You don’t need to fill a sub to sink it, just fill the ballast tanks with water. That’s how they dive. If you don’t have the compressed air to blow the water out however, you don’t come back up. Having the aft torpedo compartment open to the ocean would make trimming the sub level somewhat of a challenge.
First rule of a horror movie.
DON’T check out the creepy sub on your own!!
And sure sure she’s magical but she’s guessed that something magical might be on board. Possibly the something that can manipulate a person at the least.
Possibly something that can kill a Golem in the most!
Bud is maybe in danger of “posession” though I really doubt that’s in the pipeline. Would be a bit “SCi-Fi-TV-Series in it’s final season, and out of ideas” too much.
The only possible posession is Jin.
And zombies? Feh! Bud can evaporate complete coffee mugs with her fire-breath. Zombies would’nt even get to saying anything threatening : “Brai–……FWOOOOSH”. Goner.
Possession wouldn’t be the only danger. The idea of Shelly going along on the trip to Ireland was in case whatever they were after had magical defenses that could shut down Bud, Shelly might be able to save the day. That should still be a concern. Bud should have gone and got Shelly (and maybe Monica, who as an archeologist would salivate to examine a Nazi sub / sealed time capsule) before treading where angels might fear to…
Paula, yeah, my horror movie trained gut screamed the same thing. My reason however reminded me that this is Bud we’re talking about. Paul is a master enough story teller to be able to make us worry about Bud even though she is nigh onto indestructible. Her special “lock pick” reminds us that she is not a regular blond in a horror movie; the tension remains all the same.
Hmmm… Nazi Zombies. Been seeing that a lot in comics lately. Then there’s my CoD:BOps, or was that BF:BC2? Although I’ve been playing Battlefront4fFree too much.
Legend of Koizumi has bitchin’ Nazi Zombies too. Though, that’s a manga and the nazi’s were less zombie and more brought back to life by an alternate history super sayian magic science Hitler…. It’s.. a ‘you had to have been there’ kind of manga.
I’m wondering whether Bud would even bother dealing with the zombies. She’s indestructible and can break concrete with her face. She can just walk through them while they try gnawing at her ankles and they wouldn’t even slow her down. If she went around a corner and the zombies didn’t all fit, either some let go or some get dismembered, because it’s not like she’d need to stop.
It’s a thing to keep in mind — of all the possible dangerous things in that submarine, by far the most dangerous is the little blond in the one-piece …
I wonder what kind of diamond posessed-nazi-zombies would make… Diamonds that scare gemologists by softly resonating when hit “slushy, slushy little brain……” ??
Exactly Fatuncle! I am a lil bewildered by all the false fear I am seeing. Budd is rather cavalier about things normally, she does laugh in the face of pretty bad things yet the unknown unsettles her… sounds rather human but still rings a little false here… Which leads me to this conclusion: Budd knows way more then she is telling anyone. This statement does not seem logical given her past of einebriation so maybe she is fearing a mechanism from the old days.
Could a U-boat be piloted for a short time with just a couple (or even a single) crewmen? Because if Bud finds most of the bodies in a single sealed compartment, it would suggest they had been killed and stored before the skeleton crew brought the boat the the Triangle to scuttle it (the killers didn’t want to be tripping over dead bodies during the trip).
If you check the wiki page they have the layout of a type VII sub. The forward and aft compartments are torpedo rooms. The watertight doors could have been close to keep whatever was in there…in there.
wouldn’t that depend on when the blow out happened. If in Ireland the sub could not have made it here. If it happened in the triangle then yes two people could have done it. To run it you only need two. One to steer, the other to run the engine.
Though going up and down with only one on the controls would be a real challenge.
Agreed. Speaking as a former Sailor, the Helmsman and Planesman each handle left/right and up/down respectively. The two seats are right next to eachother but there are a lot of displays for one person to be paying attention to, not to mention the way the two controls handle. You would want no less than three, if you’re going to go bare bones like that.
She isnt gonna find bodies after that amount of time… Most subs give up belts and shoes but clothes, flesh and bones are the seas after only a few years.
Finding a compartment crammed full of human skeletal remains would be horrifically gross and unnerving as well. Especially knowing they were all mercilessly slaughtered by something.
