Let’s see, they paraphrased Monty Python, Arthurian myth, and quoted Tolkien. Then referenced two strong female characters from movies.
I’d be delighted to be around them, but I acknowledge the fact that I’m weird. 😉
wow, these are Nerds among nerds. Monty Python, Disney and Tolkien in under 3 panels. (Scarlet didn’t get those references? has she lost her Nerd card?)
While I REALLY hate to point this out, the Python troupe debuted on television FIFTY YEARS AGO, and the last film with new material, The Meaning Of Life, was from 1983. They’ve been essentially broken up for longer than any of these kids have been alive.
It’s a testament to their brilliance that they continue to gain fans after all these years, but I’d hazard a guess that often happens in a college setting, when the older nerds pass along thier wisdom to the newcomers. High school, even magic high school, is often more cliqueish.
Also, maybe Scarlet just doesn’t get British humor. It can be hit or miss.
Yes, at the rate they are going, they are going to blow through their entire repertoire in the first day.
Have to get the short one to teach me how to speak in quotes.
-it is so annoying not having commenting work when using Edge. I keep forgetting, post my comment, wonder why it hasn’t appeared, then remember the issue, fire up another browser, and post again.
As a fellow nerd, I guarantee you they won’t run out of witticisms. What they WILL run out of is people understanding what the HELL they are going on about.
Meanwhile, while the newcomers continue to be nerds, Scarlet continues to polish her credentials as ultra-Team Mom. Wonder when something is going to happen to take her down a notch? (Note that that will be a sad day in many regards.)
By this time next year, they’ll be the main focus of the comic… straining the structural integrity of their shirt buttons… and stumbling into relationships that question their own assumptions about their sexuality…
For some reason I am starting to love these nerdy little weirdos…. not that I got anything they said.. or understood where they were coming from.. GO! back to your business.. stop looking at me!
Are these two little girl Nerdlets going to melt when they see Hiroshi??? From the female consensus I have seen so far. While fairly vacuous he is considered “Hunky” This type of girl rarely gets with in range of “pretty” boys with out imploding or melting. I mean I like them already. I would hate to see them melt and die. So soon after seeing them for the 1st time.
Oh, man. I haven’t seen so many nerd credentials being proudly displayed, since… well, since the last good discussion over in the Wapsi Forum!
I think these two are going to fit in just fine.
Holly buckets? That’s a new one on me. It would be a good way to gather holly, though.
apparently been corrected to “Holy Buckets”.
I think the proper …. uhm…… ahhh…..
…. uh
…. IDIOM !!! ….
the proper idiom is “Holy Buckets, Batman!”
Works for me! My Spiritual Roots are primarily Celtic. Shouldn’t they be SILVER Holly Buckets? [For those big Harvests, under the Hunter’s Moon]
These two could get on your nerves really quick.
But it tis just a flesh wound.
Let’s see, they paraphrased Monty Python, Arthurian myth, and quoted Tolkien. Then referenced two strong female characters from movies.
I’d be delighted to be around them, but I acknowledge the fact that I’m weird. 😉
The Nerd ist strong with these ones.
Maybe a touch too strong… even for the regular group
wow, these are Nerds among nerds. Monty Python, Disney and Tolkien in under 3 panels. (Scarlet didn’t get those references? has she lost her Nerd card?)
While I REALLY hate to point this out, the Python troupe debuted on television FIFTY YEARS AGO, and the last film with new material, The Meaning Of Life, was from 1983. They’ve been essentially broken up for longer than any of these kids have been alive.
It’s a testament to their brilliance that they continue to gain fans after all these years, but I’d hazard a guess that often happens in a college setting, when the older nerds pass along thier wisdom to the newcomers. High school, even magic high school, is often more cliqueish.
Also, maybe Scarlet just doesn’t get British humor. It can be hit or miss.
These two make me go “oog”. Not old enough to have learned subtlety OR how to pace oneself.
Yes, at the rate they are going, they are going to blow through their entire repertoire in the first day.
Have to get the short one to teach me how to speak in quotes.
-it is so annoying not having commenting work when using Edge. I keep forgetting, post my comment, wonder why it hasn’t appeared, then remember the issue, fire up another browser, and post again.
As a fellow nerd, I guarantee you they won’t run out of witticisms. What they WILL run out of is people understanding what the HELL they are going on about.
Nerds sir, off the port bow!!
Oscar! Mike! Golf! These two are Geeeeeeky! [Maybe it should be Oakenshield! Mordor! Gandalf!]
So long as no one says “Ni!”
Or ‘BING!!!’…
The machine that goes *PING* is more important. 😉
Well we already know they will say it.
Meanwhile, while the newcomers continue to be nerds, Scarlet continues to polish her credentials as ultra-Team Mom. Wonder when something is going to happen to take her down a notch? (Note that that will be a sad day in many regards.)
DONT SAY THAT!!! Paul might get wind of your idea and DO JUST THAT!
Oh, these are going to fit right in and it’s going to be good.
You. Say. That. With. Pride!
(Unless you’re not a nerd)
As long as you don’t say it with derision 😒
By this time next year, they’ll be the main focus of the comic… straining the structural integrity of their shirt buttons… and stumbling into relationships that question their own assumptions about their sexuality…
They grow up so fast.
Are you calling Scarlet a hypertophic-endowed geek? (though that’s what she is)
For some reason I am starting to love these nerdy little weirdos…. not that I got anything they said.. or understood where they were coming from.. GO! back to your business.. stop looking at me!
And thus was born ExplainWapsi, which soon grew larger than Wapsipedia, the previous record holder for most complicated website in the infosphere.
The Server build-out in terms of Storage Capacity & Processor Cores, just to deal w/ trying to explain Dietzel, was one for the record books…
I smell nerds! They smell like Cheetos and fear,
I like nerds because they are crunchy & go well on top of pizza.
I might’ve had a better time in school if I’d’a run across girls who spoke like that. Where were they?
Not born yet???
Then I blame their parents.
You probably went to school with their parents 😛
Yeah, me too Robert. Unfortunately I was a nerd decades before it became cool. 😐
Hoo boy; These girls are THIS type of koo-koo… and I couldn’t be more pleased!
ekki ekki ekki ekki ptang zoom-boing z’nourrwringmm
That’s what she said!
Did Scarlet wonder if they were looking for Castela?
I don’t know ’em, but I already like ’em!
That girl has swirly Tina eyes. Huh.
It’s the glasses
🤔Confirmed by comparing panels 1 & 3. 👀
Are these two little girl Nerdlets going to melt when they see Hiroshi??? From the female consensus I have seen so far. While fairly vacuous he is considered “Hunky” This type of girl rarely gets with in range of “pretty” boys with out imploding or melting. I mean I like them already. I would hate to see them melt and die. So soon after seeing them for the 1st time.
It’s possible they might go directly to a Gaseous state, bypassing the Liquid altogether…
(They might ‘get the Vapours’), 🙂