‘Dodging Volcanoes”- Somewhere in Hawaii? Hot and sunny. There’s some real heavy eruptions recently but the islands are kinda crowded… “Bomb Disposal”- Viet Nam? hot sunny, lots of bombs, mines… are there closeby coffee shops?
Nice use of English-language ambiguity! “Antiquing” can mean either “hunt or shop for antiques”, or “artificially age an object so that it appears older”. They certainly did the latter to both islands… while they have certainly done a lot of the former, searching for artifacts over the past few years.
Artificially damaging something to make it look old and worn, is also known in the business as “distressing”. I think they did that to themselves / each other!
On the other hand, from the way they look, it appears that Euryale didn’t manage to actually (re)crack any of their ribs. I suppose that thousands of years of experience has taught her how to use her very considerable strength, so that the effect goes up to ooogh urrgh gaah and stops just short of kersnappity pop.
Ggggg.. Wgere Mon and Shell in the past fed upon eachother’s insecurities and stuff, M and Jin are eachother’s catalyst for happiness, bordering on insanity.
And here I was, thinking that there is no problem when two people with a psychiatric background, get on the loose
I jest, but Jin’s crazyness wasn’t solely her schizophasia…
Those two are nuttier than a Groningse Notenkoek (groningen Nutcake, local delicacy)
Yep. The truth is way more cooler.
Besides, Phix gets copies of everything ever written – including Paul’s works. And apparently Euryale reads it.
Yes, that antique bomb lit up the volcano like a candle!
Err — something like that…
Seems that they felt that lying would make it worse. Not to mention she may be able to help them find an island.
Worse? No, useless. Remember, that the Gorgon is also a supernatural being. So why keep back the truth?
An island in the Mediterranean?
‘Dodging Volcanoes”- Somewhere in Hawaii? Hot and sunny. There’s some real heavy eruptions recently but the islands are kinda crowded… “Bomb Disposal”- Viet Nam? hot sunny, lots of bombs, mines… are there closeby coffee shops?
Nah, they narrowly dodged a Plinian eruption. VEI was WAY too high for them to have been near Hawaii, or anything remotely like Hawaii.
Not exactly lying, just “gilding” the truth.
Candle shopping–the island they were checking out did light up like a candle.
Antiquing–the did antique that beach, not to mention the wine bottle, when they cracked open their sea urchin.
Nice use of English-language ambiguity! “Antiquing” can mean either “hunt or shop for antiques”, or “artificially age an object so that it appears older”. They certainly did the latter to both islands… while they have certainly done a lot of the former, searching for artifacts over the past few years.
Artificially damaging something to make it look old and worn, is also known in the business as “distressing”. I think they did that to themselves / each other!
Not to mention the distressing by Euyrale.
Umm the fibs actually sounded slightly more believable than the truth.
From the way thy look, the truth is more believable.
On the other hand, from the way they look, it appears that Euryale didn’t manage to actually (re)crack any of their ribs. I suppose that thousands of years of experience has taught her how to use her very considerable strength, so that the effect goes up to ooogh urrgh gaah and stops just short of kersnappity pop.
Are you sure? Did you see what Ethel Johnson looked like after the great antique candle accident of ’86?
It’s understandable. Photos were a little grainy in 1886…
Any place else, the truth would sound more plausible than the cover-up…
I think she was gonna compare their answer with the MIB sattelite photos…..Also, like ‘antique bomb disposal’….
Oh, her EYES… so SHINY!!
That smile could cure cancer… but cause diabetes. XD
That’s the good old “headlights in deer” look…
Funny, I don’t remember Bambi’s Aunt smiling at me when I whumped her with mah Ford pickup… took all weekend t’ ballpeen hammer th’ dents out…
I love going to a good antique bomb disposal. LOL
“Years of apple buckin'” She’s so chipper, it’s really fun.
Went to that MLP link yesterday. Cute.
THATS what Euryale is missing… A COWBOY(GIRL) HAT!
O.O ……… OMG YES! Now it must happen.
I still say she’s got a Minnie Pearl vibe going so she needs a woman’s boater with a price tag on it.
I know I was examining her hair yesterday looking for a price tag.
Don’ ferget them spurs… yeeEEEEEE-HAH!!
THEY are a bright sparkle in HER morning?
I can believe her morning was already sunny; but come on!!
I dare ANYBODY to be in a sour mood around her…
that would be hazardous to your health.
yup, they would be hugged and shaken until they realised the only escape would be ‘pretend happy’!!!
…or they’d get turned to ice.
I noticed that they couldn’t tell a lie and keep a straight face.
Well, if you’re going to lie convincingly, you and your partner in crime need to have the same story.
They could have be shopping for antique candles.
It could happen.
I would have said roller derby… but that’s just me…
Any roller derby that could result in skid burns as bad as these two got from a volcano … would make Rollerball look like NOTHING …
Ggggg.. Wgere Mon and Shell in the past fed upon eachother’s insecurities and stuff, M and Jin are eachother’s catalyst for happiness, bordering on insanity.
And here I was, thinking that there is no problem when two people with a psychiatric background, get on the loose
I jest, but Jin’s crazyness wasn’t solely her schizophasia…
Those two are nuttier than a Groningse Notenkoek (groningen Nutcake, local delicacy)
In a véry good way, minf You….
Are you from Texas? Outside of my mother’s sisters, I’ve never met anyone else who knew the word “‘ve”.
Isn’t that a vocalization of ‘we’ where W is pronounced V ??
or you forgot the ‘ – so ‘ve means ‘have’ with the ‘ha’ part almost silent…
I tend to lean towards it being a cut-short version of the word ‘have’ and pronounced like the first syllable of the word ‘ever’, for example…
I HATED dodge-volcano in grade school!
Yeah, that and duck-duck-bomb were the WORST!
+5 Thread Win!
Does that mean they get out of gully washing today?
May I take a Moment to say to my Love:
And now we get another member of the Wapsi Bikini Vacation Club. They’re gonna need a bigger small island.
I’ve noticed island tend to get smaller when they visit.
They’re gonna need a MUCH larger island if what to use it for an extended time.
Of course Euryale could probably direct them to a tiny island in the med with lots of nice statues.
No need to worry about volcanoes. The only volcano on the island blew up 10,000 years ago. It can’t POSSIBLY still be active… right?
And there can’t possibly be any unexploded ordinance laying around. There hasn’t been any major military activity in that sea in hundreds of years.
Boy, my cheek is painful. What’s this stuck in it?
“Of course Euryale could probably direct them to a tiny island in the med with lots of nice statue”
I said that yesterday.
If Euryale dresses for the beach like she does for the library, it would explain the gorgons’ ability to “petrify” men who saw them.
Tell the truth and shame the devil!
In this case, ‘ve is a shortened form of “have” – if you want to read it “…whut antics’ve you two…”, it’s about right.
Hmmm. this was suposed to be to a comment from Setebos, further upthread.
they forgot to mention “boob landing” and “hardwood faceplants” amongst their activities
Candle shopping? Antiquing? I am so going to use those euphemisms from now on!
Feels so good to tell the truth!
E. All of the above.