It is. I don’t have her problem, but I got no butt. Which makes jeans fit wrong, too low in the back. It’s rather annoying.
I also have a long torso, which means shirts tend to stop just above the beltline unless I get the XXL or something.
Heh. I’m six feet tall. My overall bodily proportions (except for my legs) are for someone about six-four.
My brother is six-four. He has a similar build, and ought to be about six-six or even six-eight.
His first wife was in a men’s wear shop and, giving his arm, inseam, waist, etc. measurements, asked about off-the-rack suits; the rather flippant answer she apparently got was along the lines of “We don’t have suits for gorillas.”
I hit 5’6″ back in 4th grade and stopped growing. Gradually went from tall to short as the average height went up around me. Been obese virtually my entire life, and after losing nearly 200 lbs, I am still morbidly obese but it all sits hanging down from my waist to just over my knees. My belly button sits appr even with my crotch…
Pants with the right waistline are just too small to fit around my butt, let alone around my waist and my doubled belly! I still need a waistline of over 60″ even though my collarbones stick out and my face is working on looking gaunt…
Ugh! I can’t even begin to tell you how much I hate shopping for those reasons…and I don’t have Monica’s problem of being so petite and still endowed. Even as a woman on the cusp between plus-sizes and “normal” sizes, shopping for something that fits my chest is an act of self-torture.
Apparently larger women on average don’t have much larger cup sizes (if the stores are anything to judge by) than average women…so I’m still left buying a size or two too big just to be able to button shirts without gaping or sometimes even to fit clothes over my chest without uncomfortable squishing. I end most shopping trips feeling like I settled for things I only kind of liked that still don’t fit right.
The best available options for most “not-off-the-rack” sized people are specialty shops that are either very pricey, so far away you can only shop them online, or both. It sucks.
I had a friend that worked out a lot. He was about 5’0″ with 58 inch chest, and 32 inch waist (looked like a short Hercules) He bought XXX sweatshirts and cut off the parts that were too long with a scissors–ditto for the sweat pants. Other than that, there was no “buying off the rack” He had to buy everything “too big” and had it taken in to fit.
Oh I know. I do that when I can, but I’m usually living by the skin of my teeth, so only one shirt out of four gets a trip to the tailor. This whole getting married thing seems to have potential perks…access to another income stream being fairly high on that list.
Is Monica pondering options regarding her breast size, I wonder? Could be an interesting side story, treated with the thoughtful touches we’ve come to expect…
My wife was very similar to Monica when we got married, 5’2″ with 36K-24-36. She says she developed by 6th grade and had to live with insults, a pervy step-dad, and a violent mom.
When we met she had been so large, for so long, her bra straps had put permanent grooves in the bones in her shoulders. She had to sleep in a bra, on her back, or she could hurt herself terribly just rolling over in her sleep. She always wore baggy T-shirts to hide her figure, because she was so self-conscious about it.
Our insurance paid for her to have a reduction, to maintain her health (and reduce their expenses). She was reduced down to a DD, and was happily “a third of the woman she used to be”.
I would have thought they would have stopped growing by now (don’t we stop growing in our 20s?).
I’m beginning to wonder if she has a form of cancer or if, like Samson, certain parts of her body store her powers. Come to think of it the above two theories are not mutually exclusive.
I have heard that there have been reported cases of otherwise healthy women having increasing breast size all of their lives. Something to do with certain glands not shutting down when they normally do or some such. These are cases where a good surgeon comes in play.
well for a *tiny* girl, its not just the cup size, but getting a good fit for a small back!! At least she does know a good shop that has great expertise in that area..
and then there are some girls who have to keep a range of sizes, due to time of month issues…:/
I calls ’em as I sees ’em. People tend to jump on a given bandwagon at certain times. If this were any month other than October, I wouldn’t have said that. Also, I would have said the same thing if he had done some story about prostate cancer last month, in case anyone is wondering.
The funniest non-specific time, bandwagon is the “green” one. It’s quite humorous to see the contortions some companies go through to tout some product or service as being green.
Of course, it’s all supposition. There is, as yet, insufficient evidence Paul is going in that direction anyway, and the point may be totally moot.
Well in her case it might be related to her metabolism. She does build up fat, but unlike most other people who build up the fat in their midsections and thighs, she builds it in her breast tissues.
Having just done a reread of Brandi’s story arc, I can attest it is very disconnected.
But that is possibly a feature not a bug. There are a couple themes that run through it, most notably her forcing herself to not face what she is/was/is about to become through terrific acts of will. The story takes glimpses, but looks away because we must, just as she must, if the whole truth were to be contemplated.
And we don’t really know anything about her early background. Scholar? Vimana pilot? Soldier? Now she works at a copy shop and watches HGTV on weekends. We seem learn more about Becky every time we see her than we do Brandi.
