Made Human
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Original Wapsi Square comics on Ebay! Please check them out and best of luck to all bidding!
See? She understands what Jin was going through. The anger was just because she was scared shitless.
that or she just knows monica will explode like a volcano at someone if she tells her the full story and is making it sound not as bad as bud thinks it is
Y’now… M’s gotta have a lot of ‘boy I want to smack these girls’ stored up. Sooner or later, she’ll realize that. And then the slaps shall fly!
I don’t know about you but I hear a bit of wistfulness in that “made human”.
You noticed that, too, huh?
I think that was more than just “a bit”.
Just a wee smiggen in there.
Just so long as it wasn’t a wee spriggan.
I first learned of Spriggans through Lawrence Watt-Evan’s With A Single Spell.
I forget where i first encountered them.
Huh, interesting how well Monica’s seems to be taking things. Maybe Bud hasn’t mentioned HOW bumpy things were.
Heh, I also like how Monica just jumped to “Condemned to death” instead of “Made human”. Sounds like she thinks the immortality thing is good. Not sure I agree if that’s the case. XD
she got to see death with the head stabby thing so i suspect she now has issues with it
She died when that happened?
I don’t think so. She did die (well her heart stopped) when she got hit by that bus as a kid.
But regardless, immortality would suck.
she didn’t die but i suppose at the time during it she would have thought she was going to die.
she didn’t seem to really remember the bus thing (least i think not). tepoz reminded her of that.
No, long before that. Monica died in Mexico. Which is why she could be a door for demons, and hence needed a key.
Yes, she has issues about death and aging. At one point, she complained out loud that she did not want to get old, referring to the infirmity of age. She then freaked out that something cosmic might misinterpret what she said into wanting to die young. At the same time, she does NOT want to be a golem.
The accident in Mexico when Monica died IS the bus thing.
Somehow I’m thinking Bud’s editing the story just a little as to how things really went down.
And taking into account “M”s penchant for blowing up like a grenade in a bucket full of goldfish. I’d say that’s a smart move on Buds part.
So I read your second sentence and immediately think of the frog-gigging-with-potato-mashers scene from The Triplets of Belleville.
yeah, a messy visual image.
“Life is a journey…..
….and the destination really, REALLY sucks.”
Is monica floating?

If she isn’t love it how it looks like she is
i get the feeling monica and may are not going to get on well.
Naw, she’s just sitting on a large spring.
Bad Man
Now, now, hate the pun, not the punner. The punner should be gently chastised, and led back into the ways of light and truth.
I’ve got the tire iron. You hold him down while I break both his knees.
Ooo…does this mean the pun jar has been retired?
Nope–we couldn’t get any tires in the right size, so we are just traveling along hoping not to get a blowout.
* Puts the empty pun jar back while no one is looking.
Doo dee doo dee doooo….
i’m missing the pun i think
the shadows look like a spring so … ?
It’s alright. I think some are just suffering from pun withdrawal and grasping at anything which even remotely looks like one. No need to punnnish them for it.
“Bumpy Re-entry”… yeah, right.
For that remark, I will grant Bud the title of Captain Understatement!
So it is going to be a full week of cliff hangers! Any bets on how long it will take to find out what happened with Alan?
We do know (at least I do), that he will come to Jin. It is just a question on how, when and where.
I hope we at least find out by next week.
So it starts, Jins extra bumpy ride (dealing with the aftermath) and everyone seeing how much flak they can give her, while at the same time feeling her pain.
Its like seeing a rabbit being hit by a car and then seeing it hop away looking just fine. You are going WTF and wondering if more damage was done that you can.
The what does this mean and what did happen.
I’d like to know just exactly what Bud meant when she said “it’s part of the start up procedure…” what is “it”? and why does it sound like she doesn’t want whatever it is to happen to HER even though it’ll “make her human”, thus letting her fit in with humanity better? especially her body language in panel 1, and her use of “otherwise Brandi and I…”
were the voices and shadows that Jin experienced the consequences of a faulty BIOS during boot up? and that the glyph that May carved inside her a software patch to fix that bug? um.. maybe not as i recall now, that Jin was loopy BEFORE any of this started… hmmm, a quandary isn’t it?
i think the ‘it’ would be turning to clay
I dont think Bud likes being reminded that essentially she is not human – she is a created machine which can be turned off and on. exactly what yamara was saying last week
the voices and shadows were always a part of jins genetic makeup. the calender machine was created to stop this. this failed so markII item – the excalibur hilt -was made which seems to be working with no consiquence to the world (so far). The glyph was just a present from her mom. or MII enabled her to give her the gift.
