I don’t think Daylla sees her ghostly counterpart at all. She hasn’t acknowledged her presence in any way so far… just talked about “herself” and only in the past tense.
But… it looks like Daylla-2 is holding something. Cellphone? (If so, does she get service in a room lined with beryllium?) or her voice recorder? I wonder if she can drop it, and get it out of the anchor field and into Daylla’s like of sight?
Well (he says the next day) I was wrong about her not seeing Daylla-2, it seems. Alas, an interesting hypotheses overtaken by the cruel light of subsequent events. The cellphone, though…
I think we’re seeing the same Daylla, but she is slipping in and out of her human morph from moment to moment. (I don’t think we know whether her human form is achieved via a glamour or via an actual shape-shift, but in either case it doesn’t seem to be terribly stable at the moment).
Well if she’s okay now, she probably made it out okay from 2 months ago. This is starting to sound like a Bill and Ted time loop. She’s helping herself from 2 months ago from where she in in the future. I’m beginning to feel that her temporal interaction now may be what affects her 2 months ago. Temporal effects being non-linear of course.
We can figure that the voice recording incidents happened simultaneously, so Timothy was going to analyze the recordings in our universe, and alt-Daylla may have done the same in hers. The hallway may be over the basement and subbasement rooms, with the disturbance strongest at night. The sleepover happened in our universe, but only Justin was there in the alt-universe. Right now it appears that the common factors are both Dayllas, and the subbasement rm which is where the World Grid anchor point is.
Or, there was the mystery building, but Daylla and Scarlet were supposed to be watching the hi-jinx from a remote vantage point, while Castela, Hiroshi, and Shawna “tested the equipment”, if they were out of phase.
Paul had the whole timeline-reversal motif in Shelly’s transformation into a sphinx, so it would not be unexpected. Plus, she said the world grid id folded, so if one side of the fold has a rift two months ago, perhaps Daylla’s “normal” universe has the event happening two months into the future.
I think Daylla somehow jumped across the fold in the space dimension, thus becoming transparent and ghost-like in the alternate timeline. We already saw that Dustin was able to interact with Scarlett even though he thought he was talking to someone else.
possible Phrase-o (panel three):
“Next question, is that what I was investigating two months ago,…”
It may just be me, but I think it reads a lot better if you remove the word “that” (and maybe move the comma):
“Next question is, what was I Investigating two months ago,…”
Although, now that I read it again, the word “That” could work there, if you emphasize it (at least verbally).
“Next question, is *that* what I was investigating two months ago,…”, where That refers to the question in the prior panel. When I first read it, I didn’t get that “that” referred back. But that doesn’t mean that it still could read better my way, but your choice as to which you really meant. (Don’t mind me, I’m rambling…)
Sounds a bit like two slightly different parallel Universes, where in one Dayla died and in the other Dayla changing sides. I am wondering if Dayla now looks transparent to her friends.
Or is it only that boy that changed the side?
I think it’s fair to say, given the configuration of the final panel, that tomorrow will show events from alt-Daylla’s personal history leading up to her being trapped in the anchor.
I’m thinking being sucked into the anchor has time-dilated alt-Daylla (but not killed her), so although 2 months have passed for Dustin’s universe, it’s only been a few days in Daylla’s – an attempt by the anchors to keep the two Dayllas in sync. The anchors focusing on Daylla and alt-Daylla due to alt-Daylla’s proximity to the anchor overriding everyone else’s.
Now Daylla’s in the alt-universe, the two universe are temporarily back in sync, and alt-Daylla is experiencing the dilation relative to Daylla.
Once Daylla saves her alt-self, and fixes the anchor, the dilation will fade and both universes will remain in sync.
If you have a huge concentration of paras, it follows that you would have a world grid anchor since you would also have a portal station that you would want to screen out certain paras from.
Instead of you, Daylla, you should refer to her as alt-Daylla.
I don’t think Daylla sees her ghostly counterpart at all. She hasn’t acknowledged her presence in any way so far… just talked about “herself” and only in the past tense.
But… it looks like Daylla-2 is holding something. Cellphone? (If so, does she get service in a room lined with beryllium?) or her voice recorder? I wonder if she can drop it, and get it out of the anchor field and into Daylla’s like of sight?
