But, the auras won’t necessarily help decide what drink the person will enjoy the most. Will it?
It would be kinda like a Paladin who serves a Marshal of Gird a slice of angel food cake with sugar free icing, while the Priest of Liart gets the devil’s food cake with thick fudge frosting. The Marshal loves her chocolate, while the Priest is watching his diet. o.O
It might be like the whole “Type A vs Type B personalities” determining things about a person, possibly even what they, in general, prefer. (Totally bad example I think but its how it plays out in my own head).
So there could be things about their auras that determines something about them and by association what they might prefer over other things.
May the blessings of the Highlord and Gird be upon you and your household!
(my “Deeds” are pretty worn out, having re-read them so many times – even have some of the UK cover issued ones. “patiently” waiting for the rest of the “Oath of Fealty” series to come out. Yay for more Paks!)
More questions…who is the one of the collective asking after Amanda? And is there anything really cryptic and weird that Tin can do to get Amanda to involve herself at this point?
“Monica tends to attract some rather… unusual people, which explains why you haven’t been in touch very much.
“A good example would be a mutual friend named Tina, who’s got some sort of mental problem cropped up that’s got me completely stumped, and is even giving Monica some major problems…
Looks like she has not heard Tina ever say just Coffee.
Everything I remember, since Tina appeared, has been some thing added to coffee or a semi-exotic blend.
I’m not sure what caused the reaction. Maybe she wasn’t expecting Tina to give away the fact that she could read auras. Tina hasn’t ever hidden that, though.
Pfui! I’ve read all the archives … how did I mis that one??? Thanks Eschmenk. Guess I’ll have to read it all over again to get all the early ones I’ve forgotten. LOL
And I agree about Monica’s expression – though it made me think she was thinking “whoa, there’s regular coffee here?”
I don’t drink coffee, but some of the places I’ve worked, there have been some nearby coffee places with really good sandwiches. I wish there were more Amandas in the world who didn’t order double-latte chimi-frappachino with motzah-foam, one sugar, one Equal, shot of steamed milk, with sprinkles and raspberry vinagrette on the side… or whatever froo-froo crap people order.
What’s sad is I am a barista, and I can tell you, that it takes them longer to order the stupid drink than for me to make it. How ridiculous is that?
Also, for Paul, Monica get’s a french press with Lemon zest, right? What kind of coffee does she get in the press?
I wonder how Tina feels about people who prefer to keep their menu constantly varying, rather than settle on any one favorite thing day in and day out?
Does she imagine a little roulette wheel in her head?
And since I never, ever, buy coffee at a coffee bar, or whatever you call the establishments (I can buy a whole bag of coffee, or a jar of instant, for the cost of a single commercially brewed cup) — what on earth is froo-froo? A Tina term for destroying coffee with additives? Or a term more generally known to the public at large?
I guess I could have explained that Paul is spelling the word phonetically, which is probably fine because I don’t think it is written much. If I had seen it spelled correctly, it might have confused me.
To me, the word is just an informal and derogatory way to refer to stuff that is extra, unnecessary and somewhat silly . It’s not a coffee term, specifically.
Ah, a woman after my own heart! I learned to love coffee that was made for oilfield workers on the rigs in Northern Alberta. Therefore, my qualifications for good coffee is strong, and not so old it comes out of the urn as syrup. The only change I’ve made to my coffee is switching from Columbian to Arabica.
Uh … not to pick nits, but saying you’ve switched from “Columbian to Arabica” is kind of like saying you’ve switched from a car to a chevrolet.
I love (and am addicted to) coffee. My favorite coffees are from Africa an Indonisia. Especially Tanzania and Celebesi. And, in my opinion the only way to drink good coffee is black … no sugar, no nothing. The best beans are all the Arabica variety … the other primary variety is called Robusta – Robusta beans are larger, produce more per shrub and have a high caffien content. However Robusta beans tend to not be as flavorful, in fact they tend to be rather flat tasting and even bitter.
Yes … I am a coffee addict and I know exactly what I’m addicted to.
I learned one way to make non-coffeemaker coffee: tin coffeepot, handful of coffee, boil the hell out of it over a fire. Gas range if indoors, wood fire out. Give the grounds a chance to settle, serve to your Comanche elders, sugar if asked for, non-dairy creamer sometimes, but usually straight up black. Old Native Americans seem to be firm believers in coffee-flavored coffee.