Seem to. There’s quite a bit of scary hiding in there. I screamed once this weekend. But October is the time for good ghost stories.
Wonder what Paul has in store for Halloween 2011? Just because the Calendar Machine is no more doesn’t mean the world won’t end in 2012…
Brandi strikes me as some one who needs to remain a bit of a mystery. Not by any conscious choice, but on some subconscious level. She might even be keeping secrets from herself.
Oh, fully agreed. In fact, I’m getting to the point I kind of ‘want’ the comic not to focus on Brandi.
Example: Tina. Tina was a MAJORLY different character when she was just a constant background character without much focus. Once Tina’s past, present, and character became part of the comic’s spotlight, she turned into a completely different character (2, if you count the revelation of Nudge).
Not to say that current Tina’s a bad character by any means. Just a completely different character than she originally was. I feel the same will happen to Brandi if she gets too much focus, and the comic needs to retain at least one major character with some mystery to her.
I have a couple friends who have size HH and HHH breasts and the most irritating thing for them(besides finding an affordable bra in their size) is finding shirts and blouses that work with their massive chests. Most of the time, shirts just hang down off their chests and make them look fat(which they really are not).
cannot say this enough to my lady friends… do what most Europeans do.. push them out, and have all the hopeless men ( suckers!! ) jumping around to do *anything* for you..
Never underestimate the power of a great tailor. Most of my stuff looks dreadful until Mother gets to it, or I get un-lazy and tailor it up myself(hers looks better).
The key to looking polished is having the clothing fitted properly. Especially in business attire. Little tricks like sewing unused jeans pockets shut makes you look leaner and neater. Adding darts in the torso area to an extra blousey blouse makes you look confident instead of baggy and sloppy.
My pet peeve is when someone walks off the extra length and then asks me to fix it. Come in when the jeans are new, and no problem. Come to me when you’ve already messed them up, and watch me laugh and tell you to say hello to your latest pair of capri’s. I have on special occasions had someone go buy funky rick-rack or fringe and made custom hippy jeans. I especially hate when someone thinks a pair of stilettos will fix an extra long pair of dressy trousers. They never take slouching into account, then see above comment about walking off the extra.
*points up* What Dinky said. Tailors are my saving grace… that and a lady who just volunteered to make a pattern just for me for business button-down shirts so I can get them in whatever fabric I buy for her.
well first, they need to find an expert on bra sizes, not just the ‘usual chat’!!
I knew a few uk stars that were called old and fat, until a tv prog helped them, and found ‘hey, you have a thin body!!!’
there is a new ‘standard’ that cleans up the mess that Hollywood has made of sizing..
that was just for bras.
i was thinking other items of clothing.
surely a woman who can make wonderful bras that even monica likes could prolly make a decent blouse or top also
There are some stores that do that (Pepperberry is a UK based store that I get catalogs for), but not enough. I’m in TX, so shopping online from the UK isn’t usually fun.
I hope Monica is not considering a *GASP* breast reduction! A friend of mine got it done because her breast were hurting her back. She got them reduced to a 34 DD!
I say if Monica isn’t feeling any pain, she should just suck it up.
Where is this Super Stacked, Flat-assed Girl Clothing Shop? I wanna see if they are hiring.
As a reminder, water weighs about 12 pounds per gallon, so M is easily carrying 20 some pounds on her chest. Normally, this weight is carried by the skin of the upper chest and so spread out into the shoulders. With a bra, the weight is concentrated in the bra straps, tending to ‘notch’ the shoulders eventually, and enhance back pain in the process.
To add insult to injury, evidence indicates that breast droop is enhanced, not reduced, by brassiere wear! Further information at and many resources in the forums (registration required).
Um, I grew up in a poor 3rd world country. Poor enough that there was a large chunk of the population where women couldn’t afford bras and never wore them. Older women from this segment of population had boobs dangling down to their bellies. That kind of droop is not common among the bra-wearing population, which suggests that your site may be misinformed.
Except that the straps aren’t supposed to be the main carriers of the weight, the main support is supposed to be the band going around the back. If the straps are the main support and are cutting in, you’re wearing the wrong size bra. Otherwise how would we have strapless and convertible bras with good support?
Every time I think about whining about fitting my D’s, I remember Monica and her IRL compatriots and shut my trap.
@Francisco – one of my old troupe mates was flat chested until she turned 25. She practically popped overnight to a 34F. Growth spurts are a strange thing and I’ve personally decided that the only “normal” is on a statistical graph!
NAH! You want Monica for her POIT Power not her BACK muscles…
if you actually want somebody for the muscles, then you want Lackshmi for her normal human muscles. OR, then again, you could go for Shelly with her ?normal for a sphinx? muscles, or any of the GGG’s for their supernatural strength (not derived from organic muscles anymore).
