Pablo, the bit I said about M in the viking suit, and how evil you were? That’s nothing compared to this. This is more evil than an offspring between Cruella De Ville, and Belkar Bitterleaf from OOTS
Well now, I’m sure our man with the Creative Genius could scrawl a little note at the top as to what he thinks should be playing while we’re looking at the page, then again, I’ve seen some sites where as soon as the page is loaded, there’s music playing.
You Dan are also a genius.
Am I the only one who thinks “TMI”? And/or (unsure yet): you’re all a bunch of sick voyeurs. Aural voyeurs, but still… (this “you” actually including me :P)
I’m hardly a prude. I just live in an apartment with sheetrock walls and I hear things like this quite clearly on a daily (sometimes several times a day) basis, from all sides. Dietzel seems to agree with me, anyway :p
Way TMI for me. Not because I’ve never had to hear it, but because this was just….
I mean, I love Monica dearly. I just didn’t think a running dialog of her masturbating was really that…tasteful. The joke could have been just as funny without such _vivid_ imagery.
The strip itself is good, but the joke was delivered with that stone hammer she was holding the other day. So before I get called a prude or something, all I’m saying is I’m a bit uncomfortable with the delivery, not the content.
MMMmmm….Gerard Butler…. I don’t know that I’m excited about the prospect of my fantasy man cheating on me, but I guess I can’t blame him for wanting to do so with Monica.
Panel #5 shows that Dietzel has at least one opposable thumb. He’s not just a smart dog, he’s a highly evolved form of Canis Sapiens, as well! I wonder if he has any distant relatives named ‘Brian’ or ‘Lassie’ …
Dogs can’t work remotes because they don’t have thumbs. Is he a special mutant dog mutated to have a thumb? — Yeah, I know. It’s a comic. Suspend belief and chill. . . . .
Glad it wasn’t a cat with thumbs. If cats had thumbs, we’d rule the world for them. . . . Oh, wait, we already do. . . .
Its been proven that Monica’s teleporting ability isn’t always a consious act, like when she teleports bullets before they hit her. I says its only a matter of time before she accidently teleports herself to Gerard Butler’s location in a fit of passion.
When she woke up with Shelly and Kevin in her bed, she poited several people away from her so I think that it’s possible that she could the opposite.not sure how that would work though…
Really, what else can be said?
The last frame was hilarious.
Surprise? No. Supplies? Not even. Definitely needed tho!
Dietzel knew just when to throw the popcorn in the air…i wonder how many times he’s heard this ritual?
…Is it wrong that I imagined Jose, the Jalapeno on a Stick saying that?
*snorts his soda through his nose violently*
Soda? … out through the nose? … OUCH!
That was a good laugh … painful, but good.
Pablo, the bit I said about M in the viking suit, and how evil you were? That’s nothing compared to this. This is more evil than an offspring between Cruella De Ville, and Belkar Bitterleaf from OOTS
Self enjoyment is not evil. Pablo not drawing it for us is, however.
…Among many other things that shall remain unspoken >.>
Those being her parents WOULD explain her size… it’s from her paternal side then…
Actually Belkar Bitterleaf has yet to be proved evil and any attempts to divine such a thing without his permission is an invasion of his privacy.
I’d say this strip confirms that Belkar is evil:
Dietzel’s heard this routine before. Hoorah!
I’m just enjoying visualizing it…
So, Monica’s a Gerard Butler fan?
I take this is not the first time that Dietzel has experienced this.
Well, at least it was a movie he could pause. XD
Welcome back Paul.
Hahahaha ! Dietzel FTW , in the last panel .
Panel Two – looks as if Dietzel is mentally going ” … 4 … 3 …2 … “
Heheh . Yeah , for me , it starts to build up when he pauses the TV .
I can’t blame her, Gerard Butler is a hunk
This comic just keeps getting better & better. Seriously, all it needs is a soundtrack and I’d be on Cloud 9.
Well now, I’m sure our man with the Creative Genius could scrawl a little note at the top as to what he thinks should be playing while we’re looking at the page, then again, I’ve seen some sites where as soon as the page is loaded, there’s music playing.
You Dan are also a genius.
Next we need this page in dietzel speak!
Now….waht became of her BF? She switched to celebs?
Apparently Kevin is out of town until next week. I suppose he frowns upon her poiting in for on the road booty calls.
I don’t think so. I think that either they haven’t thought about that particular possibility, or simply, Monica can’t poit to a place she hasn’t seen.
In *Jumper*, a picture was required.
And at the half, the Latina Vikings are ahead of the Absentee Boyfriends by one point …
… unless the Vikings try for a field goal…
And the best part is, there’s no such thing as ‘illegal use of hands’ in THIS game.