“it’s part of the start up procedure…”
I guess ‘it’ is jin being able to bleed, or trying to blow her brains out…
she has always been a bit schizophrenic, and being out of sync with the rest of the universe caused the voices and demons AFAIK…
‘harnessing a power source’ looks like if it was not done, bud could have turned human????
oh well, more q’s than a’s….. :/
the glyph that May carved? well it could be a ‘debug mode’ ..
Right – the artifact did a reset, and Jin went back to clay as POST was running, at which point May took advantage and wrote the glyph that updated her firmware.
It seems less like a firmware patch, and more like installing a whole new operating system. An operating system that will hasten the destruction of the device it’s installed in. I guess I stretched the metaphor to its limit unless someone wants to make a Vista joke.
No need. Vista is it’s own joke and punchline all rolled into one.
“It” is obviously the Golem reverting the golem back into it’s initial state. It’s vulnerable and but also alterable. Which means that instructions programmed into the golem can be alter, deleted or added to. It appears that this is how our pint sized God of Alcohol was able to add glyphs to the GG preventing any Glyph Reader from taking control of the GG’s w/o sacrificing their life.
Tepol may have a lot more Golem knowledge then he lets on. He might be a 3 source of Golem Tech knowledge.
This is cruel.
When do we find out what happened with Jin and/or Alan?
And did Bud tell Monica everything?
Monica’s reaction sounds as if Bud’s account was judiciously … edited.
(Posting this before i read the comments that are already here.)
Paul seems like a nice guy
until he does stuff like this

i suppose the big reveal will be much nicer when we get to see after waiting for it a bit longer
Kinda like seeing your christmas present below the tree on the 20th december and having to wait another 5 days before you can open it
I’m figuring Monica is somehow involved in the eventual Jin-Alan reunion and Paul is setting that up here. Otherwise we would later be saying, how did Monica get involved in all this? How did she know to do what she did? etc. At least that’s my current rationalization.
I would imagine Bud may have softpedaled it a bit, but she would have had to be fairly honest. Otherwise the next time Monica sees Jin, she’s going to be upset she looks like a raccoon (break your nose, get two black eyes, it’s almost automatic) and moves like a mummy. And isn’t allowed to have guns anywhere near her…
As for Alan, I suspect either he’s coming up with something special to show Jin he cares and understands, or he was in an accident, or Crispy got him.
i love how the speech bubbles (boxes?) in the first panel show that bud isn’t quite saying everything.
Good notice. I love the way Paul does little things like this.
What ever happened to Brandi? Is she still off playing with the Kraken?
Probably more like hunting him down so she can playfully pounce like the big ol’ cat she is.
So the glyph May inscribed in Jin needs the boost from the artifact to accomplish the change in parameters from indestructible, immortal golem to quasi-human mortal and breakable golem. So no chance for mortal Bud and Brandi. Kinda like Medusa then. She was the only mortal gorgon sister. I hope Jin can keep her head.
Actually, the artifact was to fix Jin’s mental problems. May took advantage of the fact that installing the artifact reset Jin to clay to write the glyph that changed her parameters.
I guess if they had one more artifact like it, maybe it could be used to reset both Bud and Brandi, giving May the chance to update their BIOS, too.
hmm the artifact was a power source
putting it in jin was sort of giving her a new one..sort of disconnecting from the mains and putting her into a battery
does this mean the golem girls are solar powered?
er, if they were solar powered, they would turn back to clay (AFAIK) at night.. not very safe!
I guess it is the glyph magic that does it..
All you need is a battery to store the solar energy, one that lasts, say, 18-24 hours. Unless you plan to spend some time north of the Arctic Circle in winter–or in Antarctica. Then a 6+ month battery is required.
I knew that the artifact was supposed to fix Jin’s mental health.
What I was getting at was May just can’t inscribe a glyph on Bud and Brandi to do the same thing. So the glyph alone can’t do it, it takes a power-boost from the artifact to accomplish that.
Note that golems are indestructible… they cannot be marked…
As Fairportfan said, during the ‘reset Jin to clay’ (POST), May was able to inscribe the glyph..
I’m not certain they can’t be marked while not in the clay state. Perhaps they can, by another golem. I recall, somewhere, some character saying that what one needs to scratch a diamond is another diamond. Foreshadowing? I’m not sure. Then, as Jin went through the clay state, all the writing on her was read, including the new glyph, changing her running parameters. Without the new glyph, she would have restarted the same as she was before.
