I know! It’s like when I posted that Paul’s cast was 95% female (and someone else said they’re all becoming lesbians) and Paul is suddenly motivated to show us what the few males and the women into them are doing for a brief change. ^_-
With what money? Shelly’s a Yoga instructor, and Justin’s a Cop… where is this “money” you speak of to, you know…, actually PAY for those “better apartments”
I’ll suggest that her father owns the building the garage is in, and that it’s a loft in that building. It looks comfortable, she has a nice kitchen (from what we can see) and it was convenient to work.
Plus, come to think, maybe it’s mostly a front these days, and she has a Library portal in a closet and actually lives in a really nice apartment at the Library.
I just woke someone sleeping 20 feet away through two doors I was laughing so loudly.
Ok, I love the episodes with feeling, they reach deep and can stir some painful parts of the past but the humor like this is why I started reading this comic and it’s above and beyond most anything else on the web. I’m still chucking. I even went and had to reboot my router at the other end of the house (I’m disabled and on a walker) just so I could post this comment.
I have read through the archives several times, and this is the first I remember connecting Shelly (a sphinx) and her running nose with the marker sphinx. Could her subconcious have been telling her something?
Look who’s here…
I know! It’s like when I posted that Paul’s cast was 95% female (and someone else said they’re all becoming lesbians) and Paul is suddenly motivated to show us what the few males and the women into them are doing for a brief change. ^_-
Justin is a brave immortal to laugh at her like that. 🙂
It’s all mind over matter. Unfortunately, when you’re dreaming your mind doesn’t matter…
Not in this house of immortals… ;°D
How can it run that fast with those tiny legs?
(Don’t let her see the conclusion of Woody Allen’s ‘Sleeper’)
Road Runner?
If it’s running like that how does she smell?
Knew as soon as we saw Kevin again that this idiot wouldn’t be far behind
Just need Jin’s idiot to make it the full idiot-trifecta
Is that an affecionate use of idiot? Cause if not I know not what you are trying to say. Except that maybe you are not being very nice… :/
Never liked any of those idiots, was happy when Monica finally dumped her idiot, just unfortunate that Bud scraped him up 🙁
Personally I’m not particularly partial meself to the idiot she chose to replace him with :-/
Maybe a little Super Glue would help…
Well, if she’d ever caught that nose, and put it on her face, she’d most likely have the most prominent conk in the comic.
She already does. She has a genuine American Indian bowsprit.
Guys!!! Guys everywhere! It’s an Xmas miracle! I now have oyhkng to complain about. Carry on.
Don’t worry Shelly; I have a Psychiatrist friend who NOSE all about these things *rimshot*
You’d think an actual Titan and the Sage of the Forest could afford a better apartment than Shelly’s back alley ‘efficiency’…
With what money? Shelly’s a Yoga instructor, and Justin’s a Cop… where is this “money” you speak of to, you know…, actually PAY for those “better apartments”
I’ll suggest that her father owns the building the garage is in, and that it’s a loft in that building. It looks comfortable, she has a nice kitchen (from what we can see) and it was convenient to work.
Plus, come to think, maybe it’s mostly a front these days, and she has a Library portal in a closet and actually lives in a really nice apartment at the Library.
In the world of make-believe….ANYTHING is possible; just ask Paul!
I just woke someone sleeping 20 feet away through two doors I was laughing so loudly.
Ok, I love the episodes with feeling, they reach deep and can stir some painful parts of the past but the humor like this is why I started reading this comic and it’s above and beyond most anything else on the web. I’m still chucking. I even went and had to reboot my router at the other end of the house (I’m disabled and on a walker) just so I could post this comment.
You know what they say: if your nose runs and your feet smell… they may have gotten swapped by accident!
🥴 … 😏
I have read through the archives several times, and this is the first I remember connecting Shelly (a sphinx) and her running nose with the marker sphinx. Could her subconcious have been telling her something?
I’ll bet her feet smell too.