It would depend on weather or not the sub filled with water and/or if it was open to the ocean. OTOH, subs are horribly damp inside and well…ugh. Good think Bud has clay nostrils…
@Craig Roth
I don’t know about a sub as I was not on one, but a handfull of people that knew the ship well could have sailed the destroyer I was on pretty easily.
Taking it to battle would need quite a few more, but just driving from point A to point B not so much.
In my case say one or two in engineering to keep the screws turning and the lights burning and another one or two on the bridge to navigate and steer. Normal complement was 19 officers and 315 enlisted.
Based on that I would assume with a typical U boat crew of about 50 that it would be possible for a few to drive the boat to where it needed to be.
He was in the European theater (drove through a German camp in his Harley Liberator), but we don’t know exactly what his branch of the service was. Probably Army or Marines, but definitely not Navy.
Yeah, I guess Bud COULD fwoosh ’em with fire, but her other strengths make me wonder what a Zombie Diamond would look like. Color, cut, brillance, that sorta thing. I also wonder what it would look like in a Tiffany setting and what/how DeBeers would classify it.
Do zombies, even Nazi zombies have blood? Wouldn’t a diamond made from freshly squeezed zombies be ooze diamonds?
Remember, a day without freshly squeezed zombies is like a day without … uh … fresly squeezed zombies, I guess.
No worries. It seems hypocritical from me, especially since I use it in the comic from time to time but the comments are able to be picked up from the advertising spiders and that can bite me in the butt.
If you can run a modern USN destroyer with just *one* person, (ships wheel on the bridge also has engine controls) you could run a WWII U boat with just a small handful.
Mind this would not work well for long sustained operations, but having someone in the engineroom and two on the bridge would really be the minimum. The bridge of a Uboat ordered the engineroom to set speed and method of operation (submerged, both shafts, diesel drive, electric drive, etc) The bridge would need just one, as long as they didn’t have to do to many complicated maneuvers. (say, diving to escape an airplane or a destroyer.)
If only the ballast tanks were full of water or open to the sea, the sub could sit on the bottem, the inside perfectly dry, for a long long time. Assuming the final depth is within the operational range of the hull. Great work on the interior! I love the detail!
Makes you wonder what other rabbit holes Bud has gone down in her time? Can’t count when she became a golem as she was thrown down against her will.
Also the bad vibe numbering. That means she has done something like this before and by herself.
Point to getting away from the nazi zombies. They can’t hurt her but the smell!! I don’t blame her for wanting to be elsewhere. She would have to burn the suit.
Hey Paul. How about drawing that scene in some time? lol.
Hmm. Everyone’s saying that any oogie boogies she finds down there wont be able to hurt her, but couldn’t there be cases of magic can hurt magic? After all isn’t there a chance that what ever was/is down there was created by or for the artifact they’re looking for?
If it’s Zombie Nazi Submariners you want then I highly recommend the book Dagger Magic by Katherine Kurtz and Deborah Turner Harris. It is actually book 4 in a 5-book series (The Adept series) so start at book 1 and enjoy!
Shelly & her creepy girl (demon/conscience amalgam) would feel right at home here kicking butt in this oversized boiler room. Maybe. Portal entrance/exit may be sealed, but the foyer still exits. Huh. Feeling nostalgic and may break out copy of Return to Castle Wolfstein
I like Bud. So I do worry about her, but I think to myself: “She is 1/3 of a juggernaut that can destroy the world! ” My anxiety then diminishes. Besides, she isn’t alone, she has Stinky(who can lift a freaking submarine).
I like Bud, too. And that’s “did destroy the world,” about which she’s got some reasonable emotional issues. But while she brings Ludicrous Overkill to a fight, dark cramped places are still creepy.
After fighting my way through TV Tropes I believe Bud and company destroyed a civilization or civilizations. Not the world. Else there wouldn’t be a story. They really did show some restraint.
According to their own apocalypse index (TV Tropes warning there again), the Chimera Apocalypse rates as Class 2: Civilization Extinction – Global civilization knocked out; humanity is literally knocked back to the Stone Age. In fact, the examples page lists Wapsi Square.
