I thought that guy looked familiar!
Little Bo Peep! Don’t say it is so! You didn’t let the wolf peep!
moar like “…nothing…appropriate” (but w/appropriate tiny and maybe really light/hard to notice)
*blink blink*
Looks like that Bo Peep was all up on his Woody…
yah know… cause Woody from Toy Story had the hots for the Bo peep.
At least I didn’t say “I bet that wolf was making her go ‘BAAAAA’ all night long” or “That wolf was riding her hood”
Except you did.
Sometimes, I just have to wonder. Then I see something like this and the desire to stops cold. O.O
Looks like Bo Peep got what she wanted…by hook or by crook.
“that was the most interesting use of a toy sheep and shepherd’s crook i’ve ever seen” or something like that
Little Bo Peep, What you do with that sheep? I don’t think that I want to know. I’ll say my good-byes, While averting my eyes, Backwards out the door I will go.
…You know, I really do like their relationship… I woulda gone for a red riding hood costume myself, though.
Someone has been a baaaahhhbb girl…
Shelly always did have a BAAAd attitude…
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I thought that guy looked familiar!
Little Bo Peep! Don’t say it is so! You didn’t let the wolf peep!
moar like “…nothing…appropriate” (but w/appropriate tiny and maybe really light/hard to notice)
*blink blink*
Looks like that Bo Peep was all up on his Woody…
yah know… cause Woody from Toy Story had the hots for the Bo peep.
At least I didn’t say “I bet that wolf was making her go ‘BAAAAA’ all night long” or “That wolf was riding her hood”
Except you did.
Sometimes, I just have to wonder. Then I see something like this and the desire to stops cold. O.O
Looks like Bo Peep got what she wanted…by hook or by crook.
“that was the most interesting use of a toy sheep and shepherd’s crook i’ve ever seen” or something like that
Little Bo Peep,
What you do with that sheep?
I don’t think that I want to know.
I’ll say my good-byes,
While averting my eyes,
Backwards out the door I will go.
…You know, I really do like their relationship… I woulda gone for a red riding hood costume myself, though.
Someone has been a baaaahhhbb girl…
Shelly always did have a BAAAd attitude…