Missed It by Paul Taylor on October 3, 2016 at 11:12 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Conscience, TepoztecalLocation: The Library Related Comics ¬ A Direct Message Eluding Me Help Out Worst Fear Toocloseminded
I don’t think we’ve seen him in years!
Our, the audience’s, literal, years.
I still think he looks a lot ~better~ with his headdress than without it 😏
I thought Slappy didn’t like the headdress.
“And now our ventriloquist will drink a glass of water …”
So glad I’m not alone thinking that.
Heh, yeah. Almost missed that until looking at the page a 2nd or 3rd time. ^_^
now I thought he was an alcohol god of some sort…
Unless my Starbucks has been doing something wrong for a long time, White Chocolate Mocha isn’t an alcohol thing.
Also, TEPOZ!!!
yeah thats why he picked it up when he was out… 🙂
There’s milk in a mocha, and often in white chocolate. Maybe Tepoz has been making kumis?
Oh my god Tepiz!!! It’s been so long!!
Dude needs to learn a faster route.
There is a little fart that hasn’t been seen in a minute. Glad to see the little devil back.
TEPOZ! Holy shit, I forgot all about him.
NOOO!! You can’t forget about our Favorite Blue Guy.
Very nice to see an old character re surface.
Tepoz!? holy shit little man, we haven’t seen you in literally and Age. ~<3
Holy crap, has it really been 11 years since we last saw Tepoz?! Welcome back, dude.
It has not been that long, but it has been a couple years IIRC.
He was last seen on one of their group Island visits.
He must not have been tagged then. The last comic he was tagged in before this was in 2005.
Yay Tepoz!!!!
been like years! since we saw him!
Did he get a girlfriend as well?
What girlfriend? o_O
Not only Tepoz, but a Tina mention slipped in there too..
Aw, I miss Tina so much.
Wow! Good to see Tepoz show up again after all this time.
I thought he stopped wearing that headdress.
I feel he looks better ^with^ said headdress than with^out^ it!