Well (he says the next day) I was wrong about her not seeing Daylla-2, it seems. Alas, an interesting hypotheses overtaken by the cruel light of subsequent events. The cellphone, though…
Why does her thought process not go “I clearly failed at this last time, I should get some help.” or even “Is the other ME okay?”
I thought she acknowledged her alt-self when she said “And, From the looks of it, I messed up about two months ago in the room above this one.”
That’s not expressing concern, which is my concern.
Judging from that screaming expression on her face, I’d say…Probably not.
so uhh, point of note, this is not the same version of her from the previous page. ~<3
I think we’re seeing the same Daylla, but she is slipping in and out of her human morph from moment to moment. (I don’t think we know whether her human form is achieved via a glamour or via an actual shape-shift, but in either case it doesn’t seem to be terribly stable at the moment).
Well if she’s okay now, she probably made it out okay from 2 months ago. This is starting to sound like a Bill and Ted time loop. She’s helping herself from 2 months ago from where she in in the future. I’m beginning to feel that her temporal interaction now may be what affects her 2 months ago. Temporal effects being non-linear of course.
We can figure that the voice recording incidents happened simultaneously, so Timothy was going to analyze the recordings in our universe, and alt-Daylla may have done the same in hers. The hallway may be over the basement and subbasement rooms, with the disturbance strongest at night. The sleepover happened in our universe, but only Justin was there in the alt-universe. Right now it appears that the common factors are both Dayllas, and the subbasement rm which is where the World Grid anchor point is.
Or, there was the mystery building, but Daylla and Scarlet were supposed to be watching the hi-jinx from a remote vantage point, while Castela, Hiroshi, and Shawna “tested the equipment”, if they were out of phase.
Maybe Alt-Daylla experienced the reverse? The closer she got to the anchor point, the more transparent she became?
Paul had the whole timeline-reversal motif in Shelly’s transformation into a sphinx, so it would not be unexpected. Plus, she said the world grid id folded, so if one side of the fold has a rift two months ago, perhaps Daylla’s “normal” universe has the event happening two months into the future.
I think Daylla somehow jumped across the fold in the space dimension, thus becoming transparent and ghost-like in the alternate timeline. We already saw that Dustin was able to interact with Scarlett even though he thought he was talking to someone else.
To me, it would come down to how similar the realities are to one another.
I’m afraid it’s all technobabble to me.
possible Phrase-o (panel three):
“Next question, is that what I was investigating two months ago,…”
It may just be me, but I think it reads a lot better if you remove the word “that” (and maybe move the comma):
“Next question is, what was I Investigating two months ago,…”
Although, now that I read it again, the word “That” could work there, if you emphasize it (at least verbally).
“Next question, is *that* what I was investigating two months ago,…”, where That refers to the question in the prior panel. When I first read it, I didn’t get that “that” referred back. But that doesn’t mean that it still could read better my way, but your choice as to which you really meant. (Don’t mind me, I’m rambling…)
Sounds a bit like two slightly different parallel Universes, where in one Dayla died and in the other Dayla changing sides. I am wondering if Dayla now looks transparent to her friends.
Or is it only that boy that changed the side?
I think it’s fair to say, given the configuration of the final panel, that tomorrow will show events from alt-Daylla’s personal history leading up to her being trapped in the anchor.
I’m thinking being sucked into the anchor has time-dilated alt-Daylla (but not killed her), so although 2 months have passed for Dustin’s universe, it’s only been a few days in Daylla’s – an attempt by the anchors to keep the two Dayllas in sync. The anchors focusing on Daylla and alt-Daylla due to alt-Daylla’s proximity to the anchor overriding everyone else’s.
Now Daylla’s in the alt-universe, the two universe are temporarily back in sync, and alt-Daylla is experiencing the dilation relative to Daylla.
Once Daylla saves her alt-self, and fixes the anchor, the dilation will fade and both universes will remain in sync.
I think this problem is a couple notches above what “Scooby and the Gang” can solve…
And who builds a school on a world anchor site anyway? Do paras NOT have zoning regulations?
If you have a huge concentration of paras, it follows that you would have a world grid anchor since you would also have a portal station that you would want to screen out certain paras from.
Well, if it needs to be unfolded, maybe some quick lessons in Origami might be in order?