If Shawna actually requires glasses, wouldn’t they be just a tad more complicated, [and expensive,] then what she wears in human guise? Are they only necessary because she is limited, in that form, to 2 eyes?It may be just a limitation of the art style, but those appear to be simple lenses, not Bi or Tri-Focal.
… Yes ‘Stella noticed, and now considers it part of the “Comfort Factor” you were describing.. It makes her feel safe.
It could be that their vision is superior when using ALL the eyes at once, but when basically “closing” all but two, that pair is not, by itself, up to the specifications of optimal human vision. The principle could be similar to the modern trend of not building bigger single telescopes, but instead using arrays of smaller ones and processing the images into one, much more detailed, image. Their brains presumably are optimized for seeing with half a dozen eyes, and limiting herself to two means Shawna needs a bit of an assist.
Check out the origin issue of the comic book “Concrete” some time. The artificial bodies the aliens arrived on Earth in had superhuman eyesight. The aliens traded bodies with the Earthlings they encountered, tw0 humans a deer and a bear, and all four wore glasses that looked like some sort of binocular-microscope hybrid in order to see what they were used to seeing.
What? Don’t see any face rubbing in the last panel, just asking if Shawna realised she was wearing her old shirt, kinda hinting that she can be a little oblivious at times as well
Thank You as always for your prompt and courteous reply. If you’ll indulge me, just a little, my Forum name is B-zero-mar. I’ve looked for some way to denote that, without the tedious explanation. On the Napalm Luck Forum, that I frequent most often, I’ve made the change to Ascii 157 for BØmar. It’s always has been pronounced “Bomar” [Like the old 4-banger calculator – that isn’t spelled that way either.] That said, I will NEVER Mention it again. Lets see if this works…
Word-of-Paul is that Shawna is a Pixie. So apparently is her mother Miriam (this is her first in-strip appearance). We don’t know anything about Shawn’s father.
She said “a worry about and for”. I interpret what she said as “I have a concern about, and a concern for, someone else.”
To me, the “about” says Shawn’s worried about Castela’s possible impact on other people, and the “for” says she’s worried about Castela’s own well-being.
Now we just have to figure out who her aunt is.
I get mine from my Grandmother, so I’m hip…
Father’s sister?
Mother’s Mother actually (40J)
last panel – is that “clothes” to explode? And speaking of rubbing her nose in things… LOL
Oops! All fixed. ^_^
Does the school have a contingency in case of Boobsplosion?
If Shawna actually requires glasses, wouldn’t they be just a tad more complicated, [and expensive,] then what she wears in human guise? Are they only necessary because she is limited, in that form, to 2 eyes?It may be just a limitation of the art style, but those appear to be simple lenses, not Bi or Tri-Focal.
… Yes ‘Stella noticed, and now considers it part of the “Comfort Factor” you were describing.. It makes her feel safe.
They could be a reminder, like “Only manifest the eyes that look through the glasses!”
It could be that their vision is superior when using ALL the eyes at once, but when basically “closing” all but two, that pair is not, by itself, up to the specifications of optimal human vision. The principle could be similar to the modern trend of not building bigger single telescopes, but instead using arrays of smaller ones and processing the images into one, much more detailed, image. Their brains presumably are optimized for seeing with half a dozen eyes, and limiting herself to two means Shawna needs a bit of an assist.
perhaps just wearing them helps her focus with those eyes, and keep the others closed.
Check out the origin issue of the comic book “Concrete” some time. The artificial bodies the aliens arrived on Earth in had superhuman eyesight. The aliens traded bodies with the Earthlings they encountered, tw0 humans a deer and a bear, and all four wore glasses that looked like some sort of binocular-microscope hybrid in order to see what they were used to seeing.
The eyes have it.
I never before knew that about Pixies; I dunno if I’ll ever get used to that…
Weird that she gives good advice, and then does the opposite in the last panel of the advice she just gave.
I know, right? But that is a mother’s job, after all.
Do as I say! not as I do!
–Parents’ credo (ca. 200000 BC)
What? Don’t see any face rubbing in the last panel, just asking if Shawna realised she was wearing her old shirt, kinda hinting that she can be a little oblivious at times as well
If her other sets of eyes works on different wavelengths they may not be needed.
Sorry this was in response to BOmar’s question about her need for eyeglasses.
Thank You as always for your prompt and courteous reply. If you’ll indulge me, just a little, my Forum name is B-zero-mar. I’ve looked for some way to denote that, without the tedious explanation. On the Napalm Luck Forum, that I frequent most often, I’ve made the change to Ascii 157 for BØmar. It’s always has been pronounced “Bomar” [Like the old 4-banger calculator – that isn’t spelled that way either.] That said, I will NEVER Mention it again. Lets see if this works…
“Don’t rub her nose in it!” I dunno… it looks like “it” may have had some effect with that too small shirt.
Btw, have we figured out what they are yet? I’m still not getting the eye reference.
Word-of-Paul is that Shawna is a Pixie. So apparently is her mother Miriam (this is her first in-strip appearance). We don’t know anything about Shawn’s father.
I wonder if ^all^three^ rows of Miriam’s eyes can ^split^ their orientatin in ^different^ directions ~ like her lowest pair.
I noticed that too! She can keep an eye on her cooking AND look at her daughter at the same time. Interesting.
First panel: “I just have a worry about and someone else.”
about what?
She said “a worry about and for”. I interpret what she said as “I have a concern about, and a concern for, someone else.”
To me, the “about” says Shawn’s worried about Castela’s possible impact on other people, and the “for” says she’s worried about Castela’s own well-being.
Just be glad mom isn’t noticing the Castela-face-shaped imprint on the front of her too-small clothes…
Just how many different directions can mama look in? o_O
Thought chameleons had it rough looking in just two directions at the same time…
I was beginning to think ^I^ might be the only one who noticed that.
Very useful skill for a chef.
“You can’t hide your fryin’ eyes…”
There are ^good^ puns, and there are BAD/TERRIBLE puns.
Unfortunately, the one you just made is the LATTER
She makes a valid point, Shawna; you really got da JUGGS!!!
forget not that Cass also commented (mentally) about how snugly Shawna’s boobies filled her shirt (two strips ago)