Kath: “Yes we have talked, and the conclusion to that talk was that you don’t have any right to tell me I can’t culturally appropriate anything fun from MY own generation. Rap and Hip-Hop were BIG in the 90s, with EVERYBODY! So bite me, hater! I’m off to go rollin’ down the street, sippin’ on gin and juice!”
Cas: “…Oh god, she’s drunk again…”
Whenever people say they’re “high on life”, I just assumed they mixed all the recreational substances they could find together and can no longer clearly remember what they’re actually intoxicated off of. Just saying.
Thanks, I was thinking that 90s didn’t sound quite right – 90s were when I stopped having song genres I didn’t like. Before that, I hated rap, blues, and much of rock…
(Couldn’t stand loud music until I lost 70% of my hearing!)
I was born in ’80. All my teen years were in the 90s.
I remember what played on the radio and what cassettes and CDs I own(ed). I stand by my decade statement.
Hinoron- while your statement is correct, rap STARTED getting big in the 80’s. Her use of boi-ee and her stance in the last panel are straight from the Beastie Boys in the 80’s. I believe it came from ‘Fight for Your Right (to Party)’ released in ’86.
Once a Mom, ALWAYS a Mom! Its hard to believe Kath went from a secluded, introverted shut-in on the verge of suicide to a happy outgoing Mom and crack M.I.B agent as well. Guess all she needed were kids of her own in her life…
Ever see “Quest For Fire?” The hominids in the film barely had language… they could scarcely put two words together… but the simple roll of an eye was as expressive as a whole textbook full of speeches.
I wouldn’t be surprised if chimps, bonobos, and gorillas each have their own unique body language which translates directly to “Jeeeze, Mom!!”
The saying goes, “Insanity is hereditary — you get it from your kids.” I’m assuming that child embarrassment is merely the adult’s way to pay back the kid for the insanity.
I enjoy enunciating slowly and with incorrect cadence hip slang from five years ago to my son to which he replies… no, don’t do that. Which i believe is the only response acceptable since it’s the only reply ever given.
Look, you little Gen-Z dorks… us forty-somethings were RAISED on hip-hop! The good stuff like NWA, PE, BDP, Beasties, 2Pac & Biggie! So deal with it! And maybe in a couple decades you can embarrass YOUR kids with your “dated” slang that came from ol’ Fruity-Pebbles-teeth or what have you. Get off my (potholes in my) lawn!
You gen-X punks got no idea how good you got it . . . in my day we had to walk to school even in six feet of snow . . . even in July . . . and uphill both ways to boot!
I’m a 60-something guy. I remember in the 70’s I was doing a musical in Queens (I was going to be the next big thing on Broadway. I will point out that I am NOT the next big thing on Broadway.) During one rehearsal, I was sitting outside of the theatre and heard my first hip-hop. Didn’t know what it was, didn’t like it. Still don’t.
Bryn bringing out the goof in Katherine?
It’s what a regimen of regular orgasms will do for your mental health.
or organics…http://wapsisquare.com/comic/totally-organic/
Lordee, hasn’t Cath come a long, long way!
Kath: “Yes we have talked, and the conclusion to that talk was that you don’t have any right to tell me I can’t culturally appropriate anything fun from MY own generation. Rap and Hip-Hop were BIG in the 90s, with EVERYBODY! So bite me, hater! I’m off to go rollin’ down the street, sippin’ on gin and juice!”
Cas: “…Oh god, she’s drunk again…”
Nah! She’s high on life, kid!
Whenever people say they’re “high on life”, I just assumed they mixed all the recreational substances they could find together and can no longer clearly remember what they’re actually intoxicated off of. Just saying.
with my mind on my money and my money on my mind… I was more of a sugarhill gang guy myself… lol
It’s A Christmas F*cking Miracle…
I like the Gourds version., I play It at work and the few rap fans just jaw drop.
Gotta love the hick-hop!
“were Big in the EIGHTIES…”, ftfy. 8])
Thanks, I was thinking that 90s didn’t sound quite right – 90s were when I stopped having song genres I didn’t like. Before that, I hated rap, blues, and much of rock…
(Couldn’t stand loud music until I lost 70% of my hearing!)
