Considering that it’s been demonstrated more than once that the GGs can get (very very very) drunk, then i’m fairly sure they can get adrenaline rushes…
Explain that to all the people who watch suspense shows and flinch when the Hero gets shot at, (even knowing said Hero will be whole and hale at the end of the show.)
im surprised there isnt a ‘crack’ sound effect in the last pannel from his ribs being broken. that definatly sounds like a terrified/excited scream and the grip on alan would have deffinatly increased!
I believe the GGG have to make a conscious decision to use their power, instinct or panic can’t do it. Which is good, because otherwise an involuntary reflex or casual gesture could shred people or property in the wrong place…
That’s a good theory. Apparently their invulnerability is built in and always in effect. Flexing their enormous strength and ability to cause extra-normal destruction requires the will to do it. Problem is, that “will” can come from sheer emotion (shouting down the wall would be an example). So, what if she suddenly panicked and crushed Alan as suggested? I’m, as yet, unclear on that.
yea but an adrenaline rush is different from a drunken outburst of anger. You tend to be more focused, more in tune to whats happening when adrenaline is pumping. I can vouch for this. I caught a nickel that fell out of someones pocket while riding Kingda Ka. The tallest fastest roller-coaster in Northeast United States. It was quite the experience to see a nickel seemingly float by while travelling at 80mph. (We were near the top, so we we slowing down from 110mph). Back to Jin, if her adrenaline is pumping she would be aware of how much she is holding on to Alan, now if they had a spill, there is no guarantee that she wouldn’t rip him in half afterwards. ;^-^
And in tomorrow’s comic we witness her crushing the snowmobile down to the size of a cube of sugar and flinging it to the sun. Then poiting them into a sauna.
Alternativly, she is driving it, becoming the energizer bunni and imbuing it with some of her energy for blinding speed. Alan is hanging on to her for dear life, actually stretched out horizontally. The final panel shows her version of getting some air by jumping a deep and wide gorge, throwing her hands up while Alan just throws up.
Believe me, next best thing is an ATV, for those “snow challenged regions” (And ATV’s are street-legal overhere in Europe nananienahnah..)
Although there’s very little that can replicate the sheer thrill of a snowmobile accellerating away full throttle..You’ll feel like Your front-side is pushed through Your back side… :lol;
LOVE ATVs! My parents have three for joyriding/surveying the land out at their place in East Texas, and you can seriously tear things up on them.
One of the three is a giant automatic with a governor to keep it safe…that my dad has blatantly refused to actually use…in spite of losing control of it going thorugh some woods at about 50 mph and flying into a tree…My mom still hasn’t let him forget that.
MUCH better than the snowboarding i thought it might have been
And love the goober comments.
Must admit was beginning to get abit worried with jin acting more 18yr old than 800yr old as it might have put him off her but seems like he brought out her 18yr old side even before the calender machine was distroyed so whilst she can be a little loopy – this is the jin he knows and loves
What the pooping heck is that in the background, first panel, over her right shoulder? That’s a STUNNING display! A family portrait of sorts? Nostalgia? Home art?
I always thought it was a large poster of the Aztec/Mayan ‘alphabet’ – hopefully not the one made up largely by guesswork by the 15th century catholic priest….
All in all, I think Alan just got tired of her constant grousing about winter and decided to show her how much fun it can be. Either that or he has a death wish.
I’ve always hated the tinny, high-pitched exhaust sound of dirt bikes. I’ve always been told it’s to do with more sound reduction is more restriction on engine, and less horsepower. I don’t race, so I’m willing to sacrifice a few horses to get a better, quieter sound.
Solution is simple: Get a 4-stroke.
Sadly 4-strokes aren’t considered “cool” by the hormone-driven kiddies. (I was/am one, I know what I am talking about)
2-strokes loose a lot of power when muffled. 4-strokes not so much, are a bit heavier though.
sometihing else to consider: 2-strokes gobble fuel like mad. A 600cc sled will be lucky if it gets 12 to 15mls to the gl.
Jin, you don’t look like a goober. I’m a straight woman and the first word that came to my mind looking at the first panel suit is “hot.” Looking at some of the fellow comments, i have to say that they agree with me.
Upside to snowmobiling with Jin: “OH NO! AVALANCHE!” Poit. And we’re safe.
At least he also gave her a helmet to wear too, when it was appropriate.
Now you can tell she’s reverting, By rights she should know that Nothing can hurt her and she shouldn’t even be getting a thrill from this.