Hurrah for no Froo-Froo crap! And double Hurrahs for Barrista’s that ask!
I does like me a little chocolate syrup, but other than that no froo-froo crap!
So how does Tina’s “guessing” what Amanda likes equate with Monica’s statement that “She’s not in on all this stuff”?
If a barrista said to me “Mocha Java with no froo-froo crap on top (whipped cream, almond slices, cherry, etc.), I would be very suspicious that “something” was going on.
I’m pretty sure that the “she’s not in on all this stuff” comment was about all the weird happenings that have been happing to, with and around Monica, Tina, Bud, and all the others.
Exactly. That was a heads up to Tina, that of all the people that have come into the shop with Monica, this one isn’t clued in to the supernatural goings on.
Never liked coffee. Can’t stand to drink it Without the frou-frou crap. Always preferred tea. Getting to be a lot of frou-frou crap in tea, too, these days.
@NikkTemplar — is that the current Doctor in your avatar? I can’t get with him. I liked Tennant too much.
Coffee. Black, no sugar. French or Italian roast (they go easier on the gut when you have GERD). On special occasions, half-and-half (or used as a buffer if it’s Folger’s or some similar non-potable).
On the weekend, maybe cappuccino made at home (yes, I have a dedicated espresso maker that I inherited).
Cowboy coffee
1) Fill a bucket with water.
2) Add a pound of coffee.
3) Put on the fire.
4) Throw in a horseshoe.
5) When the horseshoe floats to the top, it’s done.
I get the feeling most of the folks here would really identify with Denis Leary, when he rants about the serious lack of coffee-flavoured coffee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQxgv4QtKM8
Also, Tina looks super-cute with short hair. Rawr!
I like reg’lar coffee. Learned to drink the Java when I was a wee bairn, and developed Asthma. Coffee is a good quick jolt when one feels an attack coming on. So, early on, it was double-double, and the steamy goodness helped open up the lungs, and the caffeine was a shot in the arm without the !@*%$@% hypodermic needle. (ask your favorite asthmatic about adrenaline shots) But give me a big tankard of quality green tea, and I’ll be your friend for life.
Ah yes … tea. My other favorite source of caffein! My favorite coffee house occasionally carries some very good loose-leaf teas. I recently got a bit of Sencha, a very nice, slightly “grassy”, green tea. I seldomly see it. My favorite tea is Lapsang Souchong … very smokey and VERY flavorful. And I’ll always accept a cup of a nice, old, Pu Erh.
“no froo-froo crap” is exactly why Amanda has not been “in on all this stuff” eh, Mon?
Sooo, is Tina like a very excellent Barista that can sense or determine what would be best suited of a beverage for the customer?
I’d like to have someone like that! I never really can figure out what I want most of the time.
Oh, hey, another Q… Where’d you get the petroglyphs?
She reads auras…
But, the auras won’t necessarily help decide what drink the person will enjoy the most. Will it?
It would be kinda like a Paladin who serves a Marshal of Gird a slice of angel food cake with sugar free icing, while the Priest of Liart gets the devil’s food cake with thick fudge frosting. The Marshal loves her chocolate, while the Priest is watching his diet. o.O
It might be like the whole “Type A vs Type B personalities” determining things about a person, possibly even what they, in general, prefer. (Totally bad example I think but its how it plays out in my own head).
So there could be things about their auras that determines something about them and by association what they might prefer over other things.
Ah, a fellow “Deed of Paksenarrion” fan! Howdy!
May the blessings of the Highlord and Gird be upon you and your household!
(my “Deeds” are pretty worn out, having re-read them so many times – even have some of the UK cover issued ones. “patiently” waiting for the rest of the “Oath of Fealty” series to come out. Yay for more Paks!)
Kellisanth…that comment is epic win.
having just bought that book and am preparing to re-read it, I absolutely <3 you for the Paksenarrion reference.
She “reads auras”.
More questions…who is the one of the collective asking after Amanda? And is there anything really cryptic and weird that Tin can do to get Amanda to involve herself at this point?
It’s generally been Nudge that seems to feel freest to get them involved in things without taking a vote…
Why, with a no-nonsense answer, of course!
“Monica tends to attract some rather… unusual people, which explains why you haven’t been in touch very much.