They appear to be invulnerable and indestructible when active. Tepoz made a comment a long time back about adding to the Golem Girls’ programming when he first got them, implying that they were in their clay forms for a while.
Maybe the golems are indestructible on the outside, but I think May inscribed Gin on the inside, while installing the artifact. Maybe the glaze on the outside is tough, but usually the unglazed stuff can be scratched. I don’t think they are glazed on the inside. But, hey, I could be wrong!
The Golem’s can’t be marked while that are “running”. But the Golems have been changed in the past. Tepol added said he added glyphs to their bodies. The Glyphs were to prevent any Glyph Reader from gaining control of the GG’s w/o sacrificing their life. Which is what happened to Monica during the bus incident.
Nah – it takes a full reset, however that might be achieved.
I’m not sure about fixing both Bud and Brandi. It seems like one to a customer. Otherwise she could have used the one in Jin to fix everyone. It seems once it’s in, it’s in for good.
One other point. I don’t think it would be good to fix everyone just yet in any event. There is still something lurking out there from which the girls were hidden all this time. That may yet require golem power to negate. We may have a “Wonder Twins unite” moment in the future. Would they say “Wonder Twins untie” when they separate?
There is the possibility that when Jin dies the power source can be recovered to be used in another golem if so desired.
That would leave only one golem stuck with immortality unless May can teach a mortal to do the good deed.
That might work. It would, however, leave 3 more golems. The total number of golems of which we are aware is 5 … Jin, Bud, Brandi, May, Tepoz. Other than Jin, though, it is not clear any of the others care much about being mortal again.
I’ve been pointedly not mentioning that.
I’m thinking Sheik meant that they could successively use the artifact on one after another, until the last one was left unable to use it on herself. Hence the need to teach a mortal to do it.
I remember the diamond to scratch a diamond one. It may well have been foreshadowing. Our tell-teller has a habit of foreshadowing sneaky enough not to be caught the first time through. It has to be read very carefully. Even the second and third time through I’ve missed stuff that I wouldn’t have caught if not for the comments.
I feel like I’m far enough down the comments to do this now:
“Indeed. Turns out it’s part of the start up procedure for harnessing a power source in a golem. Otherwise, Brandi and I could be made human.”
Without Monica’s interruption, it sounds very different than what most of you claim Bud’s tone to be. It sounds like she’s saying it as an option going forward, but just an option, not something she wants to happen or would particularly care for if it did.
possibly because when she was human she was abused and tortured. i don’t think i would want to be human again when you remember her last few minutes as one.
i think if you could take away buds powers (or at least downsize them a little) she would be happy. That and let her change her appearance.
i think bud wants
A: to be changeable appearance wise
– and she ain’t the only one!!)
2: to not be so powerful so she doesn’t feel like a monster
III: to be more powerful than anyone else on the planet so they cannot hurt her
D: to date kevin (or a guy like him
z: her own coffee plantation
That reminds me … i haven’t read Grrl Power yet, this week…
No, I don’t get that. I get that Bud’s having a “how do I say this” moment after M interrupts her.
Note the wording “harnessing a power source.” To harness would seem to me to mean that the power source already in the golem is brought under control. This as opposed to replacing the power source.
I think that is what is meant by controlling the rotational energy of a galaxy (as mentioned in an earlier episode). The golems already have, in their basic nature, the ability to call upon the power of a rotating galaxy. Thus their extreme capabilities. So the relic/key isn’t a power source at all. It never was. Rather it’s a controller, capable of controlling such power. This it did, ameliorating it in Jin’s case to next to nothing. Also, using that power to reset/modify her “programming.”
Interesting interpretation. I was thinking that the rotating galaxy was the power source and the artifact was kinda like a voltage regulator inside her to control how much power was available at any one time. I wonder which one of us, if either, is correct.
Yes, that’s what I meant. I guess I wasn’t clear enough. The galaxy’s rotation is the power source and always was, just as you say. It’s just that many are saying the relic is a power source unto itself with some saying Jin is being powered by it now. Perhaps I’m treading on old ground here simply because the light turned on for me.
Bet Jin wouldn’t invite Shelly to take a punch at her now.
…unless she’s trying to commit suicide by Shelly, anyway.
Which Shelly wouldn’t be willing to do now.
Connie on the other hand…
Define “Normal.”
“Normal” is the world as it was when you were eleven.
I have read this multiple times and I was today years old when I realized this explains WHY Brandi and Bud don’t have the option to become mortal