Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now they’re coming up on the first turn!! Dust and clothes and everything flying everywhere!!!
They’re all over the track!! Folks, I’ve never seen anything like this!! Somebody call Guinness Book of World Records!! It’s one for the record books, but CAN THE JOCKEYS STAY IN THE SADDLE?!!
It’s Aphrodite’s Granddaughter!! Now Fae’s Hammer!! Back and forth !! Aphrodite’s Granddaughter again in the lead!! Now Fae’s Hammer taking the lead again!! THE TRACK IS ON FIRE!! THERE’S NO STOPPING THEM!!
They’re coming around the last turn and it’s NECK AND NECK!!! NEVER HAVE WE SEEN TWO MORE EQUALLY MATCHED!!
I DON’T BELIEVE IT!! They’re slowing down now up in the night sky, and coming to a stop, it seems, and there IT IS! There it is!! I can’t believe it!! They have just added two more constellations to the night sky!! Amazing!! Amazing!! Amazing!! Amazing!! Amazing!!
the Tonsillectomy french kiss she is giving him is going to melt his brain judging by his eyes in that last panel. Also I am still fairly sure Hiroshi going to need a body cast after this. and don’t forget the large censor bars for this next bit.
Though in that first frame it does look like she was a bit tougher than she intended — I think Hiroshi is complaining about that right thumb.
Hopefully her love-goddess aspect also extends to making her instinctively a good teacher, once she calms down just a bit. They just might be able to get past the “are we doing this right” confusion.
I guess those were birth control glasses (as the old military standard-issue frames, and coke-bottle lenses used to be called) that worked in both directions.
But now, limiters removed, for whatever reason.
Yes! As I thought: We have the Answer to That Musical Question.
o Mindy, without her Glasses id Most Definitely Far-sighted. Not enough to for her to consider it a Problem, if She were, let’s say Driving. At the Range She is Now, Let Me Translate –
Hiroshi: “AAAUGH! My MOUTH! Your HAND is in My Mouth! WAIT Wait a Minute Mindy. MINDY!” … SO
o She has NEVER Clearly Seen Her Own FACE, without her Glasses! HIROSHI Has. Which is Why, in Panel 03, His Retinas are Overloading!
I think the thing going on with his eyes has more to do with her toung going down his throat and tickling his colon. That and the fact she’s teasing his boy parts.
The line that makes me smile is “Cool beans!” Despite her new-found confidence and appetite, she’s still young enough to use that phrase un-ironically… I just hope the glasses stay gone, or at worst are replaced with a version that lets her pass as something less that a demigod without forcing her back into inhibited/timid mode. (Maybe the brand Superman uses on his Clark Kent persona. I can see her taking a certain delight in continuing to play the schoolgirl role except with her closest friends. Not that I think she should be closeted, just that she deserves not to have to be on stage all the time.
I think Barbara will be the happiest that Mindy is coming out of her shell, though I agree that there is going to be a lot of questions on Monday when they go back to school and Mindy is not wearing her glasses
These two kids have always given me the impression of being rather, shall we say, sexually inexperienced. The dialogue in the second panel seems rather detached and clinical against that background. I’m really interested to see where this goes, but I don’t want either to get hurt or disappointed.
Love goddess ancestry kicking in, no longer masked my whatever spell was on the glasses. You may note that her body has also morphed to a somewhat more adult shape, though that may be because the glasses affected our perceptions too.
My main quibble here is the implied synonym between sex and intercourse. Humans (and bonobis, and apparently paras have incorporated sex into their grooming behavior and grooming into their sexual behavior. Depends on usage, depends on individual perceptions, and intercourse is a special case due to pregnancy risk, but there’s a lot one can do short of that which I would consider sex.
On the other hand, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that youngsters don’t have the technical vocabulary for that yet.
I’m also a bit surprised that they got down to underwear before this but stopped there. Requirements of the comics code more than anything else, I suspect.The alternative would be artful angles and objects in line of sight, as demonstrated occasionally in _Freefall_.
Oops, by Day to Cass, but you get the idea. Incidentally, on the previous page it was great-granddaughter, but Cass was kinda shoveling it with both hands there.
Wow, that is an extremely impressive spell on those glasses. I had assumed that they were spelled to cause others to overlook her beauty so she could focus on her studies, but it seems the enchantment went both directions and helped curb the adolescent hormone impared judgment until the right individual came also and saw her beauty that was far from only skin deep. Hiroshi may come across as an airhead, but he is a good caring individual and done not give his heart lightly. I think the two are well matched.
That didn’t go the way Hiroshi thought it would.

well, that escalated quickly…
Well that escalated quickly!
Aaaaaaaaaaand, they’re off!!! And Aphrodite’s granddaughter takes the lead!! And now Fae’s Hammer coming on strong!!
Thaks alot. Now I won’t be able to go to the track eithout laughing at the announcer.
Also, I apparently suck at typing on my phone.
Take that!
{You won’t be able to watch the Lone Ranger, either…}
“As the sun pulls away from the shore and our boat sinks slowly in the west…”
I have the baseball announcer from Meatloaf’s “Paradise by the Dashboard Lights” running through my head right now.
I believe that that’s Phil Rizzuto…
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now they’re coming up on the first turn!! Dust and clothes and everything flying everywhere!!!
They’re all over the track!! Folks, I’ve never seen anything like this!! Somebody call Guinness Book of World Records!! It’s one for the record books, but CAN THE JOCKEYS STAY IN THE SADDLE?!!
It’s Aphrodite’s Granddaughter!! Now Fae’s Hammer!! Back and forth !! Aphrodite’s Granddaughter again in the lead!! Now Fae’s Hammer taking the lead again!! THE TRACK IS ON FIRE!! THERE’S NO STOPPING THEM!!