“A good example would be a mutual friend named Tina, who’s got some sort of mental problem cropped up that’s got me completely stumped, and is even giving Monica some major problems…
“Maybe you’ve got some insights?”
A mutual friend named Tina? or a mutual friend named Jin?
I thought froo froo free was illegal with coffee nowdays?
Ah, somebody who drinks actual coffee!
Love Monica’s expression in the last panel.
Looks like she has not heard Tina ever say just Coffee.
Everything I remember, since Tina appeared, has been some thing added to coffee or a semi-exotic blend.
Well, she’s doing better than the first barista.
I’m not sure what caused the reaction. Maybe she wasn’t expecting Tina to give away the fact that she could read auras. Tina hasn’t ever hidden that, though.
Pfui! I’ve read all the archives … how did I mis that one??? Thanks Eschmenk. Guess I’ll have to read it all over again to get all the early ones I’ve forgotten. LOL
And I agree about Monica’s expression – though it made me think she was thinking “whoa, there’s regular coffee here?”
Yes … I can see that ‘last-line’ ot thought going through Monica’s head …
I don’t drink coffee, but some of the places I’ve worked, there have been some nearby coffee places with really good sandwiches. I wish there were more Amandas in the world who didn’t order double-latte chimi-frappachino with motzah-foam, one sugar, one Equal, shot of steamed milk, with sprinkles and raspberry vinagrette on the side… or whatever froo-froo crap people order.
I could get my lunches faster.
Or at least keep them to a minimum (Hazelnut, half-iced)
Obviously, Kellisanth gets in line ahead of you … “I never really can figure out what I want most of the time.”
What’s sad is I am a barista, and I can tell you, that it takes them longer to order the stupid drink than for me to make it. How ridiculous is that?
Also, for Paul, Monica get’s a french press with Lemon zest, right? What kind of coffee does she get in the press?
This just proves that Tina is the best Barista ever. She can take one look at someone, and know exactly what he/she wants to drink.
Which is why she was so bothered by Bud. She couldn’t read Bud at all. No aura.
YAY! For Tina.
Yah! For Tina!
Hey Paul, just letting you know that you forgot to fill in Amanda’s hair with white in the last panel (specifically the bit to the right of her neck)
Otherwise, keep up the good work,
Oops! All fixed. Thanks much.
No prob
I wonder how Tina feels about people who prefer to keep their menu constantly varying, rather than settle on any one favorite thing day in and day out?
Does she imagine a little roulette wheel in her head?
Nah. Nudge just flips a coin and hands them a Lemon Press with Zest.
Well I guess the cheesecake had to end eventually.
Oh, I dunno, Monica’s brilliant smile looks pretty cheese-cakey there in the first panel…
And since I never, ever, buy coffee at a coffee bar, or whatever you call the establishments (I can buy a whole bag of coffee, or a jar of instant, for the cost of a single commercially brewed cup) — what on earth is froo-froo? A Tina term for destroying coffee with additives? Or a term more generally known to the public at large?
“Froo-froo” is probably Amanda’s term, not Tina’s. Auras carry a LOT of information, for those who know how to read them.
Thankee. Lots of sprinkles and squirts and frills of whipped cream, ect.
I guess I could have explained that Paul is spelling the word phonetically, which is probably fine because I don’t think it is written much. If I had seen it spelled correctly, it might have confused me.
To me, the word is just an informal and derogatory way to refer to stuff that is extra, unnecessary and somewhat silly . It’s not a coffee term, specifically.
Tina ! Ah . My lusty eyed hot momma of the coffee scene . Ok . I know her eyes don’t exactly say , lusty . A man can dream , though , right ?
BTW , I’m really likin’ Amanda’s no nonsense choice of coffee .
I’d love to see Mr . Taylor licence a line of coffe/tea blends based on the Wapsi characters . Just sayin’ . . .
WHAT? no froo-froo crap? how gauche!
Ah, a woman after my own heart! I learned to love coffee that was made for oilfield workers on the rigs in Northern Alberta. Therefore, my qualifications for good coffee is strong, and not so old it comes out of the urn as syrup. The only change I’ve made to my coffee is switching from Columbian to Arabica.
Uh … not to pick nits, but saying you’ve switched from “Columbian to Arabica” is kind of like saying you’ve switched from a car to a chevrolet.