I’ve had a large reduction and guess what…they came back…with vengeance…I hate mine…always have…they get in the way. And because I’m short, 5’2″, when I sit at a restaurant table there they are…right in my food…table height. /blargh
A good friend of my depending on the season will wear one of two different sized braziers (She’s a 34J right now) has become pretty adept at using them as a bludgeoning weapon.
Knocked me clean out of my chair one night when she thought I wasn’t listening to her. I asked her one time if she’d consider breast reduction surgery as a possible solution to her back troubles. She clutched her breasts and gave me the dirtiest of looks.
I come from a long line of big boobed women; My bust is 40DD cup and I still get comments on my girls; imagine what people are saying about HER! Big boobs are OK as long as you’re not the one who has to carry them 24/7
Ether Friesner had a story in one of the “Chicks in Chainmail” anthologies about something like that. The king imposed a heavy tax on large-cup armor, so the women in the Palace Guard hired a wizard who set up a spell so they could “check their assets” when wearing armor and use standard men’s breastplates, which were not affecterd by the tax. Most of the story was about what went wrong, of course.
Holy cow! (every pun intended) that’s just insane. The one woman’s nipples were turned to the side even. It’s sickening to even think about. How can someone do that to themselves, willingly?
yup, dumb and looking for sponsorship.. the problem with string is it just keeps growing, its the irritation that makes fluid, therefore growth – I do believe it has been outlawed due to medical problems, and it cannot be removed…
This is one story line I can really appreciate. Had the same problem, from age 12 on I was hit on by men 20 yrs my senior just because of my bra size. I got boob reduction at 37 with my husbands encouragement and blessing. I only wish for my now permanently ruined back’s sake I could have done it 20 yrs sooner.
They might look cool to some idiots but what they do to your back is a living, painful crime. No matter how good of shape physically you are.
I suppose that was the last we’ll see of Daren since he said that Monica had graduated from his place and there was no followup to it. It seems like a strange way to deal with someone who buys expensive drinks, though.
I’m in an odd position where I have adult male proportions, but kid size, so I end up with either the smallest adult size that’s slightly too big or the largest kid size that’s too exact. It doesn’t help that there’s no conformity of sizes among clothing manufacturers. -_-
Dolly Parton has two things going for her in the boob department (well, two OTHER things):
1) In her upbringing, it would be considered rude to complain publicly about them. Making jokes and ‘owning’ it is one thing, complaining is another.
2) Corsets. Great back support.
Oh, Monica, do I ever feel your pain. I’m currently a 40DDD, but I’m also 4 months pregnant. You know what that means? The Boobie Faerie. Most maternity stores don’t even deal with Sizes beyond DDD. Acording to one clerk, my next size up would be a “G”. As in “GOOD GOD!”
Having grown up in a family where all the women are big busted. I have a real good grasp of the daily difficulty she has to go through. My mom was gifted with a natural set of 46GG breasts. Hell my Aunt (my mom’s sister) was even bigger. Hugging them was sometimes awkward.
The hospital where I delivered my daughter has a shop right near the women’s center and maternity ward. I was able to get an H-cup to wear during my pregnancy and a J-cup nursing bra after. Maybe your OB has some ideas where you can go?
Have a look at the links at 5:43 am, and ignore most small stores… In UK its ‘john lewis’ or ‘marks and spencer’ large stores who should have a good sizing service..
I think I heard that dolly got her stuff from ‘bendicks of hollywood’ but I think I have wrong spelling, not much in google…
Reduction surgery is certainly an option for some people – I know several who have had it done. At some point it ceases to be about self-image and becomes more of a quality-of-life issue. I’ll be interested to see where this goes for Monica.
Stepping outside of the comic’s internal logic for a moment, -Monica has always been drawn enormous to the point where her bra volume is double that of her entire torso… so is the dialogue for today an acknowledgement that she couldn’t be anything less than a J despite previous arguments to the contrary? I’m forgetting now whether it was ever actually stated what her size used to be. One of the things I’ve always enjoyed about the art was the consistent attempt to depict the roster of characters as people who change appearance and attire like real individuals would, -as opposed the usual comic strip maxim, so if indeed her measurements have changed is that something that’s deliberately considered when the art is drawn? Makes me wonder if we’ll see someone get fat, get in shape, or grow old?
Since Monica has foresworn surgery perhaps there is something in the Library she could use.
I am forever impressed by people’s ingenuity and serendipity. The solution to her problem may be waiting out in left field somewhere.
Pretty sure I wouldn’t want anyone “poiting” off ‘extra’ pieces of my body–sounds painful, and not sure they could just put it back if they screwed up.
Besides, somethings were just meant to be…..(cough) large (cough cough)
Forgive if it was already said (breezed through the comments didn’t see anything). What can possibly be the cause of for a woman’s breasts to enlarge? How about pregnancy?