I was born in ’80. All my teen years were in the 90s.
I remember what played on the radio and what cassettes and CDs I own(ed). I stand by my decade statement.
Hinoron- while your statement is correct, rap STARTED getting big in the 80’s. Her use of boi-ee and her stance in the last panel are straight from the Beastie Boys in the 80’s. I believe it came from ‘Fight for Your Right (to Party)’ released in ’86.
She’d work well with the announcer from Jet Set Radio, DJ Professor K.
Maybe she’s trying to fix them up.
What’s going to become of this strip when Cassie goes off to college and there is nothing resembling an adult around.
Well, then, ten years or so will pass in the blink of a single strip and we’ll be reading stories about Castela’s children.
Once a Mom, ALWAYS a Mom! Its hard to believe Kath went from a secluded, introverted shut-in on the verge of suicide to a happy outgoing Mom and crack M.I.B agent as well. Guess all she needed were kids of her own in her life…
Embarrassing kids since at least the invention of language.
Much earlier than that, I suspect.
Ever see “Quest For Fire?” The hominids in the film barely had language… they could scarcely put two words together… but the simple roll of an eye was as expressive as a whole textbook full of speeches.
I wouldn’t be surprised if chimps, bonobos, and gorillas each have their own unique body language which translates directly to “Jeeeze, Mom!!”
Makes me wonder what the other great ape specieses’ equivalent of the dad joke is.
Check out the silent film era. It’s not a lost art, not yet.
I did say “at least”
The saying goes, “Insanity is hereditary — you get it from your kids.” I’m assuming that child embarrassment is merely the adult’s way to pay back the kid for the insanity.
As a parent, it’s your sworn duty to try and embarrass your child.
I imagine her purposely pronouncing it ‘Cass Tea La’.
Someone has been into the expired double-spiked ‘nog early, hard and often
As I say with my nieces every time they have thus reaction (please stop!), “no”.
hehe same remark here to mine
I enjoy enunciating slowly and with incorrect cadence hip slang from five years ago to my son to which he replies… no, don’t do that. Which i believe is the only response acceptable since it’s the only reply ever given.
The only thing missing i believe would be the newspaper slap on the nose and the adamant “no!”
Heh. Speaking of messing with the cadence and so forth of “hip” stuff – try this version of “Ice Ice Baby” – https://youtu.be/Tp8MUGckwxY
PS: All of their stuff on YouTube is hilarious. Check out their version of “My Heart Will Go On” {from Titanic}, or of “Music of the Night”…
And they say *dad* jokes are the worst!
Take Pizza, add Pickle, stir vigorously!
I like quoting lyrics from current songs as though I were declaiming Keats. Makes my niece squirm like nothing else.
Steve Allen, 50’s and 60’s comedian and talk show host, would approve.
Look, you little Gen-Z dorks… us forty-somethings were RAISED on hip-hop! The good stuff like NWA, PE, BDP, Beasties, 2Pac & Biggie! So deal with it! And maybe in a couple decades you can embarrass YOUR kids with your “dated” slang that came from ol’ Fruity-Pebbles-teeth or what have you. Get off my (potholes in my) lawn!
You gen-X punks got no idea how good you got it . . . in my day we had to walk to school even in six feet of snow . . . even in July . . . and uphill both ways to boot!
Not that we had boots . . . couldn’t afford them.
I’m a 60-something guy. I remember in the 70’s I was doing a musical in Queens (I was going to be the next big thing on Broadway. I will point out that I am NOT the next big thing on Broadway.) During one rehearsal, I was sitting outside of the theatre and heard my first hip-hop. Didn’t know what it was, didn’t like it. Still don’t.
I suppose, too, the pizza delivery girl who used to deliver to Dietzel has long since moved on.
Owns a kennel.
Dylan was her name. Haven’t seen her lately.
Nah, she’s an undeclared immortal para
Not impossible, since she could apparently understand Dietzel.
Castela is sporting the kind of boobs seen in the ~original~ gundam series character designs