Not A Competition by Paul Taylor on April 6, 2021 at 11:03 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Atsali, Castela, KatherineLocation: Gilchrist Home Related Comics ¬ The Right Thing Speaking Of You Get It Predats And Bevies Maybe Later
Well, they are back to standard sister behavior.
And the planet is still standing.
For now, at least.
maybe a little lop-sided, but yes.
We’ll see which of them can wreak the most destruction.
The teen angst is strong in this one!!! 😀
Yah think?!
Wow! Took longer than I thought. They REALLY missed each other!
Which is most reassuring.
It means Cass is still solidly rooted in the interests of humanity.
Wait until she finds out Cass is Unicron-level everywhere and when at once.
Bent-brained albatross? I gotta remember that one 😝
I was just thinking that myself.
I just loved that ‘bent brained albatross’.
Baudelaire would change his last stanza for Atsali’s nick… but it’d be extremly sexist
Atsali remember, that you’re a lot stronger then your mom, don’t hug so hard😆🤗
I’m sure she can control herself in that regard; it’s just psychosocial interaction she has problems with (same as me)
[click] 28 seconds before they started bickering. Is that a record?
I’m waiting for the Atsali jaw-drop moment when Castela/Blackthorn does a minor “Oh, yeah?” moment.
The moment that Atsali hears that her little sister has been promoted to Gatekeeper class power may make a dent, but knowing her, not much of one.
Ah, sibling rivalry . . .
‘Well sure, because you’d LOSE.’
Who would lose?
Better question… why would the competition even be thought of?
Turn about is fair play. It used to be the other way around – with the annoying behavior rattling in the other direction.