Pregnancy yes, but not necessarily. Simple hormonal imbalance may give a girl a pair of breasts in the upper half of the alphabet. Especially if she’s quite thin generally (small ribcage), any growth in the area will be more striking.
As I have “enlightened” to the proper brafitting at least three dozens girls, I saw quite a lot of different body-builds, and although I have never seen “a Monica”, it is quite probable to get naturally.
As someone who, until very recently, was in Monica’s position…
Depending on your genetics, and the makeup of your tissue, some women never stop growing.
Several years ago my insurance agreed with me after physical therapy didn’t help the upper back pain. I went from a 34-H to a 36-B. ( yes, my ribs actually expanded after the weight was taken off of them)
The doctor said that there was almost no fat in the removed tissue, and that because of that it was very likely that they would keep growing after the surgery as well.
Four years later, I’m a 36-C. And since the surgery I have lost 20 pounds by being able to breathe enough to get some exercise, so the growth is definitely not related to gaining weight.
So… Breast growth in an adult is *not* always related to weight gain, pregnancy, monthly fluctuations, etc. Sometimes it is a permanent state of affairs.
I have the opposite problem of Monica… itty bitty titties and a big ol’ bottom (Seriously. I wear a small/medium top and large bottoms). I can never buy dresses that fit both my top and bottom unless they’re empire-waisted, and even then it’s hit or miss. I FEEL YA, MON!
Right off the bat I can think of Rachel Aldana as a girl with similar issues. Shes a glamour model from the uk. Very well endowded but “flat-assed” as Mon stated. Can’t imagine she has much luck with finding good jeans.
What I’m wondering is whether Monica’s … uhm … expansion is tied into the amount of magic she’s exposed to and manipulating. Methinks it wouldn’t have been mentioned again unless it was going to be significant to the storyline…
As far as the digression goes: A friend of mine had breast reduction surgery quite some time ago (let’s see… 15 years, if I remember correctly) and has been perfectly happy with the result. I have to admit she looks at least as good this way as when she had, as Monty Python put it, “vast tracts of land” — less eye-catching, but better balanced.
I could imagine that “unusual body proportions” could make shopping for clothing difficult
It is. I don’t have her problem, but I got no butt. Which makes jeans fit wrong, too low in the back. It’s rather annoying.
I also have a long torso, which means shirts tend to stop just above the beltline unless I get the XXL or something.
Heh. I’m six feet tall. My overall bodily proportions (except for my legs) are for someone about six-four.
My brother is six-four. He has a similar build, and ought to be about six-six or even six-eight.
His first wife was in a men’s wear shop and, giving his arm, inseam, waist, etc. measurements, asked about off-the-rack suits; the rather flippant answer she apparently got was along the lines of “We don’t have suits for gorillas.”
I hit 5’6″ back in 4th grade and stopped growing. Gradually went from tall to short as the average height went up around me. Been obese virtually my entire life, and after losing nearly 200 lbs, I am still morbidly obese but it all sits hanging down from my waist to just over my knees. My belly button sits appr even with my crotch…
Pants with the right waistline are just too small to fit around my butt, let alone around my waist and my doubled belly! I still need a waistline of over 60″ even though my collarbones stick out and my face is working on looking gaunt…
Ugh! I can’t even begin to tell you how much I hate shopping for those reasons…and I don’t have Monica’s problem of being so petite and still endowed. Even as a woman on the cusp between plus-sizes and “normal” sizes, shopping for something that fits my chest is an act of self-torture.
Apparently larger women on average don’t have much larger cup sizes (if the stores are anything to judge by) than average women…so I’m still left buying a size or two too big just to be able to button shirts without gaping or sometimes even to fit clothes over my chest without uncomfortable squishing. I end most shopping trips feeling like I settled for things I only kind of liked that still don’t fit right.
The best available options for most “not-off-the-rack” sized people are specialty shops that are either very pricey, so far away you can only shop them online, or both. It sucks.
[end rant]
Buy to fit your chest then get the clothes to a tailor.
I had a friend that worked out a lot. He was about 5’0″ with 58 inch chest, and 32 inch waist (looked like a short Hercules) He bought XXX sweatshirts and cut off the parts that were too long with a scissors–ditto for the sweat pants. Other than that, there was no “buying off the rack” He had to buy everything “too big” and had it taken in to fit.
Why didn’t I think of that?! No more baggy clothes for my melons. Ooooh no!
Oh I know.
I do that when I can, but I’m usually living by the skin of my teeth, so only one shirt out of four gets a trip to the tailor. This whole getting married thing seems to have potential perks…access to another income stream being fairly high on that list. 
You’re just like a big sister.
Not surprising since you write women so well. 
Is Monica pondering options regarding her breast size, I wonder? Could be an interesting side story, treated with the thoughtful touches we’ve come to expect…
Wow that can be misunderstood.
