Notmyproblem by Paul Taylor on February 4, 2009 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Alan, Bud, JinLocation: Jin's Loft Related Comics ¬ Little Too Long Have At That Nopouting Strictly A Facade A Lot To Answer For
Grrreeeeaaaatttttttt… now you got her angry 🙂
Which is a step in a much healthier direction.
Exactly. She needed him, even if she didn’t know why. Or she did, and liked him anyway.
At least she found some of her marbles again.
Should look under the fridge. They always roll under there…
Maybe the marbles are in NeverNever Land, just like Tootle’s were. He was so happy to get them back, in Hook, that he had all the happy thoughts necessary for the pixie dust from the marbles bag to send him flying… maybe that’s what Jin needs…
(Said in the style of the spectacular spider man) “Oh great, now she’s mad”
Alan is a brave, brave, smart man…