…dear god, did H-B have an obsession with “4 kids travel around in a van with an anthropomorphic X” or what? Scooby Doo, Godzilla, Grape Ape, Jabberjaw…
Bud has that covered quite sufficiently. Military men can only dream of a plasma-thrower. A good super-heated plasma would evaporate tanks and bad guys…
I can’t believe no one here has seen Dead Snow. all the campy, army-of-darkness kind of Nazi Zombies you could ever want.
Ah, sorry but the hatch would not be locked. Might be stuck after remaining closed but not locked in the usual sense. It’s not like visitors where likely.
No zombie Nazis Zombies (nice COD reference btw) but there might be Werewolf Women of the SS!
That might be interesting, but not likely. I just hope we don’t have to wade through a boatload of bodies to get to the good stuff.
just love her ‘lockpick’

I thought it seemed more like a Wolfenstein reference? Also, nice Rob Zombie reference.
Where’s Captain Blaskowicz?
You love… Var?
being an empty clay jar…would Bud have them??
paula: thats the ‘problem’ with trying to ‘reason’ with magic/supernatural.. they look totally normal, even to doctors…
“Grüüüüüütze…” maybe?
Actually, it would more be like “Geeeehiiiiiiirrrrnee!”
“Hiiiirn… mit Eiiii…”
Bud really loves her pop culture, don’t she?
Yeah, cause nothing says pop culture like a blonde in a swimsuit getting attacked by zombies.
And Nazi Zombies at that!
I wonder if they’re worse than Illinois zombies….
The worst are Marvel Zombies….
Ugh, so true…
Nah. The Tea Party definitely tops them in the zombie business. (Yeah, I went there… :D)
pfft!, I hate Illinois Nazi Zombies.
Then stay out of graveyards in Skokie.
I thought the Blues Brothers got rid of all of them…
yes… Fear the Zombie Nazis!
I have a hunch Bud can take care of any and all Nazi Zombies — she just has to remember that she can.
I do like her *special Lockpick*. Nobody will notice a thing, honest, guv!
Heheheh. Yes. ‘special lockpick’, FTW.
Honestly, Bud, if the impact thooom didn’t set off any explosives, carefuk sneaking around – probably – won’t.
BTW, you should have at least taken Thelma with you…
That’s careful – although carefuk might apply here also.
Good interior is also quite dry, I notice. Glad the water all drained out so quickly… or did it?
You don’t need to fill a sub to sink it, just fill the ballast tanks with water. That’s how they dive. If you don’t have the compressed air to blow the water out however, you don’t come back up. Having the aft torpedo compartment open to the ocean would make trimming the sub level somewhat of a challenge.
Ooh maybe a big Sphere is inside
Well they already have the giant octopus
Hqiz. Only 12 comments in, and everyone’s taken all the good jokes.
Geez I have to think of something. Mummified Sean Connery down there? Naah. Gehirnnnn… Naah. Guess I’ll just have to fixate on Bud’s cute caboose…
I can’t see any jokes anyone has written?
Too subtle?
Can’t be. The Blueback is at the local museum here…
So did something on board “Not react well to bullets”?
I’d think most things in there didn’t react well to bullets. ;D
Whut? Those were the good ones?
Why hasn’t she gotten Brandi or any one else???
First rule of a horror movie.
DON’T check out the creepy sub on your own!!
And sure sure she’s magical but she’s guessed that something magical might be on board. Possibly the something that can manipulate a person at the least.
Possibly something that can kill a Golem in the most!
Bud is maybe in danger of “posession” though I really doubt that’s in the pipeline. Would be a bit “SCi-Fi-TV-Series in it’s final season, and out of ideas” too much.
The only possible posession is Jin.
And zombies? Feh! Bud can evaporate complete coffee mugs with her fire-breath. Zombies would’nt even get to saying anything threatening : “Brai–……FWOOOOSH”. Goner.
Addendum: And something already broke through the hull to the outside world. I think Bud will only find some old logs with creepy tales.
A claustrophobic leprechaun?
“Aye, laddies, get a load of me pink hearts, yellow moons, green clovers, and red dynamite can opener!!”
SoWhyMe that actually made me snicker.