Let us hope she isn’t considering self surgery via internal ‘poit’ing. THAT would be worrisome!
The girl who played Punky Brewster had breast-reduction surgery before she was eighteen, as i recall.
Ah – right. She was fifteen when she had it; before that she had a 38DD-26-35 figure; afterward she was 36C-24-34
And after that Soleil Moon Frye’s movie offers stopped coming (hmmm I wonder why?) She now does movies made for TV.
Mon can poit some extra boobflesh onto her butt.
My wife was very similar to Monica when we got married, 5’2″ with 36K-24-36. She says she developed by 6th grade and had to live with insults, a pervy step-dad, and a violent mom.
When we met she had been so large, for so long, her bra straps had put permanent grooves in the bones in her shoulders. She had to sleep in a bra, on her back, or she could hurt herself terribly just rolling over in her sleep. She always wore baggy T-shirts to hide her figure, because she was so self-conscious about it.
Our insurance paid for her to have a reduction, to maintain her health (and reduce their expenses). She was reduced down to a DD, and was happily “a third of the woman she used to be”.
I would have thought they would have stopped growing by now (don’t we stop growing in our 20s?).
I’m beginning to wonder if she has a form of cancer or if, like Samson, certain parts of her body store her powers. Come to think of it the above two theories are not mutually exclusive.
I have heard that there have been reported cases of otherwise healthy women having increasing breast size all of their lives. Something to do with certain glands not shutting down when they normally do or some such. These are cases where a good surgeon comes in play.
At least Monica has a job that allows her the resources to buy clothes and have them altered, not to mention her aerospace engineer-bra maker.
they grow as much as your body “collects” fat in that bodyregion + some other factors like pregnancy
and her powers are more emotion fueled than linked to her breastsize. ^^
well for a *tiny* girl, its not just the cup size, but getting a good fit for a small back!! At least she does know a good shop that has great expertise in that area..
and then there are some girls who have to keep a range of sizes, due to time of month issues…:/
Breast growth … gravid perhaps?
It’s October. I suspect Paul may be going off on a breast cancer awareness mini-arc. It’s a popular faddish thing to do this time of year.
Rather a dismissive comment, there, friend.
no, not if you like your partner’s fav assets to stay that way, and get brownie points for caring about *all* her friends main femininity…
I see the term “faddish” as a tad less than supportive.
I calls ’em as I sees ’em. People tend to jump on a given bandwagon at certain times. If this were any month other than October, I wouldn’t have said that. Also, I would have said the same thing if he had done some story about prostate cancer last month, in case anyone is wondering.
The funniest non-specific time, bandwagon is the “green” one. It’s quite humorous to see the contortions some companies go through to tout some product or service as being green.
Of course, it’s all supposition. There is, as yet, insufficient evidence Paul is going in that direction anyway, and the point may be totally moot.
Yes, she does have Paul Taylor syndrome.
If Monica has macromastia, they may not stop growing until menopause. The growth is primarily hormone driven.
Another problem might be too much pizza–as fat grows, all the deposits in the body gain some–so if she’s gaining weight, some will end up in her bra.
Fletcher: “Weight, 105. Yeah, in your bra!”
Dana: “Your Honor, I object!”
Fletcher: “You would!”
Well in her case it might be related to her metabolism. She does build up fat, but unlike most other people who build up the fat in their midsections and thighs, she builds it in her breast tissues.
Another scene change. See, I was right, whenever the story spotlight shifts to Brandi, the comic freaks and jumps ship.
Poor Brandi, but that’s why we love her.
Having just done a reread of Brandi’s story arc, I can attest it is very disconnected.
But that is possibly a feature not a bug. There are a couple themes that run through it, most notably her forcing herself to not face what she is/was/is about to become through terrific acts of will. The story takes glimpses, but looks away because we must, just as she must, if the whole truth were to be contemplated.
And we don’t really know anything about her early background. Scholar? Vimana pilot? Soldier? Now she works at a copy shop and watches HGTV on weekends. We seem learn more about Becky every time we see her than we do Brandi.
Seem to. There’s quite a bit of scary hiding in there. I screamed once this weekend. But October is the time for good ghost stories.
Wonder what Paul has in store for Halloween 2011? Just because the Calendar Machine is no more doesn’t mean the world won’t end in 2012…
Brandi strikes me as some one who needs to remain a bit of a mystery. Not by any conscious choice, but on some subconscious level. She might even be keeping secrets from herself.
Oh, fully agreed. In fact, I’m getting to the point I kind of ‘want’ the comic not to focus on Brandi.
Example: Tina. Tina was a MAJORLY different character when she was just a constant background character without much focus. Once Tina’s past, present, and character became part of the comic’s spotlight, she turned into a completely different character (2, if you count the revelation of Nudge).
