Needtotrythesebananas by Paul Taylor on October 24, 2005 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Brandi, Bud, Dietzel, Jin, KevinLocation: Monica's Place └ Tags: bananas, golem girls Related Comics ¬ 08/07/2002 Onecouldtell 10/11/2004 Right As Rain 08/04/2003
okay that just disturbing
Yeah, Bud did just kind of….puke up those bananas.
Three Girls, One Portal
I love how Jin is all like “eeeeeewwww” and Bud is all like “Help… please… kinda dying over here” and Brandi is all “BANANAS! Yum!”
“ring ring…Bananaphone!”
Boop boop bedoopidoop ding ding, Boop boop bedoopidoop ding ding, ring ring ring ring ring ring ring