Cerberus Club, by any chance? They’ve had plenty of time to rebuild the back wall since that day that Jiin yelled it to splinters.
Gatoraid… I keep envisioning a food product kinda like Hamburger Helper, but for reptile meat rather than cow meat. Some dried celery, some onion, maybe some five-spice powder… just the thing when the kids are hungry and you don’t want to take the time to make up a batch of your grandmother’s own gator marinade recipe. In any case, no, not a lot like a margarita.
Gatorade is a sports drink, high in electrolytes, and excellent at rehydrating. I don’t find it all that appealing, but I appear to be in the minority. Also known for it’s bright fluorescent coloring.
If I recall right, Gatorade was first developed to benefit the Florida Gators, the college football team. But somebody decided it would be an excellent thing to market to the consumer—seemed to work out well.
I’ve heard that Gatorade doesn’t taste good unless you really need it. As a lifelong bookworm and computer nerd, I haven’t ever spent much time depleting my electrolytes, so I can’t vouch for that myself, but it sounds moderately plausible.
Gee, Valerie seems so….so Innocent. Well, she’s tried Beer but doesn’t care for it, neither do I. She seems to have never tried alcoholic beverages, but Lord knows what would happen to her Inner Self if she did.
Beer is alcoholic. You can get just as drunk on beer as any other alcoholic beverage. I remember a character in a Heinlein novel who said he was going to find the guy who told him beer was a soft drink, so he could beat him to death with a stein. Seemed appropriate.
“Wastin’ away in Margaritaville…”
Calm seas, Jimmy.
Mmm salty lemonade, first of many bad decisions
My goodness – Panel 2 – Digit has an EXPRESSION
Cerberus Club, by any chance? They’ve had plenty of time to rebuild the back wall since that day that Jiin yelled it to splinters.
Gatoraid… I keep envisioning a food product kinda like Hamburger Helper, but for reptile meat rather than cow meat. Some dried celery, some onion, maybe some five-spice powder… just the thing when the kids are hungry and you don’t want to take the time to make up a batch of your grandmother’s own gator marinade recipe. In any case, no, not a lot like a margarita.
Well, it did say “ade” and not “aid.” Is lemonade Lemon Helper?
Gatorade is a sports drink, high in electrolytes, and excellent at rehydrating. I don’t find it all that appealing, but I appear to be in the minority. Also known for it’s bright fluorescent coloring.
Not alone. I prefer water.
If I recall right, Gatorade was first developed to benefit the Florida Gators, the college football team. But somebody decided it would be an excellent thing to market to the consumer—seemed to work out well.
I’ve heard that Gatorade doesn’t taste good unless you really need it. As a lifelong bookworm and computer nerd, I haven’t ever spent much time depleting my electrolytes, so I can’t vouch for that myself, but it sounds moderately plausible.
This is your Charybdis…
This is your Charybdis on tequila…
Charybdis, or Cthuloid?
Ask your Scylla.
Yeah, I haz the forebodings on this…
Gee, Valerie seems so….so Innocent. Well, she’s tried Beer but doesn’t care for it, neither do I. She seems to have never tried alcoholic beverages, but Lord knows what would happen to her Inner Self if she did.
Beer is alcoholic. You can get just as drunk on beer as any other alcoholic beverage. I remember a character in a Heinlein novel who said he was going to find the guy who told him beer was a soft drink, so he could beat him to death with a stein. Seemed appropriate.
Oooooooooo. Foreshadowing.
a re-incarnation of the Odd Couple…
Say…can Valerie drink through that mask? (“I Have No Mouth and I Must Drink?”)
You know what drink really kicks royal ass? SANGRIA!!!
I can relate to Valerieʾs feelings about beer being “ickie” (The taste and smell of “unbaked bread” is extremely unpalatable to me¹)
¹My feelings about sake are the same in this way as for beer