Not to say that current Tina’s a bad character by any means. Just a completely different character than she originally was. I feel the same will happen to Brandi if she gets too much focus, and the comic needs to retain at least one major character with some mystery to her.
I have a couple friends who have size HH and HHH breasts and the most irritating thing for them(besides finding an affordable bra in their size) is finding shirts and blouses that work with their massive chests. Most of the time, shirts just hang down off their chests and make them look fat(which they really are not).
Of course the rude staring (ogling and whispering) must be a pain as well.
cannot say this enough to my lady friends… do what most Europeans do.. push them out, and have all the hopeless men ( suckers!!
) jumping around to do *anything* for you..

which makes one wonder where Monica gets her dresses from
Never underestimate the power of a great tailor. Most of my stuff looks dreadful until Mother gets to it, or I get un-lazy and tailor it up myself(hers looks better).
The key to looking polished is having the clothing fitted properly. Especially in business attire. Little tricks like sewing unused jeans pockets shut makes you look leaner and neater. Adding darts in the torso area to an extra blousey blouse makes you look confident instead of baggy and sloppy.
My pet peeve is when someone walks off the extra length and then asks me to fix it. Come in when the jeans are new, and no problem. Come to me when you’ve already messed them up, and watch me laugh and tell you to say hello to your latest pair of capri’s. I have on special occasions had someone go buy funky rick-rack or fringe and made custom hippy jeans. I especially hate when someone thinks a pair of stilettos will fix an extra long pair of dressy trousers. They never take slouching into account, then see above comment about walking off the extra.
*points up* What Dinky said. Tailors are my saving grace… that and a lady who just volunteered to make a pattern just for me for business button-down shirts so I can get them in whatever fabric I buy for her.
well first, they need to find an expert on bra sizes, not just the ‘usual chat’!!
I knew a few uk stars that were called old and fat, until a tv prog helped them, and found ‘hey, you have a thin body!!!’
there is a new ‘standard’ that cleans up the mess that Hollywood has made of sizing..
And then there was the Australian actress who played the white-skinned girl on Farscape.
She said that after the first episodes she was in screened, he brother (or maybe her father) said “Hey – you’ve got bosoms!”
I remember that interview, it was a funny one. By the by, it was her father and I think he used a less family friendly term for bossom. ;-p
I had an HH once, but I lost a lot of weight (also I’m 5.7 with broad shoulders so not that terrible!).. I think I’m still around G though :p
maybe she could look into designing her own clothing brand. Or at least go into business with someone else who wants to.
check the archives…
there is one where Monica’s special bra-shop is shown, somewhere..
that was just for bras.
i was thinking other items of clothing.
surely a woman who can make wonderful bras that even monica likes could prolly make a decent blouse or top also
There are some stores that do that (Pepperberry is a UK based store that I get catalogs for), but not enough. I’m in TX, so shopping online from the UK isn’t usually fun.
I hope Monica is not considering a *GASP* breast reduction! A friend of mine got it done because her breast were hurting her back. She got them reduced to a 34 DD!
I say if Monica isn’t feeling any pain, she should just suck it up.
Where is this Super Stacked, Flat-assed Girl Clothing Shop? I wanna see if they are hiring.
check above..
Meet Monica, she has the strongest back in the world.
As a reminder, water weighs about 12 pounds per gallon, so M is easily carrying 20 some pounds on her chest. Normally, this weight is carried by the skin of the upper chest and so spread out into the shoulders. With a bra, the weight is concentrated in the bra straps, tending to ‘notch’ the shoulders eventually, and enhance back pain in the process.
To add insult to injury, evidence indicates that breast droop is enhanced, not reduced, by brassiere wear! Further information at and many resources in the forums (registration required).
Um, I grew up in a poor 3rd world country. Poor enough that there was a large chunk of the population where women couldn’t afford bras and never wore them. Older women from this segment of population had boobs dangling down to their bellies. That kind of droop is not common among the bra-wearing population, which suggests that your site may be misinformed.
Except that the straps aren’t supposed to be the main carriers of the weight, the main support is supposed to be the band going around the back. If the straps are the main support and are cutting in, you’re wearing the wrong size bra. Otherwise how would we have strapless and convertible bras with good support?
More like 8.5 – 3.8 kilos.
I feel your pain, Mon!
She was a 28F when we first met our heroine, was she not?
Every time I think about whining about fitting my D’s, I remember Monica and her IRL compatriots and shut my trap.
@Francisco – one of my old troupe mates was flat chested until she turned 25. She practically popped overnight to a 34F. Growth spurts are a strange thing and I’ve personally decided that the only “normal” is on a statistical graph!
That had to hurt like hell to have that spurt. Not to mention the damage it had to do to her clothing bills.
Monica’s attributes make her the kind of girl that I insanely crave… those with a really strong back.
Hey, I got heavy shit, and I’m trying to move to a new city! Don’t judge me!
