After putting up with Monica for so long you wonder if that has been building and pickle is just the first one she is allowed to get that out of her system.
I did a hard spittake on this one and almost fell out of my chair laughing so hard.
I’m thinking more like the bamboo rod supposedly used in some Buddhist monasteries where one hit is intended to address when a monk is not fully in a meditative state. Only one hit as a reminder and to provide direction.
Good question. Demons are generally forbidden from influencing humans other than the ones they are assigned to / associated with. Doubt’s comment about Castela’s not being human probably means that this rule doesn’t apply in this case.
I don’t think we’ve ever seen direct evidence that Castela has demons of her own. Considering her nature I suppose it’s possible she does not… that demons are either unable to, or far too scared to try to take up an association with such a powerful entity. If I recall correctly, demons originally focused on humans because humans were weak and tormenting humans was amusing (and safe) entertainment.
Tormenting the Blackthorn… not so much. Sorta like the demon equivalent of “Hey, hold my beer while I poke this Cape buffalo with a sharp stick.”
That sounds about right. Does this also mean that she can interact with any demons as well though. In this case it was a direct introduction, but I suspect that would also have to be a yes by necessity right?
Nice choice of weapon, er…I mean teaching implement. Sometimes you have to get their attention before you can break the erroneous intrusive thought loop. Only thing that could be different would be for Doubt to be dressed as a nun, but that might be a tad heavy handed.
Go, Doubt!
Even in her thoughts, Castela still stutters.
And look how much Doubt has grown.
[*] There’s nothing more to be done!
[ ] I don’t know what to do
[ ] What do I do now?
> Stinkweed: There’s nothing more to be done!
> *Auntie Dee doubts this*
THANK YOU aunt Doubt!
I was wondering when Doubt would show up.

Thinks it hurts pretty good right now.
A blow like that is going to hurt for days. The psychological pain will be longer lived.
Knocking one’s head down below their shoulder blades does tend to smart, a little…
Doubt being good for once. ~<3
Good? that implies a quality Doubt may not have a motive for achieving. I’d say, “instructive” – which is more pragmatic.
Try more loving. Doubt has fully accepted the role of Auntie.
After putting up with Monica for so long you wonder if that has been building and pickle is just the first one she is allowed to get that out of her system.
I did a hard spittake on this one and almost fell out of my chair laughing so hard.
Pickle is probably on a short list of beings that could handle an attack like that without being rendered into a fine paste.
Huh… that’s a new form for the clue bat I suppose?
More like Chō-clue-tō.
Kung Klu…
No, it’s a Cluetlass.
I’m thinking more like the bamboo rod supposedly used in some Buddhist monasteries where one hit is intended to address when a monk is not fully in a meditative state. Only one hit as a reminder and to provide direction.
You’re probably thinking too light.
My first thought was a shinai, used in kendo, but this looks more like a heavier wooden sword, maybe a bokken.
In fact, bokken was my ^first^ thought
Seems like Doubt is adhering to the Rafiki school of teaching!
My head…
Speaking of doubt… how exactly does the demon arrangement work with our little flower child?
Good question. Demons are generally forbidden from influencing humans other than the ones they are assigned to / associated with. Doubt’s comment about Castela’s not being human probably means that this rule doesn’t apply in this case.
I don’t think we’ve ever seen direct evidence that Castela has demons of her own. Considering her nature I suppose it’s possible she does not… that demons are either unable to, or far too scared to try to take up an association with such a powerful entity. If I recall correctly, demons originally focused on humans because humans were weak and tormenting humans was amusing (and safe) entertainment.
Tormenting the Blackthorn… not so much. Sorta like the demon equivalent of “Hey, hold my beer while I poke this Cape buffalo with a sharp stick.”
That sounds about right. Does this also mean that she can interact with any demons as well though. In this case it was a direct introduction, but I suspect that would also have to be a yes by necessity right?
YES!!! The Cluetana has been engaged!
Doubt brooks no doubt…
It is a very good thing I wasn’t drinking anything when I saw that last panel. It would have been all over the monitor.
That was priceless!
Yikes! Not a bamboo shinai, but an actual katana!
…I grant the shinai probably would break before so much as denting her thick head, but nonetheless.
Alas, I’m not as caught up on my Manga/Anime as I’d like to be…
Pay attention, Grasshopper. You’ll be happier, …
and in less pain.
Nice choice of weapon, er…I mean teaching implement. Sometimes you have to get their attention before you can break the erroneous intrusive thought loop. Only thing that could be different would be for Doubt to be dressed as a nun, but that might be a tad heavy handed.