Thats what it is! The Nazis captured a leprechaun!
“…or the giant squid gets it?”
Possession wouldn’t be the only danger. The idea of Shelly going along on the trip to Ireland was in case whatever they were after had magical defenses that could shut down Bud, Shelly might be able to save the day. That should still be a concern. Bud should have gone and got Shelly (and maybe Monica, who as an archeologist would salivate to examine a Nazi sub / sealed time capsule) before treading where angels might fear to…
Paula, yeah, my horror movie trained gut screamed the same thing. My reason however reminded me that this is Bud we’re talking about. Paul is a master enough story teller to be able to make us worry about Bud even though she is nigh onto indestructible. Her special “lock pick” reminds us that she is not a regular blond in a horror movie; the tension remains all the same.
Not all things react well with bullets.
Hmmm… Nazi Zombies. Been seeing that a lot in comics lately. Then there’s my CoD:BOps, or was that BF:BC2? Although I’ve been playing Battlefront4fFree too much.
Hmmm… Uboat… potential zombies… damaged boat from the inside out.
Sounds like UNCHARTED! BTW an excellent game.
Legend of Koizumi has bitchin’ Nazi Zombies too. Though, that’s a manga and the nazi’s were less zombie and more brought back to life by an alternate history super sayian magic science Hitler…. It’s.. a ‘you had to have been there’ kind of manga.
I’m wondering whether Bud would even bother dealing with the zombies. She’s indestructible and can break concrete with her face. She can just walk through them while they try gnawing at her ankles and they wouldn’t even slow her down. If she went around a corner and the zombies didn’t all fit, either some let go or some get dismembered, because it’s not like she’d need to stop.
Would THEY bother with HER? Does She actually have a brain in the traditional organic, squishy, warm, attractive to Zombies kinda deal.
Yeah, I can just see it. “Brainnnsss… uch! ech! clay! paTOO!”
It’s a thing to keep in mind — of all the possible dangerous things in that submarine, by far the most dangerous is the little blond in the one-piece …
I wonder what kind of diamond posessed-nazi-zombies would make… Diamonds that scare gemologists by softly resonating when hit “slushy, slushy little brain……” ??
Exactly Fatuncle! I am a lil bewildered by all the false fear I am seeing. Budd is rather cavalier about things normally, she does laugh in the face of pretty bad things yet the unknown unsettles her… sounds rather human but still rings a little false here… Which leads me to this conclusion: Budd knows way more then she is telling anyone. This statement does not seem logical given her past of einebriation so maybe she is fearing a mechanism from the old days.
Her past drunkedness… her mental “pause” for the last few thousand years or so… How do ya spell inebre… oh hell she was wiped!
But, but,buuut..Shelly, strong as she is, has arachnaphobia. Bud can have mortismobiles-phobia… or Bromidrosiphobia.
I would indeed fear the rotten smell of lopsided, shuffling, horrendously contorted stinky dead things.
“Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherf**king Nazi Zombies in this motherf**king submarine!”
Could a U-boat be piloted for a short time with just a couple (or even a single) crewmen? Because if Bud finds most of the bodies in a single sealed compartment, it would suggest they had been killed and stored before the skeleton crew brought the boat the the Triangle to scuttle it (the killers didn’t want to be tripping over dead bodies during the trip).
not really with that blowout hole in the engine section of the boat
If you check the wiki page they have the layout of a type VII sub. The forward and aft compartments are torpedo rooms. The watertight doors could have been close to keep whatever was in there…in there.
There might even be a storage compartment aft of the torpedo room.
wouldn’t that depend on when the blow out happened. If in Ireland the sub could not have made it here. If it happened in the triangle then yes two people could have done it. To run it you only need two. One to steer, the other to run the engine.
Though going up and down with only one on the controls would be a real challenge.
Agreed. Speaking as a former Sailor, the Helmsman and Planesman each handle left/right and up/down respectively. The two seats are right next to eachother but there are a lot of displays for one person to be paying attention to, not to mention the way the two controls handle. You would want no less than three, if you’re going to go bare bones like that.
She isnt gonna find bodies after that amount of time… Most subs give up belts and shoes but clothes, flesh and bones are the seas after only a few years.
