The poor girl deserves a nice relaxing evening, a good full meal, and a restful night of quality sleep after putting up with all that she has to deal with.
A friend over at the Pibgorn forum sent me this link to the world’s largest alarm clock. For some odd reason though, it seemed much more appropriate to share over here, for other intended purposes…
That’s a great, fun picture of Monica! I think what tickles me the most about it though is that it reminds me visually of the “Fat Broad” character from the comic strip “BC” and now I’ve got visions of Monica running around and bashing the brains out of snakes.
How hot and how long a shower does the world need?
I think this has been tried before with a long bath. 48 days, was it?
I guess that Congress could supply the heat, but that “shower” would last less than an hour. It would certainly eliminate all the world’s problems…or at least all the people who complain about them.
Not sure that’s a good idea…but even less sure it’s really such a bad one.
It was a difficult jub, but someone had to do it.
er, *job.
Anyone else thinking of Coach Z from Homestar Runner?
Hmmm …
I’ve seen that very look on several other people in daily life. I wonder …
A little pop-corn would go good with that beer .
Too bad the Wapsiverse is not connected to the Walkyverse; otherwise I know the perfect Congress Woman to try and pass this legislation on too.
Christine O’Donnell?
Oddly enough, that outfit makes her the most realistic-looking she’s ever appeared!
A long hot shower! Well that’s a lot better than a cold dreary rain any day.
Amen to THAT. (Looks out window and wonders where the H*ll spring disappeared to…)
Monica needs to be careful. After “a long hot shower” is a dangerous time to attempt world-changing efforts.
I wouldn’t mind a cold beer, myself. Maybe a cigarette.
And I love how Dietzel seems to be offering Mon something to eat, as if she needs to regain her strength.
Naw, not popcorn – cheesecake. The post “AAAAAAW GAAAWD!” breakfast of champions.
Chocolate. 70% dark with roasted peanuts and crushed seasalt.
Couldn’t have been good for my blood pressure, but GOD was it good.
actually dark chocolate is good for you in small amounts on a regular basis
Yup. ;3 Roughly a square of at least 70% dark worth at or just under 90 calories, I think… :d
Second on the chocolate, but give me a box of gooey truffles.
Ooo, those are good, too..
Ok, not entirely true, I hate the taste of coffee, so tend to ignore those. And cherry cordials.
At a guess, I would say D is offering popcorn ’cause he doesn’t have a cigarette handy.
The poor girl deserves a nice relaxing evening, a good full meal, and a restful night of quality sleep after putting up with all that she has to deal with.
All I’m thinking is that Kevin is gonna be in for it when he gets home.
Officer Buns thought HE had a strenuous night…
Even though it seemed like quite the event, there’s still no substitute for the real thing…
Word .
Just what anyone could use after a stressful day, and what does one do when your lover is away? Bless her heart, she looks so peaceful.
At this point she looks like she is buzzing like a bad light bulb.
“Here, eat some peanuts, you’ve probably lost some protein during transit.”
Not actually relevant, but I heard Ford Prefect’s voice for some reason.
A friend over at the Pibgorn forum sent me this link to the world’s largest alarm clock. For some odd reason though, it seemed much more appropriate to share over here, for other intended purposes…
Heheheh . He should have a stereo playing this at full volume .
Forgot to say , have the stereo turn on with the bed lift .
More long hot showers and cold beers = less war.
And what would the around way other bring?
That’s a great, fun picture of Monica! I think what tickles me the most about it though is that it reminds me visually of the “Fat Broad” character from the comic strip “BC” and now I’ve got visions of Monica running around and bashing the brains out of snakes.
Follow the link for the visual reference:
I did not want to think about Fat Broad doing what Monica did!
How hot and how long a shower does the world need?
I think this has been tried before with a long bath. 48 days, was it?
I guess that Congress could supply the heat, but that “shower” would last less than an hour. It would certainly eliminate all the world’s problems…or at least all the people who complain about them.
Not sure that’s a good idea…but even less sure it’s really such a bad one.