The thing is, though… Bud’s not exactly the subtle type… We’ve seen her take a header down park steps, causing a massive pileup, and getting an ambulence chaser busted in the process… as well as her bikini during a snowstorm stunt…
Bud’s not a bad choice. She thinks fast on her feet. She was the driving force in the mica room with the time machine. And, as Fairport pointed out as I wrote this, fixed the problem with the sonic boom. You could send a lot worse to get the job done.
I think the best Jin face was when her mother started talking to her about her sex life. Or maybe when she got Bud to jump completely over the table in that mall food court. So hard to decide. Still, this one rates right up there.
Why is it nobody mentions that Brandi jumped right outta her shoes in that one? Jump over the table, sure, jump hard enough to leave your shoes behind? Sorry didn’t see that.
There was another one that comes to mind, but I have no idea where it might be, or the overall context. It came just before Jin pinned (I think it was Bud) down in a playful fight for something she just said. It was kind of a wide-eyed cartoony look in which Jin’s eyeballs became snake-like. It was downright cute. The others mentioned are cute too but in a creepier way.
Were I to leap onto the bandwagon of choosing a favorite golem, it would be Jin. Overall, I would best identify with her. Of course, I don’t do that sort of thing.
I would have put forth Amanda to join Bud, but I think she’d prolly be to excited/distracted by the novelty of the poiting to offer the necessary guidance on-site.
Thing is, Monica has all the knowledge of what to look for. She is the idea person. Bud would be along for muscle and protection. Plus she can chime in with her first-hand knowledge of the distant past.
Two would be better, yes. Monica is the archeologist, though; she should be one of them. As her backup I’d say one of the Golem Girls, for various reasons – and Bud has already been nominated!
Eh-heh … Contrary to popular belief, women do not automatically, immediately get naked when reduced to small, male-less groups.
I’m not saying that none of the girls would ever go topless sunbathing around the others, (the chimera girls all seemed pretty low on the inhibition scale when they were first introduced, but it seems to fair to say they’ve matured quite a bit since then) but it just doesn’t seem -likely- to happen.
Yeah, and Bud, who IIRC has shown the greatest tendency toward casual nudity, is wearing a one-piece. There is no way to gracefully strip to the waist while wearing a one-piece.
Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the other girls procured that swimsuit for Bud with the express purpose of giving her less opportunity to randomly strip. It seems like something Brandi might do.
You know, I’ve often puzzled about people who are so eager to get rid of tan lines that they’d sunbathe nude. Just how much worse would a sunburn hurt if it was located in a sensitive (and usually covered) area?
Maybe it’s not something everyone has to worry about (especially those with Native American or Latin descent like Mon and Shel), but for fair skinned people like me…that just seems like a bad idea.
As a woman with shall we say, almost Monica level endowments, I’d like to add that topless is all good and fun, but do you have any idea how unweildy these things can be when *not* strapped down? Plus sunburn in certain areas? So not my idea of fun. (Haven’t done that per se, but too hot steam in a sauna – same thing and ow ow ow OW!)
Yes, but how many women wear swinsuits to be cute to other women (other than the obvious, of course)? On the other hand, how many men actually care about the “cuteness” factor of a given swimsuit.
Isn’t it a matter rather of how cute the woman feels herself in the suit? So she’s wearing it not so much to be cute to other women, or to men, but to herself.
I’d vote for Brandi.
I like Bud (she’s my favorite) but i’d like to see some more of Brandi as i think she seems to be the most idle one of the ggg.
Plus i want to see her mobbing the floor mentaly with someone
Depends. What is your geekness and babeness factor? Do you have any extrordinary attributes? Is your boyfriend just a sideline player in your life? Do you have some sort of pet with human-like qualities? Is pizza a staple to you? Do you frequent a coffee shop with a demon collective as the owner/barista? It’s an elite group ya know.
Hmm…Super geeky…I refuse to make judgments on my own babeness factor…I have similar attributes to a certain leading lady in this comic (and I wish more than I can say that I knew a bra designer like the one she sees)…my bf would probably seem a sideline player to anyone who just took peeks at my life M-F…I don’t currently have a pet (DOH!)…pizza is such a staple that I typically order it a minimum of twice a week…and no coffee shop since I prefer tea and my selection is generally better than the local coffee shop’s.