NAH! You want Monica for her POIT Power not her BACK muscles…
if you actually want somebody for the muscles, then you want Lackshmi for her normal human muscles. OR, then again, you could go for Shelly with her ?normal for a sphinx? muscles, or any of the GGG’s for their supernatural strength (not derived from organic muscles anymore).
In defense of Monica’s reaction, Mary Magdalene was said to be pretty stacked.
I’ve had a large reduction and guess what…they came back…with vengeance…I hate mine…always have…they get in the way. And because I’m short, 5’2″, when I sit at a restaurant table there they are…right in my food…table height. /blargh
A good friend of my depending on the season will wear one of two different sized braziers (She’s a 34J right now) has become pretty adept at using them as a bludgeoning weapon.
Knocked me clean out of my chair one night when she thought I wasn’t listening to her. I asked her one time if she’d consider breast reduction surgery as a possible solution to her back troubles. She clutched her breasts and gave me the dirtiest of looks.
Crumb catchers!
I come from a long line of big boobed women; My bust is 40DD cup and I still get comments on my girls; imagine what people are saying about HER! Big boobs are OK as long as you’re not the one who has to carry them 24/7
Be nice if they were detachable, wouldn’t it?
Ether Friesner had a story in one of the “Chicks in Chainmail” anthologies about something like that. The king imposed a heavy tax on large-cup armor, so the women in the Palace Guard hired a wizard who set up a spell so they could “check their assets” when wearing armor and use standard men’s breastplates, which were not affecterd by the tax. Most of the story was about what went wrong, of course.
They should have takes some ‘bags of holding’ and converted them to bras.
Speaking of which:
Chain Mail Bikini
Worst thing about chainmail bikinis, chainmail wedgies.
people make comments no matter what
fat – thin
small boobed – large boobed
tall – short
everyone gets comments.
hell even if you were medium weight medium boob and medium height – would still gain comments.
some people are just dumb
There was a girl on morning tv with a couple of *medicine balls* on her, (she had used ‘silly string’ to make them grow ) and had no back complaints..
I guess they learn the proper way to walk, like a duck..
Silly string? Huh?
I’d hazard a guess he meant polypropylene breast implants…
Yeah, heard of those. They need to be drained periodically; they just keep expanding. Illegal for surgeons to put in in the US.
Lanthian mad science was not the last word in horror.
Holy cow! (every pun intended) that’s just insane. The one woman’s nipples were turned to the side even. It’s sickening to even think about. How can someone do that to themselves, willingly?
no 9.57am reply for me
which one was it.
think the time defaults to your timezone
@paula: Search for “suckers!!”
There are plenty of them out there. The dumb ones that is.
yup, dumb and looking for sponsorship.. the problem with string is it just keeps growing, its the irritation that makes fluid, therefore growth – I do believe it has been outlawed due to medical problems, and it cannot be removed…
This is one story line I can really appreciate. Had the same problem, from age 12 on I was hit on by men 20 yrs my senior just because of my bra size. I got boob reduction at 37 with my husbands encouragement and blessing. I only wish for my now permanently ruined back’s sake I could have done it 20 yrs sooner.
They might look cool to some idiots but what they do to your back is a living, painful crime. No matter how good of shape physically you are.
At least your hubby is one of the good ones that thinks your health and happiness are more important.
I suppose that was the last we’ll see of Daren since he said that Monica had graduated from his place and there was no followup to it. It seems like a strange way to deal with someone who buys expensive drinks, though.
I’m in an odd position where I have adult male proportions, but kid size, so I end up with either the smallest adult size that’s slightly too big or the largest kid size that’s too exact.
It doesn’t help that there’s no conformity of sizes among clothing manufacturers. -_-
Do ya think Dolly Parton has had this problem all her life, well do ya?
She doesn’t seem to complain much! I wonder what her secret is.
Dolly Parton has two things going for her in the boob department (well, two OTHER things):
1) In her upbringing, it would be considered rude to complain publicly about them. Making jokes and ‘owning’ it is one thing, complaining is another.
2) Corsets. Great back support.
Ugh… that POOR girl…
No sarcasm. That SUCKS.
Oh, Monica, do I ever feel your pain. I’m currently a 40DDD, but I’m also 4 months pregnant. You know what that means? The Boobie Faerie. Most maternity stores don’t even deal with Sizes beyond DDD. Acording to one clerk, my next size up would be a “G”. As in “GOOD GOD!”
Having grown up in a family where all the women are big busted. I have a real good grasp of the daily difficulty she has to go through. My mom was gifted with a natural set of 46GG breasts. Hell my Aunt (my mom’s sister) was even bigger. Hugging them was sometimes awkward.
The hospital where I delivered my daughter has a shop right near the women’s center and maternity ward. I was able to get an H-cup to wear during my pregnancy and a J-cup nursing bra after. Maybe your OB has some ideas where you can go?