Knowing you can’t get hurt, and turning off your automatic response to such stimuli is very different. Or no one would ride roller-coasters.
Explain that to all the folks on roller coasters.
What do you mean? She’s the one in the grey snowsuit, right? >:D
Yes–the one screaming in terror.
Can a golem/girl get an adrenaline rush/high?
Not having an adrenal gland, I doubt it. Which is a good thing.
Considering that it’s been demonstrated more than once that the GGs can get (very very very) drunk, then i’m fairly sure they can get adrenaline rushes…
Explain that to all the people who watch suspense shows and flinch when the Hero gets shot at, (even knowing said Hero will be whole and hale at the end of the show.)
LOOOOOve her look on the first panel, but would give anything to see the look on her face in the third!
im surprised there isnt a ‘crack’ sound effect in the last pannel from his ribs being broken. that definatly sounds like a terrified/excited scream and the grip on alan would have deffinatly increased!
If she has enought restraint to not hurt him having “noisy sex with him like that!” I’m sure this isn’t so hard.
I believe the GGG have to make a conscious decision to use their power, instinct or panic can’t do it. Which is good, because otherwise an involuntary reflex or casual gesture could shred people or property in the wrong place…
That’s a good theory. Apparently their invulnerability is built in and always in effect. Flexing their enormous strength and ability to cause extra-normal destruction requires the will to do it. Problem is, that “will” can come from sheer emotion (shouting down the wall would be an example). So, what if she suddenly panicked and crushed Alan as suggested? I’m, as yet, unclear on that.
yea but an adrenaline rush is different from a drunken outburst of anger. You tend to be more focused, more in tune to whats happening when adrenaline is pumping. I can vouch for this. I caught a nickel that fell out of someones pocket while riding Kingda Ka. The tallest fastest roller-coaster in Northeast United States. It was quite the experience to see a nickel seemingly float by while travelling at 80mph. (We were near the top, so we we slowing down from 110mph). Back to Jin, if her adrenaline is pumping she would be aware of how much she is holding on to Alan, now if they had a spill, there is no guarantee that she wouldn’t rip him in half afterwards. ;^-^
There was a Sunday page in For Better or for Worse in which Ellie got her first ride on a snowmobile behind Mike.
He asked her if she wanted to “get some air”.
She, not knowing what that meant, said sure.
About four panels later, at the end of the strip, she climbed off and read him the riot act, as he stood there looking bewildered…
and the moral to that is don’t agree to something if you havent a clue what it means
Or, alternatively, as “The Ballad of Ski King” ends:
Wow. Fifty-two years since i heard it, and i got one word wrong.
Full lyric here – with a link to an MP3 (i haven’t listened to it yet…)
Heh. The lyric talks about a fifty horsepower motor on a ski boat being really powerful.
Last i heard, Honda Marine sells a 250-horse V6 outboard…
Long way from Ole Evinrude‘s two-horse invention when he got tired of rowing back and forth across the lake to get ice cream for his girlfriend…
(Geeze – the mathoms i have stored in my head…)
Are no match for the “mathoms” that I have stored at my house and garage!
Thanks for the word, Fairportfan! Now I no longer have a house full of clutter but a lot of mathoms. Sounds SOoooo much better! LOL
BTW – I still so much envy your memory.
@**Skulker**, IIRC, a real mathom is one that you give away, and keeps getting given away to others–preferably until it returns to you.
And in tomorrow’s comic we witness her crushing the snowmobile down to the size of a cube of sugar and flinging it to the sun. Then poiting them into a sauna.
Alternativly, she is driving it, becoming the energizer bunni and imbuing it with some of her energy for blinding speed. Alan is hanging on to her for dear life, actually stretched out horizontally. The final panel shows her version of getting some air by jumping a deep and wide gorge, throwing her hands up while Alan just throws up.
even if thats not the comic tomorrow im hoping someone will do a little ‘shelly’ stick drawing of it
Heh, lucky girl. I’d love to get to try that one day. XD
me too!
Believe me, next best thing is an ATV, for those “snow challenged regions” (And ATV’s are street-legal overhere in Europe nananienahnah..)
Although there’s very little that can replicate the sheer thrill of a snowmobile accellerating away full throttle..You’ll feel like Your front-side is pushed through Your back side… :lol;
My parents have three for joyriding/surveying the land out at their place in East Texas, and you can seriously tear things up on them.