Been there, couldn’t pause the movie, but hey, it was all good *grin*
Tee Im Eye….
poor Dietz
Wait, you mean she was actually able to.. err.. “enjoy some personal time” without some random person poiting in to interrupt?
Five bucks says tomorrow we see Gerard Butler walking downstairs grinning and telling her he’ll call her.
Ten bucks says he never calls.
I never thought I’d envy a sponge.
Now I’ve got to go look up Gerard Butler, see who he is.
Ah! 300. Now I remember. I tend to remember the characters, not the people who played them.
I was about to link 300 to show you who .
I just voted for Wapsi Square , again , BTW .
how do i do that?
Just to the bottom left of the comic , there’s a vote button .
If I were Gerard Butler, and I had to choose between Monica and say, Katherine Heigl…
I’d ask for a threesome.
Hmmm… i always mix Rhett Butler and Gerald Butler… but this one is not Gone with the Wind… ^^
Three guesses what kind of shampoo will be calling for an advertising slot soon.
Am I the only one who thinks “TMI”? And/or (unsure yet): you’re all a bunch of sick voyeurs. Aural voyeurs, but still… (this “you” actually including me :P)
and you obviously live somewhere with coding for thick walls if you find being an aural voyeur a new and disturbing experience.
PS same goes fer Charmaine.
I’m hardly a prude. I just live in an apartment with sheetrock walls and I hear things like this quite clearly on a daily (sometimes several times a day) basis, from all sides. Dietzel seems to agree with me, anyway :p
Way TMI for me. Not because I’ve never had to hear it, but because this was just….
I mean, I love Monica dearly. I just didn’t think a running dialog of her masturbating was really that…tasteful. The joke could have been just as funny without such _vivid_ imagery.
The strip itself is good, but the joke was delivered with that stone hammer she was holding the other day. So before I get called a prude or something, all I’m saying is I’m a bit uncomfortable with the delivery, not the content.
Just a little adult slapstick humor. We all could use a little slapstick now and again (NO DOUBLE-ENTENDRE INTENDED).
MMMmmm….Gerard Butler…. I don’t know that I’m excited about the prospect of my fantasy man cheating on me, but I guess I can’t blame him for wanting to do so with Monica.
Wheeeeeee! Me next..hee hee!
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! rubadub, ducky!
That… is the second most risque strip in Wapsi Square history.
Mmmmmmmm… sorry, bit distracted there. So what’s the first?
Still laughing! What she’s doing is only half as funny as the running dialog… Great way to start the week!
I haven’t laughed that hard at this comic in a while.
So, no problem with water pressure at Monica’s house, I take it?
Combine that with a detachable shower head and you’ve got a winner…
So… I take it, she’s squeaky clean now?
Squeaking, certainly.
You wanton harlot!
Yeah yeah, you’re just pissed she didn’t yell GERONIMO!! XD
Or, considering she was fantasizing about Gerard Butler, “This is SPARTAAAAAA”
Well, she certainly earned THAT turkey!
Am I the only one seeing Dietzel as Michael J. Fox in his apartment in the film
“Secret of My Success”?
That’s the movie I was trying to remember. Thanks!
A short busty Latina who can get off in just 6 panels? I want one in real life!
Eight panels of Dietzel!
Did Dietzel make the popcorn?
He can work a remote too! Smart dog!
Panel #5 shows that Dietzel has at least one opposable thumb. He’s not just a smart dog, he’s a highly evolved form of Canis Sapiens, as well! I wonder if he has any distant relatives named ‘Brian’ or ‘Lassie’ …
Dietzel has opposable thumbs when it follows the Roger Rabbit Principle of Appropriate Actions…
Haha! Nim, you got the Dietz you wanted.
Oh Pablo you naughty, naughty man.
But yet again, some excellent understated work from Deitzel. He just needs to sit there and do nothing then Pow! Brilliance!
Does anyone have siblings who are like that in the shower (I know how Deitzel feels?
Dogs can’t work remotes because they don’t have thumbs. Is he a special mutant dog mutated to have a thumb? — Yeah, I know. It’s a comic. Suspend belief and chill. . . . .
Glad it wasn’t a cat with thumbs. If cats had thumbs, we’d rule the world for them. . . . Oh, wait, we already do. . . .
Gerard Butler — Great Scot!
Ain’t THAT the Truth!
Animal cruelty much?
Its been proven that Monica’s teleporting ability isn’t always a consious act, like when she teleports bullets before they hit her. I says its only a matter of time before she accidently teleports herself to Gerard Butler’s location in a fit of passion.
Or poits Gerard Butler to her…
This sort of thing gives the term “shower head” a whole new meaning.
New? *schnuck*
@Rennod: I can’t recall any time that Monica poited someone to her? I thought she did the travelling…
When she woke up with Shelly and Kevin in her bed, she poited several people away from her so I think that it’s possible that she could the opposite.not sure how that would work though…