They’re coming around the last turn and it’s NECK AND NECK!!! NEVER HAVE WE SEEN TWO MORE EQUALLY MATCHED!!
I DON’T BELIEVE IT!! They’re slowing down now up in the night sky, and coming to a stop, it seems, and there IT IS! There it is!! I can’t believe it!! They have just added two more constellations to the night sky!! Amazing!! Amazing!! Amazing!! Amazing!! Amazing!!
Jeez, I need a cigarette.
bwahahahahahaaaaaaa zero-to-100 in 2 seconds flat… ~>XD
H!!!! Even the cheetah can only get to 60 in 2 seconds.
She got her tongue firmly planted in his cheek.
the Tonsillectomy french kiss she is giving him is going to melt his brain judging by his eyes in that last panel. Also I am still fairly sure Hiroshi going to need a body cast after this. and don’t forget the large censor bars for this next bit.
umm, the bar may not be needed, there are *other* ways of hiding it…..
It worked in the Austin Powers films.
ATTA BOY HIROSHIMA!!! (And atta girl Mindy)
Well, it oughta be.
Mind, among other things, blown.
Though in that first frame it does look like she was a bit tougher than she intended — I think Hiroshi is complaining about that right thumb.
Hopefully her love-goddess aspect also extends to making her instinctively a good teacher, once she calms down just a bit. They just might be able to get past the “are we doing this right” confusion.
Rougher. Darned auto-incorrect…
Hiroshi might find Mindy’s first attack a deflating experience.
Who knew his reset button was in the back of his throat?
Looks like Mindy has a “KISS Tongue”, (Hopefully no Gag reflex) Good luck Hiroshi and Good Luck Mindy
Looks like they might be bypassing the condom part of the operation that Mindy called for. I wonder if that will have … consequences?
She’s going to have to give him the opportunity to get his hands free for a few moments, if he’s to grab a condom.
Right now he seems to be grabbing her….
I guess those were birth control glasses (as the old military standard-issue frames, and coke-bottle lenses used to be called) that worked in both directions.
But now, limiters removed, for whatever reason.
Yes! As I thought: We have the Answer to That Musical Question.
o Mindy, without her Glasses id Most Definitely Far-sighted. Not enough to for her to consider it a Problem, if She were, let’s say Driving. At the Range She is Now, Let Me Translate –
Hiroshi: “AAAUGH! My MOUTH! Your HAND is in My Mouth! WAIT Wait a Minute Mindy. MINDY!” … SO
o She has NEVER Clearly Seen Her Own FACE, without her Glasses! HIROSHI Has. Which is Why, in Panel 03, His Retinas are Overloading!
I think the thing going on with his eyes has more to do with her toung going down his throat and tickling his colon. That and the fact she’s teasing his boy parts.
Wow… it looks like she wants the D about as bad as a vampire wants blood. He better hold onto something. He’s in for a wild night.
The line that makes me smile is “Cool beans!” Despite her new-found confidence and appetite, she’s still young enough to use that phrase un-ironically… I just hope the glasses stay gone, or at worst are replaced with a version that lets her pass as something less that a demigod without forcing her back into inhibited/timid mode. (Maybe the brand Superman uses on his Clark Kent persona. I can see her taking a certain delight in continuing to play the schoolgirl role except with her closest friends. Not that I think she should be closeted, just that she deserves not to have to be on stage all the time.
I think Barbara will be the happiest that Mindy is coming out of her shell, though I agree that there is going to be a lot of questions on Monday when they go back to school and Mindy is not wearing her glasses
These two kids have always given me the impression of being rather, shall we say, sexually inexperienced. The dialogue in the second panel seems rather detached and clinical against that background. I’m really interested to see where this goes, but I don’t want either to get hurt or disappointed.
Love goddess ancestry kicking in, no longer masked my whatever spell was on the glasses. You may note that her body has also morphed to a somewhat more adult shape, though that may be because the glasses affected our perceptions too.
My main quibble here is the implied synonym between sex and intercourse. Humans (and bonobis, and apparently paras have incorporated sex into their grooming behavior and grooming into their sexual behavior. Depends on usage, depends on individual perceptions, and intercourse is a special case due to pregnancy risk, but there’s a lot one can do short of that which I would consider sex.
On the other hand, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that youngsters don’t have the technical vocabulary for that yet.
I’m also a bit surprised that they got down to underwear before this but stopped there. Requirements of the comics code more than anything else, I suspect.The alternative would be artful angles and objects in line of sight, as demonstrated occasionally in _Freefall_.
This is a bit early in this storyline, but does anyone remember there being a wedding proposal/wedding in a Wapsi Square story line?
Owen and Lakshimi eloped – does that qualify?
Yes. And time has passed since then. And they have a daughter working in MIB. My memory has returned.
Where is all this Info about her grandmother coming 8n at? I don’t remember any of it.
Said by Cass here, more or less as a ho-hum:
Oops, by Day to Cass, but you get the idea. Incidentally, on the previous page it was great-granddaughter, but Cass was kinda shoveling it with both hands there.
It’s looking like this is a night when more than just minds are blown…
I keep thinking of SPACEBALLS, and the line, “Goodbye Virgin Alarm”.
Wow, that is an extremely impressive spell on those glasses. I had assumed that they were spelled to cause others to overlook her beauty so she could focus on her studies, but it seems the enchantment went both directions and helped curb the adolescent hormone impared judgment until the right individual came also and saw her beauty that was far from only skin deep. Hiroshi may come across as an airhead, but he is a good caring individual and done not give his heart lightly. I think the two are well matched.