Mind At Ease by Paul Taylor on November 25, 2018 at 7:43 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Castela, LuciLocation: Mucho Mocha Related Comics ¬ Missed You Summer Time Run Away Some Good News Shortstack
Stinkweed has grown.
…and gotten even cuter, if such be possible.
Head-ghostie’s turned itself upside down today. Maybe it wanted a change of view?
Aaah-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaa! One of the best ways to be a role model is to be the example of what not to do… XD
OOOOH Wait till the stinkweed gets to hear Stories about her Aunt Monica.. (and JIN!)
This is going to be about the motorcycle incident, isn’t it?
Or the engine block incident.
or the CCW girl, what was her name…
Or OWEN or or Lakshmi…
Mucho Mocha, where the elite meet for counseling!
Not what I expected, but I’ve never had any relationship skills.
So Luci can help Castela with some good anecdotal advice, and stick it to Shelly at the same time.
“Aunt” Shelly…
A thick book to quote from!
At some point, a mention of noodles seems inevitable.
And we’ll still not know what the original “noodle incident” was. 🙁
That’s the point, Sheik.
That is probably for the best.
Especially since it appears that Sam Starfall was involved . . .
But where did she get those tales from?
From Jacqui.
Front row seat…
Heck. She was part of a lot of them.
Oh dis will be good! *pulls up a chair*
I get the feeling we’re getting a story about Shelly and Owen maybe.
And Lakshmi.
And I’m beginning to think Castela really does have feelings for Hiroshi.
Anyone who follows this Webcomic knows that ANYTHING about Shelly is gonna hit the six-bladed industrial fan…HARD!!!
By the way, I distrust Castela’s “no romantic interest” in Hiroshi. She may be past it, but it was definitely there.
Hormones =/= Romance
Yups, same with her ‘feelings’ for Timmeh
Who’s to say Shawna’s feelings are any different at that age?
Probably the fact she had them before he got flutter-bied, and continued having them the entire time he was gone? o_O
Ahh, ain’t young love just the bomb?