or something like that…
You know, even though I was totally expecting it, it was still awesome.
I think it was the “You Dork!” that did it.
Yes, the proper wording can enhance even mundane jokes.
Love Brandi’s expression in panel 2.
Hee. That was oddly adorable of Jin. In a sad but cute way~
Okay…so I get that Jin is dangerous in her current mental state, and fixing her would be the best idea…but I really like the innocently silly moments that crazy Jin creates.
It would be nice if they could fix her, but let her keep some of the innocence.
Unfortunately, I don’t think that it’s so much innocence as uncertainty, and that would definitely get wiped out if they fixed the schizophrenia.
I was thinking about the way Jin behaved like a little girl before this scene. Bud concluded that she might be haunted by the spirit of a little girl.
BTW, I think Paul hinted pretty strongly in the comments earlier that Bud learned a lot from talking with Maya when they were still in the demon realm. I guess that explains why Bud was so quick on the uptake in the scene I just linked to. I’ve been wondering about Brandi being so uninvolved. I suppose Bud never told her. I wonder if she will become more involved now.
That was neat.
@bmonk: Now do you see why Paul had Jin repeat herself yesterday? That happens enough in real-life conversations that I didn’t think anything about it at the time, but now I see how it helped prepare us for today’s page.
Like Fairportfan said above, I think the sequence of expressions on Jin’s face today is great, too.
Last panel: Most adorable Jin ever.
Look how happy Brandi is in the second panel…my wife gets like that at the bookstore…
This comic made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt. I’m not even sure why!
No, Brandi, that poke was to punish you for suggesting they buy jackets at the Galleria. Jin may be super rich but that mall is fricking EXPENSIVE! Just go across the street to Southdale, far better prices.
Total agreement about the Galleria. =)
I love the expression on Jin’s face while she’s poking Brandi! X-D SO CUTE!
Maybe Jin’s trying to find a Pause button.
Ahhhhh Haaaaa! This comic made me giggle uncontrollably! Thank you Paul, for the laugh! Now I am off to the Galleria! No really, I am meeting a friend for lunch! And then off to work!
Love it! Even poke will fail sometimes.
Brandi, you are suppose to giggle, like the Pillsbury Doughboy, not yell “hey”.
Remember folks, reality is what you bark your shins on while walking across the living room with your eyes closed.
I told that to a philosophy major once and he just about had an apoplectic fit.
Jin’s expression in the last panel was perfect. There’s worry, desperation, and a touch of childlike fear in it.
It’s like she’s saying “Please be real, please be real, please be real” in her head as she’s poking.
It reminds me of a few times when I’ve seen very small children interacting with something for the very first time and their parent(s) say “It’s OK, he/she/it won’t bite,” but all the kid can muster the courage to do is poke it. Then they either giggle uncontrollably and start exploring, or decide “OK I’ve touched it, I’m gonna stand here behind your legs now, so it has to go through you to get to me.”
I’ve actually had a kid do that. Apparently I was the first person with facial hair they’d ever seen.
Friggin’ adorable!
That’s not nice, Bud! But then, what are friends for?