That very last sentence makes me think that Scarlet has a significant self-confidence issue: “the only reason he’s with me is because no-one else has made a move on him yet.”
Or a self-awareness issue. Scarlet seems more intellectually self-focused and is not aware that she IS the cuter, more powerful girl – a condition I suspect other young women are ascribing to her.
All these years and she still has her confidence issues about him. I am guessing that her problem is related to the fact that they have not engaged in anything more advanced than kissing. The way she is speaking seems to be that she is wondering if she should have sex with him to keep a lock on him. I am betting that he has never thought about it because he is fully in love with her.
I’m oblivious toward virtually all members of the opposite sex except one, who moved in. I attribute the obliviousness to a combination of Asperger’s and growing up with several sisters.
At one point, Paul indicated that Scarlet was 6 feet eight inches tall – I don’t think Timothy is going to be taller than she is. Also, instead of deep fired bratwurst – deep fried bratwurst??
The only way he would be aware of other girls flirting with him, is if he was looking, and he has no reason to be looking or have any interest in someone else
Why has no other girl swooped in and stolen him, Scarlet? O_o
They took one look at you, and reminded themselves that they don’t get to keep the boy if they’re dead!
Oh scarlet my husband is the same way. A sweetheart that takes care of me and is adorably oblivious of anyone flirting. One day we were at the beach and some woman was almost sticking her boobs up his nose and he had no clue. I was watching from a distance and I was incredibly amused because she walked away so frustrated and yeah whoosh right over his adorable head.
That very last sentence makes me think that Scarlet has a significant self-confidence issue: “the only reason he’s with me is because no-one else has made a move on him yet.”
Or a self-awareness issue. Scarlet seems more intellectually self-focused and is not aware that she IS the cuter, more powerful girl – a condition I suspect other young women are ascribing to her.
Holy crap, Timothy has hulked out! O.o
Yeah, no foreshadowing there. Nuh uh!
Nope, Never even heard of some guy named Chekhov…
Can she still gather him to his bosom as she did when they were younger, or is he now taller than her?
“Deep-fired bratwurst” makes me think of a German depth charge or torpedo during World War II.
Of course, I might be more subject to indigestion than most…
It is not a german depth charge unless you douse the bratwurst in Geneva convention banned level of spicy sauce.
All these years and she still has her confidence issues about him. I am guessing that her problem is related to the fact that they have not engaged in anything more advanced than kissing. The way she is speaking seems to be that she is wondering if she should have sex with him to keep a lock on him. I am betting that he has never thought about it because he is fully in love with her.
good to know after all this time Scarlet is still a doof. ~<3
On that last thought. Looks like a self fore filling prophecy
Damn, Tims forearms make my thighs look small…
…Is Tim some form of canine para? I honestly can’t remember.
His dad was a dogman, and his mom is a mage.
He definitely appears to have hit a growth-spurt in the intervening time-skip. 🙂
For some reason—and a quick review of past appearances didn’t help, but—I always thought young Timothy was a lion.
Yep. I thought lion, too
Watch your words, Scarlet, they have power. On another note, “requited” –> “required.”
I’m oblivious toward virtually all members of the opposite sex except one, who moved in. I attribute the obliviousness to a combination of Asperger’s and growing up with several sisters.
Maybe I wouldn’t be quite so oblivious if I wasn’t so accustomed to having girls around.
Now I have a sense of foreboding that just such a woman will be coming on the scene soon…
At one point, Paul indicated that Scarlet was 6 feet eight inches tall – I don’t think Timothy is going to be taller than she is. Also, instead of deep fired bratwurst – deep fried bratwurst??
The only way he would be aware of other girls flirting with him, is if he was looking, and he has no reason to be looking or have any interest in someone else
Why has no other girl swooped in and stolen him, Scarlet? O_o
They took one look at you, and reminded themselves that they don’t get to keep the boy if they’re dead!
Oh scarlet my husband is the same way. A sweetheart that takes care of me and is adorably oblivious of anyone flirting. One day we were at the beach and some woman was almost sticking her boobs up his nose and he had no clue. I was watching from a distance and I was incredibly amused because she walked away so frustrated and yeah whoosh right over his adorable head.