Finding a compartment crammed full of human skeletal remains would be horrifically gross and unnerving as well. Especially knowing they were all mercilessly slaughtered by something.
It would depend on weather or not the sub filled with water and/or if it was open to the ocean. OTOH, subs are horribly damp inside and well…ugh. Good think Bud has clay nostrils…
@Craig Roth
I don’t know about a sub as I was not on one, but a handfull of people that knew the ship well could have sailed the destroyer I was on pretty easily.
Taking it to battle would need quite a few more, but just driving from point A to point B not so much.
In my case say one or two in engineering to keep the screws turning and the lights burning and another one or two on the bridge to navigate and steer. Normal complement was 19 officers and 315 enlisted.
Based on that I would assume with a typical U boat crew of about 50 that it would be possible for a few to drive the boat to where it needed to be.
Monica’s grandfather had something to do with fighting nazis, didn’t he? Do we get to have him woven into the story?
He was in the European theater (drove through a German camp in his Harley Liberator), but we don’t know exactly what his branch of the service was. Probably Army or Marines, but definitely not Navy.
It would be a stretch, but everything about this ongoing saga stretches reality into new and interesting shapes.
Yeah, I guess Bud COULD fwoosh ’em with fire, but her other strengths make me wonder what a Zombie Diamond would look like. Color, cut, brillance, that sorta thing. I also wonder what it would look like in a Tiffany setting and what/how DeBeers would classify it.
Actually, they would classify it as a blood diamond…
….Ba-da-boom!!Rimshot!! LOL!
Do zombies, even Nazi zombies have blood? Wouldn’t a diamond made from freshly squeezed zombies be ooze diamonds?
Remember, a day without freshly squeezed zombies is like a day without … uh … fresly squeezed zombies, I guess.
“In case of undead plague, your Fruit F**ker brand juicing apparatus will engage Code Omega.”
Sorry, Paul, for not censoring that myself; I thought the occasional f-bomb wouldn’t be a big deal.
No worries.
It seems hypocritical from me, especially since I use it in the comic from time to time but the comments are able to be picked up from the advertising spiders and that can bite me in the butt. 
Aah. Understood and duly noted.
And it isn’t hypocritical; you don’t have the girls cussing like sailors in every strip, after all. 
If you can run a modern USN destroyer with just *one* person, (ships wheel on the bridge also has engine controls) you could run a WWII U boat with just a small handful.
Mind this would not work well for long sustained operations, but having someone in the engineroom and two on the bridge would really be the minimum. The bridge of a Uboat ordered the engineroom to set speed and method of operation (submerged, both shafts, diesel drive, electric drive, etc) The bridge would need just one, as long as they didn’t have to do to many complicated maneuvers. (say, diving to escape an airplane or a destroyer.)
If only the ballast tanks were full of water or open to the sea, the sub could sit on the bottem, the inside perfectly dry, for a long long time. Assuming the final depth is within the operational range of the hull. Great work on the interior! I love the detail!
Makes you wonder what other rabbit holes Bud has gone down in her time? Can’t count when she became a golem as she was thrown down against her will.
Also the bad vibe numbering. That means she has done something like this before and by herself.
Point to getting away from the nazi zombies. They can’t hurt her but the smell!! I don’t blame her for wanting to be elsewhere. She would have to burn the suit.
Hey Paul. How about drawing that scene in some time? lol.
Hmm. Everyone’s saying that any oogie boogies she finds down there wont be able to hurt her, but couldn’t there be cases of magic can hurt magic? After all isn’t there a chance that what ever was/is down there was created by or for the artifact they’re looking for?
Well if there are any Nazi Zombies, Bud, just keep an eye out for a sexy, female, Nazi Zombie slaying Vampire. Go Bloodrayne!
I can see one small problem if Bud gets ambushed. While she may be completely indestructible, I bet her bathing suit isn’t.
…and this is a problem, how?
*stepping up besides FairportFan*
Yes, do explain please?

Oh look!!! There are three of us!!! Nyuck nyuck nyuck…
(que music “three blind mice”)
I don’t see a problem, I just see sea!!!
