I hope and pray that panel 3 is naught more than cracking knuckles!
Castela, please remember the lessons of Shelly’s jacket and of Reginald — almost nothing you encounter except a golem (and not all of those — remember Jin!) or a compressed diamond is as durable as you. If your left hand is in flashlight mode, good! Heating a metal ring to incandescence or spraying plasma is double-plus ungood! Burning down Gilchrist Manor will not endear you with others. Once you’ve positively identified, you will have time to respond! What if Scarlet and Timothy are pranking you?
Immune to physical harm does not mean immune to intangible harm.
In theory a ghost might be able to get through her defenses, of course that would require that they exist
True, but would that thing that she does with her hands be useful against a ghost or against a demon (which I think is much more likely, since they exist!)? Another set of possibilities might be rogue Fae or Rogue humans trying to poison her, now that she knows some of the truth. I still think Castela would have time to respond intelligently.
The possibility of Atsali or Kath portalling home because of some forgotten item is the likeliest, in my estimation.
Noooooooooooo!!!!! But seriously though, I have to call it and say that their is a lot more to that little butterfly than meets the eye. Butterflies don’t even really live that long, so that’s kind of a heads up right there. And are we actually sure that Bud had anything to do with it showing up at all anyway? It’s assumed, but the question is never actually answered.
Well, that one didn’t live that long! Poor little guy!
If you will pardon the bad pun, that girl needs firearm training….lest she end up with her eyestalks tied into a knot by a rumpled, seriously annoyed para-butterfly.
IIRC someone said the Fae are monitoring our little stinkweed.
The problem for the monitor is Castela was apparently designed for the purpose of killing them.
Getting oneself in a position of such peril definitely comes under the category of Bad Idea.
Let us hope Reginald is only a Fae construct.
Oh, Jesus. Poor little butterfly.
In the second frame, the “your” should also be “you’re”.
He’s an ex-Reginald now.
He’s just pining for the fjords…
Suppose Reginald is more than he appears to be?
“This is an ex-parrot! It is no more! It has ceased to be!”
Noooo, Reginald!
Mother of Pearl, is this the end of Reginald Butterfly?
RIP Reginald. ~<3
You were a good flutter-by.
I hope and pray that panel 3 is naught more than cracking knuckles!
Castela, please remember the lessons of Shelly’s jacket and of Reginald — almost nothing you encounter except a golem (and not all of those — remember Jin!) or a compressed diamond is as durable as you. If your left hand is in flashlight mode, good! Heating a metal ring to incandescence or spraying plasma is double-plus ungood! Burning down Gilchrist Manor will not endear you with others. Once you’ve positively identified, you will have time to respond! What if Scarlet and Timothy are pranking you?
Immune to physical harm does not mean immune to intangible harm.
In theory a ghost might be able to get through her defenses, of course that would require that they exist
True, but would that thing that she does with her hands be useful against a ghost or against a demon (which I think is much more likely, since they exist!)? Another set of possibilities might be rogue Fae or Rogue humans trying to poison her, now that she knows some of the truth. I still think Castela would have time to respond intelligently.
The possibility of Atsali or Kath portalling home because of some forgotten item is the likeliest, in my estimation.
the point is, what we call a ghost, may just be an 11 dimensional being – that could be why they are a bit ‘see through’…
Well, crap.
Knowing this strip, I would hazard a guess that Reginald is no ordinary butterfly
Some people have been calling it too and I have to agree. Probably a fairy in disguise.
Maybe Reginald is or will be a butterfly ghost?
I guess Paul won’t be troubled with drawing Reginald, anymore.
Reginald are ye a fairy? Here’s hoping you are made of sterner stuff :’3 oh goodness
Noooooooooooo!!!!! But seriously though, I have to call it and say that their is a lot more to that little butterfly than meets the eye. Butterflies don’t even really live that long, so that’s kind of a heads up right there. And are we actually sure that Bud had anything to do with it showing up at all anyway? It’s assumed, but the question is never actually answered.
Well, that one didn’t live that long! Poor little guy!
If you will pardon the bad pun, that girl needs firearm training….lest she end up with her eyestalks tied into a knot by a rumpled, seriously annoyed para-butterfly.
Hoping Reginald just happened to be fluttering about in the calendar machine the last time it was activated…
Probably just a certain grandmotherly vampire asked to check in on cas.
Poor fluttery-by got all squished
The 1/10 of a hitpoint that the butterfly has is used up, breaking the polymorph spell…
Castela may be paranoid, but the world just might actually be out to get her, so it’s ok…
Remember though: Reg is probably a butterfly in the vein of Hal the Roach.
I hope Reginald is sturdier than he looks
Actually full on gasped.
If she has killed the butterfly, that poor kid is gonna be a mess!
Ooch, reggie buddy, that sucks.
“Scrunch” is never a good sound when it comes from your hand…
IIRC someone said the Fae are monitoring our little stinkweed.
The problem for the monitor is Castela was apparently designed for the purpose of killing them.
Getting oneself in a position of such peril definitely comes under the category of Bad Idea.
Let us hope Reginald is only a Fae construct.
The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is scrunching.
Good thing she’s just having a nightmare, eh?
Alas poor Reginald! We knew him, Castela.
Reginald is obviously Castela’s first CRUSH!