One of the three is a giant automatic with a governor to keep it safe…that my dad has blatantly refused to actually use…in spite of losing control of it going thorugh some woods at about 50 mph and flying into a tree…My mom still hasn’t let him forget that.
To paraphrase an old Texican axiom –
“If God had meant Texan’s to snowmobile, he’d have made bullsh*t white.”
*thumbs up*
*seconds the thumbsup*
MUCH better than the snowboarding i thought it might have been
And love the goober comments.
Must admit was beginning to get abit worried with jin acting more 18yr old than 800yr old as it might have put him off her but seems like he brought out her 18yr old side even before the calender machine was distroyed so whilst she can be a little loopy – this is the jin he knows and loves
Didn’t know exactly what a “goober”was. But, Lo’and behold! thesaur to the rescue. Very apt description of Jin:
‘goober’ adj.
1. bladieblayaddayadda
2. paradoxically naive and intelligent at the same time
Does that mean our beloved Miss V is the biggest goober in the cast?
What a difference 10 years makes…
Yes, but the charm was already there.
wow, that brings a whole new meaning to the SpongeBob Squarepant’s Song- “I’m a Goofy Goober!”
Looks like msyendor from yesterdays’ strip comments wins the Budding Psychic Power award for guessing the subject of today’s strip.
I love ‘Hitch.’ Favorite line: “When they called him ‘The Butcher,’ I thought that was his job, not his title.”
Alan really succeeds in trying to make her feeling like a “normal”18-year old.
Aand..many women loooove to be scared to death ,despite being sure they’ll survive.
I think it’s a good call on Alan’s part. (Though, through experience, I’ll have to warn Alan that Jin prolly will be feeling very frisky after this)
I’m sure that aspect NEVER entered his mind…
Um … I second that responce.
“Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!”
(Good job on the winter helmets, BTW.)
Yeah, and good job on the sled. It looks like a 2011 MX ski-doo 2-up with that hooky-edgy bodywork.
I could be wrong though.
I’ve been a long time fan of your comic and I had to post and say that last panel is some of the best technical work I’ve seen you do. Great job!
Damn hot-lookin’ goober, there, I gotta say…
Sexy snow bunni is sexy.
Sexy and cute.
I cannot believe that, judging by your reaction, you have never done this before.
Some reactions just come naturally.
WHOA, Jin looks good in a form fitting jump suit!
What the pooping heck is that in the background, first panel, over her right shoulder? That’s a STUNNING display! A family portrait of sorts? Nostalgia? Home art?
It’s an Aztec periodic table…
Or something important, like the steps to making golems, hidden in plain sight. Whatever it is, it’s probably original.
I always thought it was a large poster of the Aztec/Mayan ‘alphabet’ – hopefully not the one made up largely by guesswork by the 15th century catholic priest….
But at the end of the day … what wil she be saying?
“Why’d I leave the friggin’ face-shield up.”
HA!- I didn’t even notice that!
If she’s a goober, then may all female goobers look that good in a snowsuit.
All in all, I think Alan just got tired of her constant grousing about winter and decided to show her how much fun it can be. Either that or he has a death wish.
Run out of gas? No worries there since Jin can poit.
Well…no worries for Jin. If she’s upset with Alan after this, he may find himself stranded when it runs out.
I belive that she could let him be strandet for a while but i belive too that she would fetch him before it gets to long
I wonder why they don’t make the mfg. put better mufflers on them? Is there a reason the have to be so loud?
I’ve always hated the tinny, high-pitched exhaust sound of dirt bikes. I’ve always been told it’s to do with more sound reduction is more restriction on engine, and less horsepower. I don’t race, so I’m willing to sacrifice a few horses to get a better, quieter sound.
Solution is simple: Get a 4-stroke.
Sadly 4-strokes aren’t considered “cool” by the hormone-driven kiddies. (I was/am one, I know what I am talking about)
2-strokes loose a lot of power when muffled. 4-strokes not so much, are a bit heavier though.
sometihing else to consider: 2-strokes gobble fuel like mad. A 600cc sled will be lucky if it gets 12 to 15mls to the gl.
If you want something really quiet, you should get electric…
I hear they are almost as quiet as a bicycle.
It’s Imperial Stormtroopers on a speeder in Winter.
I’m too lazy to scan through the comments… but Panel 1?
Hottest Jin EVAR!
Jin, you don’t look like a goober. I’m a straight woman and the first word that came to my mind looking at the first panel suit is “hot.” Looking at some of the fellow comments, i have to say that they agree with me.
careful; it’s probably not a good idea to throw up in a helmet.