(Eye poke denied)
nyuck nyuck nyuck
*swings away sneakily and hits ear*
If it’s Zombie Nazi Submariners you want then I highly recommend the book Dagger Magic by Katherine Kurtz and Deborah Turner Harris. It is actually book 4 in a 5-book series (The Adept series) so start at book 1 and enjoy!
Shelly & her creepy girl (demon/conscience amalgam) would feel right at home here kicking butt in this oversized boiler room. Maybe. Portal entrance/exit may be sealed, but the foyer still exits. Huh. Feeling nostalgic and may break out copy of Return to Castle Wolfstein
Well, we know this can’t end well. A pretty young girl is going into a spooky place in a swim suit.
Goodbye bud.
I like Bud. So I do worry about her, but I think to myself: “She is 1/3 of a juggernaut that can destroy the world! ” My anxiety then diminishes. Besides, she isn’t alone, she has Stinky(who can lift a freaking submarine).
I like Bud, too. And that’s “did destroy the world,” about which she’s got some reasonable emotional issues. But while she brings Ludicrous Overkill to a fight, dark cramped places are still creepy.
After fighting my way through TV Tropes I believe Bud and company destroyed a civilization or civilizations. Not the world. Else there wouldn’t be a story. They really did show some restraint.
According to their own apocalypse index (TV Tropes warning there again), the Chimera Apocalypse rates as Class 2: Civilization Extinction – Global civilization knocked out; humanity is literally knocked back to the Stone Age. In fact, the examples page lists Wapsi Square.
This has a CSI-Paranormal feel to it.
…Somewhere roaming the seas is an Alien xenomorph that looks like a submarine.
Remember Bud, what happens in the Triangle, stays in the Triangle…one way or another.
— even if it desperately wants out of the Triangle …
Does this kinda make Stinky Scooby-Doo? Because it looks like we have a mystery on our hands, gang. Whatever was on the sub wanted out, and got it.
When in a difficult situation always ask, “what would Scooby do?”
Anything for a Scooby snack! Or two or three.
More Jabberjaw. Or Godzookie.
…dear god, did H-B have an obsession with “4 kids travel around in a van with an anthropomorphic X” or what? Scooby Doo, Godzilla, Grape Ape, Jabberjaw…
Speed Buggy and Josie & the PussyCats if you count Alexandra’s semi-anthromorphic cat, Sebastian.
And Johnny Quest had Bandit, the pug or bulldog?
Bulldog. Sim, Sim, SalaBim! I liked how Race did everything, but it still was the Johnny Quest show.
You’d have to drive around in a van just to carry one Stinky-Snak…
Dead bodies.
Muffified? (Not the right conditions… but with magic…)
Maybe one of the bodies will be by a fancy gold chest with a Roman spear shoved through his gut.
And have a snappy uniform…
And a little mustache….
Good You corrected. “Muffified” got me picturing an overcrowded nude-beach….
Never go near Nazi zombies without a gun or five.
Or a tank. Tanks are good
Just remember the weapons of a tank are the tracks, the machine guns, and the main gun; in that order!
I prefer my trusty flamethrower. Light ’em up, boys!
Never use fire! The only thing worse than hordes of the undead trying to eat your brains is flaminghordes of the undead trying to eat your brains…
Do I have the weapon for you.
Bud has that covered quite sufficiently. Military men can only dream of a plasma-thrower. A good super-heated plasma would evaporate tanks and bad guys…
Feh..I’d take a “1000 recipes with mort-flesh” with me.
(and a towel)
Zombie Nazis you stole my movie idea
I can’t believe no one here has seen Dead Snow. all the campy, army-of-darkness kind of Nazi Zombies you could ever want.
*watches trailer–feels brain melting and IQ plummeting..*
Bud, I love you… Immortal super-powered geeky girl!
Ah, sorry but the hatch would not be locked. Might be stuck after remaining closed but not locked in the usual sense. It’s not like visitors where likely.
Hey, in the Wapsiverse, Nazi zombies probably serve schnapps.
Why didn’t she just go in through the big hole in the side, instead of ripping a hatch off?
@Bruinthor: Locked, rusted shut after more than 6 decades under water, what’s the difference?