I love (and am addicted to) coffee. My favorite coffees are from Africa an Indonisia. Especially Tanzania and Celebesi. And, in my opinion the only way to drink good coffee is black … no sugar, no nothing. The best beans are all the Arabica variety … the other primary variety is called Robusta – Robusta beans are larger, produce more per shrub and have a high caffien content. However Robusta beans tend to not be as flavorful, in fact they tend to be rather flat tasting and even bitter.
Yes … I am a coffee addict and I know exactly what I’m addicted to.
The smoothest coffee I ever drank was Columbian Excelso. I’ve not seen it in over 10 years.
I learned one way to make non-coffeemaker coffee: tin coffeepot, handful of coffee, boil the hell out of it over a fire. Gas range if indoors, wood fire out. Give the grounds a chance to settle, serve to your Comanche elders, sugar if asked for, non-dairy creamer sometimes, but usually straight up black. Old Native Americans seem to be firm believers in coffee-flavored coffee.
Thank you for the Denis Leary reference!
“Gimme a regular”
“regular what?”
“Regular coffee!”
“What flavor?”
“Coffee-flavored coffee!”
how gibbs of him linux. yes I like ncis how did you know?
It’s nice to see that other people drink REAL coffee…and not the ornate stuff.
Beans & water. And maybe sugar. That’s it. That’s all you need, dagnabit.
Hurrah for no Froo-Froo crap! And double Hurrahs for Barrista’s that ask!
I does like me a little chocolate syrup, but other than that no froo-froo crap!
So how does Tina’s “guessing” what Amanda likes equate with Monica’s statement that “She’s not in on all this stuff”?
If a barrista said to me “Mocha Java with no froo-froo crap on top (whipped cream, almond slices, cherry, etc.), I would be very suspicious that “something” was going on.
I’m pretty sure that the “she’s not in on all this stuff” comment was about all the weird happenings that have been happing to, with and around Monica, Tina, Bud, and all the others.
Exactly. That was a heads up to Tina, that of all the people that have come into the shop with Monica, this one isn’t clued in to the supernatural goings on.
Never liked coffee. Can’t stand to drink it Without the frou-frou crap. Always preferred tea. Getting to be a lot of frou-frou crap in tea, too, these days.
@NikkTemplar — is that the current Doctor in your avatar? I can’t get with him. I liked Tennant too much.
Coffee. Black, no sugar. French or Italian roast (they go easier on the gut when you have GERD). On special occasions, half-and-half (or used as a buffer if it’s Folger’s or some similar non-potable).
On the weekend, maybe cappuccino made at home (yes, I have a dedicated espresso maker that I inherited).
Cowboy coffee
1) Fill a bucket with water.
2) Add a pound of coffee.
3) Put on the fire.
4) Throw in a horseshoe.
5) When the horseshoe floats to the top, it’s done.
Tina for the win!
6)add second horseshoe and watch for first to reappear
7)send to cavalry scouts renamed as cav coffee
No eggshells to settle the grounds?
I get the feeling most of the folks here would really identify with Denis Leary, when he rants about the serious lack of coffee-flavoured coffee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQxgv4QtKM8
Also, Tina looks super-cute with short hair. Rawr!
Yep, that’s the one I referenced above. Shows up 45s in or so. Leary has a filthy mouth, but this bit always makes me LOL.
Hm… “little girl?”
I like reg’lar coffee. Learned to drink the Java when I was a wee bairn, and developed Asthma. Coffee is a good quick jolt when one feels an attack coming on. So, early on, it was double-double, and the steamy goodness helped open up the lungs, and the caffeine was a shot in the arm without the !@*%$@% hypodermic needle. (ask your favorite asthmatic about adrenaline shots) But give me a big tankard of quality green tea, and I’ll be your friend for life.
Ah yes … tea. My other favorite source of caffein! My favorite coffee house occasionally carries some very good loose-leaf teas. I recently got a bit of Sencha, a very nice, slightly “grassy”, green tea. I seldomly see it. My favorite tea is Lapsang Souchong … very smokey and VERY flavorful. And I’ll always accept a cup of a nice, old, Pu Erh.
I like to imagine the response I personally would get from Tina:
“Are you lost, or did you come in here for a muffin?”
Is it me or are Tina’s boobs getting bigger?
Amanda’s preferred coffee is hilariously apt
Is it wrong that I find Tina increasingly sexy? I guess that has more to do with my love and philosophy on coffee than anything else…