Shelly’s beau has/had a partner with a moustache, as mentioned by Brandi while she’s giving Bud a hard time about harassing the cops. Bud claims that she doesn’t actually believe in martians and that they were golfballs when she first meets him along with Shelly in The Apex.
And we all know that cats are experts on EVERYTHING!!!
Back away from the crazy girl who hears alien space ships. Nothing to see here… Bud’s got the best way of handling it down pat.
Quite simply, Bud rocks
At least she’s remembering to dress for the cold weather instead of going out in the buff. (
Hey, that worked out for her also when she did that!
i think Alison Hannigan would be a good voice actor for Bud
I think Allyson Hannigan would be a good actor for Bud.
Or Summer Glau or Eliza Dushku
Dude, I *love* Bud.
I love how Bud gets out of trouble by acting crazy
I’ve got to try that some time
Am I imagining things or has everyone missed the reference to Platinum Grit in Panel 2 so far?
The mustached officer’s expression KILLED me with laughter!!! (Who could blame him, eh?)
waaaait a minute. is the blond cop shelly’s new chew toy?
Don’t think so – i came her to check it. I think he’s too tall and he doesn’t have glasses – doesn’t Officer Buns wear glasses?
Would be absolutely hilarious if he found out his new squeeze hung out with the crazy girl in the trapper hat…
But Officer Cute Buns has the same nose. I’m voting for this being the same officer. He doesn’t have to wear glasses all the time.
maybe he wears contact lenses. and yes, i look forward to the hijinks that will ensue if this cop and shelly’s officer cute buns are the same guy.
and they WILL ensue. well. WOULD. cuz, HYPOTHETICALLY.
Shelly’s beau has/had a partner with a moustache, as mentioned by Brandi while she’s giving Bud a hard time about harassing the cops. Bud claims that she doesn’t actually believe in martians and that they were golfballs when she first meets him along with Shelly in The Apex.
No doubt here that they’re the same.
She’s good.
She’s good at this!
It went Phbbbbbbbth-just like a balloon farting around the galaxy! ROTFLMAO
oh, I think I LOVE Bud :DDD
Having fun, isn’t she?:)
She seems very happy in panels 2 and 3
This is my absolute favorite strip of all.
Did anyone else notice she was wearing winter hat and boots with a short sleeve shirt?
It’s Minnesota.
Yes, parkas are often matched with shorts. Long underwear with tank tops. etc.
Ye gods Bud looks adorable in this one.
She has goofball crazy down perfectly.
Bud is channeling Bill the Cat! I love it!
I wonder what they thought of her teeth?
Oh, so that’s how it’s pronounced.
Awwwwww. Last time she stripped naked. And now I miss beautiful Bud tiddies.