I can hope there may be some potential for another mentoring cross-over. There is a kind of … symmetry. Castella is being mentored by Luci, an adult. Admittedly a recent adult, but she doesn’t strike me as THAT much younger then Helen. If, as some suspect Devil Girl Bikini Wear is her company, not just her employer, her intelligence is likely underestimated by anyone who doesn’t know her [much like Atsali.] Helen has had 10 or 15 years dealing with exactly what young Gilchrist is going through NOW. Likewise she can “signal aircraft,” although, too be fair, she would probably have to be a little taller to “nuke from orbit.” There is potential here, for integrating the High School story line with the Main Story {for those who woorry about such things.]
“… her intelligence is likely underestimated by anyone who doesn’t know her [much like Atsali.] Helen has had 10 or 15 years dealing with exactly what young Gilchrist is going through NOW.”
Maybe not ^exactly^. We don’t yet know how much, if any, Aspbergers-like condition her mind has in common with Atsali’s.
All three of them are flushed. I can see Bryn being a Fan Girl of a “Seductress,” but I don’t quite understand the crooked smile on Katherine’s face. It’s not like she’s being introduced to Digit’s Mother, or big Sister.
Hmmmm! Any body else notice that Helen, the most heavily dressed, speaks of being “wrapped up in a blanket, like a burrito.”
What Predats, or Paras have a sensitivity to COLD? Does it effect her hormonal balance? her mood? her personality? Just what
is Helen like, when she’s, for want of a better word, HOT?!!
Hmmm… The same discoloration on the oven mitts and Hellens hoodie. Just what was cookin’ in the kitchen?
My money’s on lava cake.
All you need is LAVA! *rimshot*
Mmm Hmmm! Scary Movie incoming… Oooo Eeee Ooooo EEEEE!
Selene reminds me of Scarlet.
the mammaries in this room are enough to cause some kind of temporal rift, imagine the rebar fortifications in that room. ~<3
I was right, earlier, it’s not “a big bust”, it’s 4 big busts. Can’t wait to see them lined up on the couch side by side, during the scary movie.
Right? We need an anime-style bust chart, get the whole gang in on the action.
Say it with me now!
1… 2… 3…
I dunno. HGTV, lately, has too much H and not enough G…
I usually watch more DIY network stuff, especially the Mike Holmes shows.
Okay Helen is even more adorable then she was yesterday, and honestly I hadn’t expected casual Selene to be so…casual, it’s nice to see her like this.
Also our two ladies crushing hard on adorable geeky Hellen rather then sexy devil girl Hellen makes it even better.
I can hope there may be some potential for another mentoring cross-over. There is a kind of … symmetry. Castella is being mentored by Luci, an adult. Admittedly a recent adult, but she doesn’t strike me as THAT much younger then Helen. If, as some suspect Devil Girl Bikini Wear is her company, not just her employer, her intelligence is likely underestimated by anyone who doesn’t know her [much like Atsali.] Helen has had 10 or 15 years dealing with exactly what young Gilchrist is going through NOW. Likewise she can “signal aircraft,” although, too be fair, she would probably have to be a little taller to “nuke from orbit.” There is potential here, for integrating the High School story line with the Main Story {for those who woorry about such things.]
“… her intelligence is likely underestimated by anyone who doesn’t know her [much like Atsali.] Helen has had 10 or 15 years dealing with exactly what young Gilchrist is going through NOW.”
Maybe not ^exactly^. We don’t yet know how much, if any, Aspbergers-like condition her mind has in common with Atsali’s.
Hellen and Amanda seem to have similar viewing tastes. I wonder if they’ve met, professionally?
“You have questions regarding the Jaguar Girl? Let me give her a call and see if she’s busy!”
Now what kind of entrance would she make this time. The one she used for Cas class was a good one…
Something seriously lowkey, like a snuggie or big fluffy slippers
There are… more extreme ways to ‘freak out’, this? This is on the low-end of the scale
All three of them are flushed. I can see Bryn being a Fan Girl of a “Seductress,” but I don’t quite understand the crooked smile on Katherine’s face. It’s not like she’s being introduced to Digit’s Mother, or big Sister.
Kath probably wasn’t expecting Hellen to be so… normal (relatively speaking with this lot
), and is probably trying not to laugh 
Probably reminds Kath of M?
Pretty sure Katherine is repressing a huge “D’awwwwwww, she’s ADORABLE!”
@Jeff Weiner: “Probably reminds Kath of M?”
More, I think, like a mixture of Monica and Atsali!
The jaguar Girl is a big goof too.
Having a chest that size too, I can see WHY Selene is freaking out! (Although Selene herself isn’t the smallest-busted girl in the galaxy, either)
Selene isn’t freaking out? Did you mean Bryn?
Yeah, her; my bad…
Yanno, I just realized that this was Selene’s place…
Busty girl with freckles wrapped up in a blanket watching HGTV or Netflix. Sounds like my dream girl.
Hmmmm! Any body else notice that Helen, the most heavily dressed, speaks of being “wrapped up in a blanket, like a burrito.”
What Predats, or Paras have a sensitivity to COLD? Does it effect her hormonal balance? her mood? her personality? Just what
is Helen like, when she’s, for want of a better word, HOT?!!
If she comes from Hell, anywhere other than the Sahara at midday will be cold to her, now picture their current location and time of year
Is it just me, or does Hellen look like she could be Atsali’s biological sister (½ sister on her father’s side
What da *bleep*!
” was NOT supposed to be RED!!
That “