I’m sitting in a G-cup right now and I’m really hoping the Boob Fairy will leave me alone when I get around to having kids…
Have a look at the links at 5:43 am, and ignore most small stores… In UK its ‘john lewis’ or ‘marks and spencer’ large stores who should have a good sizing service..
I think I heard that dolly got her stuff from ‘bendicks of hollywood’ but I think I have wrong spelling, not much in google…
Frederick’s of Hollywood I’ve heard of…but maybe there’s a Benedict’s of Hollywood out there too?
Reduction surgery is certainly an option for some people – I know several who have had it done. At some point it ceases to be about self-image and becomes more of a quality-of-life issue. I’ll be interested to see where this goes for Monica.
I know it will be on my to-do list if I can ever get my insurance company to agree with me that it’s needed.
Stepping outside of the comic’s internal logic for a moment, -Monica has always been drawn enormous to the point where her bra volume is double that of her entire torso… so is the dialogue for today an acknowledgement that she couldn’t be anything less than a J despite previous arguments to the contrary? I’m forgetting now whether it was ever actually stated what her size used to be. One of the things I’ve always enjoyed about the art was the consistent attempt to depict the roster of characters as people who change appearance and attire like real individuals would, -as opposed the usual comic strip maxim, so if indeed her measurements have changed is that something that’s deliberately considered when the art is drawn? Makes me wonder if we’ll see someone get fat, get in shape, or grow old?
“It’s not a toomah!” hopefully not 2 tumors either.
Heh, great reference. But I REALLY hope Monica doesn’t have to go through THAT.
Since Monica has foresworn surgery perhaps there is something in the Library she could use.
I am forever impressed by people’s ingenuity and serendipity. The solution to her problem may be waiting out in left field somewhere.
Come on, the Golems can bend and break the rules of physics however they want, but they can’t magically shrink Monica’s boobs?
Pretty sure I wouldn’t want anyone “poiting” off ‘extra’ pieces of my body–sounds painful, and not sure they could just put it back if they screwed up.
Besides, somethings were just meant to be…..(cough) large (cough cough)
First they’ll try growing Bud’s. (Although, of course, I’d happily assure Bud she’s fine the way she is, haystack hair and all.)
It seems that Kevin has supernatural powers too.
He has the kind of good fortune that ancient gods would envy!
Forgive if it was already said (breezed through the comments didn’t see anything). What can possibly be the cause of for a woman’s breasts to enlarge? How about pregnancy?
Pregnancy yes, but not necessarily. Simple hormonal imbalance may give a girl a pair of breasts in the upper half of the alphabet. Especially if she’s quite thin generally (small ribcage), any growth in the area will be more striking.
As I have “enlightened” to the proper brafitting at least three dozens girls, I saw quite a lot of different body-builds, and although I have never seen “a Monica”, it is quite probable to get naturally.
Poor girl, her poor back and purse…
As someone who, until very recently, was in Monica’s position…
Depending on your genetics, and the makeup of your tissue, some women never stop growing.
Several years ago my insurance agreed with me after physical therapy didn’t help the upper back pain. I went from a 34-H to a 36-B. ( yes, my ribs actually expanded after the weight was taken off of them)
The doctor said that there was almost no fat in the removed tissue, and that because of that it was very likely that they would keep growing after the surgery as well.
Four years later, I’m a 36-C. And since the surgery I have lost 20 pounds by being able to breathe enough to get some exercise, so the growth is definitely not related to gaining weight.
So… Breast growth in an adult is *not* always related to weight gain, pregnancy, monthly fluctuations, etc. Sometimes it is a permanent state of affairs.
I got an idea, maybe Monica can get some breast reduction surgery. That could help her a bunch.
I have the opposite problem of Monica… itty bitty titties and a big ol’ bottom (Seriously. I wear a small/medium top and large bottoms). I can never buy dresses that fit both my top and bottom unless they’re empire-waisted, and even then it’s hit or miss. I FEEL YA, MON!
Right off the bat I can think of Rachel Aldana as a girl with similar issues. Shes a glamour model from the uk. Very well endowded but “flat-assed” as Mon stated. Can’t imagine she has much luck with finding good jeans.
Is this going to be a “reduction surgery” arc?
What I’m wondering is whether Monica’s … uhm … expansion is tied into the amount of magic she’s exposed to and manipulating. Methinks it wouldn’t have been mentioned again unless it was going to be significant to the storyline…
As far as the digression goes: A friend of mine had breast reduction surgery quite some time ago (let’s see… 15 years, if I remember correctly) and has been perfectly happy with the result. I have to admit she looks at least as good this way as when she had, as Monty Python put it, “vast tracts of land” — less eye-catching, but better balanced.
They keep getting bigger because that’s where she stores her love for others.