Does that mean I’m in, or is it “close but no cigar”?
What else are friends for.?
Open mouth, insert foot —
Whammy Diddle.
…and that is what you get for ‘first’ -ing.
…honestly. It’s almost as annoying as ‘add me’-ing.
(or “dittoing”)
I agree but there’s usually like a hundred posts here so when I saw it empty I couldn’t resist.
Hey, Bud — it was your idea; that’s close enough to volunteering.
(second attempted reply, first shot went wide)
The thing is, though… Bud’s not exactly the subtle type… We’ve seen her take a header down park steps, causing a massive pileup, and getting an ambulence chaser busted in the process… as well as her bikini during a snowstorm stunt…
Not to mention the bright flash and sonic boom.
That old thing? that was the aliens…
. . . that’s my story, and I’m stickin’ to it.
Bud’s not a bad choice. She thinks fast on her feet. She was the driving force in the mica room with the time machine. And, as Fairport pointed out as I wrote this, fixed the problem with the sonic boom. You could send a lot worse to get the job done.
Yeah, she fixed it – but first she created the problem.
Yes, but the fix was worth it!
And those who regularly create problems tend to have plenty of practice at fixing them…
Best Jin face ever…
I think the best Jin face was when her mother started talking to her about her sex life. Or maybe when she got Bud to jump completely over the table in that mall food court. So hard to decide. Still, this one rates right up there.
Brandi jumped the table at the mall.
Right, Brandi.
For reference:
Having Brandi in the Mall –
Sex talk with Mom –
I’m still voting for this one as best, but the mall face is a close second…
Why is it nobody mentions that Brandi jumped right outta her shoes in that one? Jump over the table, sure, jump hard enough to leave your shoes behind? Sorry didn’t see that.
SoWhyMe is right…this is second-best-Jin-face-ever. Scaring the crap out of Brandi was my #1 favorite Jin face.
There was another one that comes to mind, but I have no idea where it might be, or the overall context. It came just before Jin pinned (I think it was Bud) down in a playful fight for something she just said. It was kind of a wide-eyed cartoony look in which Jin’s eyeballs became snake-like. It was downright cute. The others mentioned are cute too but in a creepier way.
Were I to leap onto the bandwagon of choosing a favorite golem, it would be Jin. Overall, I would best identify with her. Of course, I don’t do that sort of thing.
Jin’s eyes are almost always snake-like
Well, would that be the demons of democracy,
or the democracy of demons?
Um… no demons voting here…?
Now, if you said a Golem Democracy, then you’d be talking.
More like a Puppet Regime.
Bud and Monica would be better.
My thoughts exactly. If you send one person, and something goes wrong, there’s no one to catch the slack and keep things moving.
Not that I think Bud would be damaged or anything, but if we’re dealing with Lanthian relics, who knows how it will react to being messed with.
I would have put forth Amanda to join Bud, but I think she’d prolly be to excited/distracted by the novelty of the poiting to offer the necessary guidance on-site.
Thing is, Monica has all the knowledge of what to look for. She is the idea person. Bud would be along for muscle and protection. Plus she can chime in with her first-hand knowledge of the distant past.
Like the run to get the portal cloth?
Two would be better, yes. Monica is the archeologist, though; she should be one of them. As her backup I’d say one of the Golem Girls, for various reasons – and Bud has already been nominated!
D’oh! That was meant as a reply.
missed this one from the 1st post but…
If they are on a deserted beach all by themselves… why isn’t AT LEAST ONE of them, oh… I don’t know… TOPLESS!
Eh-heh … Contrary to popular belief, women do not automatically, immediately get naked when reduced to small, male-less groups.
I’m not saying that none of the girls would ever go topless sunbathing around the others, (the chimera girls all seemed pretty low on the inhibition scale when they were first introduced, but it seems to fair to say they’ve matured quite a bit since then) but it just doesn’t seem -likely- to happen.
… No matter how hard anyone wills it to be so. :I
Yeah, and Bud, who IIRC has shown the greatest tendency toward casual nudity, is wearing a one-piece. There is no way to gracefully strip to the waist while wearing a one-piece.
Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the other girls procured that swimsuit for Bud with the express purpose of giving her less opportunity to randomly strip. It seems like something Brandi might do.
Well, the GGs were drunk when introduced, and for some time thereafter …
This is true, but you’d think the humans would take advantage of this unique opportunity to get rid of their tan lines.
You know, I’ve often puzzled about people who are so eager to get rid of tan lines that they’d sunbathe nude. Just how much worse would a sunburn hurt if it was located in a sensitive (and usually covered) area?
Maybe it’s not something everyone has to worry about (especially those with Native American or Latin descent like Mon and Shel), but for fair skinned people like me…that just seems like a bad idea.
Know whatchamean. I would never even try to tan. Given my very light skin, I would likely burst into flame instead.
The summer of the V-neck tanks will never be forgotten. Or repeated. After all, a sunburn is still a burn.
Besides, when a woman is as well-endowed as some of them are, they appreciate the support and control of a good bra. Some even need it.
As a woman with shall we say, almost Monica level endowments, I’d like to add that topless is all good and fun, but do you have any idea how unweildy these things can be when *not* strapped down? Plus sunburn in certain areas? So not my idea of fun. (Haven’t done that per se, but too hot steam in a sauna – same thing and ow ow ow OW!)
I bow to your superior experience.
Amen sister!
Because swimsuits aren’t cute unless you wear them.
Yes, but how many women wear swinsuits to be cute to other women (other than the obvious, of course)? On the other hand, how many men actually care about the “cuteness” factor of a given swimsuit.
Isn’t it a matter rather of how cute the woman feels herself in the suit? So she’s wearing it not so much to be cute to other women, or to men, but to herself.
*points to bmonk* He’s right, you know.
I’d vote for Brandi.
I like Bud (she’s my favorite) but i’d like to see some more of Brandi as i think she seems to be the most idle one of the ggg.
Plus i want to see her mobbing the floor mentaly with someone
Out of curiosity…I’ve seen many people refer to the Golem Girls with three G’s. What does the third G stand for?
Guardians, I think.
Giggling Golem Girls
Gorgeous Golem Girls?
Golem Girl Group(ies)
Frankly, I think M should go. She’s the “youngest” in experience, but has the most archaeological savvy – it’s what she does for a living.
I have the feeling Katherine and Tepoz should be in on this pow-wow.
Way to volunteer, Bud!
Greetings Acacia Budur:
You are hereby ordered for induction into
the Archaeological Recovery Forces…
Ooo…that sounds like fun…can I join?
Depends. What is your geekness and babeness factor? Do you have any extrordinary attributes? Is your boyfriend just a sideline player in your life? Do you have some sort of pet with human-like qualities? Is pizza a staple to you? Do you frequent a coffee shop with a demon collective as the owner/barista? It’s an elite group ya know.
Hmm…Super geeky…I refuse to make judgments on my own babeness factor…I have similar attributes to a certain leading lady in this comic (and I wish more than I can say that I knew a bra designer like the one she sees)…my bf would probably seem a sideline player to anyone who just took peeks at my life M-F…I don’t currently have a pet (DOH!)…pizza is such a staple that I typically order it a minimum of twice a week…and no coffee shop since I prefer tea and my selection is generally better than the local coffee shop’s.
Does that mean I’m in, or is it “close but no cigar”?
You’re in! ^_^
The wizard has spoken. Good luck keeping your nether regions safe in the nether worlds.
Thank you Paul!
Bud, Monica, and Shelly could out vote Jin and Brandi if they work together, but somehow I doubt it’s going to happen. Safe trip, Bud!
And the nature of Shel’s suit is still handily hidden. At this point I don’t care how revealing it is, I’m just tweaked over What! it is.
Due to the lack of any lines except one where a leg line could be, I’d say she’s in a one-piece.
Looks like I was wrong about Bud being in a tankini too.
LOL!! Bub is always the one to go on these kinds of trips isn’t she? Went to save Jin’s mom from the demon world too. XD
*snrk* “Bub”… I’m a dork…
Ah, the variation of the “123 NOT IT”
Had to look that one up.